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Trophy wife is kidnapped for her own protection.
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We all need to be touched. To feel the skin of another person. No matter whether that touch is a kiss, a hug or a friendly pat on the shoulder. It tells us we matter and that we are important.

So, what happens if you don't get any closeness? What if you have everything else (wealth, fame), except that one thing you really need?

These thoughts were the reason behind this story and I hope you will enjoy reading it. 


Copyright (c) 2019 Ada Stuart, All Rights Reserved. 

This work may not be published whether for fee or free without this copyright.

A special thanks goes to AussieGuy52 for editing this story 


Brief summary:

Holly has married an older, wealthy businessman. A match made in heaven, until she realises she is just for show and not to be touched or loved. Alone and bored she wants to break free but dare not. Until, she's kidnapped by the sexiest man she's ever met.

Darren has a mission. Get the wife of their suspect out of the way for 24 hours. He never planned to do more than babysit the spoilt Missy. Until that one night that changes everything.



How had it come to this, Holly thought, as she glanced in the mirror. The woman staring back at her had a pretty face and a slim body with full breasts. She had always tried to take care of herself and her looks, and right now she probably seemed picture-perfect to anyone that didn't know her. With her groomed long blond hair, exquisite makeup and perfect manicure.

The only thing that ruined the picture was the sad look in her eyes and the downward curve on her mouth. She should be happy, but that feeling had faded long ago. She felt every one of her 26 years, even though her husband insisted that she kept fit by having regular workouts with a personal trainer.

After marrying him, she thought her life would be perfect, just like in the fairy tales when the peasant girl married the prince. The attentive and wealthy older man had seemed like the best of choices, making her give up her career in the pursuit of being the perfect wife.

The happiness had only lasted about six months. Then she had realised that her husband had more important ventures in his life than catering to a younger wife. Instead of feeling content with what he had, he seemed to be in a constant struggle to gain more, earn more, buy more, leaving very little time to anything else.

She had talked to him about her getting a job or if they could take a holiday together, but all her suggestions had been turned down the minute they were mentioned. It seemed that he had bought himself a wife and now he was content with showing her off, allowing other men to envy him.

He put her up on a pedestal, only to be watched and never touched. That was the worst part of it all. He rarely touched her and he had stopped coming to her bed about a year ago.

After being ignored for quite a while, she had tried to go to him. She had thought he would appreciate that, but he had repeatedly turned her down. He was too tired, too busy or simply not there. He seemed to be constantly on a business trip somewhere.

She spent more time with his servants than with her husband and the servants treated her with haughty disdain as if she was a nobody that had married nobility.

She felt a princess in a cursed castle, lonely, with no prince in sight and constantly starved of human contact.

It was so different compared to her younger years. When she grew up, she was constantly surrounded by family members, chatting and teasing, hugging and swearing. A constant cacophony of sound and warmth. The money had been tight, but they had always managed.

She had put all her effort into doing well at school and she had gained a good education and a good job. But as she met the rich Mr Ashton she had thrown it all away and walked into the sunset with him, thinking everything was a like a dream come true.

In retrospect, she had been young and stupid, leaving all her family and friends behind when she married him and followed him to his hometown. It had been a mistake to marry him. She had realised that during the first year of their marriage.

Still, the lifestyle and her newfound freedom had persuaded her that the vow she had given should cover some of the lonely days in their large mansion. Three years later she wasn't so sure it was the right thing to do.

She should have left him years earlier. Left him and tried to make a living of her own, earning her own money and buying herself a place to live. Looking for another man that actually wanted her.

Instead, she found herself locked in a golden cage without having the courage to break free.


"It's just a job, Darren," his commanding officer said.

"Kidnapping a woman? Some job. I'm a soldier, not a nanny."

"It's for her own good. The feds need access to the house without alerting the husband."

"Can't you just lure her away somehow? Free tickets to a shopping spree somewhere."

"Look, it's just for 24 hours. Besides, you own me a favour."

"Get one of the other men to do it."

"And scare her to death? No, she's an innocent in all this mess. It's better that she doesn't get involved. Besides, she spends all her time cultivating her looks so she's probably very meek and cooperative."

"And if she's not?"

"Just scare her a little. She would probably have a nervous breakdown breaking a fingernail."

"Babysitting a diva. Hrmph. You had better have something better for me next time," Darren said as he left his boss's office.


The day couldn't possibly become any worse, Holly thought, as she looked at the unfamiliar surroundings. She had been kidnapped and pushed into the back of a small van. There were no windows but she could feel that they were heading away from the city centre and away from the parking lot from where she had been grabbed.

The man asking for the time had seemed so harmless. A young blond man with an easy smile, so apologetic and handsome at the same time. She had fallen right into his trap. As soon as she had looked down to her mobile he had grabbed her and pushed her inside of the nearest van.

All her struggles had been in vain. He had quickly tied her hands and legs together before he stuffed her mouth with a cloth. There hadn't been anyone else around but she still wondered how one man could accomplish this alone. There had to be more kidnappers around.

After a long drive, the van stopped abruptly. She heard him jump out and walk around to the back. Soon after he opened the door and she was pulled out. While he carried her on his shoulder, she tried to take in their surroundings. The view made her lose her nerve.

They were in the middle of a forest and she could not see anyone around. He started walking and his shoulder cut into her stomach. She wanted to vomit as the pressure got worse. Soon he carried her up a few stairs and inside a house. It was wooden, one-story building.

She heard a dog bark and she glanced in the direction of the sound. She froze as she saw a large beast of a dog, showing his teeth.

"Quiet, Rex," the man said calmly and the dog sat down and watched.

She was carried through a doorway and suddenly she was dumped on a bed like a sack of potatoes. She cursed behind the cloth he had put into her mouth.

"Not happy with your surroundings Mrs Ashton?" he said snidely. "It's nothing like your usual standard, but until your husband decides to pay, you'll stay here."

"Pay what?" she tried to ask, but it only came out in muffled sounds.

The man ignored her and walked away. She felt trussed up like a Christmas turkey, tied up with restraints that didn't budge. She tried to voice her opinion and fight the bindings, but it was no use. It seemed that the man wanted something from her husband.

What it was she could only guess. Probably it had something to do with her husband's business. He had never allowed her to get to know that part of him. All in all, it was just another miserable day had turned even more miserable. And now this man thought he could blackmail her husband to have her back.

She wouldn't be surprised if her husband refused, and where would that leave her? Between a rock and a hard place, and she would probably be dead at the end of it all. Oh well, if the kidnapper thought he had grabbed a meek little trophy wife, he was in for a surprise.

She might be a trophy wife, but she was definitely not meek. She would have to cooperate for a while and when he started to relax, she would escape. That was the only way out of this mess.

The man returned and started to remove the cloth in her mouth. She spit it out, trying to make her mouth produce enough saliva for her to speak her mind. He flicked open a knife and cut the bindings at her hands and legs.

"Behave, or I'll put them back on again," he said.

She nodded.

He walked out and returned with a bowl and a spoon.

"Eat up. If you throw them at me, I'll chain you to the bed."

She knew that she would have to maintain her strength in order to escape. She accepted the bowl and started eating.

When she had finished, she placed it at the nearby table and looked at the man.

"Can I use the bathroom?" she asked.

He pointed at another door to her right. An ensuite, she thought. Now that was perfect. She opened the door to a small bathroom with a shower and a toilet.

"Leave the door open," he said.

"But I just want to use the toilet," she said.

"It's either that or will stand beside you."

The smiling young man had been totally replaced by a tough soldier type. Constantly on alert and ordering her around.

She left the door open. He seemed to have a greater expectation than she had about her running away. She had never thought that a bathroom could contain any useful weapons against a kidnapper.

She finished and washed her hands before returning to the bedroom.

"Undress!" he said.

"No," she gasped. There was no way that she was going to undress in front of a man she did not know.

"Do it, or I'll cut off your clothes," he said while toying with his knife.

She needed those clothes if she was going to run away. She lowered her eyes and started undressing, leaving her clothes in a neat pile at the dresser beside the bed. Soon, she only had her bra and panties left on her body.

"Those also," he added as he hungrily stared at her body.

Nervously she also removed her underwear before sitting down on the bed, facing away from him.

"Lie down and hold out your hands," he said as he came toward her.

She lay down on her side and he fastened a pair of handcuffs around her wrists.

He looked at her body and she could see his eyes heat up as he swept them across her full breasts and moving down to the vee of the thighs. She was prepared to fight him if he wanted to do more than just watch. He pulled the blankets over her body, covering her up.

"Sleep. If you try to escape I'll tie you to the bed next time."

She nodded. It wasn't tempting to try and sneak past that vicious-looking dog of his, before running around naked in the forest until it darkened. No, she would stay calm, waiting for him to lower his guard while she searched for an escape route.

Maybe someone had seen her being kidnapped or maybe there were security cameras filming the incident. Her car was still there so there should be plenty of clues.

She lay under the covers and listened as he locked up the house and turned off the lights. She could hear him talk to his dog. Obviously, the dog was guarding the front door, leaving that route impossible to choose.

Soon after he returned to the bedroom and turned off the light in the ceiling. Only the light from the bedside lamp was still on. She could hear him take off his clothes and she wondered what he was up to. She tensed her muscles and prepared for the worst.

She felt him climb into the bed behind her back, and soon after she was pulled against a warm and naked body. She gasped in shock as he placed his right arm over her breasts and held her tightly to him.

"Just sleep," he said. "I'm not going to do anything unless you beg me to."

She didn't believe him.

He held her tightly and flicked his thumb across her left nipple, making it respond to him. She gasped but tried to muffle the sound. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

It had been ages since she had lain beside a naked man and even longer since a man had wanted to fondle her and pleasure her. She felt her body aching to feel him, feel any man. It did not matter who touched her as long as someone actually did.

She had never realised how she would come to miss even the smallest bit of human contact. A hug from a friend or a friendly pat on her shoulder. She felt pathetic. No wonder people usually lived in groups. She was a lot happier when she had people around her that actually cared for her.

The thought made the last few years seem like an eternity. She was surrounded by people and still she felt alone. It shouldn't be possible, but she had experienced how easily you became one in a crowd in a larger city. She longed to move to a smaller community or return home to her friends and family.

She had been happy there, even if she had not realised that at the time. Instead she had thought that a wealthy businessman could give her all she wanted, including all the things she had missed in your younger years.

It was a hard lesson to learn, but a necessary one. Now she knew that it was not the money, the house or the servants that made her happy. It was the fact that she had people around her that cared for her and wanted to spend time with her. Everything else was shallow and superficial; nothing to keep her warm during those long lonely nights.

Only this night seemed to be completely different. The man lying behind her felt so warm and large that she shivered. Her body responded in an unseemly manner. She should lie stiff as a board beside him. Instead, her body felt as it was burning everywhere his body touched hers.

But the worst reaction was the one in her lower regions. She was surprised to realise that she felt a strange moistness between her legs as if her cunt was preparing for anything. All too eager to become aroused by even the smallest possibility that a man's cock would want to penetrate her depths and push deep inside of her.

She knew her pulse was fast and her breathing was quick. She had tensed alongside him and she could feel something press against her buttocks.

He moaned contently as he seemed to adjust his position. Soon after she could hear him breathe slowly and softly against her neck. He was asleep. She could barely believe her own ears but as soon as she moved he would probably awake.

She wanted to pinch herself. Could this strange day become even odder than it already had? The kidnapper was holding her in his arms in a way that she had always wanted from her husband. And to get that from a man who only wanted the ransom? She felt astounded and hurt at the same time.

It felt so good to feel another human body surrounding her, protecting her. Even as he was also preventing her from escaping. She allowed herself to rest. She closed her eyes and snuggled closer to the strange man that shared his warmth with her. Wanting to forget that he was a criminal and just enjoy the moment.

Imagining that he was a man that cared for her wellbeing and lying close to her because he wanted to. The thought put tears in her eyes, fantasizing about something that most people took for granted. She had longed for something like this when she married. Instead she had gained a cold marriage between strangers.

Her whole being shivered and she battled the urge to cry. He held her closer as if he instinctively wanted to comfort her. It occurred to her no matter what this kidnapper did to her it would probably not be any worse than how her husband had treated her.

It was ironic but as she closed her eyes she felt calmer and eventually she drifted off to sleep.


Many hours later, she woke to feel something hard push against her pussy. She spread her legs to allow more room for whatever it was. She could feel how wet she was inside of her cunt. Her body wanted this. Desperately. It had been so long. The itch she had felt the evening before had only intensified.

A hand cupped her left breast and she arched toward the warm chest being spooned against her back. She felt someone lean toward her and kiss her neck. She giggled as it tickled her. At the same time, she became aware that it was a hard cock that was pushing against her pussy.

She pushed back, feeling the tip of his cock head penetrate her. She moaned and pushed again, feeling him entering deeper inside of her. Oh god, it felt so good. She whimpered and tightened around him. He lifted her right leg and placed in over his own, spreading her legs wider.

She adjusted her angle, pushing her ass closer to him, while she moved her head away from him. The new angle gave him the opportunity to press against her g-spot. She gasped out loud and he pushed deeper inside of her. Her inner channel was so coated with her juices that he penetrated her easily.

Too easily, she was embarrassed to realise. Still, it didn't matter right now. She wanted him desperately. Wanted him to show her what it really should be like between two adults that were naked in a bed together. She shed a small tear from the corner of her eye by the thought of having something like this to wake up to every morning.

How much happier she would have been with a man that actually wanted to push his hard cock inside of her and fuck her until them both could feel the pleasure. She felt him move her right hand over to her clit and fondle her as he pushed deep inside of her.

She could hear him breathing hard, groaning as he gave himself over to feeling more. He was so tender, so careful with her. She moved her body, fucking herself on his hard shaft as she longed to enjoy him for as long as she could.

It felt so intense, the combined pressure of his finger against her clit and the way his large cock pressed against her g-spot on the other side of the wall. She tightened every muscle she had, feeling like her entire body sang to his tune. It was amazing how good it could feel to be with another person.

She wanted to hold him, kiss him. Thank him in every way possible. She cursed the handcuffs he had placed on her hands, wanting to return the pleasure that was almost forced upon her as he pushed hard inside of her before retreating almost all the way. She protested loudly and pushed her ass against him.

He grabbed her waist and held to still as he pushed deep inside of her again. She could feel him push deeper than any man had ever touched before and as he fingered her clit one last time, she screamed as the lurking orgasm suddenly overwhelmed her and pushed her over the edge.

She tightened around his shaft, feeling that her body convulsed hard around him. He seemed to resist the push, but soon after he lost the fight as he did one last retreat and plunged deep inside of her while he roared loudly. She was breathing heavily, wondering why her brain had suddenly stopped working.

She snuggled closer to him and he held her in his warm arms before he covered them both with the blankets. The covers had been pushed away and she hadn't even felt cold. But as she felt his arms around her she knew that she would never feel as warm and content as she felt right now.

She refused to think. Ignoring the consequences and the reason why this should be wrong. Right now it felt more right than anything else in her life and she wanted to enjoy it for as long as she could. She closed her eyes and let the contentment lull her back to sleep. The reality could wait until tomorrow.


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