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Click hereOn the surface, Laresa scoffed at the talk, thinking it just a crafty ploy of Horace's to aid her. Then she again felt the wellspring of energy within her. Before, defending against Karida alone had nearly exhausted her. Now she stood, having withstood the assault of both Karida and Horace – one of the strongest known Djinn – and didn't feel the slightest weakness.
A low, rumbling growl emerged from Aaron's throat, changing into a scream of pure rage as he popped out of his chair. Picking it up, he hurled it at Horace with all his magically enhanced strength. The chair broke, splinters of wood flying from the impact, and fell at Horace's feet.
Karida slowly stood, her body trembling from the effort. Aaron didn't even pay her the slightest mind, but simply continued to fume.
His face flushed bright red, and his breathing nothing more than a series of enraged blasts, Aaron stared first at Horace, and then Laresa. Several times, his wide-open eyes darted back and forth, before settling on Laresa. "If I can't have her, nobody will. So she can defend her Masters – fine. Let's see if she can defend herself."
Knowing what Aaron was about to command him to do, Horace opened his senses, preparing to unleash his power. In that instant, he knew the truth. Though her mind was denied to him, he knew Karida would be sensing the same thing. "Master, We will be unable to fulfill the wish you are about to make. Laresa's place in the flow of time..."
Aaron ignored him, screaming, "Destroy Laresa's ring! Send her into the void! Do it, now!"
Horace smiled, feeling the bond between him and Aaron shatter. He laughed, the sound never reaching the physical plane, because he was already transforming into a mist, seeping back into his medallion. Nearby, Karida likewise dissolved, returning to the earring that served as her home.
Because of his vast power and experience, Horace was able to send his thoughts to Laresa. In the millisecond between his bond to Aaron being shattered, thus freeing him from the fetters Aaron had placed on him, and his disappearance, Horace thought to Laresa, You are too important to the flow of time – too many people would be affected by your death here. The powers that govern us will not allow it, and thus Aaron is now at your mercy.
Once both Djinn vanished, so too did their artifacts, hurtling across the face of space and time. Taking a cue from Horace's words, Laresa lashed out with her power, stealing away all the powers granted to him by Djinn magic. With no genie to protect him now, he resumed his normal form.
Aaron screamed, and jerked a knife from his belt – the very knife with which he had slain his mentor. Leaping forward, screaming in rage, he dived toward Jonathon.
Laresa's shield was still in place, but it had no chance to stop Aaron. Jonathon's hand released hers, gripping the hilt of his sword. In a flash of precise movement, Jonathon disarmed Aaron – quite literally – cutting off the hand holding the knife at the elbow.
Blood spurting in a macabre fountain from the stump of his arm, Aaron fell to his knees, screaming in pain at Jonathon's feet.
Stepping away from Aaron, Jonathon said, "Laresa, stop the blood, he is no threat now. He is a broken man. Let him live with what he has done. That shall be his punishment for his sins."
Laresa swallowed hard, fighting down bile, "Jonathon, what if he finds another Djinn?"
Through eyes filling with darkness, Aaron saw one final hope – the ring on Jonathon's finger. Lurching forward, he reached for it.
Instinct took over, and once again Jonathon's sword flashed, sliding easily into Aaron's chest. Jonathon stared in horrified disgust as Aaron continued to try and push forward, sliding the blade deeper into his own body, reaching for the ring.
A bubble of blood emerged, along with a gurgle, from Aaron's lips, and then his arm went limp. Head lolling in the direction of his arm, Aaron stared at it with the tiny sliver of consciousness he retained, raging at the arm that betrayed him. He attempted to look up at Laresa – to spit a final curse at her – but only a gurgle of blood erupted from between his barely parted lips.
His head fell to his chest as Aaron died.
Jonathon pulled his sword from Aaron's body, stepping back so the corpse wouldn't land on him as it fell. "He chose his fate."
Laresa gestured, dissolving Aaron into his component atoms in an instant with her power. She couldn't bear to look at him any longer. Her mind reeled, even as power roiled within her.
Sheathing his sword, seeing the distraught look on Laresa's face, Jonathon took her hand again and asked, "Laresa, what is wrong?"
Her lip quivered, but she could not answer.
Worried about her, Jonathon asked, "Can you return us to my castle?"
Relieved to have something penetrate the confusing fog in her mind, Laresa nodded, and they vanished.
Laresa paced within the confines of her ring, Jonathon having told her to go there with his blessings upon returning to the castle, when she requested it. Though she needed no rest, she could think of no better place to sort out her thoughts.
Normally, she had to fight the magical reverie that sought to claim her any time she entered her ring, but this time it required no effort whatsoever. She could no longer deny the truth of Horace's words. She had unlocked a vast power in defying Aaron. She could feel it within her, waiting to be released.
On top of that, she could sense not only Jonathon's thoughts, but those of the people in the castle as well, something she could have never done before from within her ring. Somehow, she knew that if she chose to, she could send her thoughts racing across the globe now, from within her ring.
Having so much power frightened Laresa, bringing back memories of her feelings when she first awakened as a genie. Her powers had been used for ill before – what sort of nightmares might be unleashed through her now?
Jonathon's concern for her, creeping through the connection to him, brought a smile to Laresa's lips. It also calmed her turbulent spirit. She had found balance upon becoming Djinn, and she would do so again. There were only a few situations where her increased power could prove a problem. After all, most Masters had simple, base wishes.
Her previous level of power could easily make someone the richest in the world, or the strongest, or the best lover... Little had truly changed. Masters with grander ambitions were few and far between, and the rules governing the use of her power would prevent many types of wishes from being granted.
Those comforting thoughts calmed Laresa, and she ceased pacing, sinking to her cushions with a sigh. Flipping her white-gold hair back over her shoulders, she considered Horace's final words to her before he vanished. Why was she so important to the flow of time that Aaron's wish to see her destroyed had broken the bond with his two Djinn? She knew that was a question that only would be answered in time, and she actually might never know why. It could be something as simple as her being meant to protect someone else vital to the flow of time. In that case, she might never see the results, passing on to another Master before the momentous event occurred.
The confusion and turmoil that had prompted Laresa to seek her ring died away, leaving her at peace. Jonathon's concern for her continued to grow by the moment, and Laresa rose from her cushions. It wouldn't do to leave her Master pacing, now that she had found her center.
Emerging from the ring, Laresa saw Jonathon immediately turn toward her with concern in his eyes. Laresa smiled, and said, "Do not worry. I'm sorry I caused you to be so concerned. I just learned some things about myself today that were a little disconcerting, and I needed time to deal with them."
Jonathon smiled back, knowing Laresa couldn't lie to him, and able to tell from her demeanor that it was true anyway. He sighed, running his fingers through his sandy blonde hair, saying, "I am more than a little troubled myself. Taking a life, even in self defense, is no small thing."
Laresa walked over to Jonathon, placing a hand on his broad shoulder. Once again, she had to fight down her urges. She knew she was going to have to do something about the needs of her body soon, or being around Jonathon would drive her crazy. "Aaron was mad, power hungry, and irrevocably evil. The world is a better place without him. Even Kelanor's crimes are tiny things compared to the horrors Aaron unleashed anywhere he went."
"It is still not easy," Jonathon sighed.
"Good. When the killing becomes easy, that's when your soul is in trouble. Don't ever lose that, Jonathon."
"I won't." Jonathon yawned then, rubbing his bloodshot blue eyes.
"Get some rest. You still have a lot of work ahead of you – and Caroline to woo." Jonathon's blush caused Laresa to chuckle quietly. "Come now, it's quite obvious, just like Michael said. The two of you belong together, so the quicker you get the courtship out of the way, the quicker you can be married. It will seal an alliance between you and Michael, as well. Both of your lands will benefit from your combined strength."
Jonathon asked, "Do you truly believe she feels the same about me?"
"Without a doubt," Laresa replied with a sly smile.
"I know little about courtship. I might just change that in my fumbling."
Laresa winked, saying, "I'll guide you. She already wants to be with you, but I'll make sure you don't make any silly mistakes. Nature will take its course then."
"Thank you, Laresa."
"Now, off to bed with you."
Over the next couple of months, Laresa's predictions all proved to be well founded. Through her magic, and Jonathon's wisdom, the lot of his people improved considerably. Laresa cheated, getting word to the old retainers who had served Jonathon's father, bringing many of them back to the castle in short order. Word of Jonathon returning to the castle also brought young knights to his service.
Likewise, Caroline and Jonathon fell deeply in love. Buried beneath their softer feelings was an intense sexual attraction – one that Laresa knew wouldn't endure being repressed for much longer. Fortunately, Esmarelda sensed this as well, and started making plans for the wedding the moment Jonathon proposed.
For Laresa's part, she found comfort in one of the young knights. A natural, much like Jonathon, he was only eighteen years of age, and already his name carried through the lands. Laresa discovered that he had other skills as well. He was a considerate and enthusiastic lover, with a great deal of stamina.
Laresa made sure that their relationship did not pass beyond sexual, ensuring he wouldn't be hurt if for some reason she ever passed out of this time period. She was both relieved, and amused, to discover that the young knight had absolutely no problem with this – being far from ready to settle down.
The day for Jonathon's wedding approached, and Laresa watched with amusement, as he endured the tortured agonizing so common amongst men preparing to take vows.
The time drew near, and Jonathon's nervousness increased. Laresa walked up and took his hands. She smiled up at him and said, "You love her, and she you. All you're going to do today is proclaim that in front of your friends, your family, and your people. It shouldn't be so frightening."
"I know. I just..." Jonathon trailed off, but his thoughts revealed the source of his nervousness.
A crooked grin spread across Laresa's face. "I don't think you need to worry about that. If it will help you, I can give both of you knowledge that you won't even notice is there, but will keep you from fumbling around much when you go to your wedding bed."
Jonathon's mouth worked as his cheeks flooded with color. Laresa pursed her lips, fighting hard against the urge to laugh. "I'll stop talking about it, but consider it my wedding gift. As if it wasn't already going to be the most remarkable night of your life, I'm just going to make sure it's something even more. Stop worrying about it. I don't think you'll think about it at all, once the two of you finally get to live out those fantasies you have about each other."
A knock sounded on the door, and Michael walked in. "It's time, little brother," he said with a smile. "Now get to the great hall, or I'll lead you there at sword point. I can't bear another day of Caroline pining for you every moment you're not there."
Michael's jovial manner cut through Jonathon's nervousness, and he laughed. "Let us go then."
Caroline and Jonathon left the wedding celebration early, their thoughts betraying the reason to Laresa, as if it wasn't obvious to all in attendance. The party continued, amidst knowing smiles from those attending.
Once the festivities wound down, Laresa had to seek out her young knight. She couldn't shut out the thoughts coming from the wedding bed, and they showed no signs of ending any time soon. The shared excitement of the young couple spurred Laresa to enthusiastic efforts, and her young knight soon snored in spent slumber.
Laresa stepped out onto a balcony to drink in the night air, and it was there that Jonathon found her the next morning. Laresa couldn't help but laugh when she saw him, wearing the slightly surprised expression so many young husbands possessed after their wedding night.
"So, how was your night?" Laresa asked slyly, laughing when Jonathon's face turned bright red. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. I think you've found the key to your lifelong happiness."
"I have," Jonathon responded with a smile. "If only there was a way to thank you properly. You have done so much for me, and I wish you could find the key to your own happiness as well."
Though the statement was casual, it reflected Jonathon's true, heartfelt desire. Laresa let out a little gasp of surprise as she felt her power rise up within her, apparently fulfilling Jonathon's wish.
In the moment before she returned to her ring, Laresa followed Horace's example, using her newfound power to send her thoughts to Jonathon. Something in your wish is sending me away. From what you said, and what you felt, it can only mean I'm being sent somewhere that can help me find the key to my happiness. Thank you, Jonathon – be well.
Laresa and her ring vanished, traveling toward their destiny.
Present Day –
A hotel room off the beaten track...
Benjamin sat, staring at the television, and not really seeing anything that was happening on it. He couldn't get the image of Aaron slaying Daron from the security cameras out of his mind. If only he hadn't persuaded Daron to open the box, his friend would be alive today. It was all his fault.
His fingers absently toyed with a silver pearl and an amber teardrop in his pocket. When he left the headquarters of the Society to collect his thoughts, he simply could not leave the relics behind. Something in the jolt that had knocked him unconscious nagged at him – a thought almost known, but never really congealing so he could see it. It was frustrating beyond all comprehension, and only added to Benjamin's unease.
A ringing broke him out of his contemplation, and it was only with the second ring that he realized the ringtone came from his private cell phone. The phone was unknown to the Society, except for a select few close friends. Picking it up, he saw the call was from Franklin – someone he had not heard from in ages.
Hitting the send button, he brought the phone to his ear, "Hello."
Excitement filled Franklin's voice as he replied, "Ben, you're not going to believe this. I'm on my private line too. I found two Djinn artifacts. I'm almost positive it's Horace's medallion and Laresa's ring. They just appeared in my apartment here in Cairo, sitting side by side on the table as if someone had left them there for me."
The words didn't really sink in at first. Benjamin sat silent, unable to form any words to reply.
Franklin continued, "I'm packing right now, getting ready to head home. I want you to see them first. I know you've always been fascinated by Laresa, and I wanted you to be the first to see her ring. The first! Nobody else in the Society has ever actually touched it since Seymour used it to create the Headquarters. We'll be the first, Ben!"
The nagging almost thought in the back of Benjamin's head virtually screamed at him. It was so tantalizingly close now – he could almost taste it. Guilt about Daron's death warred with Benjamin's eternal curiosity – and curiosity won by a narrow margin. "I'm in Michigan, where are you flying in to?"
Robert answered, "What are you closest to? Grand Rapids? Detroit?"
"Chicago, actually," Benjamin responded. "I'm up by the lake. Just came back in to civilization after a bit of a back-woods sabbatical."
"Well, OHare it is then. I'll call you back when I know what flight I'm on. Talk to you soon."
"Talk to you soon. Bye," Benjamin said, hitting the end button on his cell. The thought of seeing Laresa's ring had him feeling antsy, unable to sit still. Getting up, he started packing, getting ready to hit the road for Chicago.
I hope you've enjoyed this tale, and Aaron finally getting what he deserved. Please do take a moment to vote and comment, won't you? Thanks, as always, to Red for giving us such a wonderful character to write, the entire group for such a great experience, and Roust for the editing I couldn't live without.
Loved it, although you do seem to have created something of a challenge for the next author. 😂
Let's hope that they're up to the task.
A nice long story.
I like how you you closed one plot line nicely, even as you added new twists.
I Would wish for a hundred more chapter but I`m not in possition of Laresa ring but please please keep writing
thanks for the amazing stories
Excellent use of scene shifting, Aaron always was a prick, so no love lost. And a nice release on the chapter to leave a sequel open.