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Kinky Pleasures Ltd.

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Violet celebrates National Nude Day while at work
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Have you ever lied to your friends and your relatives about your career? I have! Maybe you are embarrassed about working a low-wage and unpopular job, stating that your position is higher or more important than it truly is, or even not wanting to be associated with the company you're employed by. My reasons were more substantial.

Six months ago, after my twenty-first birthday, I applied for a job working for an online sex toy distributor called Kinky Pleasures Ltd. The company was created by my employer, Nikki Hart, five years ago with the help of her then-friend and now-life partner, Madison Monroe. They started with an online Etsy shop, importing toys and reselling them, and they have now moved on to create an online platform with an office space and thirty employees.

Not only did Kinky Pleasures Ltd now design and produce their own toys, but they also created an online community for people who were interested in their products and an online subscription service to rival OnlyFans for those interested in creating their own content.

All Kinky Pleasures Ltd employees consented to have a social profile where they interacted with the online community, modelled some of the toys on offer, and could even be part of the subscription service to make money from the content they produce. It was made very clear to me during the interview, that while I was not expected to plaster nude photos of myself all over the internet, I needed to be interested in using the toys and use my experience of playing with the toys to help sell the company's products. As someone who had bounced around low-paying jobs that meant nothing to me, along with a failed OnlyFans stint, I was perfectly okay at getting a steady income doing something I had already enjoyed.

With their rules on the type of people they hired, Kinky Pleasures Ltd had created a working environment where everyone was comfortable and open with each other. We all had a passion for the items we sold and had used at least one of the products the company had produced. Because it was such an open relationship, the company often held staff events and events with the online community for those who wanted to participate. In January we celebrated National Fetish Day by hosting a BDSM-themed event at a venue in the city. In March, the company ran a promotion to celebrate Steak and a Blowjob Day, one member of staff and one lucky customer would each win a meal for two at a prestigious restaurant and a stay in a luxury adult-themed hotel suite offering a room with a view, a hot tub, a four-poster bed, complete in-built restraints for some naughty fun. I was a little gutted that I lost that one at the time as I'd loved to have gone with my partner at the time.

The latest upcoming event that Kinky Pleasures Ltd was focusing on was the celebration of National Nudity Day in July. Nikki and Madison created a competition between the staff to earn points and tips from the community based on the content they produced on their social pages. For the members of staff that agreed to enter, there was a top prize of a luxury getaway to the destination of your choice with spending money and flight tickets. If it wasn't clear by the extravagant prize, we were doing very well as a company. We are still growing exponentially thanks to branching out from selling goods and running an online social platform with a subscription service.

Nikki, to drive interaction with the event, added another condition. There were various prizes to be won by customers who purchased goods and tipped the staff participating in the competition, and whoever won the competition also had to take part in a forfeit as working the day of National Nudity Day in nudity themselves, and playing the role of the 'office bitch'. I'd only witnessed the 'office bitch' role once before in my time here when Madison and Nikki had a bet between themselves, and Nikki lost. For the rest of the day, Nikki did all the menial jobs, spent part of the day with a Kinky Pleasures ballgag in her mouth, and was even made to crawl around the office. The company respected the limits of those who took part, so as long as you did the bare minimum of the menial jobs for the team, you completed the forfeit.

Having recently split up from my partner of two years, I needed a pick me up, so I decided to take part. Since the competition began a month ago, I became very active on my social profile, posting reviews of toys, promoting toys I liked the look of, and even having tasteful nude shots on my subscription-only part of the page. Thankfully, Nikki allowed her employees to keep their anonymity should they choose to, and I never posted without wearing a black latex hood that obscured my identity. Without wanting to sound too full of myself, sales of that black latex hood had increased tenfold since I had started posting pictures of me wearing it.

Today, the last Friday before National Nudity Day, Nikki was going to announce the results. I didn't hold up too much hope since I was competing with my beautiful colleagues, both inside and out. Some of them produced far greater quality content that was more daring than mine.

"Okay everyone, listen up!"

Nikki climbed up onto a table in the middle of the office, and we all stopped and paid attention to her. She wore a black crop top emblazoned with an LGBTQ+ glittered rainbow on the front, and a pleated mini-skirt. When she climbed up, her panties were visible because of how short her skirt was, but we all knew she didn't care. Nikki was one of the most easy-going and fun-loving people I'd ever met. Over the past six months, I had become quite close to her and knew that she had faced a lot of adversity after coming out as gay to her parents and friends. Nikki and Madison had come through it though, and were stronger people because of it; it was a shame they had to go through that adversity to begin with.

"Well, the results are in, and we have a winner. Everyone, stand up and please give a round of applause to our deserving winner, Violet Evergreen."

I stood up for a couple of seconds and started applauding before I realised it was my name that Nikki called out. Shock filled me, and my co-workers laughed and came in to embrace me, congratulating me on my prize. I may have only been here for six months but I felt like I'd been part of this team a lot longer; everyone here was amazing. My face was still plastered with a smile from ear to ear as I left the building and went home for the weekend. Looks like I was going to have to do a little web surfing to see where I fancied going.

The weekend passed in the blink of an eye, and by the time next Friday arrived, it was National Nudity Day. I turned up early as requested for a meeting with Nikki about the day ahead. She wanted to ensure that any worries I had about my forfeit for the day would be accommodated for. She, Madison and a few others would oversee the staff to ensure no one gets carried away. Their day would be easier than they anticipated as I was in a great mood, and since I was now a free woman, I wanted to have some fun in a working environment where I felt safe.

"Nikki, I'm quite open to seeing what the day brings. When I applied here, I wanted to be pushed further out of my comfort zone, and you've created such an excellent team of people. I want to embrace the spirit of the day, I consent to people touching me and treating me like the office bitch for a day. I only ask that I wear my pink hood so that any pictures taken can be used on both the community and my page."

"Of course. You have such a refreshing attitude to life, did you know that? I'm sure your colleagues will look for a way to make your day uncomfortable. However, if someone oversteps, let me know. If you're ready, get undressed and put your clothes inside this box. These clothes will then be locked in my office until the end of the day or until you safe word out of the forfeit."

I did as I was asked, stepping out of my summer dress and removing my shoes and underwear. I worked hard to have a body I felt proud of and truth be told, I loved showing it when I went to adult-themed events. I never imagined I'd be showing off my body at work though.

"Wow, you look stunning Violet. Wait here a second, I'm just going to inform the team of your preferences and then call you out. Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Once I nodded, Nikki left the office and I heard her brief my colleagues. Feeling surprisingly confident, I placed on the pink latex hood, filtered my blonde hair through the hole on the back of the hood for the ponytail, and quickly touched up my make-up around the eyes and on my lips so that it stood out as the only visible parts of my face. Nikki called me out, and I took a deep breath to compose myself as I stepped out of the office and stood facing all twenty-odd employees who were present at work. It was amusing to see their different reactions, some offered a supporting smile, others looked away, not wanting to be caught staring at my body, while others openly devoured me with their eyes.

Everyone made their way to their desk, and my first job was to take drink orders. I went from desk to desk, writing a list and skipped along excitedly to the coffee machine in the corner. I could feel the gazes of people watching me as I flitted around the room, and although I thought I'd feel shy and embarrassed being fully on display in front of my co-workers, I felt somewhat empowered and defiant. It turned out I loved the attention.

After I'd served up drinks for everyone, taking extra caution not to spill any hot liquid over my naked body, I took a selfie at my desk with my clothed co-workers in the background and thanked the community for giving me enough points to win the contest. I even suggested that people should send their ideas to my coworkers with ways to make my day more interesting and challenging.

My colleague Tom called me over and gave me a wad of paper for shredding. I could see him smirking as he handed over the paper, and complimented my breasts which was such a guy thing to do.

"Do you mind if I have a feel? If I don't ask now it's going to be on my mind all day."

I giggled and said I was okay with that, leaning down slightly so he didn't have to get up to cop a feel. Tom warmed up his hands excitedly and gently cupped my breasts in his hands, taking his time to enjoy a good feel. I could hear some of the other workers giggling, and after a few long seconds, Lisa in HR piped up from the other side of the room.

"Don't hog the girl's amazing breasts to yourself, Tom. Some of us over here want to cop a feel."

The staff laughed collectively and I could feel a good vibe for the day materialise. I skipped over to Lisa and bent down as she gave my breasts a good squeeze and playfully slapped my ass as she sent me off. If I continued distracting people as I was, no work would get done today.

My post on the community site received a great deal of attention from our followers. People couldn't believe that I was working naked, and others even questioned if it was legal. The fact was, Kinky Pleasures Ltd wasn't your standard office company. We dealt with adult toys ranging from the standard to the more bizarre and extreme. We tested new products all the time, and even had a room dedicated to record and trying out new toys. The company was a strange hybrid of a shop, a sex club, and an online sex subscription platform, and it worked. There was nothing else like this company out there. As long as Nikki had signed consent forms from the staff about working in this environment, everything was okay.

A little while later, Nikki received a delivery of a new product she had helped design and she came out to the main office area for everyone to take a look. It was a new type of nipple clamp, and this design had claws that compressed and dug in around the base of the nipple and held on. The swinging of the clamps still delivered pain, but since they didn't cut off your blood supply, they could be worn for longer.

"Violet, since you're the office bitch, how would you like the honour of being the first one here to try them."

I wondered how long it would take for Nikki to make the day more challenging for me, and since others usually followed by her example, I imagined my day was going to become much more interesting, I approached Nikki, standing with my arms by my side, inviting her to place the clamps on my nipples. My body tensed as she positioned the first clamp over my nipple, and then she tightened the claw until it dug into the base of my nipple, producing a delicious sharp pain in the process. I'd worn nipple clamps numerous times, and it was immediately noticeable that these were different. There wasn't a high level of constant pain like with the clamps that pinched down onto the nipples, but you certainly felt their presence.

Nikki lightly tugged on the clamps, and a gasp escaped my lips. Damn, these felt good. Tom came over, eager to have a little tug and I playfully barged him afterwards. As one of the skilled photographers, he showed me the picture he had taken when Nikki just tugged on the clamps. The picture had been perfectly timed, and I told Tom I wanted that one for my subscription page before posing for a shot with the clamps that he could post to the community site.

I kept the nipple clamps on for a while so I could give a detailed first impression review. Since Nikki had placed the clamps on me in front of everyone, more of the staff wanted to get a closer look at the clamps and have a tug themselves. It was embarrassing, but I was starting to get a little wet from a mixture of being naked around everyone and the pain. There was something about being the only nude person in a room full of clothed people. It made me feel inferior in a way that aroused me, reinforcing my status as the office bitch for the day.

The more people approached me to inspect the clamps, or to grope me playfully, the more aroused I became. There was no way to hide it, I was sure my colleagues had noticed the slight glistening of my skin on the inside of my legs, or indeed the musky smell that my wetness was beginning to emit. What mattered is that they accepted it, I wasn't mocked because if the situation were reversed, they would be in the same position. We all shared a lot of interests in this place.

As people realised that I was fully comfortable with the situation, they started to come out of their shells a little more. As I went around the office from person to person doing menial tasks for them, they'd become more daring with their actions with me, knowing that I welcomed them to do so. Lisa was the first to touch my private area, when I passed her a document from Nikki, she handed it and asked me to spread my legs as she traced a finger, marvelling at how deliciously wet I was. I was all too aware that I was being watched.

"This is probably the best and most willing office bitch we've had yet."

Lisa called out to Nikki as she passed and she laughed, patting me on the shoulder as she stood by my side to show her support. I walked away from Lisa, feeling my mind regress into submission. I'd felt this way before, but it had never come on so quickly, When I was like this, I felt much more amenable to people's requests and I let go of my inhibitions.

"Do you know what would go very well with that hood?"

Nikki asked with a mischievous grin and she held up a pink ballgag with the word bitch printed on it in a cursive style. I'd already gone so far with today, it would be a shame to say no now. With a shrug, I accepted Nikki's offer and I held my mouth open as she secured the ball gag in place.

"You really are a good little office bitch, I might have to think about creating a position for a more permanent one of those."

Nikki laughed and she called Tom over to take some pictures while I posed against a backdrop in one of the modelling rooms. Having seen Lisa earlier, he asked if I minded him doing the same, and I nodded my permission. He stood behind me, wrapped one arm around my neck to hold me up, and then reached down between my legs, lightly tracing his finger through my soaking wet slit. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he lingered with his touch, gently teasing me as my clit engorged with his touch.


Tom said suddenly with a grin, and he walked out of the office, leaving me standing statue-like, my clit throbbing for more. I took a moment to compose myself, wondering if I'd bit off a little more than I could chew by putting myself out there without limits to being touched. I could feel myself fall further into my submission as a sense of euphoria threatened to overwhelm me. The way today was going, I was going to end up being completely acquiescent to their desires.

With the throbbing ache between my legs still present, I took a deep breath and stepped back into the office, sitting down at my desk to write about the nipple clamps. As I tried to concentrate on my writing, I realised I was dripping onto my chair, and humiliatingly I had to ask for a towel to sit on. Nikki and Madison brought a towel over together, probably because they both wanted to see for themselves.

"Spread your legs, let us see."

Nikki giggled, and I complied averting my gaze to the floor.

"Are you sure you need a towel? Judging by how much you're dripping, it looks like you need a tender touch."

I was unable to hide the desperation in my face at Madison's words, and I saw her smile wryly.

"Would you like us to touch you, Nikki?"

I nodded, no longer caring about my co-worker's thoughts. I'd been to events with these people before and seen them in similar situations. Nikki and Madison fulfilled my wishes immediately, one of them going onto their knees in front of me and teasing my clit with their tongue while the other played with the clamps on my nipples. I gripped onto my chair, my muffled groans escaping through the gag.

"Well, we can't have you orgasm just yet, it's only just lunchtime."

Nikki said and both she and Madison pulled away together. This clearly wasn't the first time they'd played with someone else together. I groaned, unashamedly pleading with my eyes for them to go back to what they were doing.

"Nope, but if you're finding it tough, don't forget you can opt out of the forfeit. You've already done far more than what was expected of you, everyone is impressed."

I thought about it, I had nothing to prove, but I was enjoying feeling the way more than I ever had before. I nodded from side to side, defiant to continue and Nikki smiled.

"Outstanding. Follow me, it's lunchtime."

I followed Nikki to the staff room and Madison joined us carrying a few trays of sushi that had been ordered for those who wanted it

"Okay, seeing as you're intent on continuing to be the office bitch, you can climb up on the table."

Once I'd climbed up onto the table, Nikki told me to lay on my back with my hands by my side and keep as still as possible. Madison meticulously placed the sushi on my body to make it look appealing as a display. No food was placed near my face or neck as the ballgag was starting to make me drool, and no one wanted my drool in their food. You would think it weird that I was being used as a table in the food, but people have been doing this for years. They even had a word for it in Japan, they called it nyotaimori.

Madison called the staff in, and at least ten people circled my body and started to eat. Some would pick up the sushi, but one or two bent down and used their mouths, judging by the sound of their laughing, it was probably Tom and Lisa. Sometimes they would deliberately miss, gently nipping my body, or tracing a tongue against my nipple. I lay as motionless as I could, enjoying being on display and being made use of by so many people at once. When everyone had finished eating, Madison and Nikki told me to kneel on the floor and they removed the ballgag before feeding me with their hands. The little sniggers and giggles only aroused me further, I think when this day was over, I was going to have to explore this new submissive side to me in greater detail.


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