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Lena's Cubs

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A scorned women finds the inner cougar.
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Lena's world had come crashing down around her. Her happy existence with a man she completely trusted had gone. All was now different – he was no longer the man she knew or thought she knew. He was a stranger to her. She didn't like him anymore. He was dirty, tainted a liar, a cheat, an absolute fucking bastard.

Life would not and could not possibly ever be the same with this man and Lena felt disgusted to be in his company. To know that he'd been fucking that fucking cow for three years and he had managed to keep it secret was something completely beyond belief. She didn't want to be in the same room or even in the same house with him. She had to get away from him as quickly as she could.

Several days passed and Lena was not prepared to have any communication with him. He had done something so terrible and the worst part was the lying and the deceit. Then the dating website – that bloody dating website. How on earth could she live with someone who had found it so easy to lie and appear to live a normal existence with her?

-oOo -

Time, they say, is a healer. Not really. It just means you try to push things to the back of your mind and pretend that none of it happened. This is what Lena eventually came around to doing.

Two months after the heartbreaking, life-changing moment she and John are at a point where they decide to move forward and, once again, make a go of their lives together. After all, if the affair finished several months earlier, she felt she should at least try. Too many years shared with John could not be totally dismissed. She had loved him dearly up to the point of the handing over of the envelope, the one that revealed his infidelity, from the fucking cow he'd been fucking! It wasn't easy to just 'stop' feelings that had been so strong.

However, Lena decided to make a few changes about her life. She created her own secret life. If you can't beat them, join them became her new policy.

She had taken good care of her figure over the years and thought herself not that bad looking or so others tell her. She may be in her early fifties but, hey, she was ready to have some fun, he's had all the fun so far!

Lena was going to try out a dating website herself just to see what would happen. She decided not to put herself onto the usual dating websites but, instead, would advertise herself as a 'Cougar'. She got quite turned on by the idea of appealing to young men, very young men. To be desired by a handsome young man hungry for sex with an experienced older woman. She could be their 'Mrs Robinson' and they, her graduate.

Hmm, the idea was really quite exciting. She would have to think up a name for herself but didn't want anything tacky. No, it had to be a classy name; after all, she was a classy woman.

She decided to call herself 'Ladylove'. It had a certain classy sound to it without being rude or tacky.

She had some photo's taken by a friend. It was decided to have a view of her back and wearing clothing that was slightly revealing but, again, tasteful. She wanted to appear as a bit of a tease.

All details together with her photo were then entered and put onto the cougar website.

Twenty-four hours later she checked her incoming mail – it was flooded by young men, all very interested in her profile and requesting more photo's. She found it exciting and couldn't stop herself smiling. She could get hooked on living a secret world.

John knew nothing of this secret life. If anything, he couldn't be more attentive. He was being overly affectionate towards Lena to the point of smothering her. He was saying how much he regretted what he had done and constantly telling Lena how much he loved her.

This was all very nice, thought Lena, but hang on a moment, that man has lived a lie for three years, put himself on a dating website and now expects me to believe him – no way!

Her new cougar world was only just beginning. She was now hungry for a change, hungry for sex with somebody different. She wanted the exciting and different. It was now her turn.

Within a week of being on the cougar dating website [she liked the sound of that], she decided now was the time to make a choice. So many young men and they were interested in 'HER'.

She decided to reply to several men varying from mid twenties to early thirties. She allowed access to some of her private photo's enabling them to see what she actually looks like. A couple of the photo's were taken when she'd been sunbathing in France on a nudist beach. All came back with a similar reply of 'wow, you are gorgeous, I'd love to meet up with you'.

The compliments came flooding in and three were of particular interest to her. She couldn't believe what affect she'd had on these young men. Amazing. "Wow, she thought, I'm really okay. They think I'm gorgeous and sexy." This was just fantastic!

Lena decided to meet three on the same day at a rather plush hotel. She would stagger times of meeting with each of them giving about an hour to an hour and a half. They, of course, would not be aware of this. It was part of a rather naughty game plan she had.

The day for meeting her cougar cubs arrived. She woke to find John looking down at her. He told her how beautiful she was. Of course, he had no idea what she had planned for that day. It gave her a slight feeling of guilt as he had been trying very hard to make up to her. However, she only had to think about him and that woman and the guilt soon dispersed. Sod him, he's done exactly what I'm about to do is all Lena could think.

John finally went off to work. Lena could now put together her recent purchases, brought especially for today.

She showered and when drying herself, took a long, hard look at herself in the mirror. She was rather pleased with what she saw. She had lost weight since the crushing news from that woman but she looked and felt good.

She had a black outfit at the back of her wardrobe, chosen especially for today. John didn't know that she'd been spending a lot of his money on things she would be wearing and using to please other men – hah, serves him right.

She looked at the different varieties of underwear recently purchased and got a thrill from just touching it. She couldn't wait to try out every one - a different set for each of her three young men. She could feel her own excitement growing at the thought. She felt a pulsating tingling in her vagina. God, she was getting hot just thinking about her own underwear – the men will go wild with excitement.

She chose the black set consisting of a corset which helped push up her bosom together with black stockings with a seam running down the back and a lacey little bow at the back of the ankle.

Again, she took a look in the mirror – she could almost be turned on by her own image. Oh, if John only knew what a wicked creature she'd become. He would want to take her there and then.

The outfit she'd chosen to wear was an elegant black dress with short sleeves, black lacey gloves and a pair of black stilettos. She even wore a hat with a slight netted veil shielding her eyes. She now had the look she had wanted – classy, elegant, desirable and enigmatic; the very image of a window in mourning; the mourning of her life before.

She put all her other items of underwear into her small hold-all together with some very special purchase's brought to please her young cubs. Yes, her new little brood of cubs, oh god, the excitement almost drove her to an orgasm – she was feeling really horny. Her cougar days were just about to begin.

She had arranged for a private car with chauffeur to drive her to an exclusive Hotel, as she wanted to arrive in style. She wanted to be appreciated by as many people as possible. She was feeling good about herself. She was sexy, she was elegant, classy and she was now a cougar! She was about to initiate her young cubs into a world they would remember – oh yes, she would make sure they will remember her – always!

The chauffeur informed her that they were about to arrive at the hotel. She gathered her belongings ready to be greeted by one of the hotel porters. She had phoned in advance of her arrival requesting, and, of course paying, for first class service. The hotel were more than happy to oblige – again the charge for all this would be on John's credit card [poor John].

They stopped at the Hotel's front entrance where the chauffeur kindly opened the door for her. She was then greeted by one of the Hotel porters who took her belongings.

Well, this was it; she had arrived! Her life had already changed so much and she was about to turn the tables and change it again but this time, it was her making the changes not some fucking cow with John. She must get that thought out of her head – it was her turn now, nothing to do with 'THEM"!

She was lead direct to her room. She didn't have to sign in at reception. Again, she had arranged for first class service.

After tipping the hotel porter, she took a slow look around the elegant room. It was the most expensive room in the hotel and it had everything. Oh, she was so enjoying this and the real fun hadn't even started.

She slipped of her gloves and removed her hat. She knew she had been noticed on arrival as many men had looked at her longingly. She noticed it as she stepped out of the car and then as she walked through the main entrance of the hotel. The way she was feeling at the moment, she was up for anything but that would have to wait.

It was just after 1.30pm and her first young man would be arriving at 2pm.

The cubs would be offered a drink by the bar man in the bar when they arrived and she would assess them from a booth near by. If she didn't like the look of any of her young men, she may not invite them up, instead she would arrange for the bar man to say she had to leave unexpectedly. She had booked a private booth in advance, preparing herself for any eventuality. She wouldn't be unkind or cruel – it wasn't her nature. After all, she wasn't here because of the young men, she was here because of JOHN!!!

Her first date was a young man called Leon. He was 28 years old, had his own landscape gardening business and appeared very 'fit'. She had checked out the details of his profile before deciding to make him one of her three!

She looked closely at him whilst he was at the bar. Hmm, he didn't disappoint visually and appeared pretty confident. She liked what he was wearing; a white T-shirt and jeans, which fitted like a second skin. She, definitely, wanted to know more about Leon and more importantly, see more of him, stripped naked. He was even better in the flesh than in his photo's. Wow, she hoped he thought the same about her. He was delicious and she was turned on just looking at him.

She told the Bar Man to invite the visitor up to her room.

She had everything ready. The bed was a four-poster – wonderful, she thought. She had read 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and was willing to take charge.

There was a gentle tap on the door. He had arrived. Oh my goodness, thought Lena, this is actually going to happen – go for it girl! Enjoy what you are entitled to. Love every moment of what you are about to experience and what you are about to do for these young men.

She was still dressed in her black dress – she didn't want to appear eager or tacky, greeting him wearing her underwear. No, for that, he would have to wait. That was the fun part.

She opened the door. He looked a little nervous which made her feel more confident. She was willing to take charge.

"Nice to meet you Leon". She then gave him a soft kiss on the lips, just a gentle velvet-like touch.

She invited him to sit down in one of the armchairs available in her wonderful hotel room – more like a plush apartment in Kensington.

He sat, as requested. She offered him a glass of champagne and he accepted. She gave him the glass ensuring that her fingers touched his as she handed it to him.

She could tell that he was curious, keen, and nervous. She knew he thought she was a woman of money, grace, style and, maybe, just maybe, too classy for him. That's exactly what she wanted – she was better than any man, especially John.

She walked over towards the window and looked back at Leon who was drinking his champagne with, what she judged as a mixture of nerves and excitement.

He was even more handsome than the images sent online. He was also extremely fit – very fit indeed. God, she was feeling horny already but it was too soon.

She eventually turned around and asked him what he thought of her now that he'd met her in the flesh.

He said she was even more stunning than any of her photo's. He thought she looked like a screen goddess – so classy, so cool. He'd never met such a sophisticated woman.

Lena walked over to Leon who was still sat in the chair. She put both hands on the arms, leant forward and, again, kissed him softly on the lips.

"Now Leon, I want you to go through to the bedroom, undress and lay naked on top of the bed but shower first".

He responded without any hesitation – he had hardly touched his champagne.

As he walked through to do as she had bid, she smiled to herself. This was going to be such fun, oh such fun. If only John were here now – god, he'd love it.

She heard Leon, shower and then clamber onto the bed. He called through to say that he was ready.

Lena walked into the bedroom. She took a long hard look at Leon now lying naked on the bed. He was gorgeous; he had an extremely athletic psychic, which made it all the more harder for what she had planned. She wanted to strip of there and then, clamber on top of him and fuck him stupid. But, no, she had a plan, a plan for all three of her cubs. He may be the lucky one, of that she was not yet sure.

His penis was soft and she wanted to test how long for him to get aroused. She contained her desire, for now. She was still in her black dress and would remain so for a while longer.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I want to make love to you."

"Well that depends on how good you are."

She asked him to stay exactly where he was. She took a couple of silk scarves out of her small hold-all, ones she had purchased especially for this occasion.

She turned towards Leon, scarves in hand. Walked over to the bed.

"Are you left or right handed?"

"Right," replied Leon, looking slightly quizzical.

She leant over to his left side and grasped his hand tying it up with one of the scarves. She then tied it to the four-poster bed. She leant over and kissed him again, softly on the lips. She could tell that he was curious and also very excited by her action.

She then tied both of his ankles.

He was now ready for her.

She asked him if he was comfortable. He responded with breathlessness. She wasn't sure if it was fear or excitement but she continued.

She turned and switched on the internet camera that she had placed earlier without Leon knowing. Lena then drew up a chair towards the end of the bed to one side giving cursive glances towards Leon whilst doing so.

"OK Leon, the interview starts now, and I will be assessing you on your response."

He appeared apprehensive and a little bothered by this but she reassured him that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Lena unzipped her dress. She let it slowly slip down her body to the floor and kicked it to one side. She was now stood in her sexy black underwear; a black corset, with girdle holding up black sheer stockings. Lena had taken off her panties earlier and her perfectly shaved area was stunning to him. Not something he expected a woman her age to have.

Leon gasped, and said, "God, you look amazing. I never thought a woman your age could be such a turn on."

Lena smiled appreciatively; enjoying the effect her body was having on this fit young man. She felt the thrill of this sexy young mans eyes on her most intimate and naked parts and could feel the sweet sensation deep inside of sexual anticipation as she watched his eyes stare at her; the feeling of being wanted sexually increasing her own excitement.

She moved slowly towards Leon, leant towards him and whispers in his ear, "let's see how quickly you can get hard for me" whilst caressing his penis. It immediately responded to Lena's gentle touch. It's warmth and growing firmness making her pulse quicken.

She gave a few soft but firm strokes, enjoying herself as she looked on, and then reluctantly letting go she turned around and reached into her bag, pulling out a fleshy looking dildo. "Don't worry", she smiled, "this is for me, not you."

Lena positioned herself on the chair in front of Leon and then gracefully opened her legs in front of him. "Right, get fully hard for me" she commanded.

Leon looked at her cunt whilst grabbing his penis already a decent size and close to being fully erect.

Lena got hold of her vibrator – god she was hot and wet knowing this young man was turned on looking at her cunt.

She switched the vibrator on – it buzzed quietly and applied it to her now aching clitoris, which increased her desire more.

"Now Leon, I want you to cum, but not before me you understand." Leon nodded. "To help you I will give you a sign – when I'm about to cum I will fully insert my dildo, and that is the cue for you to come as quickly as possible." Leon again nodded, his penis now achingly hard.

Lena admired his penis, which was bigger than her husbands, before closing her eyes and focusing on her own pleasure. Moving the vibrator around her clitoris the sensation increased further. Lena leant back and positioned the dildo with her other hand at the mouth of her now gaping vagina. She wanted to insert it now but held back as she didn't want to signal too soon, besides it was nice to hold back and tease herself with it. She slightly inserted the dildo head to tease herself further enjoying that feeling of anticipation to come. Twisting it ever so slightly.

She opened her eyes and looked across at Leon, who was by now masturbating heavily, staring intently at her wet cunt. She was close but wanted still to control the urgency. Lena lifted out the dildo to hold him back. "Don't you dare cum yet," she added. "I'm not ready."

Leon looked frustrated and had to ease back.

Excited by this control over an aroused man, Lena returned to her position, leaning back with her legs opened on the bed, she hooked one stiletto on the nearest post and the other digging into his thigh.

Her desire was now filling her up from, deep, inside.

She was aching for penetration but held off and continued to play with her vibrator and her dildo just toying with the opening of her now pleading hole. She looked one final time at Leon, catching his eyes, which were now semi closed, and equally desperate for her to cum so that he could.

Lena suddenly felt the build up, it was too much, to hold back, and she slowly and fully inserted every inch of the dildo in to her aching, wet vagina, just in time before the first clenching spasm of her orgasm hit – she gasped, straightening her legs fully as wave after wave of orgasms hit her. The excitement of having a fit naked young man masturbate in front of her while she pleasured herself and surprised herself by the intensity of her own arousal and passion.

Lena opened her eyes and was pleased that Leon had held himself back, but then at seeing her fully penetrated and cuming so intently he could hold back no longer and exploded in several quick ejections of sperm on his flat, firm stomach. Groaning as he did and exclaiming, "god you are so sexy."

This sent Lena in to another frenzy of desire and sexual need; she quickly came a second time while watching him ejaculate.

Lena pulled out the fully inserted dildo, which was now almost hidden in her. God she needed that. She was pleased with Leon and leant over to kiss him gently and praised him for being a good boy and waiting for her with his sense of timing. He definitely scored highly in both looks and control.

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