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Kari, Tiffany and Mistress Suzy Ch. 03

Story Info
Kari is punished for her wanton behavior.
8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/03/2014
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Three weeks ago.

Susan's phone chirps softly alerting her to a waiting text message. She pulls the pink Hello Kitty embossed box from her hip pocket. Dexterous caramel tinted fingers type out her response. She slides the phone back into her pocket. She heads on to class.


Outside the Plissken Science Building Tiffany Russell tucks her phone back into its home inside her purse. 'Everything has a place and everything in its place,' is her motto. Her mouth tightens into a thin line as she opens the notes tab on her laptop screen. Professor Xian's lectures are Tiff's favorites. Today's lecture is on the role of self-esteem in survival and how it affects behavior. The corners of her mouth slowly curl up.

"In conclusion, whereas in lower order animals, those species which have a communal structure, when they commit acts that we would interpret as sacrificial, they are, in fact, operating by hereditary instinct; humans take such actions deliberately." Professor Xian, the thirty-eight year old Vietnamese woman, emphasizes. Always meticulous, she projects power by her attention to detail and air of absolute certainty. She dresses her 5'2" frame in power colors and styles that accentuate her femininity while simultaneously elevating her above the common. It is calculated and controlled for maximum effect. "Those actions, though in the individual appear to be independent actions, are actually the result of mass behavioral modification. A modification undergone willingly and, I might add, happily."

Professor Xian pauses in her lecture pinning the class in place with her steely gaze. She continues, "It is only the most astute mind that can apprehend the action of cultural modification and then elevate itself to the position of initiator." Again challenging her class with her gaze, "Are you an initiator?"

When Prof. Xian is finished Tiff packs away her things thinking about later that day. Despite her reserved demeanor, inside she is bouncing up and down.


Later that day Suzy and Tiff sit together over tea and sandwiches. Being students they usually don't eat out for lunch. Both are health conscious and are proud of their figures. Suzy runs track even though she is an accounting and econ major. Taut muscles glide under the smooth skin of her runner's body. Her customary attire is loose and open showing lots of skin in a carefree innocent fashion. She keeps her hair trimmed close and her nails long, well-manicured and polished.

Tiffany on the other hand is a high octane dynamo. Tiny in comparison to Susan, she is all soft and round where the larger girl is hard and sleek. A high metabolism and fanatical dedication to Pilates are her beauty secrets. Most often she pulls her long chestnut hair into a severe braid that little flatters her. With an hourglass figure though and a fearlessly open disposition she has never lacked for admirers despite having not yet taken one as a lover.

"I've got an idea," Tiffany begins.


Interlude 1

"I'm nervous," Suzy confesses. "I mean, it's all well and good to speculate at what we would do when watching a movie, but that doesn't mean we're going to do it."

Two weeks of frantic study in addition to their regular course work, secret trips to the local adult novelty store for hands on inspection of various toys and accessories, waiting for the on-line order to arrive and late night planning sessions to prepare their plan has had its effect on the two women. Suzy is a mass of jangling nerves. Tiff is practically salivating; her pussy is definitely moist in anticipation. Both are eager to commence with the plan.

Inside Suzy has to admit to herself that she really doesn't know what she expects to happen or even what she wants to achieve by enslaving Kari. Even though they agreed that Tiff would only be the trainer, Suzy isn't sure why she wants a sub. She's not into girls and she doesn't swing or even have a kink to speak of. Just the same, Suzy wants her own personal property and that is good enough reason for her she thinks.

Tiffany, on the other hand, is absolutely sure why she wants to do this. In her estimation Kari has given every indication that she not only is a follower, but she wants someone to just reach out and take command of her life. To Tiff that is an invitation. And initiators never question the morality of shepherding sheep; they just do it because they can.

When Kari comes in Suzy nearly springs on her while Tiff forces herself to remain still by steely resolve alone. Both women though feel the rush of adrenaline as they implement their plan. Both women experience intense arousal. And even though it is for very different reasons, both experience a small orgasm when Tiff slaps Kari.


"Holy Fuck, I can't believe we did that," Suzy begins. The adrenaline high is wearing off causing her to tremble slightly.

"I told you she would cooperate."

"Damn, my pussy's wet. That was the hottest thing I've ever done."

Tiff's cunt is juicing too, but she doesn't say so. For her, the torture had been strictly clinical, a process designed to achieve an end. And it is her plan that they are following. Silently she chides herself for too much satisfaction. They've made a good beginning, but beginnings don't make success.

Tiff lays out the next step. "It's important that only you feed her. Nourishment is second only to affection in creating willing obedience. She must associate the fear caused by the correction with her disobedience while simultaneously connecting tenderness with you."

Suzy thinks that over for a moment, "Won't that make her hate herself?"

"Absolutely, it is imperative that she think of herself as bad and you as good for this to work." Tiff remembers when she got her first puppy. Her dad took them both to the training classes as soon as the animal was old enough. The first thing the trainer told them was he trained the owners as much as he trained the animal. At this moment she knows how true that statement had been. "We want to make her love you for punishing her. Do something kind to her when you go in to feed her."

They continue discussing each step of the plan as they move into the kitchen where Tiff assembles a plain green salad in a dog dish. Both women have to be spot on with their roles for this to work.

Suzy leans casually against the counter watching her friend work, "This is a lot of work remembering all the rules and stuff." She absently rubs between her legs.

The motion isn't lost on Tiff. "Did that make you horny," she asks while indicating with her head Suzy's hand rubbing her crotch?

"Fuck, I'm so damn hot right now I'd jump Jevon on the street."

"Well don't let her hear you. She can't think that what is happening to her, what we are doing to her, has any emotional or physical value to you beyond pride of ownership."


With the lights out in her room, Suzy pulls a slim bullet vibe from her drawer. She lies back on her bed turning the shiny chrome torpedo in her hands, a personal purchase she made while preparing for enslaving Kari. A small twist on the knob and the thing springs to life. Its gentle vibration feels warm in her hand. Her thoughts return to Kari writhing under the wand as she pressed it against her clit.

She traces circles around her nipples through the worn cotton top with the tip making them hard. Her clit begins to tingle in response. Like a swinging pendulum she lets the tip trace a crazy path from the heights of her breasts down her smooth muscled stomach before diverting at the last moment to her thigh. She feels the tingling increase. Her skin temperature increases with her excitement only making her want the hard metal touch all the more.

With a quick turn she marks a rainbow path back up her thigh across her stomach and down the other leg. Her pelvis rises in thwarted anticipation. She smiles at her self-inflicted torment.


Interlude 2

"I'm really concerned, Father," Tiffany squeaks in her most innocent voice. "Ever since she moved in with us she's been getting worse and worse."

"You know, of course, that even though our conversation is confidential, this is not the forum for idle gossip," Father Mercer replied. The two sit side-by-side in padded chairs, a small round table with Kleenex on top separates them.

Tiff plucks a tissue which she applies to the corner of her eye. "Oh, I know, Father. It's just that I can feel my soul getting dirty from having to listen and see all the perverse things she does." She sniffles a little.

Father Mercer waits patiently for the young woman to continue. Too many times he's sat here listening to young people cry about how awful their roomie is, and then an hour later listen to the other one say the same thing. Usually he gets them together where they can talk over their conflict till they get to the crux of the matter. It always comes down to learning to live in proximity to someone new. Most of the time communication is the key to resolving their trouble.

This is the most dangerous part of her plan. So far all she has done is hit send on a little cyber bullying. Now she's face-to-face with someone who can call BS on her little plan. Inside her stomach is turning flip-flops. She's so excited by the risk of getting caught she starts trembling. Quickly raising the tissue to her eye she turns the involuntary tremor to her advantage by feigning quiet sobs.

With slow, deliberately chosen words Tiff recounts the fictitious events of Kari's amorous adventures. She uses plenty of emotion evincing words to paint the picture of Kari's lewd behavior. Tiff weeps openly at how the sounds of sexual congress through the wall assault her ears making her physically ill filling her narrative with short, memorable descriptors. All the while she monitors the Father's physical responses. As the account becomes more lurid his breathing shortens. When he rubs the sweat from his palms Tiff closes in for the kill.

"Sunday morning she brought two strange men to her room and with the door open let them both have her in the most obscene way."

"I'm sure it isn't as bad as all that, my child," Father Mercer reassures her after swallowing hard.

"Oh, but it is, Father," she wails. And with a sly look hidden behind the tissue she sets the hook, "I've tried to pray for her soul, but she mocks me at every turn. She even wears her crucifix while fornicating." Tiff breaks down in sobs.

Father Mercer reaches over to clasp her hand in comfort. Tiffany is too fast for him as she slips her phone into his hand instead. "This is the video she sent to everyone afterwards." Reflexively he takes the device looking down at the screen. Both sit in stunned silence as the images play.

"OH Fuck that's what I need," Kari's voice rises clearly from the tiny speaker, "Yes, yes, yes that's how I like it. OHHH fuck my cunt you bastard." Tiff deliberately set the volume on high.

The color drains from Father Mercer's face. Sweat beads on his brow as the images paint a mask of horror across his features. He desperately tries to silence the infernal device with shaking hands.

Tiffany expertly lifts her phone from his ineffectual fingers and silences it but not before Kari's final obscenity is uttered, "OH MY FUCKING YES, I'm CUMMMMMMING!" Tiff falls on his knees weeping uncontrollably. She is completely committed to the act she is playing out for him. No longer needing to fake the tears, they flow freely down her cheeks.

"Oh Father, what am I to do?"



Suzy walks to Tiffany's room. She enters unannounced and after a brief conversation the two co-co-conspirators exit the room together. They stand side-by-side evaluating Kari's condition.

"Ah don't know about that." Suzy looks at Tiff, "It alley catted around for three days and finally comes home only after enjoying itself doing God only knows what kind of nastiness."

Kari's heart is seized with terror as she realizes that Suzy never guaranteed that she'd take her back. Immediately she wonders what will become of her if Suzy rejects her. The trembling in her limbs threatens to overthrow her composure. She fights to remain in position.

Suzy pauses before making her decision. She goes back into her room and returns with what Kari at first mistakenly thinks is the gag in her hand. Kari is so relieved to see the device she offers no resistance as Suzy slides the mask over her head completely blinding her. She is handcuffed just as easily. Fear again rises in Kari's heart.

Suzy pushes Kari onto her stomach and then places her knee square in the center of the naked girls back pinning her to the floor. She momentarily admires Kari's round bottom beneath her.

Kari jerks her head from side to side blindly trying to discover what her two roommates are doing. Without sight she reaches out with her ears, but the roar of blood rushing through her veins muffles any stray sound the other two make. The knee in her back presses her breasts painfully to the hard floor.

As soon as Kari is blindfolded Tiff retreats to her room returning with leather straps to bind her arms with. The two women slip the restraints on their friend easily and pull the cinches tight until Kari groans as her arms are squeezed together behind her back. Satisfied with the fit Suzy rises leaving Kari face down on the floor helpless.

With smooth indifference, "Tiff, would you be a dear and chastise this Cunt for being a slut and giving away my property without permission?" She looks to her accomplice nodding back and forth in silent conspiracy as they play out the game. "I have to go to class now, please have her cleaned and ready when I get back."

"It will be my pleasure," Tiffany purrs.

Kari is paralyzed in fear. During the weekend Tiff had been the most cruel and brutal of the two inflicting more pain with less pleasure. Kari has to go to class too, but neither seems to care about that, though. "I...I ha...have class in half an hour," she trails off feeling their eyes turn on her.

"Feel free to go to class, Cunt," Suzy permits. "Then everyone can see what kind of disobedient whore you are. If you can find your way dressed like that."

"Or you can stay where I put you and take the punishment for your behavior according to my wishes."

In a nearly inaudible voice, "Yes Mistress," she submits. In her head she tells herself it's all true, 'Only a slut would let her roommates treat her this way,' she thinks. And she sinks lower in shame with the thought.

Suzy head out. Tiff circles Kari like a predator. She stands over her friend for a moment before clipping the leash to the filthy collar. She uses the leather strap to pull her hostage to a standing position. Kari gags and sputters as she fights to get her feet under her as the thin leather sign of her status bites into her throat cutting off her air temporarily.

Once inside of the bedroom turned torture chamber Tiff connects the ceiling chain to the arm restraints and pulls on the bright metal links until Kari's arms are lifted like the folded wings of a diving bird and her head is waist level pointed at the floor. Next Tiff attaches a cuff to Kari's left ankle and then her right. Satisfied they are tight she kicks Kari's legs apart until she can't support her weight and she hangs suspended by the ceiling chain. Quickly she connects a bar between the two cuffs keeping Kari's legs spread and finishes off with locks to each eye bolt to keep her in place. Once satisfied that all the restraints are in place and secure she lets Kari regain her feet taking some of the pressure off of her arms.

Kari feels the adrenaline flood her veins as the fear rises in her stomach until her blood pounds in her ears. She knows Tiff will inflict cruel humiliations on her until she is reduced to a quivering, boneless heap, and no amount of pleading will sway her. Begging will surely only prolong the punishment. Helpless and exposed she imagines things that Tiff could do to her. The thoughts only heighten her sensitivity to stimulus like music in a horror movie primes the audience to jump at the slightest shock. Her thoughts run to the painful things that can be done to her pussy bent over and exposed as she is which makes her think of how unbelievably hard she came when they used the vibrator on her clit the first time. It makes her wet thinking about what is about to happen to her and the realization fills her with shame.

Tiff comes back into the room and kneels down in front of her friend and pulls on latex surgical gloves with a snap. "Let's see what kind of slut you've been."

Tiffany probes Kari's hair, face and neck. "Did you swallow any of his cum or just let him spray your face.

"I swallowed his cum, Ma'am."

Next Tiff walks behind her bound captive and kneels once again to examine the evidences of fornication on the skin of the helpless girl.

Kari blushed as Tiff pinched and pulled at her face and hair like a vet examining a favored pet. When Tiff begins poking at her exposed privates none too gently Kari's whole body flushes from the degradation. Helpless with her arms going numb she gasps out at a particularly painful tug on her labia, "Please, I don't want to be...don't want this."

Without stopping her intimate examination Tiff giggles, "Don't be silly, Cunt, of course you want this. When naughty little girls do bad things they must be punished so they learn not to do those naughty things like disobey. And you have been a naughty little Cunt, haven't you?"

"I...I didn't mean to, Ma'am."

"You didn't mean to let that filthy little boy fuck your pussy?"

"No, yes, I don't know. Please don't hurt me."

"Now, do I have to tell you not to lie to me?"

"No, Ma'am."

"Because if you didn't mean to let that nasty boy cum in your snatch we'll have to alert the campus police to a sexual assault and get them over here right away to take your statement and samples. That cum on your face will be easy to collect."

"NO," Kari practically screams.


Kari finally capitulates in a stronger voice than she would have imagined considering her admission, "I've been naughty and need to be punished." Her whole body sags against the chains at this admission of guilt.

"Of course you do." With that she gives Kari's ass a sharp slap. She returns with a basin of cold water and a rough rag with which she scrubs harshly at the dried semen. Tiff does nothing to quiet Kari as she yelps and cries at the rough treatment. The internal douching reduces her even further in humiliation until only tears flow. Every bit of the cleaning, every bit of evidence of sexual congress that is removed, every spot some bit of seed is found emphasizes Kari's base behavior, emphasizes her naughtiness, emphasizes her wickedness.

Satisfied that her prisoner is thoroughly clean Tiff begins spanking her. She begins by telling Kari what the unacceptable behavior was then applying five sharp blows to her unprotected ass. She begins with ruining the borrowed clothes. And she begins with latex shrouded hand strokes to her naked cheeks. At each minor, imagined or invented infraction Tiff adds an additional five strokes. After the third such offense she switches to a strap that wraps around the curve of her ass leaving a bright red stripe with each blow.

Kari's screams renew in intensity at the increased pain. She weeps openly but doesn't try to plead for relief.

Tiff thrills with the power as her friend willingly submits to the abuse. Inside a measure of disgust rises toward the girl for being so easily degraded and she delivers the blows a little harder.

By now Kari's ass is bright red with welts. Her cunt is visible throbbing with her outer lips puffy and full of blood. Tiff takes a moment to gather additional devices. When she returns she gently reaches under Kari to caress a breast. The sudden change in treatment startles Kari.

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