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Katie and Willie Pt. 01

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Katie talks Willie into chastity.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/23/2018
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This story is sort of a continuation of the story, "After the Storm." You don't need to read that story to understand this story. This just uses the same characters.


Usually, I get home before Katy does. But that day, she was waiting for me with a big grin on her face. "Hi, Babe! What are you doing home?" I asked. I must admit, she looked fine in her tight blue jeans and tank top! Whenever I think about it, I am always amazed at how lucky I am that she decided that I was the one!

"Willie!" She said with excitement in her voice, "I've been waiting for you to come home!"

"Sorry Babe, but I got tied up with an after-class discussion with Professor Haze about my novel, and..."

"Well, now you get to be tied up by Me! And that's gonna be LOTS more fun!" Katy said and then kissed me on the lips and stroked my cock through my slacks.

"Mmm!" I said as I broke contact, "Let me go to the bathroom, and clean up first!"

We walked arm in arm towards the bedroom, as I turned to go into the bathroom, she slapped me on the ass, kinda hard.

"Oww!" I said, feigning pain as I grabbed my backside with both hands.

"Don't take too long! You KNOW I don't like to wait!"

I turned to face her with a big grin on my face, stood at attention, clicked my heels and said, "Yes Ma'am!" before I shut the bathroom door.

I wasn't in there LONG, but apparently, Katy REALLY didn't want to wait! She started banging on the door, "Hurry up in there! Or I'm coming in and dragging you out!"

"You really don't want to be in here right now!" There was nothing wrong with the air in the bathroom, but it wasn't often that I got to do a little tease and denial for Katy, so I always take what few opportunities come my way.

"OH! OK, but get your sweet ass out here ASAP!"

"Yes Ma'am!" I decided to take my time. I knew she would use me hard, and I wanted to be clean for her.

When I came out, she was dressed in her tank top and that was all, unless you count her look of steely determination as part of her outfit. She was holding her ties that she would use to tie me up. I started getting an erection the second I saw her. It's not that she is just beautiful with her long red hair and green eyes, it's also that I am completely enchanted by her. She is the complete package!

"It's about time!" She said.

"You'll be making me sweat soon enough! I wanted to get the school sweat off me to make room for the Katy sweat!"

She smiled that predatory smile I both love and fear a little and commanded me to get on the bed.

I followed her instructions, and offered no resistance when she grabbed each wrist and tied them to the bed frame. I grit my teeth a bit, when Katy tied my ankles to the bed frame. She always spread my legs just a bit too much for comfort. It wasn't really a torture for me, but I was always glad when she eventually set me free. She believes that the tiny bit of discomfort I feel when I am pleasuring her is only fair considering how well she takes care of me otherwise. Who am I to argue?

When she was done, Katy smiled down at me with almost tears in her eyes. "I love you." She said, simply.

"I love you too. We're a good match, I think, in spite of the fact you are out of my league!"

Katy smiled, "Are you sure you don't love me because I'm pretty and like to tie you up?" She started playing with, and pinching, my nipples.

"I love you in SPITE of the fact that you're smokin' hot and like to tie me up!" Katy took one hand and started stroking me. I really liked it and started moving my hips. "Mmm!" was all I said in response.

"I'm pretty now, but my mom is getting heavy as she ages, that's probably in my future as well. Will you love me just as much when my hips are broad, and I weigh 30 pounds more?" Katy stopped stroking me.

"Honey, your mom is kind of hot for a middle-aged woman!"

She slapped my erect dick and grinned, "Perv! How can you say that about my MOTHER?"

"Well just because I love you, that doesn't mean I'm blind to another woman's charms! Besides, your dad seems to be in love with your mom and she clearly loves him back. Your dad is rich, and famous, I bet he has all sorts of opportunities to cheat if he wanted to and I can't see him ever doing that, do you?"

Katy stroked my thigh from my knees to my groin. I shivered a little from the promise of her touch, but I could tell she was thinking about what I said, "No, not really, but there are things about my family that never get in the gossip sheets."

"I don't care about that! You know, I never had much of a male role model growing up, so I've always sort of tried to use your dad as my role model in how I want to treat you. I think if one woman is good enough for him, it ought to be good enough for me!"

She looked down at me lying helpless on the bed, "You really like my Dad, don't you?"

"Yeah, quite a bit."

"Well he likes you! But most importantly, I love you!"

"I love you too!"

Katy put one leg on the bed, and started to mount my face, "But I think it's time to put you to work!" She arranged herself, so my nose was pressed against her clit, and my mouth was on her ass. "If you do a good job, I might have some surprises for you!"

I set myself to that happy task of pleasuring her.

She must have been really horney! She didn't take long at all. As it was, she kind of 'face fucked' me more than she allowed me to see to her pleasure. But sometimes, a good face fuck is just what the doctor ordered. My being there for her was the important thing, in my eyes.

After a brief rest, she moved off my face and sat back on my chest smiling down at me, "I think I'll let you come today in spite of the fact that you broke the rules last Saturday."

I had hoped she had let that go! I didn't mean to masturbate in the shower. I don't know, it just sort of happened; and naturally, Katy caught me and was not pleased. She liked to decide when and how I had an orgasm, and masturbation was something I had forsworn for her.

I looked sheepishly at her, "I'm sorry, Katie, I..."

Katy put her hand to my mouth and said, "Shh! Forget about it! It's done!"

She slid back to my hips, trapping my penis between my belly and her bottom. She began to gyrate her hips. "You can come when I fuck you, if you promise to lick me clean, after. Would you do that for me?"

"Yes." I don't normally like that sort of thing, but I felt kind of bad about Saturday. I thought it was the least I could do, and well if she wanted it bad enough to specifically ask for it, I would do it. And I knew it kind of turned her on.

"Good Boy!" Katy rose up a bit took my erection in one hand and deftly placed the tip of her nether lips. She slid down my shaft, not too slowly and not too quickly. It just was fast enough to keep me aware that SHE was taking me for her pleasure, I was not fucking her.

It was quite a ride. Katy rode me right up to the point of an orgasm and then stopped and left me hanging, as I tried desperately to keep myself under control. The first three times I was successful, but on the fourth time, Katy herself was nearing orgasm, and she said, "Come Baby! Come Now!"

I reached my own orgasm as she reached hers, and I could feel my contractions as I pumped my semen into her body.

"Good Boy!" Katy gasped as she leaned forward to give me a kiss on the lips, "A VERY good boy!"

I love hearing those words, and I love the way she says it. I'm pretty sure hearing "Good Boy!" was the reason I agreed to let her tie me up the first time. The fact that I absolutely loved being tied up and hearing those words, was the reason I kept on letting her do it.

Another short rest and Katy sat up; my deflating penis still trapped inside of her.

"You made me a promise, and I intend to hold you to it!"

I smiled up at her, "Yes, Ma'am, I always keep my word to my Lady!"

She smiled back at me, her manner teasing, "You better! I expect nothing but the very best service from you!"

Katy slid back up to my face and rested her sweet pussy against my lips. I immediately began to clean her to the best of my ability!

She had another small-ish orgasm, and though I got a little tumescent, I couldn't call it an erection. When she had had enough, she sat once more on my chest. "We need to talk about last Saturday." She said.

"I thought you said you forgave me?"

Katy gave a soft smile, "I told you to forget about it, not that I forgave you! We have a problem, Willie."

I was a bit confused, "A problem?"

"You like it when I tie you up, don't you?"

"Yes. Very much."

"And you rather like it when I tell you that you can, or cannot, have an orgasm. You want that to continue?"

"Oh! Yes, I love that about you!"

"The problem, Willie, is that you can't be stroking yourself whenever you feel like it, just because I'm not there to tell you 'No'!"

"I promise! I won't do that again!"

"You're a man, Willie. You have no self-control when it comes to your dick." Katy clambered off of me and stood on the floor facing me. "I know that, and I'm sure you know that as well. I wouldn't be surprised if it has happened before and I just didn't catch you."

Katy was correct! I knew that as well as I knew my own name. I would 'choke that chicken' as much as I could if she weren't around. That's mostly what I did before I met her, and for some time after I met her.

"You're right, Katie! This is a promise I doubt I can keep!"

"But if we want a long and happy life together, you need to keep your promises to me, don't you?"

"Yes, but I don't see..."

Katy cut me off, "I have something that might help." She turned to the night stand and opened the drawer. I couldn't see very much, since I couldn't turn my head far enough. "I think this will keep you under control, and still available for my use."

Trying to be funny, I said, "What can we do? Keep me tied up and stored in the closet?"

"Well, that isn't far from the solution I've come up with! Look!" She put a shiny thing in front of my face. I knew immediately what it was.

"Is that a..."

"Cock cage? Yes! I can lock you in it, and let you out when I want sex!" Katy sounded very enthusiastic.

Always the joker, I said, "So I can't put out, until you take me out?"

"Exactly! Don't you see? This solves everything! You can't wank when I'm not around! And when I want to have sex with you, I will have the key to let you out!"

"Well Yeah, but sometimes I initiate sex! It's kind of fun to turn the tables a bit!"

"Silly! You can still initiate sex when you want! You just can't have it unless I agree, is that really any different than what we do now?"

"I guess not." I said slowly looking for some additional reason to say no. Well, what if it's uncomfortable? That thing looks like it's made of stainless steel!"

"The lady at the shop, said you'll get used to it in 3 or 4 days, and after that, you'll forget it's there! And if you start to chafe or get some sort of rash, we'll take it off, permanently, if we have to!"

"Mmm!" I knew I was weakening. Making Katy happy had been at the center of my universe for more than a year now.

"You like doing what I say, don't you?" She started rubbing my chest sensuously.


"You like making me happy, don't you?"

"You KNOW I do, Katy!"

"Well, this will make me very happy! I tell you what, let's try it for a month, and if we don't like it, I'll remove it from you."

"A month?" I could hear myself starting to whine, not something I normally do.

"Yes, Baby! Just 28 days or so! Please, Please, PLEASE, can we try it?

I gave in to the inevitable, "OK, we'll try it for a month."

"Good Boy!" And while I basked in the glow of her praise, she slipped a ring around my testicles, inserted my penis, into the sleeve, aligned the two, and attached the lock.

It went on much quicker than I thought it would. I wondered, idly, if she had some practice somewhere along the line or if they had practice dummies at the sex shop. After she untied me, and I was free to walk around with the thing on, I felt I was not 'uncomfortable', though it added weight to my junk.

Katy said she liked how I looked in it, and she couldn't keep her hands off of me. She purposely tried to get me sexually excited, and as always, she was successful! But once I got more than a little stiff, there was no more room in the cage. I got a little frustrated at that, but if Katy wanted it this way, then I was good to try it for a month.

We played around for a bit, I made silly poses, and she took pictures of the two of us with her smartphone camera, saying she wanted to remember this day forever.

Eventually, we got hungry and decided to go out for dinner. I expected her to remove the cage, but she said, that no, it had to stay on unless she wanted me to have sex with her. So, giving in to her wishes, I got dressed and we went out.

Katy said it made me look rather well hung in my trousers, and we were both pleased that it didn't 'clink' when I walked with it on. However, it did go 'Thunk' when I sat on the hard-wooden chairs at our favorite restaurant. This made Katy laugh, and she made awful jokes about it all through dinner.

After that, I graded some papers, worked on my novel a bit, while Katy watched TV. Around midnight, we went to bed. Just a month to go!

The next morning, I awoke with Katy sitting up in bed and playing with the cage and squeezing my balls.

"Good morning, beautiful!" I said as I slowly made that transition from sleep to full awareness, "I like what you are doing!" Then as I grew tumescent, I realized once more, that 'Little Willie' could not reach his full potential in that cage.

"Good Morning! How did you sleep?"

"Well, I had some trouble getting to sleep, my dick felt weighted down, and I kept thinking about it, and that kept me trying to get hard, but I couldn't! My poor penis was an unfortunate victim of gravity"

Katy giggled, "More like a victim of Katy!"

I sat up and kissed her, "How can the luckiest guy in the world be your victim?"

Katy twirled an imaginary villain's mustache with one hand, "That's what makes you a victim! You think you're getting lucky, when what I really value is your compliant and trusting nature!"

"That's me, sweet, trusting Willie who will agree to anything to get into your pants! Well, I think your pants are simply divine, but they aren't really what I want to get into!"

"Perv!" She squeezed my balls just hard enough to remind me that my dick might be locked up, but my balls are still available and unprotected.

"Mmm, I love morning sex!"

"Me too! Why don't you let me out of this thing, so we can do it properly?"

"No! You've only been in that cage, what, 8 hours?"

I looked at our alarm clock on the side table, "Closer to 16 hours, Babe!"

"Well that's too soon! I can't be releasing you whenever you want out! No, you crawl under the covers and go down on me, then you can use big Ronnie on me."

'Big Ronnie' was this enormous dildo that she had when I met her. It was named after a boy she used to date in High School, who was endowed with an enormous dick, and a sweet disposition, but not endowed with a lot of brains. Katy told me a regular penis and a big brain was better; but I sort of hated both the latex and the human versions of 'Big Ronnie', though I've only met the plastic version.

I sighed, "Ok, But I want you to know, that no other girl could get me to do this!"

"I know, Hon, and don't think I'm not grateful that pleasing me is so high in your priorities!"

"Humpf!" Was all I said before crawling under the covers and making my way to her pussy. I REALLY wanted to have REAL sex with her; but even though she was a bit sweaty and sticky from our activity the night before, I found her scent to be pleasantly erotic and I got over my bad self pretty quickly.

When I got into position, I found Katy's hips thrust forward, so that her little puckered asshole was as easy to reach as her pussy. I knew exactly what she wanted from me, so I placed my tongue, into her wonderful back door, pressing it into her, as deep as it would go.

Katy loves this backdoor action, and I love it too, though I don't find it nearly as erotic when I'm on the receiving end. That part creeps me out, and I don't know why. But Katy like to get, and I like to give, so I find myself in this situation regularly.

This time it was a little different, she was kind of sweaty from the night before, and she hadn't showered, so the aroma was not her usual flowers and clean woman smell, it was closer to an armpit, and asshole kind of thing, and she was kind of salty; I guess from the sweat. Whatever it was, I found it thrilling and I became aroused.

The thing about chastity is, that a man locked in chastity can be completely aroused without having an erection, and that happened to me. I was leaking pre-cum all over the sheets, but I never got harder than being merely a little thick.

It was odd, my inability to get hard, aroused me even more, somehow. I was fine with not being hard, even fine with not being able to come, but all that sexual energy I was radiating was channeled into my mouth and hands, and I poured that energy into pleasuring Katy.

She came, it was very powerful, I had never seen her shake and moan like that and she gripped my ears like bicycle handlebars forcing my face ever more firmly against her beautiful snatch.

"Don't stop!" She commanded, "Keep going! I'm not done!"

I was happy to hear that, since I wanted to keep dipping my tongue into that sweet well! I never wanted to stop.

Suddenly Katie wrapped one of her legs over my back and kind of sat up on top of me. I was forced to roll over onto my back, and take her full weight on my face. I had a hard time breathing, since I could only catch a breath when her movements accidentally broke the seal between my face and her pussy. I didn't much care at that point, I wanted her to ride me any way she wanted. I was in this heavenly mix of lust and absolute paradise.

Katie came again, though not as hard this time; and I could feel her movements begin to slow, I kept trying to pleasure her, until she tapped me on the top of my head and told me to stop.

She rolled off me and on to her back beside me. We looked into each other's eyes and both said, "WOW!" at the same time.

"Well if this is how you go down on me when you are in chastity, it might be a while before you get out!"

"Mmm," I said dreamily. But I realized she had just reminded me that I WAS locked in a chastity device, and all of a sudden, MY needs took center stage.

"Oh! Katie!" I pleaded, "You've got to let me out! I need to fuck you! I need to come!"

"No!" Katy said, I'm not removing it for a week! The lady at the shop said it needed to stay on for 3 or 4 days at least! She said it was important that you get used to it before it came off the first time, and we are NOT going to do this in half measures!

I started to whine like a small child. "Please! Katie, I..."

"Do you want to make it two weeks?"


"Well that's where this is headed if you keep whining!"


Katie gave me her warmest smile, "Such a good boy!" I knew she was manipulating me, but I didn't care; I also knew that she was using "Katy-speak" to remind me that she has always taken care of me in the past, and would continue to do so, if I only demonstrated a little patience. I decided I could wait. This sexual energy built up in me would dissipate over time.

"Since I can't give you what you want the most," Katie said, "What if I feed you breakfast?"

"I could eat, but it's my turn to cook today, I can fix breakfast."

"No, you can do lunch and dinner, but I will do breakfast this time! You just lay in bed and save your strength. I'll call you when it's ready." She leered at me, "You might need it later this morning!"


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