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Kaitlyn & Kelly

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Kaitlyn introduces Kelly to bondage & humiliation.
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Kaitlyn is a bitch. That is all I have to say.

Kaitlyn and I share an apartment, we have for about 5 years now. We have known each other a little longer than that, maybe a year longer. I found out about her "lifestyle" just after she moved in to my place. She was looking for an apartment, we got along, and I needed a roomie, so things worked out. Well, actually, things better than worked out.

I came to find out that Kaitlyn was very into what she called "D&s," although she would never explain what that term exactly meant. I figured it had to do with tying guys up, since she always tied guys up in her bedroom.

I asked her on numerous occasions why she did that, and what the term meant. She never answered.

One day, when I really pressed her on it, she told me.

"I like to dominate men. They like to be submissive," she told me. "So, I'm the `D' and they are the `s.'"

I didn't understand what she meant. I knew what domination and submission was. In fact, I was quite experienced as a submissive, but I had never heard of a woman dominating a man. So I asked her what she meant.

"Well, I tie men up, and . . .". Before she completed her answer I interjected.

"But, I like to be tied up, it's not normal for men to like it."

She looked at me and smiled. "So, you like to be tied up, Kelly? I never would have guessed. So if you like it, what's so unnatural about other people liking it?"

I tried to explain that I thought it was only something that women would like, or had experienced and she explained to me that she knew lots of men who enjoyed it. I was blown away. I would have never guessed it.

That night passed, and it was a few weeks before the subject came up again. When it did, I found myself talking to Kaitlyn about how much I enjoyed being bound, about how erotic and stimulating it was for me. I even told her that it didn't matter who tied me up, just as long as they did it.

Once I said that she paused.

"Really?" she asked, "it doesn't matter who ties you up? Not at all?"

I thought about it, and I finally concluded that it didn't. It was almost like the bondage was the sexual part for me, the person had nothing to do with it really. That night, Kaitlyn offered to tie me up. She told me that she was something of an expert, but even experts needed practice at their craft. It sort of hit me out of the blue. I didn't know what to say, but after I thought about it, I agreed.

Now, I need to explain something about our relationship. Neither Kaitlyn nor I are lesbian. Our interest in bondage was mutual, and we decided that we could help each other out. Part of our agreement was that the way we would handle this would be strictly non-sexual, and only for the pleasure of bondage. In my case being tied, in her case the tying. We had both confessed that was the element that turned us on the most. Kaitlyn had always tied men up, but she confided in me that she found several of the pictures she had seen of bound women to be very erotic and that they turned her on. We agreed, however, there would be no sexual element involved at all. No kissing, no oral sex, and not even masturbation. We both agreed and sealed our agreement with a handshake.

That evening, we agreed, at seven o'clock, we would sit down and discuss some limits and ideas and the equipment that would be used. We would set out our ground rules.

I sent the rest of the day fantasizing about my night of bondage. It was going to be wonderful. I could be tied, without worring about being sexually assulted, or having some guy think I was nuts. I also knew that Kaitlyn was going to do a very good job. She was an expert, and she had all the equipment one could ever wish for. Many a night while she was out, I had slipped into her room and tried on some of her gear, leather cuffs, gags and blindfolds. Almost always, I would end up with my wrists tied together in front of me, gagged and blindfolded, wearing small nipple clamps with my ankles tied together. From there, I would hop, as best I could, back to my room, fall on my bed and grope around until I found the vibrator I left there for me. Once I got ahold of it, I would begin masturbating (sometimes for as long as two hours) bound, gagged and blindfolded, until I was exhausted. Then, I would hop back, unlock myself and return her equipment. Many a night I saw her collection, and much of what she owned was alien to me. Quite a bit of it I had never seen before or didn't understand.

Those nights of fantasy, I though, were to become a thing of the past. Tonight would be real, I would not be able to hop anywhere, I hoped. Nor would I be able to unlock myself. I would need Kaitlyn to do that for me. I trusted her completely.

Finally, when seven o'clock rolled around, we met in the living room, on the couch. We began talking.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Well," I told her, "I want you to tie me up."

"How?" she inquired, "I mean real tight? Or loose? Or what? How long? What do you want me to use? What should I do once you are tied up? What kind of stuff do you like?"

I blushed a little, I had never talked like this with anyone, much less my room mate. "Well," I started," I kinda want to be tied up so that I. . .". I paused.

"So that you what?" Kaitlyn asked.

"So I can't move. Not too uncomfortable or anything, but really tight. Ya know what I mean?" I asked sheepishly.

"Oh, I know what you mean," Kaitlyn told me, smiling. "And how long do you want to be kept like this?" she continued.

"Well, if it's o.k," I continued, "until tomorrow, maybe lunchtime."

Kaitlyn was now smiling very wide. She shook her head, "I didn't think you were really serious, but you are, aren't you. You really want this, you really need it, don't you. I know you play with my stuff when I'm gone, but you need more than that don't you?"

Oh Shit, I thought. She knows. My look must have turned to one of sheer embarassment. Kaitlyn reached over and gave me a nice hug.

"It's o.k. Kelly," she told me, "I understand. I'll tie you up, if that's what you want, don't be embarassed. I have some surprises for you, I think you'll like them. Why don't we get started. But we must remember our deal. No sex, no masturbation, nothing like that, right?"

I agreed. Kaitlyn stood up and went into her room. When she came back, she was dressed up very nicely. A black leather mini, and a large red cotton blouse, and a wide black leather belt. She wore a nice pair of black pumps, which accented her tan legs.

She picked up a chair from the dining room. It was fairly heavy, done in oak and wicker. Nice choice, I though, lots of place to hang ropes and things. I smiled. She pulled it over to the center of the room, about 10 feet back from our big screen TV (a gift from one of her clients, that was one of the pleasures of living with Kaitlyn!). She told me to sit in the chair and get comfortable. I did.

She went into her room and came back with a very large gym bag. "Guess you've seen most of this stuff before, huh? But I bet you don't know what half of it is for." She smiled, "Tonight, my dear, you find out."

She asked me if I prefered to be tied in my clothes, my underwear or naked. She asked without showing a preference for any. I asked her which was best, and we finally both agreed on me wearing only my underwear. I stood up and stripped down to my Calvin Klein briefs and sports bra. Kaitlyn nodded approvingly. Then she looked at me very seriously and told me to remember what she had to say.

"If anything is too tight, you tell me. If anything becomes too tight, cuts off circulation or even gets too uncomfortable, you let me know. Also, if anything is too loose, tell me that too. I don't want you making an early escape." She laughed and I agreed.

First, Kaitlyn put a pair of beautiful fur lined red leather cuffs on my ankles, and she took a length of rope out and asked me to wrap my arms back around behind the chair. I did and she slowly and methodically tied my wrists together. They were tight, but not constricting. I could wiggle my wrists a little, but only a bit.

"Tighter, please," I told her.

"Don't worry, Kelly," she explained, "it will be, I have barely started. Trust me for the moment. I'll ask you how it feels when I'm done."

I had a certain sense of confidence and security. My fingers, if I wiggled my wrists just right, could reach the knots. They felt tight, but I knew if things got too unbearable, I could probably work my way out. I was actually a bit relieved. The second thing that Kaitlyn did was to work my elbows back and forth a bit, until they managed to touch. Once they did, she put two small, soft cuffs on each and clipped them together. My breasts stuck out and my back arched a bit, but otherwise it felt rather comfortable. Between my elbows there was some play, I could separate them maybe an inch or so. Being tied like this was not as strict as I had hoped, but I felt wonderful being so confined. I was secure that I could get out if I had too, but I knew, for now, I didn't want to. It reminded me of my sessions in my room, and my crotch began getting damp. I started to feel very horny at the moment.

My security was taken away, when Kaitlyn pulled out a large roll of wide white adhesive tape. She stepped behind me and I could hear her wrapping it around the rope behind my back. My fingers reached up and I could feel that she had taped up the rope and knots. Now it was tighter, and I could no longer wiggle my wrists or reach the knots.

"Too much?" she asked.

I responded shaking my head no. But to my surprise, I could barely vocalize my thoughts, all I could think about was how hot my crotch was becoming. My breathing was deeper and my thoughts were scrambling.

"You are really getting turned on my dear," Kaitlyn added pointing to the now noticable wet mark on my panties. "But remember," she told me strenly, "no sex, and no masturbation." I nodded, briefly coming out of the haze that had come over me.

Kaitlyn stepped over to her bag and pulled out what looked like a long leather sleeve, with several straps at the top. It was one of the things that I had never recognized.

"This is an armbinder, Kelly," she informed me, "I think you'll like it."

She stepped behind me and I felt it slide up over my wrists and then my elbows and then all the way up to my shoulders. It was snug, but not uncomfortable. Then, Kaitlyn began lacing it, and it grew tighter and tighter as the laces rose up my arms. When she was done, they were totally imprisoned, and totally immobilized. To make things worse, or better, she ran a strap under my armpits and buckled it back behind my neck, making sure it wouldn't slide back off. Then she set about pulling several bands tight. One at my wrist, one above and one below my elbows and one on my upper arms.

"There is padding in the sleeve, so not matter how uncomfortable this part gets, there is no way you can lose circulation, so you don't have to worry about being in danger. Of course, if you can't handle it, let me know." This pulled me out of my haze again. In fact, it sounded like a personal challenge. One I was not about to back down on.

I felt something soft touching my back and then it was gone and back again, over and over. Finally I figured out what it was when Kaitlyn pulled firmly on a rope she held at my shoulders. She had laced the armbinder to the back of the chair, it felt firmly attached in a dozen or more places. Now I was totally immobilized and completely unable to move, even to adjust my position on the chair.

Now Kaitlyn began on my knees, cuffing them and then attaching them to the arms of the chair. My feet were about 6 inches off the ground, and if I strained to point my toes, I could just barely touch the ground with them.

"Perfect," she remarked.

Lengths of rope were wound around my thighs, tying them securely to the arms of the chair. As a result, my legs too were immobilized, and my legs were spread wide open. Next my ankles were clipped to the chair legs and rope was again wrapped around my calves until I couldn't move them either.

"How's that feel," Kaitlyn asked, with a great deal of pride.

"Wonderful," I gasped, "but you forgot to do my waist, chest and head."

"I didn't forget, my dear," she informed me, "we only halfway done."

I gasped, shut my eyes and felt a strange sensation well up in my stomach. Before I noticed, Kaitlyn was putting a very wide, thick leather collar around my neck.

"This will help with your posture," she told me and she was right. It eliminated all up and down movement in my head and my side to side movement was only an inch or two. That quickly ended as she slid two very thick, hard pieces of leather underneath the collar. They pushed firmly into my cheeks, making my lips pucker involuntarily. They also made it impossible to move my head sideways.

"I know you like to be gagged, so I have figured something out for you," Kaitlyn remarked. With a good bit of effort, she forced a strange looking hourglass piece of polyurathene into my mouth. My teeth were forced down into some pre-made grooves and the large end, in my mouth, rested against my tongue, pushing it against the bottom of my mouth. I could feel air coming in, and realized there was a hole cut through the center.

"No chance of choking, or of spitting this one out, girlie," Kaitlyn told me.

Next I expected a blindfold, but Kaitlyn told me she had surprise for me instead. She proceeded to cinch large, buckling leather straps around my waist and my chest, above and below my breasts, tightly securing me to the chair. Now everything was done. The only things I could do was wiggle my fingers which stuck out of the bottom of my armbinder and point my toes.

Thinking we were done, I sat back and enjoyed it. It was bliss! But before I realized what was happening, Kaitlyn was stretching my fingers out behind me. She had placed a large wooden cutout of a hand between my palms, and was now using the wide white adhesive tape to wrap each pair of fingers to the board facing each other. I could no longer wiggle my fingers! The feeling in my crotch grew, and I knew, even the slightest touch would send me rocketing into uncontrolable orgasmic spasms. But the touch never came. If I could have, I would have asked Kaitlyn to break our agreement, to touch me, to use my vibrator, to do something, even just slide my panties in one direction or the other.

There I was staring into the big screen TV. I could see my reflection, bound and helpless, I looked VERY sexy. I figured that as why she choose this spot. I tried to wiggle and turn, but I couldn't budge a single muscle. Kaitlyn laughed and teased me.

"Remember, it was your ground rules. No sex, no masturbation. I would have done it too," she giggled, "but now, I'll just have to go do it alone. Awwww," she teased, "poor baby."

Then she finished my bondage off. She pointed my toes to the floor and taped my feet to the chair legs. My toes were just a hair off the ground. She then wrapped all my toes together on my left foot in tape, so I couldn't move them and did the right foot the same way, except she left my big toe free.

"You have beautiful feet, Kelly," she told me, as she wrapped the tape around my toes.

The next thing that happened was the strangest. She set a small walkie-talkie on the ground, turned on full volume. She took the other of the set and tucked it in her blouse, running a small earphone into her ear.

"Now," she told me, "there is a large orange bar below your big toe. Press it once."

I strained a bit, but reached it, with the only part of me that could still move. It sounded a short, dull tone. Kaitlyn nodded.

"That is your only signal. If there is an emergency press that with your toe, hold it as long as you can. Otherwise, you're on your own."

She turned an walked to the door.

"Oh, I'll be next door, visiting Donna. Call if you need me."

She opened the door, and began to walk out.

"Oh, shit, I almost forgot." She went into her room and returned with a video tape, and stuck it in the machine.

I couldn't look away because of my bondage.

My eyes widened as I saw the screen. It was a shot of my bed. And then, to my horror, I saw myself, gagged, blindfolded and bound wrist and ankles hopping into the room, groping for my vibrator.

"That BITCH," I thought, "she taped my masturbation session!"

Kaitlyn looked at me and smiled, "I thought you might like to see what you're missing. I'll be back in two hours to change the tape." Then she kissed me on the cheek and left the room, locking the door behind her.

There I sat for the next two hours getting hornier and hotter. I could feel that my panties were completely drenched. I fantasized about my vibrator, about men, about everything. Finally, I thought about Kaitlyn and began to get a bit scared. No one had ever made me this hot, or feel this sexy. I wanted her to be there, to hold me, to touch me, to get me off. Somehow, I knew she wouldn't. But I also knew I had to try.

I watched myself roll and wiggle on the bed, having orgasm after orgasm. I knew I needed one now! I knew I was ready to come. I tried to wiggle to touch myself, to get relief. Nothing worked. The more I struggled, the hotter I got.

Finally, I heard Kaitlyn's voice on the walkie talkie.

"I told Donna about your predicament. She wants to see it for herself. If you want us to come over and help you out, hit the orange button three times with your toe."

Buzzzz, Buzzzz, Buzzzzz..... Now I just had to hang on and pray for relief!

A half hour later, I heard the door openning. The tape was just about to end.

"Oh my god," I heard Donna say, "you really did it! And you're right, she does look VERY HOT!"

I closed my eyes and waited for whatever would come next. I couldn't turn my head to see either Kaitlyn or Donna, but I could hear them talking. Kaitlyn was telling her about the deal we made.

"No sexual contact of any kind," she said, "isn't that right sweetie?"

Donna stepped in front of me, in full view. She was a very cute woman who lived next door. She and Kaitlyn had known each other since high school. Judging from the way she was dressed, she must have had an interest in bondage herself. She was wearing a black leather dress, and high heel boots. And she was holding a riding crop in her hand.

Kaitlyn stepped over and reached behind my head, unlocking the gag and slowly pulling it from my mouth.

"You weathered the first storm pretty well, Kelly," she said, "But by looking at the wet spot between your legs, I can tell that you may have rethought things." Kaitlyn turned to Donna, telling her that she knew this would happen, it was just a matter of time.

"No matter what happens, Kelly, you are going to stay tied like that until tomorrow. Lunchtime, I think it was? Right?"

I said, as best I could with the pieces of leather smashing my cheeks to together, "Yuuuuh, Wunchtime." They both giggled.

"So you haven't reconsidered? Not that it would matter if you did," she added. I shook my head, indicating no.

"We agreed, right, Kelly, no sexual contact of any kind, not even masturbation? Right?" Kaitlyn asked.

I responded as best I could, indicating that I wanted to change our agreement, all I could get out though was a "Wuuna mah-tu-bay." Kaitlyn understood. "So," she asked, "now you want to masturbate? Well, o.k. lets call that part off. We can masturbate then?"

I nodded wildly in agreement, blinking my eyes rapidly. Then Kaitlyn turned into an even more intense bitch. She went into MY room, and came back with MY vibrator, and she and Donna, got undressed and put in a second tape. I recognized this one too. Again, it was me masturbating, and this time, I had really done myself up. I even got dressed for it in my own room, because I had to tie my ankles to the bed rails. Worse, this video, more than any other showed off two of my fetishes. Both of them took notice.

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