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Katy's Double Life Ch. 01

Story Info
The Mistext - A white wife discovers her hidden wild side.
14.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/06/2017
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Editing and Creative Assistance by Literotica member "Smoothed".

Warning: This is a fantasy story that contains interracial sex, a cheating wife, and a big penis. If this content does not interest you, or offends you, please find a story more to your liking.


Katy Meyer just dropped her two, ten-year-old twins off at school. It was a "late start" day and they didn't need to be in class until ten. After this, the homemaker had a list of chores and errands to complete that would pretty much finish her day until school was out and she needed to pick up the kids. She had a routine schedule that she followed religiously in order to accomplish all she needed to do, while saving her some time for herself at some point during each day.

As she made her way to the grocery store, she realized that her life had become one, long, dull routine. She loved her family; her twins, Tom and Terri, her husband, Dean, and her dog, Ishmael (after the Moby Dick protagonist). She was generally happy.

Katy was grateful that her husband earned enough so that she could be a stay-home mom, raising her children and managing the household affairs without having to balance a career at the same time. Still, she was rarely excited about anything. Going out with friends was something she looked forward to, but these outings typically involved coffee or lunch. Her husband has never been much of a romantic. Even while dating, he was mild-mannered and overly respectful. They didn't have sex until they were engaged, and then only because she had insisted on it.

At thirty-five years old, she also discovered that she had developed very strong sexual needs that Dean didn't seem interested in satisfying.

To this last point, she had resorted to masturbation, usually after Dean had gone to bed, or when she had time, after dropping her kids off at school. Other than this, Dean was either too tired, or not in the mood to have sex with her as often as she desired, which would be about once per day, she estimated.

At one time, she and her husband were having regular sex. Before the kids were born. Five, six times per week without much trouble at all. Usually once per day, sometimes twice on Saturday and Sunday. But that ended after the birth of the twins. He seemed to lose interest in her after the kids were born. The lack of sex in their marriage wasn't due to her sex drive waning, it was his sex drive that became non-existent. He just didn't approach her like he once did, and when she tried to approach him, she was more often rejected than not. Once-per-month seemed to be the latest pattern. She was lucky when she could get twice per month. Her sexual frustration was something she thought about every day.

Even when they had sex, and they were at their sexual peak, it was milquetoast. Nothing special. Missionary position. Sometimes she would get on top, but no oral, certainly no anal, or anything out of the ordinary.

Katy kept her figure trim by running on the treadmill at home. She was a remarkably beautiful woman. Five feet seven inches tall, dark red hair, green eyes, pale, freckled skin, perky "C" cup breasts. Her breasts looked larger than they were due to her large puffy nipples that Dean thought resembled the bottom half of a strawberry. Her nipples were incredibly sensitive and because of their shape, she was easily stimulated by simply touching them.

She had a body that could easily model nude for a men's magazine. Despite this, she wore only conservative clothes. She wore clothes that she could easily attend a church meeting in, or volunteer at a homeless shelter. She was a decent, upstanding citizen and a proud, church-going Christian. She normally didn't like a lot of attention and kept her body covered up to avoid any unwanted sexual advances that she may otherwise receive. She had learned this all the way back in high school, and it stayed with her throughout her adult life.

Although she woke up horny, today was unfortunately not a day where she could masturbate after dropping the kids off. She had to get to the grocery store for dog food and some vegetables for dinner, then she needed to pick up a part for the vacuum cleaner, and meet with the Sunday school teacher at her church about snacks for the children on Sundays. It was a busy day.

Her SUV pulled into the store parking lot. She grabbed a cart like she had a thousand times before. She stopped by the flowers, but decided not to buy any this time...

Then it happened.

Her phone vibrated and chimed. She had a text. She never got texts. Wheeling her shopping cart to the side of the first aisle, she opened it.

At first it looked like a mistake, like she heard a friend call it, a "mistext." A wrong number. A wrong text.

This one was a strange image that she did not immediately recognize.

She thought that this was some random shot that one of her friends or family had sent to her that will have a corrected picture to follow. She put the phone back in her purse and waited for the better text photo.

It came through, chiming again. There it was. A young, dark-skinned black man with short dreadlocks wearing a retail badge on his shirt standing over the phone being held in his hand and looking at it from the top for a selfie.

There was something odd about it.

She looked more closely at the first text from the same number; a picture that looked like a big cucumber- the kind that are slightly curved, but this was pointing down.

It then hit her like a punch in the stomach. She lost her breath.

She looked around her in her aisle, no one was near. Her heart rate increased. She began to perspire on her forehead and upper lip. Her head swam.

The two pictures were of a big, black penis. She nearly dropped her phone when she finally recognized what it was, and then almost dropped it again when she looked at the pictures a second time.

She scrolled through each picture back-and-forth examining the detail. The first was an overhead view taken from above the large appendage. The second was an under-side view. The second picture also showed, in detail, that the name badge he was wearing read "Dwayne" and was from a shoe store in the mall called "Her Sole."

Her phone shook in her nervous, trembling hands. She should delete the picture. Her fingers moved on their own, pinching and zooming. The penis looked enormous, but she had trouble sensing the scale of the thing. Only when she zoomed back out was she able to put the size of it into perspective.

The thing was monstrous. She didn't even realize that a penis could get to be that size. How could that ever fit inside a wom-.

Katy took a deep breath, halting her train of thought. What was happening?

Katy knew that these texts could not be for her. Her kids were much too young to know anyone like this, and she didn't know any black people at all. Her close friends would never in a million years dream of doing anything like this, even as a gag, and she never gave her phone number out. She tried to recall a single time when she gave her phone number out to a stranger and couldn't.

This had to be a wrong number.

Katy anxiously texted back


She nervously placed the phone back in her purse and continued shopping. There was no reply for several minutes. Then, as she made her way down the various aisles at the grocery store, another text came through.


Katy was instantly relieved and even smiled at having solved the mystery so soon after the mishap. She took a deep breath and was calmed by the revelation. The fact that it was all just an accident made it seem ok, like she could now delete it and move on.

She clicked the button to edit, then delete the texts, but thought it wouldn't hurt to look one more time...and so she did. And then again, and again. The pictures were not anything she was used to seeing. They were raw and pornographic. They were obscene. The big black thing she looked at was alien to her, yet so intriguing she could barely break away from the image to look around her to make sure no one was watching. Finally, after a few minutes, she began to delete the new contact with the pictures when she pulled her hand away from the screen and stood frozen in the store staring at her phone.

She scrolled back to the first picture and examined it. The huge penis just hung there suspended by the black hand holding it in place. It loomed down and outward from its owner's body. It shined from the light of what looked like a store room or large closet of some kind. Its head was large, reminding her of a fat arrowhead. The shaft was smooth with very few marks or veins.

The second picture showed the large vein that runs underneath, the sides swelling outward, the massive testicles suspended in the scrotum hanging close to the body.

The young man's face had a smirk on it and he was looking right into the camera from above. The name tag could be seen on the edge of the screen.

Katy's heart pounded heavily in her chest. She had never been attracted to black men. She always passed them by as she sensed they stared at her body. Being a red head, she was used to men cat-calling her and black men were among the worst. She grew accustomed to this, and to ignoring them.

This was different. These not-so-innocent pictures stirred her up more than anything else she could remember. She found the pictures of the black penis to be mesmerizing. She took a deep breath and ignored the strong instinct to delete the photos and never again have to deal with them, she instead saved them to her photos and continued shopping.

She pushed her cart down aisle after aisle. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get the image of the black penis out of her head. She picked up the bag of carrots. They looked tiny and pathetic when she realized she was comparing them to the mental image of that big black thing. She tossed them down in disgust, moving to the avocados. She picked one up. It was heavy and the soft outer rind was pitted and wrinkled, just like those big black balls.

Katy shook her head. What was going on? She continued shopping as if on auto pilot, but couldn't shake the images: eggplant? It curves just like the penis had. Even leaving the produce section, she saw it in every bottle of ketchup or shampoo. This unwanted image had lodged in her brain and she seemed unable to think of anything else.

Katy found herself anxious to get home. She unloaded the car and ran into her bedroom. She grabbed her laptop, removed her jeans, and transferred the pictures of the black penis onto her computer. When this was done, she opened the pictures up and looked at them in a larger, more detailed format.

"Oh, my goodness! He's huge! It looks so amazing!" She was all but drooling on herself as she looked at the penis pictures. She ran her fingers across the screen hoping to somehow feel the black skin from her computer.

Her hand went straight for her clit. She was becoming wet, and rubbed herself just a few times before she came. As her head was flooded with the image of the huge, black cock from the picture, she flooded her hand with her cum.

She repeated this three more times in about five minutes.

Her imagination went wild. She imagined sucking it, licking it, stroking it, rubbing it against her arms, breasts, chest. Having sex with it. She had never fantasized about a black man before and the effect it had on her took her by surprise.

After allowing herself to obsess over the penis pictures for about thirty minutes, she finally put her laptop away and continued with her day. Running errands, picking up children, cooking dinner, all completed while thinking about the big black penis.

The next day she had some cleaning to do before the house keeper came to deep clean the house. In the morning, right after she dropped the twins off at school, she masturbated to the pictures five times (a new personal record for Katy). After the house keeper left, she masturbated again. She became so familiar with the pictures that she found she needed more of them. She wanted different angles, better lighting, more of the body. She needed more.

She struggled with having so little visual access to such a fine penis.

Katy found herself in a dilemma two days after being sent the texts. These two pictures created a desire for more, and she just didn't have the means to acquire more.

Not being one for Internet porn, or any porn for that matter, Katy never thought to look for other pictures of black penises elsewhere. One reason she didn't like porn was that the pictures and videos were too detached for her to really develop an interest in. She didn't know the people in the videos, she couldn't just look at sexual pictures and have consistent orgasms. When she masturbated, she always closed her eyes and mentally fantasized about her husband, or on a rare occasion someone whom she had met in her life, not some professional porn celebrity that she would never have the opportunity to meet.

These pictures that "Dwayne" accidentally sent her were real. They were from a real person. They existed in her life. They weren't part of an entertainment website. She knew where they came from. They were local, now they were on her phone, and her computer.

She thought: 'where did he come from?' She repeated this thought standing in her kitchen. She knew basically where this guy worked. His phone number was local so he could only work in the one mall in the region that had that store.

She picked up her kids from school and completed her daily rituals straight through to the end. No surprises, nothing exciting, in other words, a very normal afternoon. Later that night, she didn't even try to have sex with Dean as her mind was preoccupied with Dwayne's penis.

'I want to go to that mall and visit him. See what he is like in person.' She lay awake in bed thinking of her options. One thing was certain, she wanted more.

Katy was a decent, church-going, Christian woman. She wasn't given to drinking or partying. She had never really thought about cheating on her husband to get her sexual needs met. She wasn't accustomed to having thoughts of cheating and fantasizing about other men.

'I am going to go. Why not? Why shouldn't I just go and see what he looks like? There's no harm in that.'

She continued to fantasize about seeing him. She reminded herself that she knew what he looked like (and his name!) but he knew nothing of her. No one would know.

After several more minutes of tossing and turning, it was finally decided. She was going to wait until after noon the next day and spy on him. She would shop, just as if she were an ordinary customer.

She masturbated at this new thought of secretly visiting him while her husband slept next to her. Dean didn't even say "hello" after work today. She was beginning to feel he was not sexually compatible with her anymore. She continued to rationalize her interest in Dwayne and his penis.

After the next day's chores and errands were done she had ninety minutes before she had to pick up the kids. Before wasting anymore time in deciding whether to go, she was off to the Town and Country Mall; to the "Her Sole" store where this Dwayne fellow worked. She was going to secretly check him out which would most likely fuel her fantasy to the next level, or perhaps ruin her image of him and set her back to her normal routine. At this point she had no idea what she was doing other than reacting to a very powerful, new-found lust. What exactly she was going to do after seeing him at the store had not occurred to her yet. Katy was responding to the irresistibly strong sexual urges that she had absolutely no experience with.

Katy wore what she had on. Jeans, running shoes, T-shirt and a running jacket as it was still a little chilly. She also decided to wear her sunglasses so she could look at him without drawing attention to herself. She dressed as inconspicuously as possible, which was exactly how she dressed every day.

Her drive to the mall was a nervous one. She had never done anything like this before. She wasn't adventurous sexually, or otherwise. She was always a good daughter, sister, wife, and mother. She took her family to church every Sunday, gave to charity, hosted sleep-overs and parties for the kids. She had never been promiscuous, flirtatious, or wild. It just wasn't who she was. And yet, here she was about make a connection with a black man because he had a big penis.

She pulled into the mall and parked in the covered garage. She knew the basic location of the shoe store. They had younger style shoes and she had never actually shopped there for herself.

Her heart pounded loudly in her chest. To distract herself, she quietly narrated the walk to the store: 'Up the escalator, left turn. Down the right side. It's coming up.' She walked very slowly. As she came to the store front, she looked in the display window. Then peered through to the small store and sitting area. Searching.

Her heart skipped a beat. There he was. Dwayne. Leaning on the counter. Hand resting on his chin, looking out at the mall. Baggy, ill-fitting, khaki pants, white button-down shirt-too wrinkly to be professional looking, slovenly-tied necktie, and black dress shoes. How old was he? Maybe 18 or 19 she guessed.

Under any other circumstances, Katy wouldn't have given this guy the time of day, not a first glance let alone a second, but this was a very different situation she found herself in. She was obsessed with the big black penis she had been looking at for the past three days. It consumed her every thought. She was here, at this store in the mall during the week because she didn't know what else to do. She was unable to control her actions regarding how she felt about the pictures. If it weren't for the wrong phone number, she would most likely live her life out without the thoughts that have been consuming her as late.

Dwayne didn't realize it, but the red-haired woman in the plain stay-home-mom clothes just outside the shoe store he worked had looked at pictures of his cock over one hundred times.

The digital image of his huge cock had unintentionally created a monster. A thirty-five-year-old, wife of eleven years, mother of two, upper-middle class stay-home-mom monster.

She decided to walk into the store and look around. Just to see how it felt to be close to it.

Dwayne saw her approaching, her red locks bouncing slightly with her gait. She was definitely hot, but not his type. She looked too buttoned up, too conservative. He liked the wild ones. This kind of privileged white woman almost never shopped at his store. But, as a horny young man, he did what he always did to make his time at work a little more interesting: he immediately began to imagine what she would look like naked... with her lips wrapped around his oversized dick...

"Good morning, Ma'am." He said politely, engaging her.

"Hello. Just looking." She smiled courteously.

"Let me know if you want to try anything on." He walked around then went in the back.

Katy thought: 'Nothing exceptional, no sparks flew, no chemistry.' She decided she was crazy for even showing up and so she quickly left. The visit wasn't a mind-blowing realization, it wasn't an exchange of flirtatious stares or remarks. Their eyes didn't meet in some magical moment. None of that occurred.

More importantly; however, and a fact that eluded Katy, is that there was also no revulsion, no "deal-breaking" incident that soured her to him either.

She decided to go back to the store and in an instant, was back. This time, she had her phone in hand and had the camera turned to video. She was videotaping him as he was straightening the display shelves. She kept the camera on him as long as she dared, then put it away and walked out, again. This time he didn't notice it was her, so she felt she had gotten away with something. It was time she left and never come back.

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