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Lazy Bastard

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Husband's laziness forces wife away.
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"Fuck. That lazy prick. There he is again lying on the fucking couch with his laptop on his chest looking at God knows what. I wish he'd just do something. Anything!"

I am Jenny Jones, a fifty-year-old wife and mother. When I saw my husband, Steve, on the couch, again, those were my thoughts. He had been on his annual 6-week holiday and it was the last week. He had been on the couch just about every day for the last five and a half weeks and I was sick of it.

We have been married for twenty-seven and a half years. We'd brought up five children, the youngest (twins) of whom were about to leave for College. I wasn't sure I could put up with Steve spending every waking moment on the couch.

Our marriage wasn't perfect. Steve wasn't the man I had married, nor was he the man I thought he was. I thought that, as a schoolteacher, he would love children. Oh, he loved his kids but never helped when they were really young. He changed nappies but didn't spend time with them.

He got better as they grew older but more and more it was me who took them to sport or to birthday parties. Steve preferred not to. He didn't like spending time with the other parents. He thought that, intellectually, they were below him. It wasn't arrogance, as such, but he just preferred his own company.

I thought that he enjoyed spending time with me but lately he seemed to not even want to do that either. He stayed up until well after midnight and got up at midday and kept to himself. I tried to interest him in any number of things that involved both of us but he never wanted to join in.

Our sex life was terrible. We hadn't made love in over a year, and before that it was over a year too. Twice in the last three years.

At least we were talking about it now. Steve came to me one night and said that he knew that he let her down and she was disappointed in him but didn't know how to change. I pointed out the many times in our married life that this had happened.

The funny thing was that Steve knew most of it. But I made sure he knew how he had upset me over the years. At one stage Steve was the Principal of a small country school. He was really busy as there was only one other teacher there and he had to teach as well as work on the administration of the school.

He would wake up in the middle of the night and want to make love. I accepted this for a while but then put my foot down. I didn't enjoy it.

I now told him, repeatedly, that I felt used, that Steve was not looking after my needs but his own.

When my dad was diagnosed with cancer ten years ago Steve kept the home fires burning while I went and helped my mother look after him. This meant an hour's drive each way. I told him that I didn't feel that he supported me enough at this time. When he pointed out that he looked after the children and the home I said that he should do that anyway as it was his family too. It was the personal support I missed.

Steve couldn't do even the simplest of things without me reminding him of it. Whether it was to do the dishes or clean up after the dog, take the rubbish out or lock the back door at night, he needed to be reminded all the time.

All in all I felt unloved and unappreciated. Steve told me he loved me but he never showed it in doing the things husbands do for their wives the world over.

So I told him I needed a short break, a holiday by myself. To his credit he seemed to understand my need to go away. I left the next day and drove the two hours to the Capital.

I knew there were a number of conventions in town, as there often is. I checked into a hotel that had a convention for International Finance. I had determined that if a handsome man wanted me then I would accept. I had never cheated before but decided that I needed the excitement that an affair involved.

After dumping my suitcase in my room I went to the downstairs bar. It was early evening and it looked like a few of the convention delegates were having a few drinks before dinner. I ordered a gin and tonic and found a table that afforded me a panoramic view of the bar.

Most of the men in the bar were in small groups. There were a few women also but they were badly outnumbered. I thought to myself that this was the place to be for a romantic liaison. Nobody really stood out though.

And then I saw him. Tallish, broad-shouldered and excruciatingly handsome, he entered the bar with a casual ease that spoke volumes about him. He looked to be the type who cared little for his surroundings but would be comfortable anywhere.

He casually glanced around the room. I dropped my eyes before he looked my way. The next thing I knew he was at my table asking if he could join me. I looked up at him and went to say something but my mouth was so dry nothing would come out.

"You look lonely and I thought I could fix that. I'm Greg." He put out his hand. I shook it and said, "Jenny."

He sat down and asked me if I was there for the convention. I told him I wasn't but just happened to be staying here on a short holiday in the big city. He told me he was and had flown from interstate for it. His company paid for his flights and accommodation.

We seemed to get on quite well and before long we were chatting like old friends. He told me he was married and had three children. I told him about my brood. He said that his wife was upset that he was away this week as one of their children had a birthday and he would be away for it. She told him that her husband was hard to motivate.

Nothing super secret but perhaps a bit more detail than normal for a comparative stranger. We discussed the ups and downs of married life. We didn't really dish the dirt on our partners but we both said enough to imply that all was not perfect. I felt comfortable with Greg. He was easy to talk to and easy to listen to as well.

"So, Jenny Jones from the country, what are you really doing here?" Greg asked with a disarming smile.

"Well," I began, "I just needed some 'me' time. I would be happy with a few days to myself but in reality if a handsome stranger such as yourself wanted his way with me then I would be open to that too."

"Well, well, well, Jenny. You're here to have an affair, aren't you?"

"No, not at all, well, not really. I'm just saying that if the circumstances were right, I wouldn't say no."

"So how are those circumstances looking at the moment?" he asked.

"Just about right, Greg."

"Only just about?"

"Well, we're still in the bar, not in your room."

As soon as I said that, Greg stood up, grabbed my hand and walked me towards the elevators. When one arrived we got in. As the doors closed Greg grabbed my by the shoulders and kissed me. I kissed him back too. Here was a tall handsome man who wanted me and was determined to get me.

I was weak at the knees with the knowledge that he wanted me. His kiss was wonderful. We left the elevator when it stopped at his floor. He had his key card out and unlocked his door as soon as we arrived at his room. Inside, he grabbed me and kissed me again. Well, actually, I grabbed him and kissed him. I felt sexy and sensual.

As we kissed he reached behind me and unzipped my dress. I undid his belt and trousers. My dress and his trousers hit the floor.

"I need you inside me now," I said earnestly.

He pushed me onto my back on the bed, took off his boxers and lay on top of me. I grabbed his cock, pulled my knickers to the side and guided him into my very wet cunt.

I let out a sigh of contentment. He thrust into me with force. It felt amazing. He fucked me hard and I loved it. In and out he thrust and I was in ecstasy. Before too long I felt an orgasm building. It felt funny because my husband hadn't fucked me to orgasm in a long time.

As I peaked he roared and let his spunk go into my willing cunt. I felt him spurt once, twice, and again and again. He came in buckets as I peaked and shivered all over in ecstasy.

I was breathless and Greg was too. He collapsed onto me. He went to roll off me but I held him where he was.

"I just want to feel you inside me and hold you right where you are," I murmured.

He lay on top of me, kissing me with short kisses all over my face and neck. I loved my neck being kissed and I responded. My breath was becoming ragged. Greg was hard again and this time he worked his cock in and out slowly.

The pleasure built slowly but surely. I loved this cock inside me. Greg really knew how to use it too. He seemed in-tune with me and after a while he built up speed, just as I was about to ask him to. We had a great rhythm going. I thrust my hips up to meet his downward thrusts. I was close again.

He went rigid, fully impaling me on his cock. As his cum spurted out for the second time, once again I came. This time I felt myself squirting. I'd never squirted before so I initially thought I had peed myself. I realised I hadn't just as I blacked out.

I woke up with Greg lying next to me, stroking my face gently.

"Welcome back, gorgeous. I thought I'd lost you there."

"How long was I out for?" I asked.

"About five minutes. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I haven't cum like that ever. That was intense."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Greg said. "I think you needed that more than you thought."

"I think so too," I replied. "But right now I think I need a drink, and then a shower."

Greg got up and came back with a glass of water. I drank greedily. Then I walked to the bathroom on shaky legs. Greg followed me. As I got into the shower Greg got in with me. He let me enjoy the hot water cascading over me and then he soaped me up and washed me all over. He paid particular attention to my pussy and ass.

We ended our shower kissing each other deeply. We got out and dried each other off. Greg ordered dinner from room service. We sat in companionable silence as we ate. It was lovely.

"Jenny, I'm here for the week. Would you like to share my room?"

"I'd love to Greg. I think it would be fun."

I went to my room to pick up my bags and returned to Greg's room. When I arrived he took my bags and put them down. He kissed my passionately and I kissed him right back with equal passion. This time he lay on his back and I mounted him. As he entered me I dropped down until his whole length was inside me. Then I just sat, enjoying the fullness I felt.

We made slow comfortable love. Greg came for a third time and I just rode a wave of enjoyment without reaching a peak. I didn't care. I was looking after my man.

We fell asleep in each other's arms.

I awoke in the morning in an empty bed. Greg was in the shower. When he came back into the room he kissed me.

"I've got meetings this morning, beautiful. But lunch is at 12 and I'll be back then."

And so they set a schedule that they kept to for the rest of the week. Greg would come back to the room during his breaks and we would fuck. Sometimes he skipped a session and we stayed in bed. All night and in the mornings we would fuck. It was divine.

I felt like a new woman. I wanted the week to last forever. I hardly left the room! But eventually Saturday arrived and we had to leave. Greg promised me that we would see each other as soon as his schedule would allow it. I decided that I would make sure I was able to see him whenever he was able to visit.

I arrived home and my husband was sitting in the same place. It looked like he hadn't moved all week. He hardly even acknowledged me when I walked into the room.

A few days later Greg contacted me. He was able to visit the following weekend. I decided I needed to talk to Steve. I was fed up with my marriage and was ready to leave. In Greg I knew I had someone I could spend time with and it made me feel like I was still desirable.

The next day I said to Steve that we needed to talk. He nodded and agreed.

I explained to him how unhappy I was and had been for a while. He told me he felt like he was an irrelevance in my life. Truthfully that was correct. I had not paid him much attention recently. But I told him that I thought his attitude around the house contributed to my feelings towards him.

I told him that I had met someone while I was away.

"So, you'll be leaving, then?" he asked.

"I haven't decided yet. But if I stay I still want to see Greg. He is like a breath of fresh air. There may not be a long-term future for us but there may be. I need to find out."

"And I'm, what, just supposed to let you?"

"Well, what have you done to keep me happy recently?"

"About as much as you have. But you have the luxury of being able to go away for a week to meet someone else. But I have to work. I'm doing a job I hate because I know I probably won't get anything else at my age that pays as well. I do it because we have a mortgage to pay and kids to look after. I hate it and it makes me hate my life. Now you're off screwing around. What's there for me now? My marriage is fucked, I hate my job and I can't see anything good happening anytime soon."

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. But I'm going to do something for me now. I'm away for the weekend with Greg. You might like to have a think about where you see us heading and we can talk some more when I get back."

I felt bad that Steve felt bad. But I meant what I said. I need to do things for me, put me first instead of him or the kids. Greg wanted me and I'll be damned if I let his bad mood spoil things for me. Yes, it was selfish but it was also payback for the times he'd been selfish too.

Greg messaged me when he arrived and I went to him straight away. We continued from where we left off. Within moments of arriving in his room I was naked and on my back. He undressed himself and his magnificent cock stood to attention. He lay on me and entered me quickly. My pussy was on fire. I was wet with desire. He fucked me hard and I loved it.

We spent the entire weekend in bed. We ate via room-service and only left the bed to use the toilet. It was heavenly.

Greg spoke about leaving his wife. He asked for my advice and also said that if he did then he would like me to move in with him if that's what I wanted. I knew that it might only be short term but I was prepared to take the risk. We promised that as soon as he left he would come for me and we would take the next step together.

Driving home that Sunday night I was feeling really positive for the first time in years. Steve had slowly sucked the life out of me but Greg had put the spark back. He wanted me and that boosted my self-esteem like you wouldn't believe. Nothing could hold me back now.

The house was quiet when I got home and there were no lights on. I called out for Steve but there was no response. I went to the bedroom, opened the door and collapsed, screaming. There was Steve, lying on the bed, dead with a shotgun beside him. He had shot himself in the head. Skull fragments and bits of his brain were everywhere.

The neighbours must have heard my screams. The next thing I knew I was being loaded onto a stretcher and put into an ambulance. I was hysterical so I was, apparently, given something to calm me down.

I woke up in hospital and burst into tears. The nurse told me not to worry, that I was in good hands. She left and a doctor arrived. He explained what was going on and where I was. He also gave me an envelope addressed to me.

He left me alone to look inside. It was a letter from Steve, his suicide note.

"Dear Jenny,

You've spent the last six months or so letting me know what you really thought of me. I know I have disappointed you. I cannot seem to change things.

Now you have found someone else. I hope you're happy. I cannot, and will not, be a cuckold. I'm too old to start again and frankly I couldn't be bothered.

Tell the kids I love them. I do love you too. Please don't forget that.


PS Sorry about the mess."

I must have had a complete breakdown. I was moved to a centre that looked after people with nervous issues like me. I'd like to stay. People do things for me and I don't have to think for myself. Greg tried to visit me but I refused to see him. He was a complication I didn't need.

I think I'll just stay here and live out my days in relative ease. I miss my husband. He may have been a lazy bastard but I loved him and whenever I think of him it makes me cry. I miss him and I miss being able to try and fix things with him.

I know I had decided to leave but I'm sure it wouldn't have been permanent. I just needed some space. Why couldn't he see that?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

There is no respect for a cheater,but as you presented the story he was a loser and he proved it by his solution to a real life problem.No respect for him there. In real life she would have been better off without him in the first place so right or wrong,she looked to improve her situation.This could have been a good tale if developed instead or a short documentary of a sad situation...A good story takes time to build up and unwind,this did not,it was just a happening...JZK

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
That woman needs to be terminated...

. . so she will not cost the community anymore!

nancyharpman17nancyharpman17over 8 years ago
Terribly Written Story

You changed back and forth several times from first person to third person. It made me dizzy trying to change gears so much. So she was in a bad marriage because her husband was lazy, but in the end she wanted to stay because she had people waiting on her. Now she could be lazy like her husband had been. Greg came to see her but no mention of her children. Their father had committed suicide. Their mother had a total breakdown, but not one mention of their children. This story needed a lot of help.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago
Pretty Awful

And the neighbors never heard the gunshot?

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 9 years ago
Wrong one

The wrong one died. The husband should have either left her or killed her instead of himself.

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