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Katy's Double Life Ch. 01


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Her feelings were dulled. She felt drained, and dissatisfied. The entire experience was anticlimactic.

Despite her resolve to leave the store and abandon her current approach to the "black penis issue," she once again turned to her pictures when she got back to her car.

She had the pictures on the screen of her phone and looked at them at every stop light. She ran into her home and masturbated twice, back-to-back orgasms looking at the pictures again. She ran the video over and over watching his movement. Then looked at the large format pictures of his penis on her computer screen.

She was almost late picking the twins up from school.

As she was preparing dinner, a strange thought occurred to her.

'I want more pictures. I need more pictures.' She finished cooking her family meal thinking about the disheveled black retail worker and his huge penis.

Her eyes suddenly lit up, 'I can text him and ask for more!'

She smiled a wicked smile. She discovered a way to get more of him without having to spend any time with him. She vowed to clear her morning the next day to pursue her scheme.

A few minutes later that evening, Dean arrived home from work.

"Hey, Katy." He put his briefcase on the island in the kitchen and gave his wife a peck on the cheek.

"How are the kids?" He poured himself a glass of wine.

"Nothing...I mean, good! They're good." She wasn't paying attention.

"How was your day?" She feigned interest.

"Good day. I have tons of work to do, though. I'll be in the office until dinner." Dean changed clothes and took his briefcase into the office.

Katy took care of dinner, then homework, and showers for the kids. Dean played with them for an hour after their showers while Katy cleaned the kitchen and picked up the house.

As she was picking up, she sighed a deep sigh and thought about Dwayne. She couldn't wait for the next day. Her domestic routine was driving her crazy.

Dean fell asleep watching a detective series on TV and Katy was able to masturbate for the fourth time that day.

Katy woke early to make sure everyone was out of the house on time. She didn't want anything to stand in the way of her plans. After laying out Dean's clothes for work, showering, dressing, feeding her kids and seeing Dean off to another busy day, she was ready to drop the twins off at school.

It was all she could do not to speed through the school zone on her way back home.

Inside, she poured a cup of coffee and anxiously texted the "wrong number."

She thought she would keep it simple.


While she waited, she picked up the breakfast mess and loaded the dishwasher.

She heard the text chime and her heart pounded in her chest instantaneously.


'Oh, my God! It's happening!' She thought excitedly.

She quickly texted,


She only had to wait a couple seconds for the next one. He replied:



Katy didn't know what he meant. She thought he would just send more pictures of his amazing black penis. Then he clarified.


She stood back away from the phone. No, this won't do at all. She can't send pictures. She's a married woman with kids and a Mercedes and she's a member of the way.

No pictures.

She replied:


His next text confused her.


She responded:


She didn't know if he was calling her a pussy, like a coward, or what.


Again, she pulled back away from the phone as if it were on fire.

"Oh, my God! What am I doing?"

Katy left the phone and poured more coffee. She began pacing back and forth in her dining room. There was no way she could take a picture of her vagina. No one has seen her vagina except her gynecologist and OBGYN and they were both women. Dean and the only other man she has ever had sex with, Roy, haven't even seen her vagina in the light. She won't even let her husband perform oral sex on her, not that he has ever offered, but still...

She returned to the phone and read his latest:


Katy thought about it. She wanted another picture. Desperately. If she did this, no one would know who it was...that it was her. She, of course, would leave her face out of it.

After several minutes of careful consideration, she decided she would do it.

She took a shower and cleaned her vagina thoroughly. She thought that if she was going to take a picture of her vagina that she should make it more visible so she grabbed a razor and shaved around it and trimmed some of the top area. Her soft pubic hair was a little wild, having never been trimmed, but she did her best with the small red tuft. She thought she cut a little too much, but she never really shaved or trimmed herself before, so she didn't know what to do.

She looked at herself naked in the mirror.

Her perfect breasts, puffy nipples, freckled skin, and now, her trimmed and manicured pubic hair made her look like a professional nude model. She was hot. Far too hot to be a stay-home mom.

She put her robe on and headed for a well-lit room in her house. The living room received the eastern sun and it was shining right on the oriental rug where she decided to take the picture.

She sat on her closed legs and took a very basic picture of her vagina.

She hit SEND.

He responded.


"Laugh out loud?" Why is that a LOL?" She asked herself. She asked Dwayne.



He obviously wanted a different kind of picture. She needed a mirror to shoot the sort of picture that he was looking for.

Katy went to the full-length mirror in her closet, turned on all the lights and sat in front of it. She slowly spread her legs about two feet apart.

She felt both humiliated and turned on at the same time; a very strange feeling. Her hands moved to her sex, gently rubbing it. She was already wet.

She took a couple of pictures showing her spread vagina. Whether she realized it or not, Katy's pussy was gorgeous. It was like a flower that was nearly at full blossom. With varying degrees of pink hue, her smooth, blemish-free labia was slightly spread open as if welcoming Dwayne's giant snake to defile it. Her swollen, extended clitoris suggested arousal. Her snow-white skin had a light scattering of freckles. You could see her moistness from being so incredibly aroused. She had been constantly wet for the past few days.

"Is this what he wants? It's so...graphic." She said aloud.

Katy moved her phone/camera and took a few more pictures. It took a few tries until she began using the reflection of the mirror. She discovered that it was much better using the mirror.

She took a couple of pictures that showed her pussy spread as she sat on the carpet in her closet. It was digitally clear. You could see her lips and her clitoris perfectly. She thought it was a lewd, awful picture, but it made her feel delightfully naughty taking it.

She felt butterflies in her stomach.

"I hope he likes it." -SEND

After several minutes:


She smiled, very relieved, then replied.

-OVER 18 -

After several minutes, she heard the text chime as she was getting dressed again.

As soon as she opened the text she saw the new pictures.

It was Dwayne posing in a bathroom, naked. He was holding his giant penis in his left hand and posing sideways for a profile. His body was muscular, but not that of a body builder, just toned. His penis must have been two, maybe three times as long as Dean's, and at least twice as thick. It seemed much larger than the original two pictures he had mistakenly sent. She couldn't guess as to a measurement, but it was beastly.

The second new picture was more of a close-up of his member. The entire picture was his penis from base-to-tip.

Katy nearly wet herself. She ran to her computer and uploaded the new pictures.

She had the new pictures side-by-side on her screen. She was overcome with lust. She was wetter than she ever remembered being. As she looked at the blackness of the penis, the shine, and thickness, she purred and sputtered through one orgasm after another. She had never been so bad.

In her mind she had caressed it, licked it, gently bit it with her teeth, wiped her lips across it. She was jerking it off in her mind for her fourth orgasm in fifteen minutes.

The text chime went off again.

She reached frantically for the phone that was on her night stand. It was Dwayne.


She smiled and texted back.


She sent Dwayne another vagina picture from the group she took a little while ago.

He responded.


There it was. The next thing. She shut her phone off and looked up at the ceiling.

'This is too much. I need to slow down.' She thought about what the next move would be, and why she would even make that move. She had everything she could ever ask for in her life...except sexual intimacy, and sexual intimacy is what she desired most right now. She was weak, vulnerable, yet driven.

Katy spent the rest of the day trying to get her chores done and run what few errands that needed to be accomplished before 3:30 when the kids were released from school.

All through her day she was weighing two very important realities. One, she needed sexual attention, badly. She has been starved for more sex in her life for years now and she was beginning to resent Dean for his lack of attention. Two, this entire situation was so far outside her day-to-day world that she could hardly keep up with her thoughts. She had no idea how to proceed, or even if she could.

She thought about abandoning the Dwayne idea before she got more involved. All she would have to do is block his phone number and that's that. She could have an affair with someone closer to her social, racial, and economic background. But she could not see herself being that bold...someone from her background might be too close to her ideal. She might fall in love.

Dwayne had a huge penis and she was just realizing how important this was to her. Anyone else would surely be a compromise. She hated to admit it to herself, but this was not about love. It was about sex. Dwayne would be the safest way to proceed precisely because he was not from "her world." It would be about sex and only sex. That was all that was really missing from her life anyway. Dean was a great father, consistent provider, and a good friend when she needed him to be. But he wasn't fulfilling his marital obligations in the bedroom.

This was about sex.

The next day she dropped off the twins and decided to visit the shoe store to make actual contact.

Her plan was to make sure Dwayne was working. Sit down to buy a pair of shoes and talk a little. She would somehow bring up the subject of texting...she didn't have any idea about the rest of her plan.

After showering, she spent at least twenty minutes picking out what to wear.

She decided that if she was going to do this, that it should start sooner rather than later. She was committed to the idea of making physical contact, an introduction at first, with Dwayne and then taking it from there.

She couldn't go into the store with jeans on. She realized that she was too much of a mom and needed to act more like a hot, single woman. Unfortunately, she had no "hot, single woman" clothes.

Deep in her closet, she found a skirt. It was dark blue with a small, white flower pattern on it. She wore this with a light blue tank top, no bra, but with a white cardigan sweater that she could pull over her breasts until she came into his view. She wanted the option of showing off her body if all went well.

The immediate problem she had was that her skirt was too long. It rose about two inches above her knee. To fix this, she rolled the waist up a few inches. Now it rested about a foot above her knee. 'Oh my! This is sexy!' She thought.

Katy wore her hair down and put some scented lotion on her legs. She was ready.

Once at the mall, Katy became wet. The anticipation was killing her! She approached the store. There he was.

"Hi again." He said smiling. "You're back!"

He seemed nice, but not terribly intelligent.

'Here it goes!' She thought.

"Yes, I was looking for some two-inch, maybe four-inch heels. Something that would look good wearing a skirt."

Katy looked down at her feet and the sandals she was wearing.

"Okay. Well, right over here we have our dress pumps and our going out shoes. Just let me know if anything looks interesting and I will see if we have your size."

Katy smiled and thanked him.

She couldn't help but look at his crotch as she was looking at the shelves displaying their shoes. She was a bundle of nerves, but also incredibly turned on. The world seemed to stop while she was in that store. A very strange feeling.

Katy picked a pair of dark blue heels that were more conservative than the others. She handed the shoe to Dwayne.

"Okay, I'll be right back." As he stepped around the service counter to enter the stock room, she noticed he was checking out her legs.

Katy had long, toned, smooth, white legs. She didn't tan so she was always "Irish-white" as her dad used to say. She didn't need to shave her legs very often as they didn't have much hair.

She shaved today.

Katy sat and pulled her dress down, covering more leg, then she pulled it back up again, revealing more leg. She couldn't decide what to do.

Just then, Dwayne returned.

"Let's try these on and see how they fit." He took a shoe out of the box and handed it to her.

Katy's disappointment must have been obvious because he quickly offered to help her.

He squatted down, took the other shoe and held it near her foot,

"May I?"

Katy felt her juices flowing, even streaming out of her and was afraid she would create a wet spot on her skirt.

"Yes, please."

She trembled as Dwayne, the owner of the giant, black penis, clutched her calf and lifted her smooth, white leg to remove her shoe. She was unprepared for the thrill it gave her.

'This is the first time I've ever been touched by a black man. Oh, my goodness!' She was soaking wet. He slipped her shoe off revealing her pink, newly painted toe nails. She kept her feet well-manicured. She could not get over how sexy her snow-white leg looked against his dark black hand.

She realized that this probably wasn't normal procedure. Most women put their own shoes on these days, at least she always did, but it was exactly what she wanted.

He rested her foot on his knee as he sat on his legs in front of her. He took the new, blue shoes in his right hand and lifted her leg with his left.

She could feel him gently rubbing his thumb of his left hand against her silky-smooth leg. He was flirting with her.

"You have beautiful skin, if you don't mind my saying." He smiled and looked up at her. Katy smiled coyly.

"Thank you, Dwayne."

Her smile turned to an expression of shock as she realized he wasn't wearing his name badge at that moment.

'Oh, my God! No! He's going to think I am a stalker or something.' She couldn't believe she said what she did. She wanted to run away.

Luckily, at least at that point, he didn't notice.

The shoes were on and now Katy was looking at them in the mirror. She wanted to leave before she was discovered. Fortunately, she had cash to cover the sixty-five dollar shoes so he wouldn't get her name.

"These will be fine." She said abruptly.

Dwayne boxed her shoes and stood up.

Katy looked at his crotch as she handed him cash for the shoes. His pants were expanded where his penis was. It looked huge in his pants.

'He must be erect,' she thought.

She paid, then quickly left the store. She headed straight for a mall restaurant just ahead past the first turn on the ground floor. She made it to the restroom.

Reaching into her purse, she found her phone, which had chimed just after she left the shoe store.

It was a picture of Dwayne.

He had his penis out. Rock hard. It looked like it was taken in the stock room.

The next text read:


Katy concluded that he did not realize she said his name without his badge on.

She became hot knowing that he took a picture of his erect penis and sent it to her simply out of convenience. She had made him hard from her visit to the shoe store.

Katy's apprehension turned to wild, lustful desire. She wiped her wet pussy with some toilet paper in a stall, but when she put her underwear back on, it was cold from being so wet from her recent arousal. She took her panties off, put them in her purse, and headed for the restaurant bar.

"Shot of tequila and a margarita on the rocks." She said confidently.

The bartender busied herself with Katy's order. She was trembling she was so flustered.

'How did I get here? What am I doing?' She asked. The past three days were a sexual rollercoaster. She felt as though she was out of control. What kind of wife was she? What kind of mother?

Katy licked some salt and shot the tequila, then took a bite out of the lime wedge, just as she had seen it done in a movie. The tequila burned as it went down, then the burn turned to warmth. It took her all of one minute to finish her margarita and she was on her way.

The alcohol relaxed her and gave her a new energy. She was going to walk right past "Her Sole" and out the doors to the mall. She will text Dwayne a picture of herself when she got home.

As she approached the store, something overtook her. It was a combination of the tequila, desire, and pure horniness. Rather than walk past the store, she turned and walked right back into it.

"Hi there! Something the matter with the shoes?" Dwayne looked at the box.

He thought he saw her look down at his crotch.

"Yes, Hi! Um, these are four inch heels, I wanted the six. I'm sorry!" Katy giggled.

"That is no problem, let's see if I have the right size."

Katy sat back down and sighed. She was feeling no pain. In fact, she was feeling very frisky.

"Here we go." Dwayne assumed the same sitting position he had before. He removed her shoes and placed the new shoe on both of her feet.

This time, due to her buzzed state, she placed both of her feet on his legs after he put the new shoes on. Her move confused Dwayne and even shocked Katy. She could see his cock swell, even under his baggy trousers.

Katy's cardigan sweater was pulled to the sides exposing her large, firm nipples through the fabric of her garment.

Dwayne looked at Katy differently after a few moments staring at her breasts. He sensed something was up.

In easily the boldest move of her entire life, Katy said,

"Hold on."

She reached in her purse and grabbed her phone. She quickly and carelessly scrolled through her pictures until she got to one of her most recent vagina pictures she took for him. She held the phone to her breast and took a deep breath. 'This is it, for sure.' She thought.

She turned the phone to show Dwayne.

Dwayne's eyes grew wide. He rocked backwards and leaned his back against the display wall.

"God damn! That's you?!" He was whispering loudly.

Katy only nodded.

Dwayne looked her up and down.

"Wow! You are fine!"

"Thank you, Dwayne." She blushed.

"You know; you weren't even supposed to get those texts. I got a new phone and misdialed my girlfriend's number. Here, look."

He took out his phone and showed Katy his girlfriend's phone number. The last two numbers were "37" and Katy's number ended in "73." If it weren't for this simple mistake Katy would most likely be at home folding laundry right now watching a movie on cable, oblivious to her new-found desires.

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