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Life After Love Ch. 02


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Lauren crawled to all fours, leaving her ass waving in the air, and I did not want the opportunity to go to waste. My new erection led the way as I knelt on the bed, my hips just behind Lauren's hips. Then with a new grip, I nudged my way forwards to spear myself into Lauren's tight tunnel.

We set into a luxurious fucking motion, slowly but firmly. My hips would drive forward against the incredible friction of Lauren's inner muscles and propelling her just a bit forward. One hand dropped around to Lauren's big tits, rubbing at her nipples in pleasurable friction and caressing the curves. My other hand plunged down to our joining, finding her love button and teasing it with my every thrust.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh, like that!" Lauren cried out to me. I could tell she was getting close, and so moving my hands onto her hips, I started pounding her with everything I had, my hips audibly slapping against her ass with every thrust.

I brought Lauren to a back arching, moaning orgasm, her wailing filling the room with the sounds of sex that sent my mind into pleasure orbit, and her inner muscles spasmed wonderfully about my shaft.

Finally, Lauren slipped off of me and turned around, reaching up to tug on my shaft and tease my balls until I erupted, spurting jet after jet of jizz into her face and across her chest.

I collapsed to the bed, thoroughly drained. Saya, her eyes glittering as she looked at me, merely dove upon Lauren's naked and sweaty body, cleaning my spunk off of Lauren using nothing but her tongue.

I had a wonderful life.


Lauren stayed with Saya and me for the whole weekend. We didn't spend the whole time locked up in my condo. We ate out, watched some movies, went shopping, and even went to a dance club. I had quite the ego boost seeing all the other guys drooling over the two babes on my arms. Lauren was teasing guys left and right, and Saya joined in on some fun flirting as well. But in the end, I was the guy they went home with.

Lauren said I was a guaranteed cock and she didn't have to worry about me falling in love with her or anything. Also a plus, she didn't have to worry about whether or not I'd still be there in the morning. "I've got abandonment issues, remember?" she told me with a playful grin.

And for Saya, Lauren was just an expression of her affection for me. Dare I say it? Maybe even an expression of love. I mean, my girlfriend gave me a gorgeous woman and a hot threesome. That takes some serious devotion in this culture.

It was just sex. Something to be enjoyed, and then it was done. I did not care for Saya any less, and her feelings for me did not change either. Saya was right. I hated it when she was right.


The next several months were more of the same. The relationship between Saya and me kept growing. It definitely slowed down from its rapid ascent the way all relationships do, but there was always the upward trend of getting to know each other. I found out that Saya was big on coffee and tea, but did not have much taste for sweet things. She enjoyed rich, or salty flavors. I, on the other hand, enjoyed the occasional cup of coffee. But more often, I went for smoothies or frappuccinos, loaded with sugars. She liked chocolate. I liked gummy bears.

One night, after a particularly intense cumload into Saya's mouth, she savored the taste with a happy "mmm... salty, remember?"

Lauren still joined us from time to time. She called Saya's period her "regularly scheduled monthly banging" with me. And she would even join in on any random weekend in between, leading to several hot threesomes. Lauren was a free spirit, flitting like a butterfly from thing to thing, never getting tied down and never focusing on anything or anyone for too long. Her life made me realize how happy Saya made me. How happy I felt having someone to focus on and depend on.

The one thing I never had with Saya was someone to come home to during the work week. Your average Tuesday night was for me to catch up on sleep, work on my own hobbies, or hang out with guy friends. But sometimes I really wanted someone to talk to. At those times Saya was perpetually unavailable. She made plans with her friends, went out with her roommate, or was otherwise occupied. Then, we were only co-workers. She dedicated her weekends to me. The least I could do was let her have her own life the other four nights of the week.

It still felt very lonely.

In that regard, Lauren proved a lifesaver. Her flighty lifestyle meant that she never had plans she couldn't change, and she always went out of her way to make time for me. We'd get coffee and just sit around chatting about nothing. We'd hang out in her hot tub and philosophize about our place in the universe. I'd even bitch about work while she just teased me about it being my own damn fault for having a job in the first place.

At least once a week I'd end up spending an evening with Lauren. We never had scheduled plans, it was always arranged by a phone call twenty minutes before we met up somewhere. She never tried to seduce me; I didn't want to sneak anything behind Saya's back even though Saya probably wouldn't mind. Instead, we would just chat and hang out for a few hours. In many ways, Lauren knew me better than Saya, and I regarded her as my best friend.

One night, we were soaking in Lauren's hot tub, looking at the stars. I admit to ogling her buoyant breasts, bobbing in the water while barely hidden by her bikini top. Eventually, Lauren and I got into a debate about what we should do with the rest of our lives. Lauren wanted to enjoy every moment, never get tied down, and die young.

But I knew her better than that. "Okay, that's the standard bullshit Lauren answer. What do you really want to do?"

Her eyes softened and she really looked at me, the teasing smile gone as she seriously thought about it. "I don't know, I guess. Sometimes I wonder if I have a future."

She looked so sad in that moment I slid around and wrapped my arm around her while she laid her head on my shoulder. "Of course you have a future. Someday, you'll find someone you can trust, someone who can reassure you they would never abandon you." We sat there comfortably for a few minutes, just basking in the warmth while Lauren sighed and collected herself.

Finally, Lauren spoke up. "Maybe I'll just get a dog."

I smirked at that. And then she started peppering me with questions about my plans for the future. I started sharing some of my dreams, idly talking about what daily life would be like. As one would expect, Saya figured prominently in those dreams. Lauren was happy to see me thinking of the future again instead of being depressed about my past.

Still, Lauren had a warning for me. "Just be careful. Saya is a wonderful girl and she really likes you. But remember what I told you before. Think Boyfriend, not Husband. I don't think she's looking to settle down or anything. And I don't want you to get hurt." She kissed me, and I saw real concern in her eyes.

I thanked Lauren, but I believed she was a little biased. After all, Lauren was the queen of avoiding commitment. And the next day, when I looked at Saya, all I could see was my angel and how happy she made me.


At last I felt truly content. It had been just a year and a half since my divorce, but the time I'd spent away from my ex-wife, and more importantly the time I spent with Saya had washed my soul clean, and I could begin again. Now I had my life with my new love.

I had tried to breach the subject a number of times, but Saya was always non- committal about our future. She always wanted to live in the 'now'; to enjoy today because it would never come again. Worrying about tomorrow would do no good today. "Trust me, I am right."

Saya was always right. Somehow, she was always right. I enjoyed the results very much, as she was even more passionate in bed than she was reserved in public. I could clearly see she was not ready to consider the long-term future, but it was still a goal I hoped for so very much. I wanted to think Husband.

I adored Saya. At first I was planning an elaborate 1-year anniversary for the two of us. I'd even already scheduled the vacation time for it. But even before our anniversary, I realized I had my chance to show her how very much I cared about her even sooner. Her birthday was coming up very shortly. I made grandios plans for the weekend, a mini-holiday. I booked a romantic suite at a posh hotel built right onto the cliffs overlooking the bay. It would be very brief, but it would be the closest thing to a vacation together as I could make it.

The only problem was that her birthday was on a Thursday. So Wednesday night, I went out shopping. Possibly the only bright side to never seeing Saya during the work week was that I could easily sneak out to shop without arousing any suspicions.

So I picked up the huge, oversized plush doggie from the Toy Store (she'd already expressed a desire for one) and a little heart shaped pillow to go with it. There were also the requisite dozen long stem roses, and a variety of balloons. The money was not an issue (there had to be SOME reward for my overworked existence). And for a more personal touch, I wrote her a poem from the bottom of my heart.

Everything went into my car and on Thursday, I took advantage of my managerial status and told my staff I was going out on an errand. I drove straight to Saya's apartment complex. Once there, I paused before going into the leasing office to gather myself and turn on the charm. Just like any other presentation.

I met a cute blonde inside who I'd never seen before. She must have been new to the complex. After responding well to my casual banter, I asked if I could get access to one of the apartments. Automatically, she told me this was impossible. But then I explained my situation, my girlfriend's birthday and everything, and she finally acquiesced, provided a maintenance staff member was allowed to go with me to make sure I wasn't out to steal anything.

So she asked for an apartment number and a name, which I gave. But then a frown creased her face. "I'm sorry, my records don't have anyone by that name in this unit."

"Excuse me?"

"I have only one tenant in this unit." She gave me the name, which I recognized as Saya's roommate.

"But Saya has been living there for almost a year."

"Well, uh, hold on a moment." She clicked on a few more buttons and then relief crossed her face. "Oh, ok. Yes, she lives there. But she's moving out in two weeks. Since we got her 30-day notice and her share of the rent is paid up, someone must have already taken her off the roster."

My mind was whirling. "She's moving out in two weeks?"

"I'm guessing that she didn't tell you." Immediately her tone became a little concerned, as if she was about to revoke her earlier permission to enter the apartment.

"No, it's really no big deal. I'll find out the details later. In the meantime, can I still go prepare my surprise?"

She hesitated a moment. Then, thankfully, she said, "Sure."

The leasing agent followed me as well, and when she saw the photos of Saya and me all over Saya's room, she relaxed noticeably. That and she seemed really delighted by all the stuff I was trucking into the room and decorating with. I laid everything out very quickly, thanked her, and left.


Friday morning, Saya snuck me into an empty conference room and gave me a huge kiss that left me breathless. She didn't say a word beyond that, but just looked at me with delight, her liquid eyes sparkling, then slipped away to return to the professional world. I'd been slightly paranoid when she didn't call me on Thursday night. But then, she never called me on a weekday anyways. And this kiss did a lot to set my mind at ease.

I didn't get a chance to ask her about the apartment. But I figured that it could wait. The note I'd left with the poem had warned her not to make plans for the weekend, and I was looking forward to that very much.


Friday night went beautifully. I wished her a Happy Belated Birthday, and dinner was smooth. We checked into the hotel, and immediately drew a big bubble bath in the jacuzzi. After a luxurious soak, we found ourselves naked in bed and slowly made love before falling asleep early. It was a peaceful evening as we were lulled by the crackle of the fireplace and the soft crashing of waves against the cliffs just outside.

I was so entranced by Saya, all I could think about the whole night was how much I loved being with her. Then, waking up in the middle of the night, the apartment question resurfaced into my mind. If it was a big deal, why was she moving? If it wasn't a big deal, why hadn't she told me? If she hadn't told me this, what else had she been hiding from me? I toyed with the idea of waking her to find out, but decided ultimately to let her sleep. This was a birthday celebration weekend after all. Not a time for peppering her with questions.

We both slept in until late in the morning. A tough work week had tired the both of us out and a solid twelve hours of nap time went a long way to restoring our health. With much regret, I put off a morning between-the-sheets romp claiming that I was hungry, and that I had a surprise for her later.

We went down to the café for breakfast, sitting on the patio, enjoying the sun, and watching the waves. My cell phone buzzed with a text message and I excused myself for a moment, heading back towards the lobby. When I returned, Saya asked about it and I waved the message off as something to do with work. But I had to fight to keep my grin from surfacing. Everything was going according to plan.

It was only when we were walking back to our suite that I told Saya I had a surprise for her. So I covered Saya's eyes, led her directly into the bedroom, and then with a flourish removed my hands.

Saya blinked a few times while she looked over the bedroom, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. I let her be puzzled for a brief moment before sliding in just behind her and with my arms wrapped around her hips, turning her back around to face the doorway.

Lauren was clad in a sheer blouse and short skirt, leaning against the door with an impish grin on her face, staring at Saya heavily. Her bright blue eyes were laser intense on Saya as she visibly undressed her in her mind.

I leaned down to whisper at Saya's ear. "Today is all about your pleasure." Then I moved to nibble at her neck and caress her hips.

Saya turned her head to catch my attention for a moment, her own grin in place. "Don't pretend like you're not going to enjoy this, too."

My eyes gave me away, guilty as charged.

Then Lauren started to unbutton her blouse, baring inch by inch the round curves of her bosom. As if to mirror, I held Saya's hands for a moment then stood behind her and began to undress her as well, fumbling with the catch briefly, not quite used to female clothing.

In a moment, both girls were down to their underwear, and Lauren moved closer to lean down and taste Saya's lips. I backed away at this moment as the two gorgeous women began to kiss softly, tenderly. Saya reached up and undid the front clasp to Lauren's bra, pulling the cups away to stare at the large, round orbs before her. Then Lauren shifted her shoulders and the garment slid off her arms to the floor.

Staring at Saya's tits with her own hunger, Lauren reached behind Saya to open the bra, then pulled it off to reveal Saya's perfectly shaped breasts as well. And then Lauren was kissing Saya with more urgency, propelling her backwards until Saya fell back onto the King-sized bed. The plush duvet was shoved to the side and as Lauren buried her head between Saya's breasts, her hands tugged Saya's panties away and then in a moment, two fingers had entered Saya's wet tunnel.

I got myself mostly undressed then sat back into an armchair with a good view. The two lithe women squirmed and kissed and fondled, tongues wagging in the air to tease each other. In just a few short minutes, Lauren's expert fingering and caressing brought Saya to her first orgasm of the day. It was definitely not to be the last. The plan was to keep at Saya until she literally passed out from pleasure overload.

While Saya momentarily tried to recover, Lauren then took the opportunity to shed her own thong panties, leaving both girls fully nude. Then she spun around into a hot sixty-nine, lowering her own steaming pussy to within reach of Saya's open mouth and nimble fingers. They continued that way for a time, building and building each other towards new plateaus of ecstasy.

I was going nuts, my dick painfully hard and constrained in my pants while watching, but I was waiting for the prearranged signal.

Finally the signal arrived, when Lauren flipped the two girls over so that Saya was on top, resting on her knees with her ass hanging invitingly at the edge of the bed. I got up and shed my pants, my erection pointing the way.

Saya was pointed in the opposite direction and could not see my approach. Lauren, on her back, her head almost off the bed could see me coming and doubled her attention onto Saya's clit. Then, at just the right moment, she reached out to my dick, aimed carefully, and just when Saya was pushing into a new orgasm, tugged me forward so that I could spear Saya's pussy in one thrust.

My sudden penetration triggered Saya's orgasm, and she was screaming out so loud the seagulls fluttered away in a panic outside our patio. But Lauren and I weren't about to let up on her. Saya was suddenly unable to act as Lauren was pawing at her tits and licking at her clit while I was immediately pounding her pussy with piston like precision.

Lauren finally spilled into a climax of her own, and Saya turned her face to me to show the glistening fluids on her face. But then Lauren went right back to getting Saya off. We kept up this frenetic pace for another minute until Saya crested over again in record time, spilling a load of her honey into Lauren's face.

Once achieving this goal, Lauren had to take a break and lay her head back against the mattress, resting her neck and watching my shaft disappear and reappear from Saya's spread nether lips. Only occasionally did she reach up to tweak or squeeze a pleasure point on Saya's body.

I slowed down as well, recovering energy while moving more to carve out the corners of Saya's inner womb. Saya for her part, got more firmly onto her knees while my hands moved to lift her up, so that we could more freely bang each other over Lauren's pretty head. Saya also decided on a little payback as I felt her pussy muscles start to contract around me, squeezing me with the agility of her hands to draw out my own climax.

After a few minutes, my hips sped up their pace and with Saya internally squeezing me, I hit my edge and then was shooting all my spunk into her accepting body.

I pulled out and staggered back, and then Saya dropped her hips back down to Lauren's mouth, who was idly nibbling and slurping at the blended drink in Saya's snatch. When she was done, Lauren moved around, pressing Saya's head against the mattress as she leaned over her and fed our mixed orgasmic fluids in a veritable waterfall down into Saya's open mouth. The two swapped cum and kissed for a few minutes, Lauren's bright blue eyes staring into Saya's deep, liquid irises. Then Lauren lay back to recover her breath.

Saya turned her head around to look at me. "Are you two already tired? I thought you were here to wear me out?!"

The tease was more than enough to get my blood up. "I've got more right here," I told her. I moved around the bed, laying before Saya so that she could suck my deflating pecker into her mouth and start bringing me back to life. Her hands and lips danced upon me until my erection was revived, and with a pop she pulled me out of her mouth, trailing a bit of saliva.

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