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Life After Love Ch. 02


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The low moans and grunts still carried through the wall, an auditory stimulation that had the full attention of both of us. My mind pictured the tangle of flesh that had to be only a few feet away from us.

Together, and still without words, we humped each other quietly in the night, listening intently to the fucking going on through the wall. My hands caressed underneath Saya's shirt, rubbing at firm tits and sliding down her naked thighs.

The headboard banging picked up in speed, and then suddenly a male cry shattered the air, loudly carrying through the thin apartment wall. The banging hit five more times in rapid succession before disappearing all together, followed by the much quieter tones of giggling and moaning.

Saya suddenly moved then, slipping off the bed and rummaging through her desk drawers, obviously looking for something in particular in the very dim night. There were no lights on, and the blinds were closed on the windows. I could barely make out her form in the shadows. Finding what she was looking for, she made some awkward movements for a few moments, then returned to the bed.

She spooned herself in before me once again, but this time, her hand reached out to find my erection, and she held it still and pointed directly at her. Not yet understanding, I just let her move me as she desired. Then she backed up her body, and suddenly I felt the head of my cock pressing almost painfully into a very tight hole.

Once in place, Saya reached her hands back and started pulling herself back against me. My surprise disappeared quickly, and then I took her hips in my hands and with some effort, my dick began to spear into Saya's tight asshole.

She must have lubed herself, because the passage was slippery, but the feelings were sensational. Still lying on our sides, we were fucking very slowly, the pressure around my shaft intense.

We had been going for a few minutes, careful to be very quiet and mindful of exactly how thin the walls were. But then the moaning and the squeaking picked up again on the other side of the wall. And when the headboard banging began, Saya decided to throw slow caution to the wind.

She slipped off of me and got to all fours. I took my cue and knelt behind her, the difference in our height giving me the perfect angle to sink my rod back into Saya's ass. With my hands on her hips, I began to seriously pile drive myself up her backside, causing a low whimper to flutter from Saya's mouth.

My hands would shift down to her swaying breasts, tweaking at the nipples and using them as handholds occasionally to ram myself even harder and split my girlfriend's ass wide open. It was fortunate that Saya's bed was built on wooden rails, not a box spring, and that it was flat against the wall so that the headboard would not impact the wall. Despite our new aggressive fucking, there was very little noise (coming from us, at least).

The intense pleasure was so extreme that I had no control over myself. Saya could not have even been approaching an orgasm of any kind while I reamed her out, until the ecstasy built up in me so much that I couldn't hold it back any longer, and I was spewing my cream deep into Saya's nether regions and grunting only very quietly.

I thrust only a few more times until I deposited all I had to give into her body, and then the exhaustion of interrupted sleep was quickly overtaking me. Saya found some sanitary wipes and cleaned me up. Then she got a robe and slipped into the bathroom to clean herself up, her butt cheeks clenched tight so that not a drop was spilt.

When she returned to me, she gave me a tender kiss, and then we were spooning together again. That encounter had been for my pleasure only, a gift from this sweet girl. I realized then that I was actually falling in love.


After a sweet weekend, getting to know each other emotionally as much as physically, the work week came again. Damn, I hated Mondays.

Very quickly, we both focused on our respective jobs, and once again I found myself interacting with Saya as a coworker, not as a girlfriend. Once, on Monday afternoon, I made a move to steal a brief kiss from her in a quiet corner of the office when I believed no one was looking. She backed away from me very quickly, her eyes wide with momentary fear.

Her reaction shocked me. I didn't realize Saya was even capable of reacting that way when I moved to kiss her. I knew that my reactions would be completely automatic, filled with affection no matter who was looking. But that just showed that I still barely knew her.

Her face took on a stern look. "Please understand. We are at work. This is not a place of romance. We have a duty to our jobs."

"But I miss you already."

I saw the briefest of smiles cross Saya's face before she returned to her professional demeanor. "But your actions may embarrass me." She turned and scanned the hallway to ensure that we were alone. "In private, I am all yours. But in public, we have an image to protect. It is very important for me to save face. Please, at work I am only the President's assistant."

On one level I felt hurt. It almost sounded like she was ashamed of dating me. But then my brain kicked in and I remembered the different culture she grew up with. There were some things Saya was comfortable with that I considered strange, most importantly her views regarding Lauren. But then there were some things, like the public displays of affection, she was very uncomfortable with. I just nodded my head. And then Saya walked away.

Almost to prove her point, for the rest of the work week, Saya virtually ignored me. She was professional to an extreme, and we had little contact beyond the casual hello when passing in the office, or the brief memos she passed to me as instructions from my superiors.

She had one comment to me that stopped me dead in my tracks. "I like you very much. But I have my life outside of you. And you need to have a life outside of me. We are not married. I am your girlfriend. Someday we may not be together. And it will not be healthy for you to become obsessed with me."

On some level, others seemed to notice the cold wall that came down between us. At the end of the previous week, Tiffany had been acting a little odd towards me, as if she knew I had a special relationship with Saya. But now, perhaps believing I'd struck out, Tiffany had amped up the charm and was flirting with me once again.

Even after work, Saya made plans without me or flat out turned me down on my dinner invitations. I spent every night alone with my TV, miserable once again. The only thing that kept me going was a letter Saya passed me Tuesday afternoon just before going home. In it she said we should only be co-workers during the workweek. But on weekends she was my girlfriend. And she promised that the weekends would more than make up for it. The letter finished by saying: You can handle being without me. You are stronger than you think."

She was right. I handled it. And to make up for the time away, on Friday night with her period complete, Saya was a hellcat in the sack. I came three times that night, finally passing out from pleasure overload after ejaculating all over Saya's naked body.

Saturday afternoon, she had another surprise for me. We went out to a casual restaurant for lunch, a place I had not been before. Saya told me she'd been recommended the place by a friend. When we walked, the corner of my eye caught a waving hand and I turned to see a familiar face.

Lauren was smiling at us, half hidden behind her oversized sunglasses. With her urban chic attire and scarf Lauren was in full Holly Golightly mode, the flirty, flighty model type. Saya immediately went over to her and I followed automatically, if a bit confused. They said their greetings and exchanged warm hugs. A little belatedly, I greeted Lauren and then we sat down to join her table. It was at that moment I realized that in the last six months, I had not spent time with anyone outside the office but Saya or Lauren. On some level, Lauren was my only regular friend, and I didn't even know her as well as I could have.

The three of us chatted, ordered, and chatted some more. Saya actually took charge and started dropping little risqué comments, eliciting a rather obvious blush into my cheeks. Lauren, never shy, responded in kind, and after a minute, the two were actually comparing and commenting on what sex with me had been like.

We were still in a public place, and so the language was kept clean and always a little subtle. But the topic would be obvious to anyone seriously listening, and I found myself scanning the room to make sure no one was eavesdropping on our particular conversation.

The girls had a big laugh over it, and then thankfully switched to new topics that did not involve my penis. I barely touched my food, but did have two martinis that loosened me up and soon I had amiably joined in the conversation.

It turned out that Lauren was still single and very dedicated to staying single. She had her fun from time to time, but was dead set against being trapped into another relationship. Somewhat to my surprise, Saya expressed a somewhat similar mindset. She was very happy with me, and would be very giving and loyal to me. However, her long-term future was still undecided and she had no plans to truly settle down anytime soon.

I kept turning that over in my head. In a weird way, Saya had managed to express her commitment level to me without actually talking directly to me about it. Did she love me? Would she ever fall in love with me? Was she holding something back from me?

I shook the overly contemplative thoughts from my head, and tuned in to the lighter, casual conversation. By the time lunch was finished, the girls seemed to be good friends, and we made plans to meet up again for lunch the next Saturday.

The next several weeks continued in the same fashion, and Saya and I fell into a comfortable rhythm. I knew now not to pressure her, and took the edge off of some of my overly ambitious dreams for our future. We were absolute professionals at work, and I got used to restraining my affections for her while burying myself into the tasks at hand. I had my life. And Saya had hers.

The only downside was that Saya was quickly making new friends in America, and becoming very sociable with her roommate. Meanwhile I was a hermit, spending 12 hours a day at work and the other 12 locked into my condo. I knew she wanted me to live my life beyond her, but I didn't know how. I'd been in dedicated relationships since college, and was ill-equipped for going out and finding male friends. So I usually spent the main four weeknights alone. Really, the closest I came to getting laid during the work week was ogling Tiffany's gorgeous tits.

But every weekend I let loose the whole week's worth of built-up tension, and my enjoyment of the weekends was higher than ever before in my life. In the daytime, we shopped, saw the sights, and kept up regular lunches with Lauren. But the wondrous nights were spent embracing our passion. Sex was there for our pleasure, and Saya had almost no inhibitions while in private. We had sex on every surface of my condo, and over every part of our bodies. My life was five days of hell. But the two days of heaven more than made up for it. And I was starting to get used to being a boyfriend, not a husband. It was a good thing Saya was patient enough for me to learn that.


We were quickly approaching a new weekend, but this time my five days of work had a tinge of melancholy to them. The new monthly cycle was complete, and this weekend Saya and I would not be able to be as intimate as I would like. To be sure, Saya still gave amazing blowjobs and had "other" ways of getting me off. But I never felt so close to her as when we were wrapped up tightly together, pressed chest to chest in the slow familiarity of making love.

It was late on Friday at work when Saya asked to borrow the key to my condo. Momentarily, my heart jumped at the concept of Saya moving in with me, but I knew that was just a dream at this stage in our relationship. I had to ask "Why?"

"It is a surprise." Saya had her beguiling smile.

So I gave her my key, and then she left the office a half an hour early. I hurriedly finished up the rest of my work. It was still the weekend, my time with my lover. And I was eager for that time to begin as soon as possible.

I got so anxious I ended up leaving the office early as well. But I knew Saya wanted to prepare something special for me, and I owed it to her to arrive home on time exactly, so as not to ruin her plans.

Finally, I came up to my front door. It felt weird not having the key, but I tested the handle and found it unlocked. As I entered in, I saw nothing out of the ordinary in the living room, so I called out "Saya?"

A muffled gasp of surprise came from my bedroom, followed quickly by Saya's sweet voice. "In here!"

I set my laptop down, kicking off my shoes and undoing my jacket. I was in the midst of rolling up my sleeves as I entered into my bedroom and then stopped dead in my tracks in utter shock.

Saya was reclining on my bed, a very good sign for me. She was fully dressed, an obvious reminder that there was to be no access to her heavenly gate for the next several days. A sigh of contentedness rippled its way through my throat seeing her beauty before my gaze.

But that sigh got choked in my throat while my eyes bugged out. Saya was not alone in my bed. There was a fully naked female flat on her back, blindfolded and with her wrists tied to the headboard. With her arms pulled back, her large breasts were thrust upwards, firm and set high on her chest, slightly falling back to the sides and towards her chin to prove they were both real and fabulous. Her neatly trimmed pussy was already glistening with moisture, her mouth open and gasping slightly. The blindfolded girl's haircut ultimately is what confirmed my suspicions: Saya had a bound and sexually aroused Lauren in my bed.

She had already gotten me to live our relationship on her timetable, and keep my affection in check when we were in public. Now Saya was forcing me to fully recognize her values when it came to sex.

I managed to close my gaping mouth, and started in towards the bed. Saya recognized my return to action after that surprise, and in a slow grace, she lowered her head down, extending a long tongue to wrap itself around one of Lauren's engorged nipples. Meanwhile, one hand drifted down and began to flutter between Lauren's thighs.

Lauren gasped anew at this stimulation, whimpering in arousal as my girlfriend caressed her. My mind was racing even as the blood drained from my head and into lower parts of my anatomy. And when Saya moved her head to sink her tongue into Lauren's throat, I found that I was diamond-hard in record time.

I couldn't get undressed fast enough. I wrenched my belt open and my pants hit the floor. The tie flew off, but only after I'd managed to choke myself briefly. The dress shirt proved not to be worth it, and with plastic buttons flying off to the floor the shirt came open, my undershirt coming soon after that.

Finally, I was fully naked and I immediately went to Saya, my hands caressing her hips and her sides as I gently turned her so that I could kiss her. She kissed me back with a loving passion, more as a tender girlfriend than as a fucktoy. But then she pulled away. "Tonight is for your pleasure. Please, touch her, and remember how it was before me."

I leaned down then, the back of my hand going to Lauren's face to stroke her gently. She leaned into my touch, blinding seeking me out, and Lauren called out my name in a breathless moan. I remembered briefly what it was like to be with this woman. It was almost a distant memory, familiar but not fully known. But when I leaned down to kiss her, the pleasure and the remembrance came back to me. Instinctively, my lips remembered. My hands moved to touch those round globes, caressing the sensitive curves underneath.

When we broke for air, Lauren whispered, "I missed you."


She smiled, "Yeah, really." And then we were kissing passionately once again.

While I was sparring with Lauren's tongue, she suddenly bucked into my body and moaned loudly. I glanced down to see that Saya had moved herself between Lauren's legs, and her tongue was preparing the way for me. Together, Saya and I stroked and licked and suckled Lauren into a screaming orgasm, a powerful one full of hip shaking and back arching, until Saya finally got up with her face shining from female juices.

My dick was more than ready, and so I moved down across the bed. I cupped Lauren's asscheeks in my hands, getting a firm grip as I positioned my hips in just the right position. She was trembling in anticipation, quaking so much I had to focus to aim correctly. But once the head squeezed its way past Lauren's outer lips, she went completely still and just soaked in the sensation of my penetration.

"Aw, fuck I missed your cock!"

I grinned at her dirty language and guttural tone, so different from Saya's sweet voice and formalized English. Most often, the only times Saya could swear at me were in Japanese. In the meantime, Saya removed herself from the bed, sitting in a chair nearby to watch. Clearly, this event was solely for mine and Lauren's pleasure, although Saya did seem excited by the view.

Slowly, I began thrusting into Lauren's pliant body, my face against her bosom, my hands in a death grip on her hips and butt. She raised her legs up into the air and wrapped them around my shoulders, elevating us until my feet were flat on the bed, my hips only resting on hers with my own butt in the air as I drilled down into her at a deep angle. Lauren looked so helpless, curled into a ball beneath me, hands bound behind her head, thick blindfold covering the upper half of her face. I fucked her roughly, and I ended up spurred on even harder when Saya moved her hands between my legs to squeeze at my balls.

Lauren was panting and moaning at me. "Fuck me! Fuck me harder!" It was a litany half-familiar. So I did my best. Soon I was rewarded when her hips started spasming amidst my pumping and the climax spread through the rest of her body.

And then Saya was in my ear, whispering "Fill her up. Fill her with your sperm so I can suck it out of her." And then she was rubbing at my balls, squeezing ever so gently.

That did it, and with a roar of pleasure from me I was pouring out my juices, filling Lauren's still twitching pussy up to the brim.

I was gasping for breath when I drew my half-hard pecker from Lauren's limp body, and Saya immediately moved in to take up a noisy slurping. Little white globs were already spilling out onto Saya's lips.

Blindly, Lauren twisted her body and called to me. I moved up to her, kissing her again while she wriggled my arms. I decided that she'd been tied up long enough, so I removed the blindfold, revealing her big blue eyes shining up at me. I got her wrists untied from the simple handkerchiefs, and then she was reaching out and pulling my hips toward her face. Lauren rolled a bit onto her side, and with one hand pulling on my ass and the other reaching out to my crotch, she slurped my dick into her mouth, magical tongue immediately going to work at reviving me.

Saya brought Lauren to one more orgasm, mixing an extra helping of honey into the cocktail before she finished draining all the fluids in Lauren's box. Then she moved up and got Lauren's attention, turning her around so that they could kiss and swap our mingled cum between their open mouths.

Lauren kept both hands jacking my newfound erection, but her attention was all on Saya as they continued to French kiss, long after all the spunk was swallowed and gone. Eventually, Saya moved herself back to the chair.

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