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My name is Mark Windsor I am forty years old and married to Karen also forty with twins John and Jasmin age seventeen. We have been married for nearly twenty years our anniversary is in six months' time. We are having or were having a party at the hotel ball room and all our friends and family are to attend and we are or rather were looking forward to it.
I am a self-taught day trader and doing verry well at it, you can day trade from anywhere as all you need is a laptop and internet connection. I'm also a keen sailor and have a thirty-foot sloop which Frank [my best friend] and I take out every chance we get. Karen and Frank's wife Mary can't see the attraction so while we are at sea they go shopping or to the spar.
My wife works at a PR firm Randle Associates as a researcher and promoter she is the one who gets up in the morning kisses me and goes to work nine to five. I get the children up fed and out to school, so I'm a stay-at-home dad. We share the household chores like any other married couple and socialise with the same people mostly. We take two vacations a year one to sunny climbs and one skying. Her mother Grace lives just an hour down the road and her sister Beth lives close enough to babysit when the kids were young. Life couldn't get much better or so I thought.
The pebble in my shoe started to rub one afternoon when I got a text from one of my poker night buddies Frank with an attachment.
''Hi Mark, sorry to bother you but I thought you should know where Karen is and who she is with. This may be nothing and I'm sorry if I'm poking my nose in where it doesn't belong, please see attachment The guy is Paul Scot the CEO of Randle Associates her boss. If you want, I can follow them and see where they go after lunch.''
I opened the attachment to see my loving wife sitting holding hands with Paul Scot looking to all the world like a couple. I had met Paul Scot at one of the companies promotional galas he is tall about 6'2'' and had been a famous NFL quarterback in the day, I would guess his age at around thirty-eight. I didn't like him from day one he looked at every woman like a shark sizing up a meal. I particularly didn't like the way he looked at my wife, when he saw me looking at him, he just smirked and walked away.
I texted Frank back that I would very much like to know where they went after lunch. And he texted back speak to you later. I had trouble concentrating for the rest of the day and gave up working early I [you can't make mistakes when trading] sat about brooding then picked up the kids.
The usual conversation started almost as soon as they got into the car.
''Dad if you would get us our own cars you wouldn't have to collect us every day, all our friends have cars so why not us.''
''I have no problem with you having a car, but you must buy it yourself gat a part time job and save up. I held two jobs to pay for my college fees.''
''yeh, yeh we've heard it all before and you had to drive around in an old clunker. We know you're a self-made man blah, blah, blah, you were poor then now we're rich and you can afford to buy us cars so why not?''
''One we're not rich your mother and I are well off, but you won't be rich until you earn it yourself. I will provide the opportunity and guidance to achieve that, but you must put in the effort necessary. Are we all clear on that?''
They never answered they just sulked all the way home. When we arrived, they went straight to their rooms hopefully to do their homework. Karen arrive home at her usual time of five thirty. I had prepared and started to cook dinner she came over to me and kissed me lightly on the cheek. Now that I was aware of her possible wanderings, I had heightened awareness and noticed the faint smell of sex on her.
''I'm gona grab a quick shower won't be long.''
''Dinner will be in ten minutes tell the kids to come down.''
We always sat down to dinner together and discussed our day, but the kids were sullen and silent, Karen said little. I started a conversation to see if Karen would tell me about her lunch.
''How did your day go babe?''
''Oh, the usual mostly paperwork a couple of meetings nothing special.''
''I hope you had time for a proper lunch it's important to keep your sugar levels up with your active lifestyle.''
I thought I saw a slightly worried look flit acrost her face, but she recovered quickly.
''You needn't worry a few of us girls went to the deli for lunch.''
Lie number one.
''I hope you're keeping away from that pussy hound boss of yours I would hate to have to rearrange his face for hitting on you.''
Guilty look and a glance at the kids who glanced back. WTF do the kids know something I don't.
''No haven't seen him for a couple of days and he pretty much ignores me anyway. Why?''
Lie number two.
''It's just that Frank was lunching with a customer at Lombards and thought he saw you there with a well-dressed man....... I suppose he was wrong.''
Really worried look.
''Well, it certainly wasn't me he must have been mistaken. What is this the third degree?''
Lie three you're out.
The kids ask permission to leave the table to finish their homework and we agree.
''Not at all just worried about your welfare that's all.''
''What do you mean worried about my welfare is that a threat?''
''No babe of course not. I know you would never betray me you love me too much for that don't you?''
Panicked look on her face.
''Of course, baby I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that right?''
''That's what I thought because I would hate to think what I would do if you broke your vows.''
''What brought this on?''
''Well after what Frank thought he saw the thought of you having lunch whilst holding hands with another man breaks my heart. But as he was mistaken no harm done right?''
Fear on face clears dishes with trembling hands and can't look me in the eyes.
I still haven't heard from Frank.
''I'm going to be working for a while see you later.''
I'm on my way home after a great afternoon with Peter, I'm feeling a bit sore, so I hope Mark doesn't want any tonight. I enter the house Mark is getting dinner ready {I idly wonder if Peter would do the same, I doubt it Peter is an alfa male and wouldn't do women's work Mark is such a sweetheart} I walk over to Mark and kiss his cheek and he gives me a funny look.
I go up and shower tell the kids that dinner is ready and return to the dining room. Dinner is served we all start eating, the kids are unusually quiet I suppose they have had another argument with Mark again.
Mark askes about my day specifically my lunch arrangements I start to wonder and make up a plausible lie. Mark then makes a vailed threat against Paul; I almost faint and look at the kids hoping they won't give me away. Mark then tells me that Frank saw someone who looked like me having lunch with a man at Lombards. I deny everything and ask what he's accusing me of, he then makes a vailed threat against me {oh fuck he knows or suspects, my stomach turns to water, and I feel sick} I clear the table nearly dropping the dishes, but I can't make eye contact with Mark. He turns away and goes into his office. This is all Frank's fault he should keep his nose out of other people's business if only he knew what Mary got up to with Clive White the head of HR.
Frank phones me and asked me to meet him at Jills Grills a favourite watering hole of ours. We agree to meet at eight thirty he wouldn't tell me anything else over the phone. I'm sitting in a booth when Frank comes in, I've got a couple of bears waiting. He sits opposite me and takes a swig; he seems to have trouble looking me in the eyes.
''Ok Frank what have you got for me?''
He looks at me with pity on his face and hands me his phone. I see it's queued up for a video shot. I press play and my world falls apart there on the screen is my wife of twenty years on all fours with Paul the bastard Scot fucking her doggy fashion. {at least they were using a condom Tears fill my eyes and bile threatens to spill out of my mouth I have to rush to the bathroom and throw up. When I return Frank is sitting there with tears rolling down his face. {he really is a good friend} I look at the recording again this time the heart ache is gone replaced by a burning hatred mostly for my wife. Frank explains, he followed them to a motel {all in the recording} and gave them half an hour then went up to the door and then to the window. They had not pulled the curtains shut properly and frank had managed to record a few minutes of the action. My wife was on her hands and knees with Paul's prick shove up her ass and screaming like a banshee.
''Mark I'm really sorry I wished I hadn't seen them in the restaurant then I wouldn't have to hurt you so much. What are you going to do?''
''I haven't thought it through yet, but they are going to pay big time.''
''Mark don't do anything stupid they're not worth going to prison for.''
''Whatever I do I'll make sure I won't be going to prison so don't worry. Oh, and Frank not a word to anyone not even Mary.
We said our goodbye's and went home. When I got home Karen had gone to bed, good I didn't want to speak to her at the moment I was too angry. Instead of getting into bed with her I made up the couch in my office. I slept fitfully all night and woke with a blinding headache but at least I had a germ of a plan.
I made sure the kids had a breakfast and took them to school. When I returned, I started to polish my plan and commence part one which was to minimise my exposure to having my finances reduced by her attorney. I opened our bank accounts to see what my financial situation was. The joint account had just over sixty thousand dollars in it. I noticed that although I was putting regular amounts in Karen had stopped putting anything in three months ago.
I moved 50k to my personal account she wouldn't notice the difference as she left all financial matters to me. I didn't close the credit accounts as I didn't want to tip her off before I was ready. The stocks and bonds were in a safe deposit box at the bank I would see to those another day. I opened her account {I knew her passwords} and looked to see where her money was going. About half of her salary was being paid into the cheque account and the rest went into a bank account I knew nothing about. I would have to find more about that. I brought up her account details and printed them off for further examination later. I also reduced her Credit card limit to $1000 unless she made a large purchase she wouldn't notice, that was all I could do for now without tipping my hand.
The next part of my plan required me to engage a PI to provide further evidence of her infidelity. I called Tony my attorney and asked him if he could recommend the nastiest divorce lawyer in the state. After enquiring who for and commemorating on the death of my marriage he gave me a number to call saying she was like a pit bull in court and her name was Ann York. I Thanked him and phoned Ms York's office and made an appointment for the next day. Still thinking about my finances, I went back into my accounts and shifted all but a ten thousand into a different account. I didn't need to hide the bulk of my money some $25m it was already spread into three different accounts one in Switzerland, one in the Cayman Islands and one in Belize.
I arrived at the attorney's office on time and was shown into her office, she stood up and took my preferred hand.
''Good morning, Mr Windsor I understand you were sent to me by Tony Wood. I don't usually represent men but as Tony sent you, I'll listen to your story but be warned if you are the cheating party we are done.''
''Good morning, Ms York Judging by your attitude you don't like men very much so perhaps I have come to the wrong attorney good day to you.''
And I turned to leave.
''Wait just one minute we may have gotten off on the wrong foot let's try again, please take a seat, and please call me Ann.
''And please call me Mark.''
As I sat acrost from Ann I noticed what a striking woman she was, she must have been beautiful in her youth. She still looked attractive at her age which I put at about fifty.
I explained that I had never cheated and never would even think of cheating but that my wife didn't share the sanctity of our vows. I then showed her the proof of Karen's adultery. She explained that we lived in a no-fault state and therefor her cheating wouldn't make any difference to the settlement. She then went on to explain that my wife would get 50% of our savings most of my 401 and half of my business which I would probably have to sell. In addition to this I would have to pay spousal support and child support and she would get to stay in our house as the main child carer. I explained that I was a self-employed day trader and had no 401 to raid and also, I had no business to sell as my business required only a laptop, bank account and somewhere to sit.
I then went on to enquire if I could sue her employer for failing to enforce their moral standards contract as they were having sexual relations on company time, and it appeared that senior management were aware of these actions.
Ann got quite excited at the prospect and went even further suggesting we sue White for alienation of affection. She added it wouldn't go far but would embarrass the shit out of him. She said she could have all the papers drawn up in seventy-two hours. I said I had a better Idea. I wanted her served at our wedding anniversary in just under six months' time, but I would want her company served two weeks beforehand and explained why. After making plans for the serving of papers I asked if she knew any good PI's. She made a phone call and made an appointment for me for the following day with Georg Arnold. I thanked her for her time and left a large retainer.
It was getting late and nearly time, to Pick up the kids, so I drove over to their school and waited. When they came out, they got into my car without saying a word, but I thought I saw them smirking at me in the mirror. We got out of the car and went inside; they went straight up to their rooms to do their homework without saying a word. Fucking brats, time they started to grow up.
Karen arrive home at her usual time while I was cooking dinner.
''Just going for a quick shower won't be long.''
She seemed unusually cheerful, and I wondered if she had been fucking her boss this afternoon. I stood at the bottom of the stairs until I heard the shower going and quickly ran up to our bedroom opened the washing hamper to find her panties. I didn't recognize them as I hadn't seen them before, I looked at the crotch and could see and smell the unmistakeable trace of cum. I took them downstairs and put them in a zip sandwich bag which I then put in my office safe which combination I then changed.
When she came downstairs closely followed by the kids, I had dinner on the table. Dinner was a repeat of yesterday with the kids barely acknowledging me and Karen seemed preoccupied. After dinner, the kids went back to their rooms and Karen cleared the table and started the washing up. I thought I would have a little fun.
''Babe, we haven't seen a lot of each other lately I thought we might have lunch tomorrow just the two of us, I'll take you somewhere nice.''
''Sorry hon but I have a meeting tomorrow at lunchtime, maybe Thursday.''
''Not anymore, I called your secretary, and she said you were free tomorrow, so I'll pick you up at 1pm in your car park.''
I smiled sweetly and she looked pissed. Good I hoped I hadn't got her secretary into trouble; I really had spoken to her just after I knew Karen had left work let the fun begin. She couldn't really refuse then, and we arranged to meet in the carpark.
The following day I arrived at the PI's office to be greeted by his secretary a voluptuous blond {think of the blond in Roger Rabbit and you get the idea} I stood there speechless.
''If you've finished undressing me perhaps, I could help you?''
''I'm so sorry I didn't mean to stare but you're not what I expected I'm here to see Georg Arnold my name is Mark Windsor.''
''This way please.''
I was shown into a plush office and introduced to George who was about 6'3'' and 190lbs I would guess his age at mid-forties. We shook hands and the waved me to a chair.
''Ann has filled me in on your situation what do you want me to do and before we go any further, we stay this side of the law.''
''I don't want anything illegal I just want my wife and her lover followed and reported on including any photos and videos you can get. I want them followed individually to see if they have any other lovers money is no object.''
''Do you have photos of them with you?''
I showed the evidence I had on my phone that Frank had taken. He transferred it to his computer. He also suggested he put surveillance in our home. I agreed to having the phones taped but said as I was working from home, I doubted she would bring him there. He also asked if I paid for her cell phone and when I said yes, he said he could clone her cell if I would meet one of his operatives at night with her cell. I gave him a house key so that he could plant the surveillance equipment in the house while I was out. He said the equipment would transmit to a laptop in my loft and from there to the cloud.
I told him my cheating wife and her asshole lover would probably be meeting for lunch the following day. He assured me that he would get further evidence for me, and I paid a retainer and left.
I picked Karen up as arranged and pulled out of the carpark.
''Where are we ging for lunch?''
''It's a surprise, a friend told me about it, and I thought we might give it a try It's not far.''
As we pulled into Lombards carpark I saw the look of panic on Karen's face and barley suppressed a smile.
I had booked in advance, and we were shown to our table {the same table she and asshole had been sitting at in the picture} now she really looked panicked. The waitress came over to give us the menu.
''Oh, hello again weren't you in here last week?''
I looked up to take a menu and raised an eyebrow at my wife in a question way.
''Oh yes, I was here with a couple of the girls from my office, this is my husband, Mark.''
The waitress gave my wife the I know what you're doing look and left.
We ordered lunch and Karen kept looking round and fidgeting like she was expecting to be caught doing something wrong. When I said I was going to the bathroom she nearly jumped out of her skin. I chuckled as I walked away.
When I came out of the bathroom the waitress was waiting for me.
''Mr Windsor isn't it I looked up your booking.''
''What can I do for you and please call me Mark.''
''I know it's none of my business and you can tell me to go to hell if you like but you look like a nice guy. And I thought you should know that your wife comes here frequently with another man.''
''Why are you telling me this?''
''My ex cheated on me, and I know how it feels none of my so-called friends told me and I was the last to know. Here's my number if you want me to testify. It took all my willpower not to drop her wine in her lap, good luck.''
I returned to our table in time to see Karen putting her phone away. I supposed she was warning shit face not to come here for lunch.
We finished lunch and I took her back to work, she had verry little to say on the way back I just remained silent, and I think this disturbed her more.
That night she tried to instigate sex, but I said I had a headache [it's not only women that can have a headache] she seemed a little upset but never said anything. [I guess she missed her lunchtime fuck] The next day she really did have a meeting so she must have missed her fuck again because she tried to initiate sex again. This time I had a stomach-ache, I realised I couldn't keep finding excuses not to have sex with her without tipping my hand the next day was Saturday so no lunchtime tryst. She said she would make dinner tonight for a treat. She spent most of the afternoon preparing the meal one of my favourites. After dinner we sat cuddled up [for the first time in months] watching TV, the kids were having sleepovers at their friends. I asked her if there was something bothering her [she got a worried look on her face and said.