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Kelly: The Beach House Ch. 02

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Kelly meets Monica.
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Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 04/04/2005
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"I see you've met Monica."

Kelly froze, stunned by the sudden realization that she knew exactly who this wanton beauty was in their shower. Corm's arms were tight around her, wrapping her in his strong, safe embrace. She leaned against him, her chest heaving with a heady mixture of fear and anticipation as she waited for him to say something more, to explain why her tormentor was suddenly in their home. Corm's body was hot against hers, and she could feel his thick shaft pressed between them.

A long moment passed, giving her overwhelmed mind time to unleash its fears.

She was afraid because this woman knew what she was capable of, had seen her brought to the very edge of her own sanity and then topple over into the abyss of her lusts. Had helped plunge her into that abyss. She was still terribly embarrassed by what she'd done that night in the restaurant; still slightly horrified that she was capable of that kind of behavior.

That incident, coupled with her outrageous display of self-confidence at the costume party, had convinced Kelly that she hadn't even begun to master her own hunger.

It wasn't a state Kelly was eager to return to, for she remembered all too well the look of alarm on Corm's face. Never mind that he'd taken her to that edge, never mind that he'd pushed her over. Clearly her unfettered descent into her appetites bothered him on some level.

Would this stranger be her undoing a third time?

Corm's embrace tightened a little, a sure sign he knew she was wrestling with the situation before her.

Was she judging the stranger unfairly?

Kelly believed that part of the reason Corm had pushed her so far was to impress this Monica person.

But had he?

No. Now that she thought about it, it hadn't been his actions that had determined that night -- just as at the costume party, her actions in the restaurant had been her own.

She was being unfair; projecting her own misgivings at what she'd done onto a total stranger, onto her lover.

Kelly bit her lower lip and resolved to be strong, to remain open to what delights might come. She trusted Corm implicitly; and though she was afraid of what she might do, she was also excited by what she would do so as not to disappoint him.

She leaned against his chest, and murmured, "She can stay."

Corm smiled down at her and kissed her nose. "Get in."

"Hmmm?" She'd been so distracted by her worries she wasn't really paying attention. Kelly had expected him to respond, but not like this.

But the idea of it ... all three of them ... together ... it was so ... sinful.

Her hunger stirred ... renewing the heat she'd felt for Monica just minutes before. Suddenly Kelly decided she wanted this, not just to please him, but for herself. That long, lingering kiss with Cate ... the electric thrill of another woman's hands where they shouldn't be ...

She wanted more of that..

Besides, the smell of him, full of sun and sand and his sweat, proved a heady aroma; it was making her dizzy in a very pleasant way. She'd been turned on before from watching Monica, but that had been different, more of a light white wine to the bold reds of her lust for him on the beach just a half hour before.

Kelly liked watching Monica touch herself in the shower, but she craved Corm's cock. And now, with it pressed between them, pulsing with life and hunger, her pussy flooded anew in response. She didn't want to get in the shower, she wanted to get down on her knees and suck him off.

She ground her hips against him, purring up at him. "What, love?"

He noted with pleasure that her blue eyes were losing their sparkle, becoming dull as Kelly began to lose herself.

"I said, get in the shower." He ran his hands across the broad expanse of her back, relishing how smooth her skin felt beneath his touch. Her body was still oiled from the beach, and she felt like silk.

He wanted her then, right there, and only for himself. He craved her, and would have gladly thrown Monica out of the room if it would have served his purpose.

But plans were plans, and while Monica was a day early, he knew that things needed to go forward if Kelly was to be properly trained. This was the next step, to introduce her to the other women in his life; to make her understand that she could strive to be first, but never the only.

"Get in the shower. Monica will wash you so that we can all go out." He did his best not to smile, but knew that she could see the hint of a smirk on his face. Kelly was too smart not to know that the shower would be more than a shower, just as she knew that the chances of them actually going out were slim.

His lover pouted for a minute and then smiled and spun out of his embrace. She took three steps into the waiting embrace of the hot water and Monica's open arms.

Corm felt his cock twitch with anticipation as he watched her hips sway.

Goddamn, but he wanted her!

Kelly gasped with pleasure as Monica opened her arms and pulled her into an embrace under the hot streams of water. The feeling of the strange woman's lush body against hers was electric, full of a raw sexual energy that was different than anything she'd ever felt before.

This was not flirting or suggestive comments, this was not a drunken liaison that had to be steadfastly ignored the next morning, and it wasn't an encounter brought on by jealousy and alcohol.

This was here and now, this was real.

It was deliberate, full of tension and energy.

It was something that was going to stay with her, and it was something that was going to stay with them as a couple. Even now, loitering on the edge of her sexual fugue, Kelly knew that she was at a waypoint of sorts.

Monica's aggression was something Kelly had not expected; but she didn't shy away from it either. After all, the woman pressed tightly against her was gorgeous, and stirred a hunger in her that Kelly hadn't truly felt in a long, long time.

Obviously this was something Corm had anticipated, for he didn't seem at all taken aback at the fact that there was a naked woman in his shower -- and an uninvited one at that.

The nymph's body was a delirious combination of hard, toned muscles, and full soft curves; her breasts pressed against Kelly's own, even as one taut leg hooked around her to pull Kelly closer. There was a subtle contrast between their skin tones, Kelly's hue being a shade or two paler than the more athletic Monica.

Kelly marveled at the way the nymph's skin felt against her own, hot and soft and silky and full of promise. Things were going to happen, she knew, and she was going to surrender to those building currents.

She smiled with joy as the throbbing in her pussy began to ache.

Kelly leaned into Monica's embrace, shutting her eyes while she ran her hands lightly across the woman's back. Gently, she began to explore the curves and contours of her body, letting her tactile input reveal the glories her eyes had already seen. Kelly marveled at the way Monica's body had no beginning and no end from her own; how the very absence of hard lines could be a joy in its own right; how the sway of a hip or the arc of a full buttock could stir a powerful, almost subconscious response, one that conjured up a primordial yearning.

She began to understand on some level what it was about women that so captivated men.

Monica shivered at her touch and stepped back, pulling Kelly forward into the streams of water falling from the broad showerhead above them.

Blinded by the sudden spray, Kelly tilted her head back, letting the hot rivulets consume her hair, turning her golden curls into brassy strands that clung to her face, neck and back. The water was hot on her face, yet refreshing, washing away the dull heat of the afternoon, and leaving her free to savor the feelings of the newcomer's body against hers.

Monica's lips were suddenly hot on her neck, surprisingly soft as they kissed dizzying circles towards the line of her jaw and then back down towards her collarbone. The woman's hands clutched Kelly to her, wrapping her in a firm embrace that pressed their bodies together in all the right places.

Kelly could feel Monica's thigh move into the space between her own, its musculature pressing against her vulva; a steady pressure that served to make her terribly aware of the way her pussy was heaving with desire, even if its presence neither aggravated or alleviated her mania.

She let herself go, leaning into the embrace and running her hands down to cup the woman's pert buttocks. Her hands, so recently kissed by salt spray and fine sand, circled the woman's lower back, seeking out that stylized lily.

Her fingers couldn't find it of course, so she slid one hand lower down between the woman's buttocks. Monica shivered in response and began to suck on her neck, giving Kelly shivers of her own.

Sensing a growing hunger in her partner, Kelly took her time, savoring the silken friction of skin on skin as her touch raised goose bumps on Monica's most secretive areas. She wondered at the way the body was formed, marveling at the way the body knew to curve where it did, where taut thigh met pert buttock to form a perfect seam.

Monica whimpered as Kelly's fingers danced around her labia, not really touching anything as she explored the brunette's body. Her mouth was fiery pressure on Kelly's neck; surely there would be marks from her bites.

Kelly didn't care.

Her own mind awhirl with what she was doing, and with what was being done to her, Kelly placed her index finger atop Monica's asshole, noting with delight the way the woman shivered as her delicate sphincter puckered beneath her touch. She let her finger rest there lightly, the tip of her manicured nail barely grazing her new toy's flesh, content to be held tightly as the other woman worked herself into a frenzy.

But then again, she did have another hand, a free hand.

Kelly brought her right arm up, constrained as she was by Monica's tight embrace, and caught up the brunette's left nipple, gently rolling the turgid bud between her fingers. The brunette moaned loudly and released her succulent hold on Kelly's neck.

She stopped her hands, waiting to see what would happen.

Had she gone too far?

Not far enough?

Monica stared into her eyes for a long moment, her gaze hungry and inscrutable all at the same time. Then, without a word, she smiled slyly and returned to her nibbling. Kelly shut her eyes and smiled to herself as she resumed her torments.

Not far enough indeed!

Watching them without touching must have just been too much for him, because suddenly Corm stepped into the shower. He leaned forward, letting the spray wash across his face for a moment, then his muscular frame, before moving behind Monica.

Kelly's face was toward him, resting on Monica's shoulder as the brunette nibbled and sucked on his lover's neck.

Still standing behind Monica, he planted a kiss on those beautiful lips. Kelly's eyes snapped open and she uttered a tiny little sigh of pleasure. He looked down, watching her fingers tease Monica's asshole, tiptoeing lightly across her brown bud, pressing on it but never penetrating no matter how much the brunette wiggled her hips in supplication.

Monica was getting close, he knew. Long years of experience as her lover told him that the little gasping cries coming from her now were the opening strains of her climax.

Kelly couldn't know that, of course, which made her deliberations all the more wicked. Monica's head came up and she kissed Kelly full on the mouth, her eager tongue thrusting itself into Kelly's mouth. Taken by surprise at the intensity of the woman's fervor, Kelly returned the kiss with equal passion.

The brunette's hands roamed her body, one slipping in between them to cup her full breast. Her nipple was hard and ached for the attention, and soon Monica's long fingers were rolling her bud, sending waves of pleasure through her. Kelly began to hear the siren call of her own orgasm, which only made her strive to fight it.

It wasn't anything in particular that Monica was doing; rather, it was the fact that the brunette was doing it -- that another woman was touching her, was fulfilling a dark fantasy Kelly had though long since suppressed.

And then a wicked thought popped into her head, piercing her fog.

She would not come first. Rather, she would ignore her own hunger and drive Monica to orgasm instead.

That would show Corm that she could master her own body.

That she was more than a whore, more than a slut.

That she could be his concubine. That she could be both a creature of her lusts and an embodiment of his pleasure, his desire.

Corm watched the Monica's lily tattoo undulate as the supple brunette writhed in her desperation. He wondered briefly if Kelly would grant that to her, but then decided that it wasn't up to her.

This was his shower; these were his lovers.

Placing his hands on Monica's shapely hips, he gripped his cock in one hand and began rubbing the tip of it against her pussy, spreading her labia with the head, but never quite entering the hot well within.

Monica moaned and thrashed, groaning out incoherent pleas as she pushed her ass backwards, seeking the completion she craved.

He denied it to her, of course, placing his hand atop the swell of her lower back and pushing her firmly back into Kelly's embrace. To his pleasant surprise, the blonde looked at him through the fog of her own sexual hunger and nodded slightly -- and then caught the brunette in a tight embrace from which there was no escaping.

Monica began to wail.

Finally, when she could stand it no longer, Corm pushed into her from behind, savoring the way her hot folds enveloped his shaft.

Monica gave a long, loud cry and beat her hands against Kelly's back. Her lips crashed off to the left as she writhed pleasure.

"Oh God, need ... uhhn..."

Her cries were loud and sweet amidst the steam and white noise of the water. Their bodies were locked together, the three of them held by Monica as she bucked and swayed in time to a series of forceful, almost violent thrusts.

Monica's condition was extreme; her hands scrabbled across Kelly's back in a mindless flutter of need and frenzy

Corm evened out his pace into something designed to sustain pleasure rather than generate it. Monica might just be there for a visit, but it nerve hurt to remind her that she was his too.

He looked up at Kelly. She was watching him with a fierce intensity, the jealousy at having been denied his cock as evident on her beautiful face as was her hunger for it.

He smiled at her. "Your turn will come. Now help me with her." His gaze flicked down to her hand, which was still poised over her asshole.

She looked at him, looked down at her own hand, and then looked at him again, and winked.

Using the copious amounts of natural lubrication generated by Corm's, she pushed two fingers into Monica's ass, savoring the way the brunette let out a choking gag that turned into whimpers of pleasure. Her own body burned with desire, and she could only imagine how good this must feel for Monica.

Corm increased the speed of his strokes, pushing into Monica faster and faster. His body slapped noisily against hers, drowning out even her moans with it staccato rhythm of flesh on flesh and exploding water.

Monica was moaning loudly now, clutching Kelly for dear life. She was so close, sparks of light were bursting in her vision; even the sound of the water was fading away. All she could feel was that magnificent cock inside her, sliding out only to plunge in again. Corm gift as a lover had always been that he fit her; his length matching her inner contours in a way that made her orgasms with him more frequent and more intense.

He was using that gift now, destroying any semblance of control she might have had. With maddening slowness he slid his cock out of her, almost...only to push it in again with the same deliberation. Monica wiggled her ass against him, trying to reap more friction, more sensation, from him. A sharp smack on her ass told her to be patient and wait for her release.

Monica shuddered and nibbled on her blonde lover's earlobe to try and distract herself from the need, the pressing all-consuming need that was building within her.

The two fingers in her ass were simply maddening, stretching her in new wonderful ways even as they served to heighten the feel of Corm's thick shaft moving against her inner treasures.


Corm smiled at Kelly, never pausing. "Now, my dear. She's ready."

Kelly grinned with savage glee, eager to bring this all to a rapturous end.

She needed the little death, and if granting it to Monica was the way she'd achieve it, then so be it.

Her own pussy had been throbbing with need since she'd left the beach; to be touched and caressed, even as Corm's cock was so close, was all that was needed to unlock her fugue.

She gave into it.


The sexual hunger surged up out of her in dark, terrible fury.

Taut with her own lusts, and eager to send Monica into bliss, Kelly nodded. She reached down between their bodies and deftly pinched Monica's swollen clit ... once, twice ... three times ...

Monica bucked violently as the orgasm consumed her, gasping and mewling. Kelly could feel Corm's cock pulsing against her finger; he was close too, she noted with satisfaction.

Corm pulled his throbbing shaft from the tight, satin embrace of Monica's pussy. As he released her, Kelly gently spun the brunette away, the better to keep her from collapsing. She positioned her new lover against the wall, making sure that Monica's trembling, spent form wouldn't fall.

Satisfied, Kelly turned back to him with a smile.

And knelt before him.

For Monica, all thoughts of domination were gone now, her plans totally void.

She'd been Corm's lover for years; being so thoroughly used by him was nothing new.

But this ...

He hadn't fucked her...

They had.

Kelly had suddenly evolved into a sexual force, one that complimented Corm. And she'd obviously loved it.

As she stood there in the shower, watching the lush, glistening form of Corm's current lover bob up and down on his cock, Monica knew without a doubt that everything had changed.

She would be utterly theirs that weekend.

She wasn't sure when this subtle union had occurred.

She wasn't even sure she cared.

Monica smiled to herself and licked her lips.

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