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Katie 02: Daddy Helps Katie

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Katie's daddy makes sure she's all right down there.
3.4k words

Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 04/15/2024
Created 02/07/2024
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**Katie and her daddy return home from shopping and Katie's waxing. Daddy's friend Trent comes over to watch a movie. Daddy makes sure that Katie's special place is grown up like her.

This is an exploration into my specific kink, the stuff I want to read about... Basically I've been reading on this site for years and finally decided to write the thing I've always wanted to find. This is fantasy, fiction, kink, it is not and should not be considered anything other than horrifying when thinking of real life and real people. The fun of fiction is you get to write or read whatever fucked up shit you want, because it's not real. Chapter 2 of a long series.**

"Mom, we're home!" Katie called when they opened the door. Roger followed close behind her, his hand on the small of her back. When there was no reply from inside, Katie called again. "Mom! Are you here?" She already knew the answer. Lacey was at work even though it was a Sunday. She was always at work. Katie sighed, placing her shopping bag on the kitchen counter and climbing into one of the stools.

"I know you miss your mom, baby girl. So do I. But we've got each other." Roger stood across from her, leaning over the counter to grasp Katie's hands.

She leaned forward, her arms pressing her breasts together. The little tank top she'd been wearing was comfortable earlier, but the AC was turned on too high in the house and she shivered. Roger's eyes dipped to her chest and he ran his tongue over his lips.

"You're lucky it's just me here, princess."

"Why's that daddy?"

"Your little girl nipples are showing through that top." He let go of her hands and brushed over one of her nipples, it got even harder.

Katie giggled and leaned back in her chair. "It's too cold in here daddy. I can't help it."

Roger let out a laugh and adjusted the thermostat. "Trent is coming over tonight to watch a movie. Make sure your pretty little tits aren't on display for him okay?"

Katie smiled and rolled her eyes. "Of course not, daddy."

Even after they'd finished dinner, Lacey still wasn't home. Katie had given up on asking her stepdad when she might be, he didn't know any more than she did. She didn't even know why she bothered anymore, she saw her mother so little she'd stopped missing her in the same way. Roger must be lonely, though. At least he had Trent for company. Trent was Britney's dad. Britney was with her mom for the night, otherwise she would've come over with him so she and Katie could hang out.

"Can I watch the movie with you and Uncle Trent tonight daddy?" Katie asked as she filled the dishwasher with their dinner dishes.

"Of course, baby." Roger squeezed at the back of Katie's neck and gave her a kiss on the temple. "You know daddy loves having you with him. We can even have a little cuddle on the couch."

Katie smiled and put another dish in the dishwasher. "I'd like that daddy." She shifted on her feet, pulling at her jean shorts to adjust herself and letting out a little groan.

"What's wrong, princess?" Roger turned serious, putting his hands on his hips and nodding to where Katie was pulling and tugging on her shorts.

"It's uncomfortable, my special place is really sore from the waxing." Katie grimached, squirming on her feet. She was all hot and her jean shorts rubbed against her skin making it so much worse.

"Oh, poor baby girl." Roger wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pressed his lips to Katie's hair. "Why don't you go change into a little dress? Don't wear anything underneath, that will let your princess parts heal up and it won't be so ouchie."

Katie pouted and pulled away from him. "It's not ouchie, daddy. I'm a grown up remember."

"Of course you are, princess, but even grown ups can be uncomfortable. Let daddy have a feel," Roger stepped back to her and nudged his hand down the front of her shorts. Katie whimpered, his hands were cold. "Just as I thought, your princess parts are all hot and swollen." He tapped the top of her special place, Katie's eyes went wide. It felt funny and made her want to cross her legs. "Now go do as I say." He told her seriously, pulling his hand from her shorts and giving her bottom a smack to get moving.

Katie sighed. "Yes daddy."

When Katie came back downstairs in a comfy, pink babydoll dress, Trent had arrived. He raised his bottle of beer at her as she joined him and Roger in the living room.

"Hey there, birthday girl. How's it feel being an adult?"

Katie smiled wide. "It feel great Uncle Trent!"

"Can the grown up join us for a drink?" Trent asked Roger.

"Of course. Help yourself to something, baby." Roger was sitting on the couch flipping through Netflix. Trent had taken the lounge chair next to it.

Katie skipped into the kitchen to get herself a drink. It was so exciting having both Uncle Trent and her stepdad treating her like an adult. She felt so grown up, choosing a drink from the fridge and cracking open the bottle. Katie hadn't drank much so she didn't know what she liked, really. She grabbed another of her mom's premixed cocktails and again, when she sipped it, the liquid burned her throat and she made a funny face. She was glad neither her daddy or Trent were there to see it, it wasn't very grown up of her. Katie tried another sip and schooled her face so it didn't show when it burned, then she was ready to join them for the movie.

When she returned, Roger patted the spot next to him on the couch. "Come join me, baby girl." They were going to cuddle! Katie was so excited. When she sat down he pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and covered her with it. "Comfy, princess?"

Katie grinned and snuggled into his side. "Yes daddy."

The movie had started and the opening credits played on the screen in front of them. Katie sipped at her cocktail, it still burned but it also made her feel light and silly, like she wanted to giggle for no reason. Roger glanced at Trent who was watching intently, before he whispered to Katie. "How are you feeling, baby? Do your princess parts still hurt?"

Katie's cheeks burned but when she looked to Trent she saw that he hadn't heard. "I'm still really sore, daddy." She whispered.

"I'm sorry baby, daddy will try to make it better while we watch the movie okay?"


"Just leave that to me." He reassured her, his voice low over the action that had already begun. Katie didn't know what they were watching, but it was an action movie. It was always an action movie if she was watching with Roger and Uncle Trent. "Keep the blanket over you but open your legs wide."

Katie did as she was told, splaying her legs under the blanket. Roger shifted, moving one of his legs between hers to hide her position.

"That's a good girl." His words tickled her ear and Katie giggled. She took another sip of her drink and savoured the warmth flowing to her tummy.

"What's so funny?" Trent asked, shooting them a look.

"Nothing Uncle Trent!" Katie felt hot and funny, she wasn't used to having secrets from adults. Trent looked over and raised an eyebrow at Roger, Katie had to look away. And just in time, too, as her hands suddenly shot to cover her mouth to stifle a whimper. Her daddy's fingers were brushing the sensitive flesh of her special place. His hand was cold but it felt good on her hot skin, it made her feel all squirmy.

Katie watched the movie while her daddy rubbed and soothed her. She kept her breathing steady and watched to make sure Trent didn't notice. Sometimes Roger's fingers would slip in between her folds and she'd have to hide the sounds she made. Her belly had that same funny feeling, she ached in ways she didn't understand. All she knew is she didn't want her daddy to stop, his hands felt good on her sore flesh. It was hard to keep quiet though.

"Better, baby?"

"Yes daddy, much better." Katie shifted her position, widening her legs so her daddy could access more of her ouchie princess parts. Her arm brushed against something big and hard in his lap. Had he brought a bowl of popcorn she hadn't noticed? Katie looked over, but all she saw was a big lump. "What's that?" She whispered.

"Don't worry about that yet, princess. Just let me make your precious little pussy feel better."

Katie continued to stare at the lump but she nodded, leaning back and letting her daddy make it better. His fingers grazed over the little nub at the top of her pussy and

Katie couldn't help herself, she cried out.

Roger's laugh rumbled through her. "Careful baby girl."

Katie's cheeks were so hot, she looked to Trent but his eyes were still locked on the screen. When she glanced lower, though, she noticed he also had a big bulge. Maybe they were hiding snacks from her? The thought made her pout.

Midway through the movie, the main character started kissing and touching a woman. They moaned and sucked each other's skin, the man undressed the woman and touched her everywhere. When the woman's breasts were revealed, Katie's eyes went wide. The man couldn't stop touching them, he even sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. Katie squirmed next to Roger, writhing and whimpering quietly while his fingers still played with and soothed her special place.

"Mm, I knew we were watching this one for a reason." Trent laughed from the chair. He shifted, his hand adjusting the bulge in his lap. Katie watched him, puzzled. He and her daddy had similar lumps? If they were hiding candy, they weren't doing a great job of it and hadn't done any snacking on their own.

The screen quickly distracted her, the woman was moaning loudly, her breathing was fast and heavy. Katie's breathing picked up with the woman on the screen's. The man was hovering over her, then he moved down and put his face between her legs. Katie sucked in a breath and turned to her daddy.

He grinned but only nodded for her to keep watching. It was like what he'd done to make sure her hair was all gone! This was different though, the woman was writhing just like Katie was, but she was moaning and crying too.

Katie squirmed some more, her belly felt even funnier and she was getting hot all over. She wanted to whimper loudly, like a puppy. Something was wrong, maybe, she was having a bad reaction to the waxing? With one big squirm, she whimpered a little too loudly, shooting a glance at Trent.

He'd heard her this time, he watched Katie with a smirk. "Fun movie, isn't it little one?"

She nodded. "Yes Uncle Trent."

"Are you and your daddy having a good cuddle?"

"Yes Uncle Trent." Katie smiled, he was only being nice, she didn't need to worry. "I love cuddling with my daddy."

"And your daddy loves cuddling with you, he tells me all the time." This made Katie's smile even wider. Trent looked behind her, nodding to Roger as his smirk grew. Katie didn't turn to look at her daddy, his hands were still rubbing her princess parts. It was slippery again but it felt good on the raw skin and the funny feeling was kind of nice.

After the movie, Katie got ready for bed while Roger said goodbye to Trent downstairs. She could hear them talking, but she couldn't make out the words. There were burst of laughter and the sound of one clapping the other on the shoulder. Katie smiled, her toothbrush hanging from her mouth, they were having a nice visit. She liked when her Uncle Trent came over, though it was even better when he brought Britney. Still, just being with the two of them made Katie feel like the adult she was. Grinning, Katie spat out her toothpaste and finished getting ready.

She was quiet going into her bedroom. Her mom had arrived home about an hour earlier, as they were finishing up the movie. She'd kissed Katie on the head and Roger on the cheek while they sat on the couch. It had made Katie feel a bit funny, her daddy's fingers were playing with her special place under the blanket, but she reminded herself what he'd said. Her mom might get hurt if she knew how he was helping Katie figure out being a grown up, and she didn't want to upset her mom. Besides, Lacey had gone right up to bed after a quick hello to Trent and Katie was sure she was already asleep.

Katie was snuggling into her bed--her baby pink comforter was pulled up to her chin and the low pink light of the fairy lights draped around the room gave off a warm glow--when there was a knock on her door. "Come in!" Katie called.

"Hey baby girl, all ready for bed?" Roger let himself in, closing the door behind him.

"Yes daddy." He sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing her foot through the covers. "Did you have a nice visit with Uncle Trent?"

Roger smiled and stroked up Katie's leg. "I did, princess, thanks for asking."

"Did you get to talk lots after I left?"

"We did. Your Uncle Trent gave me a lot of interesting ideas."

"What about, daddy?"

Roger smiled and moved up the bed, sitting next to her chest now. "Oh lots of things, baby girl. It turns out Trent and I have more in common than we realized."

Katie grinned and snuggled deeper into her bed. It was nice having her daddy there to tuck her in, even if she was all grown up now.

"So did you have a good first day of being all grown up?"

"Yes!" Katie said, a little too loudly. She giggled at herself. "I like being a grown up, especially with you to help me."

"I'm glad to hear that, baby. How are your princess parts feeling now?" His hand hovered over the edge of her comforter, so Katie threw it back for him.

She'd changed into her PJs, a little strappy cotton nightie with a unicorn pattern. Grown ups could still like unicorns, after all. "They feel a little better now, daddy."

"Good, can I take a look? Make sure everything's as it should be?"

"Yes please." Katie nodded and widened her legs.

Roger sucked in a breath and shifted her nightdress over her hips. She watched him stare at special place, he licked his lips. The sight made her giggle. "What's so funny little girl?"

"You look so serious daddy. And I'm not a little girl anymore!"

"You'll always be my little girl, princess. And this is serious business, making sure your body is growing up as it's supposed to."

Katie nodded. "Yes daddy."

"Good girl, now no more distractions. Let me do what needs to be done." He told her seriously, pushing her legs wider and settling between them as he lent over the bed. His fingers brushed through her folds, Katie was becoming familiar with the way he examined her body and anticipated the funny feeling that pooled low in her belly. He rubbed and pressed into her, playing with the little nub at the top of her princess parts that made her heart race and her body tense up. Katie whimpered when he pressed on it. "Quiet, baby, we don't want to wake your mommy up."

Katie nodded and pretended to zip her mouth shut.

His fingers felt slippery now, gliding over her and rubbing in ways that made Katie whimper and writhe on the bed. "Daddy." She whined. "It feels funny again."

"I know baby, just remember to relax and let me touch you okay?"

Katie whimpered into her comforter, shutting her eyes tight as something inside her swirled and ached.

"Baby girl, look at me." Katie pried her eyes open and looked at her daddy. He was bent over her, fingers shiny as they rested on her pink, hairless mound. "I have to do something a little different now okay, it's going to feel funny but I need to make sure your insides are clean and safe."

Katie squirmed, he wanted to feel her insides? Her body already felt so weird and achy.

But she trusted him so she nodded. "Okay daddy."

Roger smiled at her, it was reassuring and Katie let herself relax into her bed. "That's a good girl." His fingers returned to the lips of her princess parts, but instead of brushing over them he pushed a finger into her hole, just a little. Katie tensed and cried out, muffling it with her comforter. Roger groaned, his eyes locked on his finger pressing into his baby girl. She'd never had anything inside her like that. Her friends used tampons, but when she'd tried it she just couldn't make them go inside her. Katie had been too embarrassed to tell her mom, so she stuck with using pads for her period instead. But now her daddy had his finger in there, just a little bit, and it felt... He moved it and Katie moaned before she could catch herself, it echoed into the quiet room.

"Careful, baby." With his other hand, Roger grabbed a stuffy from the other side of Katie's bed and handed it to her. Share your pretty girl sounds with your bear, princess, that way you won't wake your mommy."

Katie stared at him, her lip quivering. "But daddy..."

"It doesn't make you any less grown up." He told her, she didn't even have to say it.

With a final pout, Katie grabbed the bear from him and pressed it to her face.

"Good girl." He praised, returning to her special place with a quiet groan and another lick of his lips. "You have the prettiest little girl pussy, I'm such a lucky man." He cooed.

"Do I really daddy?" Katie pulled the bear away to whisper.

"You do, it's perfect baby, just like you."

Katie beamed and held the bear tightly. It was just in time, because Roger began pumping his finger in and out of her little pussy, just a little bit but enough that she became a whimpering, moaning, writhing mess of unicorn PJs and bare skin. "Daddy!" She cried into the bear. Katie didn't know what to do, her belly felt so funny and everything in her felt tight and hot and then her daddy was pressing the little button again and something burst inside of her. Katie let out a long squeal, her face pressed to the bear's soft purple fur, while her daddy slowed his examination, his own breathing ragged with groans.

"You are a such a good girl for your daddy, princess, you did so well. Your little grown up body is perfect, it's doing exactly what it should. How did that feel?"

Gasping for breath, Katie pulled the bear away. There were tears in her eyes and she opened and closed her mouth like the goldfish she had in a bowl across the room. "Daddy, I--"

"I know baby, it was a lot. But how do you feel?"

"I feel... I feel really good daddy, that felt really funny but really good. Is that bad?"

"No, baby girl, no. It was supposed to feel good. Daddy loves that he made you feel good."

Katie breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, so I'm still all grown up?"

Roger grinned, sucked his fingers into his mouth with a low groan, and then stood.

"You're so grown up, baby girl." With a wince, he adjusted something in the front of his pants. The bulge was back, it looked uncomfortable.

"Daddy, what's in your pants?"

He moved it, it looked long and hard and pressed to his belly. "That's something special of daddy's, baby girl. I'll tell you all about it later okay?"

Katie continued to stare at the bulge, but she nodded. "Okay daddy."

"Goodnight, princess." He leaned over to press a kiss to her forehead.

"Goodnight, daddy."

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RhxxxRhxxx7 months ago

🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 fantastic!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

As a little girl this story makes me feel so giggly and needy!! I love how Roger is so gentle with her xx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is one of the hottest stories I’ve ever read

cjb511227cjb511227about 1 year ago

So, let’s just agree that this is a fantasy/fiction storyline, and mommy might well be relieved that daddy is helping Katie navigate the terrain of early adulthood. Exploring that could add texture and nuance to the adventures - should the author be so inclined.

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