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Letter from Grimalkin Canals


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I was wearing this pretty yellow dress and sipping a martini, and I sassed Mother and she made me take off my dress, and drop my panties in front of all my friends and then she ordered me to grab my ankles, which wasn't hard, since even then I was a yoga instructor."

Lying there, dazed, I tried to imagine this, Dylie, young, forced to strip in front of all her guests by the Arbuckle swimming pool, displaying that adorably curvaceous bottom...she must've been so humiliated!

"And then Mother cut a branch from one of our rose bushes and without even trimming the thorns, she gave me twenty hard ones.

I knew that the one thing I could do to keep from further shaming myself was not to make a sound, so I went into kind of a sub space...I tried to make my mind go elsewhere, and I know that's hard."

There was a pause. "For the rest of the party, I was forced to kneel in a corner of the garden while my friends and family enjoyed the celebration, and I certainly deserved that, no one criticizes Mama Arbuckle, but I was also thrilled that I hadn't screamed like a little bitch."

She rubbed my cock until it was poking out from between my legs and so stiff. Then Dylane leaned down and whispered in my ear soothingly. "Now, can you be a brave boy for your leather belt?"

For some reason I had foolishly thought that the rattan would be enough, fifteen of them, wow. But I nodded. Dylane patted the pillows propping up my butt.

"I am so glad I put these down, it saved me stretching my arm."

I was a little miffed at her casualness, but I felt it was politic to say nothing. Diplomacy is necessary when one is bound on a bed, naked and there's a pretty girl looming over you with a belt in her hand.

"You're probably more familiar with this. When I was a kid, my male playmates got hit with their father's belts, so..."

"No, Dylane, not for me. I was raised by nannies and governesses, and they used the psychological approaches...and I pretty much got what I wanted."

"Then this is going to be so good for you, Spiggy my lad."

My cock was still poking out on the bed between my legs as I lay sadly on my stomach, and I felt Dylie tying my ankles closer together so my penis now was propped on the backs of my thighs.

"Sometimes I've tied men on their backs with their legs together and the dick sticking up but the old fashioned stomach situation should work now."

Wait, what men?"

The belt landed on my butt cheeks, on my penis that was forced back there, and of course on my testicles, and I saw stars.

After twelve of these, my darling newlywed produced a cut off piece of garden hose, which Mama Arbuckle had also thoughtfully provided, and I got twelve with that as well...

"Sometimes, after Mama gives Bucky a whipping, she smokes cigarettes and puts them out on his bare butt while he's still tied down, but lucky you, I quit last year."

I was whimpering and crying, and Dylane felt some pity and she rubbed cold cream on my welts and blisters, and then rolled me on my ass, putting down a towel to protect the bedspread.

Now I was still completely immobile, but on my back, and Dylie began rubbing my cock, which had been more than a little damaged by the various implements.

"This is what a whipping is like, Spiggy." she said comfortingly. "You might not want to do that again, but I don't play at the scene."

But we both gazed at my rock hard cock. I had endured much, but the pain and humiliation had been so intense, and at some level it floored me with desire, being stripped and whipped naked by this adorably clothed babe.

"I felt chastened and of course hurt, Dylie, and it was embarrassing,, Dylie since you were dressed and I wasn't, so I was kind of vulnerable, but that was hot too."

Dylane helped me blow my nose. "Yes, that's the Clothed Female Naked Male fantasy. I can help it further by shaving your balls and your other body hair sometime."

She drummed her fingertips on my stiff tool. "That way, I can put you in drag and you can go out and service other men for me.

I used to give my ex-boyfriend, Esau, a goal to earn two hundred dollars giving ten buck blow jobs as a tranny whore, and if he didn't make the nut, the whipping I gave you was nothing compared to his punishment."

She ran a nail around my swelling glans and then she impulsively ran her forefinger down the little vein on the underside of my cock.

"Men get so distracted when their cocks are played with. My last boyfriend, Esau that I was talking about, I'd make him press ten pennies, one by each finger, against his chest as he stood in front of me.

I'd take off Esau's chastity cage and play with his dick, sometimes for an hour, and if he could maintain concentration without dropping one penny, I might finish him off, otherwise he'd be locked up again."

Dylane snickered, remembering. "I had Esau in a chastity belt for about a year. He fancied himself a Scrabble champion, and he had won several competitions, such a geek!"

She concentrated her fingers just below my glans again and pushed the skin up and down on my frustrated cock.

"So I had Esau all locked up, for long periods of time, but once a week I'd give him a Scrabble tile if he'd been a good boy, you know, took me out, spoiled me, cleaned my place, that kind of thing. A Scrabble tile would be his reward."

Dylie rubbed the tip of my penis with one hand and pulled up her top with the other, flashing her tits at me, and grinning.

"After a few weeks, he'd have collected a number of tiles and if he was able to spell a word worth 20 points, I'd let him out of the cage, and he could jerk off onto my toes and lick it up. If he saved up to 60 points, two or three words, he could fuck me."

"That could take months" I said, feeling my semen rising to the tip of my prick as she continued her ministrations.

"Oh, yeah. And once or twice" she said, giggling, "I took all the vowels out of the bag, except for a couple of A's, and let Esau draw from the bag with his eyes closed, one tile a week, and he thought he was having the worst luck, you can't make a word without vowels, right?"

She tickled the underside of my scrotum. I thought of the poor man, locked in that belt, waiting for a vowel.

"I think Esau was in the belt for about four months with no release before I felt compassion and slipped some O's and I's in there, and finally he got jerk-off privileges."

"But then he couldn't fuck you, and I know you like that, Dylane" I protested, gasping slightly as she bounced my testes painfully in her little palm.

Dylie sighed mightily, and her boobs bounced in her tank top.

"I do like getting fucked, mostly by real men, though, but now and then I would let Esau fuck me, but he had to wear a big, hard cock sheath over his caged dick."

Dylane jacked my dick hard and fast and I was about to spurt when she pulled her hand away. A tiny amount of semen popped out, but for naught, and she laughed.

"The cock sheath was big plastic thing, like a strap-on dildo, but with a hole in the end for him to stick his caged dick in and I'd lock it on and he could fuck me all night without getting enough sensation to cum."

"Esau must've found that really frustrating, though"

Dylie began casually pumping my dick again.

"Oh, he did. But it was part of getting him not to be such a macho tool. He was one of these right-wing radio hosts, a real misogynist. But, I made him hand wash my undies and gave him ice cold enemas when he lost his temper with me."

Dylan's massage of my penis grew faster again.

"And when Esau took a shit I made him weigh it, and record it on a little chart, and if he was shitting big stuff, I made him wear diapers. The station manager hated him, his boss at the radio station, and she helped me monitor this."

I realized I'd heard his show, it was called "The Screamer". I was amazed that this total asshole could be such a submissive, secretly.

"And he really thrived under this treatment. Sometimes I'd call in at the station and make him talk to me in a high voice or I'd buy a frilly Shirley Temple gown from the tranny store and put him in it, and we'd go out and have lunch as really made him soften up."

"Really?" I was gasping again as she rubbed my now precum soaked penis faster.

"Sure, he has to be a dick on the air, his listeners are all piglets, but he donates half his salary to a battered woman's shelter. He can afford that, because he makes a lot."

"What happened to Esau" I couldn't believe even with that kind of ritual abuse, that he would break it off with an incredible girl like Dylane.

"Oh, he's what you call a wandering submissive. I realized I wasn't that close to him, so I introduced him to Shimmer and he's married to her now."

"But Shimmer is a slave herself. And Esau is a slave." I was trying to keep it all straight. Before Shimmer had left on moving day, Dylane had whipped Shim's breasts for leaving a dust cloth on the coffee table.

Dylane pulled her nails away from my suffering cock, again at the breaking point.

"Shimmer is my slave. Esau is Shimmer's slave. And in fact, at Esau's work, he has a co-host who asks him to paddle her on the lunch hour, so he's-"

"I think I get it."

"Right. Esau's still in his cock cage at work, so he can't orgasm, but he can make his co-host suck his caged dick, he won't cum, but it's sort of fun."

Dylane let go of my cock and undid my bonds and I sat up in front of her.

"So what do you want to do now, Spiggy?" she asked.

I felt at a loss. "Maybe we can get it on now?"

Dylane flicked my right nipple painfully. "God, you never learn. Try again."

She returned her attentions to my pulsing organ. I tried to reach out and touch her, but Dylie pulled back and frowned, and instinctively, I put my hands behind my back and continued to kneel on the bed.

"Do you want me to service you, Dylane?" I was grasping for straws.

Dylane leaned over and gave me a lingering kiss. "That's closer." she whispered. I gazed down into the cleavage of her tight top.

"Um, how about I give you a massage and then service you, and then we can make love like normal people?"

Dylane's eyes strayed to my recently used belt. "I hope that wasn't a quid pro quo-you'll massage and lick me but only if I fuck you later on?"

Dylane took her hand away from my cock and she grabbed my balls and she twisted them, and I blanched.

"Spiggy, if you don't want to submit to me, that's fine, but I saw all the crap on your computer, you're spending money on femdom movies, a lot of them. I suggest you emulate what you've learned, or forget it all together."

I tried to counter her feminine arguments with good male logic and precision (I used to be on the debate team) and Dylane grabbed the piece of garden hose her mother had lent her, and she whacked me across the cock and balls.

Now I was dizzy...but I guess I was overcome with good sense.

So I undressed Dylane carefully and gave her the best massage I could, really enjoying the feelings my tingling fingers got goin between her thighs and around her full breasts.

Then I began kissing every inch of Dylie's naked torso, and eventually performed between her legs for several hours until my jaw was more than numb.

But she'd had five or six orgasms and seemed pleased.

But then she smiled at me and asked if I'd give her a bath. So I carried her to the tub, and lit candles and gave her a nice wash down, and then toweled her carefully, and brought her back to the bed.

After this, I rubbed mineral oil all over her glorious body. That smooth skin!

Finally I crawled up next to Dylane, who was purring contentedly.

She looked down at my stiff cock and batted it playfully.

"I bet you want to fuck me now, don't you?" Dylane smiled.

Was this a test?

"Well, you seem so relaxed, honey. I can hold off for another day."

"That's the attitude to take, Spiggy. Esau could hold off for many days."

I looked down at her little head, lying on my big shoulder. "I didn't say many days, Dylane. We can get it on tomorrow, maybe."

"See, Spiggy? Don't you get tired of making plans and giving orders, being in charge all the time? Wasn't it cathartic to take a harsh spanking, do a good cry and pleasure your Reason For Living without a thought of reward? Or is it still all about seeing what you can get out of me?"

In fact, the next afternoon, Dylie pounced on me and we had a hot lovemaking fest, and I came many times in her mouth and quim, but I wondered at the odd lifestyle still being held up before me.

I played a round of golf with Farley, Dylie's brother and we had beer afterwards.

"Dylane tells me you are thinking of becoming one of us, Spiggy-a sub male."

"Jesus, Farley is everyone in your family so open with personal business?"

Farley snorted. When he wasn't at home being punished by Momma, Farley was a fairly macho, athletic guy. "You've seen how we are, Spig. Why on earth should we keep secrets?"

"Well, okay what's it like being locked up all the time um, down there? Do you-I mean, with your mom?"

I couldn't really specify, being a good Episcopalian.

"What, Spig? Do I fuck my mom, no, I go down on her though, and I also have serviced my sisters, including Dylane, and sucked the blood out of their tampons upon occasion."

"So you get no reciprocal?"

"Well, after 84 days in chastity, last month I rubbed my dick against the door jamb in front of my whole family plus in-laws for about twenty minutes, and shot off that way."

"But you date a lot, don't you?" Grimalkin Canals is a small town, and Farley was seen quite a lot in his little Fiat, sporting around with various regal blondes.

"Sure, but most of the women I date, when they find out about the chastity cage, it's more of a curiosity. They think it's cute and love it that I will give non-stop oral and also that I won't pester them for sex when they're not in the mood."

Farley swigged his Heineken. "Most guys, when they don't get laid, when their wives or girlfriends don't feel up to it, they get pissy and resentful, but of course I'm used to being denied."

"So you will never get laid?"

Farley thought about this. "Well, before I asked Mom to take over my training, I got non-stop pussy, more butt than a toilet seat. That didn't fill the hole within, you know...anger, loneliness, fear, resentments...therapy didn't help either. I was just a sad cocaine addict, with regular trips to the"

He put on his Foster Grants and laughed. "So since I've been a submissive, I look forward to my wedding day, I guess I'll fuck my wife on the honeymoon, at least once. You have to consummate the marriage. I mean, it would be unnatural for me to fuck my mother or my sisters, right?"

"Hey, good you have that boundary, I guess."

"And among the girls I date, several of them know they could potentially get my dick on the honeymoon, along with the other benefits of me having a sweet job, so they compete for me in a way."

Farley noticed the look of revulsion on my face, or was it curiosity?

"But it doesn't matter, Spig. Dylane really loves you, and if you want to just be a regular husband and get all that sweet pussy she'll go for it. It seems a little tedious to me, really boring, but whatever floats your boat."

Farley paused, considering.

"I mean it's so predictable, having a woman who will do whatever you want her to, isn't it?"

And I was inadvertently fascinated by chastity, denial, and punishment.

"It can't be an on and off thing hon." Dylane said to me one morning, when I had broached just having a "kinky weekend".

"You get irritable with me because of the ugly welts I lay on your ass...not just then, but after you've been whipped and you cum in me, and then you're just in pain and irritable.

But if you're a true sub, you have to be one full time and treat me with fear, respect, see me as a Goddess."

It was true, I was scared of full time submission, and I just wanted to do weekends or one night stints.

Dylane suggested I go see a professional dominatrix. "That way, you can do her thing with her, and be consistent with me here at home, with a nice blah relationship."

Seeing my wounded face, she smiled. "Or, I can put you in a chastity cage full time and between that and heavy discipline and wild sessions you'll learn to curb your temper."

Her point was, of course that if she whipped me and then we fucked, and I had my orgasm, all I had left was the pain, whereas if my orgasms were fewer, perhaps one a month, I'd stay horny even after the most extensive punishment.

"And then, I'd feel more free to do the extensive sadistic things I know you fantasize about, pissing in your mouth, mouse trapping your nipples, cucumbers up your ass, that kind of thing."

Dylane also discussed how she'd feel freer to punish me and use corporal encouragements to improve my housecleaning skills, that sort of thing. Since up until now it had only been "session" discipline.

"Also, you could learn how to be human furniture" she said, giggling. "It's not as easy as Shimmer and Magenta make it seem, you know."

I tried to imagine being on my hands and knees for hours, propping up someone's boots on my naked they watched the Super Bowl or something.

"You could even be a coffee table, you know, Spiggy" Dylie suggested. "I could balance a glass top on your back and whip you until you learned to stay still."

Dylie paused. "Before all the time-out permissive nonsense, that's how mother's got their kids to sit still on the church pew, you know?"

I breathed heavily, and she noticed I was getting quite erect. It was pushing through my ugly plaid pants, my dick was...

"And as you know, I date other people and it would make my lovers more secure about dropping in if my husband was naked and supporting their crossed legs as they had a beer and watched TV."

I was getting very, very aroused. I pictured myself makin dinner for Dylane and her boyfriend and then serving it and perhaps eating my own out of a dog bowl, maybe eating their scraps.

And then supporting the bastard's legs as he watched the World Series before taking my wife upstairs to fuck her.

And after that, Dylie and the new man would whip and torture me before fucking again and having me clean up their juices with my tongue.

I gazed at my bride in intense desire.

"See, I grew up in a femdom family, Spiggy, but I didn't really know it when I was a kid." Dylane said casually. "My folks acted fairly normal during the week, and then sent us to Morning Mass on Sundays around nine-thirty, and then they went to church when we returned, around noon."

Dylane reached over and unzipped my fly. "So while we were out of the house in church, Mom looked over Dad's minor offenses for the week, and gave him his punishments and then she'd tease him for about an hour and a half or have him service her...and if he'd earned an orgasm, she'd give him that, too."

"What kind of minor offenses?" I breathed heavily as she began running her long red nails up and down my stiffening penis.

"You know she'd let Dad have a poker night with the guys, but if he came home late, and that meant after dark, or if he lost more than five bucks, that was good for a few licks with the bullwhip, or if he forgot to pick up her dry cleaning on his way home from work, you know, she'd give him hell."

Dylie tickled the underside of my cock and put her tongue out at me as she rubbed some more.

"My parents didn't want to warp us, so they kept it from us, but when we finally found out as adults, it made so much sense and then my brothers, who had been entitled all their lives, asked Mom to train them as well, and this was just after watching her discipline my stepfather for a few months when they exposed their relationship to everyone."

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