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Late Penalty

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An habitually late boyfriend is taught a lesson.
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like to thank Charliegutzache for his assistance in editing this story.

This little fantasy is one that almost came true for me a few years ago and still obviously stirs my imagination.


She waited on her balcony, looking out over the river. Patience was not her strong point, in fact the only virtue she lacked, as she liked to tell her friends. It was 6:50 and he was 20 minutes late-again. She was getting ticked off.

She only saw him every third week or so and you'd think that with the great sex they had together he'd be early just once! A plan started to form in her mind. Just then she saw him coming up the walk. The phone would ring soon and he'd expect to come up to the apartment.

The phone rang and she put on her sweetest voice.

"Hi Honey!" She said.

"Hello my love" he said, "can I come up?"

"Well, no actually, I've changed my mind. You go back to your room and slip into something comfortable and into an uncomfortable position and I'll be over in a bit."

They sometimes played a game where 'the mistress' persona would take over and tie him into various positions and sexually torture him over the course of an evening, pleasuring herself countless times until she allowed him release. Often when they did this he would somehow manage to arrange himself tied from the ceiling or bent over a table where she would find him when she arrived.

"Oh, is the mistress in town?" He said.

"Oh yes, she's here and she's in a foul mood so no more delays!" She said.

He rang off and headed back to the hotel

She decided to have a cup of tea and make him wait. Forty minutes later she parked her car, picked up her bag and pushed open the door to his room. He often left the door ajar, which was kind of dangerous as anyone could just walk in but it was better than leaving a key at the front desk in a small town.

On one occasion she found him literally hanging from a ceiling beam when the chair he was standing got kicked over. Had she not come over, the maid would have found him hanging there in the morning wearing nothing but crotchless pantyhose .

It was dark and cool with the air conditioner on. The room contained a king-sized bed, a coffee table, sofa and a long narrow hall table about 3 feet high.

He was stretched out on the table face up, his ankles and wrists strapped to the 4 corners. There was a candle burning on each side of his waist and another between his knees. He looked like some sort of medieval sacrifice.

If he only knew! He wore a leather G-string and a blindfold and he looked hot! Across the room was a full-length mirror and she could see everything in it.

"I've been trussed up here for 20 minutes like this" he said. I thought you said you'd be right over."

She didn't say a word but put the 'do not disturb' sign on the knob and locked the door. She undressed and put on the black lace cat suit she had brought with her-one of their favourites..

From her bag she removed a new set of nipple clips fastened together with a small chain, a cat of nine tails whip, a riding crop, a feather duster, a bottle of baby oil and several other items.

She moved close to him and fed him her left breast. He sucked long and hard before she switched it for her right and it was treated to an equally good session.

Her pussy was tingling by this time and she knew she should back off. He moaned when she did and looking down saw the large bulge under his leather G-string. She rubbed it slowly watching it grow even more and said "Not yet slave, you made me wait and now you're going to have to wait some more."

She fixed herself a drink and walked around the table with the 'sacrifice' laid out on it. She took the nipple clips and attached one to each of his nipples. He liked his nipples squeezed but she could tell that he was taken by surprise with the new sensation. He writhed and moaned on the table.

"That's only the start, wait till you displease me!" Her voice rose as she gave him a good slap across the thighs with the multi-tasselled whip.

It made a most satisfying sound and he cried out.

"Shut up you wimp!" she said as she laid another couple of strokes across his belly and chest. She was in the mood for this, and it wouldn't be the normal mistress/slave arrangement that he was used to. He did look good though, so she released the Velcro on the G-string and his hard cock sprang into the air. She noticed that his pubic hair had been shaved into an inverted triangle-the same way that she wore hers.

She leaned forward and wrapped her hand around his cock and squeezed. A drop oozed from the tip and she covered the head with her mouth and sucked quickly for a couple of seconds and then re-fastened the Velcro. His cock no longer fit and the head stuck out over the top of the leather triangle. Oh well!

She moved a chair to the end of the table where his head was and facing away from him unfastened the crotch of the lace suit and squatted over his face.

"Lick me good bitch, or you'll be sorry" she said. He did lick her pussy and paid particular attention to her swelled clit. She had a small orgasm almost immediately and moved forward saying, "Now my ass and do a good job if you know what's good for you." She reached behind her and pulled on the chain that connected his nipples while her ass was being licked. That felt good, but he was also probably enjoying it too much so she got up and took another drink.

It was time for a move. She looked around the room for possibilities. The sofa was for later, then the bed perhaps but first she wanted to see all of him. Over the bathroom door she noticed a shiny steel clamp. The slave had planned ahead. She unfastened him from the table and quickly led him under the door where she stood on a chair and fastened the leather cuffs directly to the clamp. Between his ankles she fastened a spreader bar two feet long so that he couldn't close his legs.

The candle light shining on his body was making her even hornier if that was possible. She picked up the crop and gave him two hard smacks on the ass. "Hey watch it! That hurt!" he cried.

"No shit Sherlock, you are getting mouthy" she replied. She pulled a ball gag from her kit and inserted it in his mouth fastening the strap firmly behind his head.

Personally she couldn't understand why people would choose to do this but he apparently got off on it too, so it served a dual purpose-kept him quiet and horny. Then she got the duster out and ran it lightly all over his body, especially under his arms and around the sensitive skin of his inner thighs. He squirmed and moaned but had absolutely nowhere to go. She then used the cat of nine tails whip again and thoroughly smacked every inch of his body.

It made a loud noise when it struck and she knew she had to be careful not to hit too hard too many times in the same place. His skin was taking on a rosy hue and he was breathing very heavily. She stood close to him and rubbed her crotch hard onto his thigh. Then she pulled up a chair and sat down to watch him hanging there. She threw her head back and her fingers found her hot place. In no time at all she had another orgasm. Looking at his fine ass, she decided it was time for another change of position.

She left his feet tied to the spreader and fastened the cuffs together behind his back and to the leash that hung from one ring of the leather collar. He had to walk like a duck with her leading him blindfolded to the back of the sofa. There she bent him over the back of it. She unfastened the G-string and rubbed his fine ass with both hands, finally spreading his cheeks wide and looking at the little brown hole. His feet should be far enough apart for what she had in mind.

She got a tube of warming K-Y jelly from her kit and greased up his ass running 2 and then 3 fingers in and out. She then covered his ass with baby oil and whipped him again, alternating the whips and noting the different noises they and he made as she whipped his ass. It couldn't have hurt too much because he still had a massive hard-on that she hadn't touched in 30 minutes. She gave it a couple of jerks to keep him on the edge.

She stood in front of him and removed the blindfold for the first time and the gag as well. She slowly strapped on the rubber dildo and pushed her hips towards his face. "Better suck it and get it nice and wet before I climb on top of you." she said sweetly. He opened his mouth and she fucked his face for several minutes pulling the chain to his nipples while the base of the rubber cock burned into her pussy.

She moved slowly to the back of the sofa and spread his ass cheeks. It was the perfect height for her with her heels on and she found his hole easily and got the tip of the dildo into him and pushed. The full length disappeared inside him. She held onto his hips and began to thrust in and out. God it felt good being the fucker for a change!

"Take- it- like- a- man!" she said with each forward thrust. She started to feel her orgasm build and began to thrust as hard as she could in and out. At the end of each thrust the cheeks of his ass quivered as her thighs smacked his ass and he was moaning almost continuously. She exploded and collapsed over his back while her breathing and his slowed down. When she had recovered sufficiently, she pulled the rubber cock out of him and went to the bathroom and cleaned herself and her cock.

She returned with a wash cloth and washed his butt. What a lovely butt she thought. Lucky her erection could last indefinitely. She rubbed more oil on his ass and gave it a smack with her hand, then fixed a drink and sat down in front of him to enjoy it.

She slowly stroked the cock that she still wore and said, "You know I think I'd like another piece of your ass but first I have another little surprise or two for you."

She smiled at the picture of them reflected in the mirror and enjoyed the feeling of power...it was time to play her ace. She rose and quickly fastened another leash from the collar to the centre leg of the sofa so that he could not move but remained bent double over it's back. She couldn't help but notice his raging hard cock pointing straight to the floor in this position and stroked it again. He still had not come, of course.

"You know, tomorrow is my extra day off and I texted your secretary with your cellphone telling her so you are so sick. I have lots more planned for you over the next 24 hours or so... His eyes went wide and he started to protest. She replaced the ball gag and tightened the tether that held it in place. Then she returned the blindfold over his eyes and stood back to admire her handiwork.

"Here's another surprise you tight-assed bitch," she said with a hard edge in her voice. Her voice turned softer and more thoughtful. "I am going to get dressed now and go home to take a nice long bath. I had to do all the work you know. The only question in my mind is whether or not to come back... Who knows, I might just fall asleep after my bath and I wouldn't want you to be bored-no pun intended."

You see there's a meeting of the local biker gang in the hotel bar tonight and if I understand the news reports they don't care if they gang rape a man or a woman, because they especially like anal sex. I could leave them your key when I go. I am sure that when they see that fine ass waving in the air they won't care what sex you are. I guess their cocks are probably also bigger than the one you just had. They'd probably fuck your ass and face until there was nothing left"

"There's also a fat ladies club meeting right in the adjoining room. I don't know if they would want the whips or not but I'll leave them here on the table anyway. Which group would you prefer to find you in this position, I wonder? Perhaps I'll just leave your door ajar and whoever walks in will be a surprise. Or just maybe you'd be happy to have me return and fuck your brains out?" at this last question his head was nodding vigorously and he was moaning as loudly as the gag would permit.

"I'll think about it. And the next time you are supposed to meet me at 7 o'clock, you had fucking well better be there at 7 o'clock!

Maybe I'll see you later."

She dressed, turned on the TV to add some background noise and stood with the doorknob in her hand looking at his quivering spread ass facing the door.

His erection was gone, she noted. She considered the 'do not disturb' sign, started to close the door and then stopped, reviewing her options. She suddenly realized that there was no reason why she could not choose more than one of her options. She had lots of time.

She was looking forward to having a hot bath while thinking of him tied in such a vulnerable position, not knowing who would come through the door next.

She closed the door so quietly that there wasn't even a click. He had no way of knowing if she had left it opened or not. That was just the way she wanted it.

As she lay in her tub full of hot and soapy water, she listened to the stereo and stroked her breasts. She was reliving the events of the evening so far and was getting hornier by the minute. Using the portable she phoned his room and let it ring. There was no answer-a good sign she thought. I wonder who he will think is on the other end.

She dried and got dressed and made one more call to her friend Darla who lived near the motel. She was ready.

Outside his room door she motioned for Darla to be quiet and then noisily opened the door and quickly shut it behind her. He was still there bent over the sofa. It had been a good 2 hours since she left him and he must be getting stiff and sore by now.

He was obviously nervous and trying to find out what was going on but he couldn't see and they weren't speaking. The two women quickly stripped and she watched as Darla struggled into the dildo harness. Darla was well built but about 6 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier that she was. She assumed the position behind his upturned ass and lubed the dildo with the jelly. Shannon pulled her chair up close and sat down to watch the show. Darla had always been a bit of a dyke in Shannon's mind and when having drinks Shannon definitely got the impression that Darla was coming on to her.

This was one way to accomplish a couple of issues. One was to watch him get it up the rear, and the second was that Darla should now realize that she wasn't a Lez. Darla pointed the rubber cock at his waiting hole, spread his ass cheeks wide and slowly eased it in.

He stiffened and moaned. She soon found a rhythm and began to rock back and forth, pounding in to him. Because she was taller than Shannon, she had to bend her knees a bit to get the right angle and when she did, her ass spread also.

This gave Shannon an idea and she quickly got up and retrieved her whip. Standing behind the girl she swatted her ass each time she moved forward, which accelerated her thrusts considerably. If the slave ever had any doubts he now knew for sure that there was more than one other person in the room.

After a while she tired of this and walked in front to watch the action from that side. She laid a few strokes on his back with the whip and then reached under his chest to pull on the chain to the nipple clips that were still attached. That's gonna hurt when they come off, she thought.

Darla was grunting with each forward thrust as her thighs slapped his ass cheeks. She gave a little scream and lunged into him one last time and then collapsed twitching on his back. When she had recovered sufficiently she rose, removed the dildo harness and got dressed-still without saying a word.

"Help me with him" Shannon said "I'm not done with him yet but I'll bet he needs to go to the bathroom." Together they untied the rope holding his neck down to the sofa leg and each taking an arm helped him shuffle blindfolded and gagged to the toilet and sat him down. She tucked his cock down between his legs and he began to pee. When he finished, they each took an arm, stood him up and bent him over the bathroom counter while they cleaned his ass, cock and balls with a warm wash cloth and then oiled him with baby oil.

They took him over to the bed and each held an arm down while the other tied a wrist to each corner of the bed. Then they did the same with his ankles. He was now naked and spread wide face up on the bed.

"Thanks for your help," Shannon said "if I need you again, I'll call."

"Any time for you baby,and I do mean for any thing" Darla said huskily looking back over her shoulder and blowing a kiss as she left the room.

She leaned forward while straddling him and removed the blindfold and the gag. He blinked his eyes and worked his jaw.

'Wow! Thank God it's you!' he said. "Who else was here?"

She ignored his question, smiled and leaned forward to kiss him long and deeply.

"I'll never be late again" he promised.

"Well, we'll see won't we?" She said. "But now you know what to expect. I am serious about the 24 hours though. She tipped his head forward and gave him a drink of ice water. I am not done with you yet, not by a long shot."

She felt his cock begin to stiffen beneath her. She realized that she had gotten off almost as much watching him get fucked as when she did it herself. Too bad there wasn't another strapon and the two of them could have spit roasted him. Maybe the biker gang or at least the gang bang wasn't a bad idea either. If he liked a silicone cock in his ass perhaps he'd like the real thing too...She'd have to put some thought into it. He was her sex slave after all.

She thought that if he moaned and wiggled his ass enough while he was in her, she might eventually let him come. Then she'd leave him tied to the bed and snuggle next to him and go to sleep. Whenever she woke, she knew she could have him again.

But it wouldn't do for him to be on top tonight.

Perhaps never again.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Late .....

She will not need to worry about him being late again .

Who would return to a woman like this ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great start!

Pays to be punctual! Great story

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