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Life in the Harem Ch. 10

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Mistrust, betrayal, a chance at redemption?
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Part 10 of the 12 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/22/2008
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Modern day harem life of slaves and their struggles for alpha slave status.

Master is unaware of the intrigue and back stabbings that go on when he is away from the harem between his sex slaves. Or is he?


Calista: Lead character
Master: Master and owner
Sir Jon: Master's longtime friend
Lady Martha: Master's first wife
Lucinda: a very ambitious slave who takes an interest in Calista
Jacinta: Paired off with Calista, she too is a house slave
Mildred: Mother hen to the slaves, she is the eldest house slave
Jasmine: Arab slave girl who took over for Calista as greeter
Clara: den-mother to the harem slaves
Petra and Paulina, Roxanne, Quan-Yi, Gretchen and Barbie: harem slaves
Darabi: Another slave trader

I apologize for the short chapters before this, the last chapter just naturally finished during a "cliffhanger" and I admit that I wanted everyone to squirm a little over the fate of Calista!


I stood there all night. I had long since cried myself out till I was dehydrated. Over and over again I tried to think of why I had allowed Jasmine to seduce me. Emotionally we had comforted each other. It started with our hug and then she took over and I didn't stop her. Nowhere in my mind did I think that what I was doing was wrong. At that moment, Master was not even in my mind. I had forgotten him. I had taken him for granted. But he knew! He knows everything! I didn't even have the common sense to realize that I had done wrong until he took me down here and confronted me. It was only then that I knew that I was in trouble.

I had broken the trust between Master and I. When everyone else had betrayed him, I was the one that helped him survive. I nursed him during the imprisonment and the escape. I stayed with him during his recovery, refusing to rest until he was safe.

He had even started coming to me for advice. I knew he started to think of me as more that just a slave to be chained up and broken. He had trusted me. Perhaps he had trusted me like no one else before. He had shown me his trust. That trust, that I had never in my life ever experienced. My father never gave it to me, my step mother and step sisters never did either.

That trust was something foreign to me. I had never known it. I never realized what it was until now. But now I had taken it away with my actions. I was a fool, a stupid fool. If my hands were free, I feared that I would have done myself harm in my anguish. I stopped myself from thinking that as I realized that I didn't even have that right. I was a slave, and taking my life or harming me was something I was not allowed to do. This was Master's body. I was his property. I had no right to harm his property.

I started crying again. I wailed with all my might. The sound must have echoed throughout the fortress halls. I remembered the first night I had stayed here, and I remembered hearing a similar wail coming from the depths of the fortress. Now it was coming from me.

I didn't realize it was morning when a man came into the cell and released me from the pole. I slumped to the ground and he tossed me a rag of a dress to wear. Once I had put the harsh cloth on, he took me out of the cell and down the corridor to the slave's quarters. Here I was pushed into my own cell. Surrounded by other cells, I realized that I was in the kennels. The other miserable slaves where dirty and wretched, awaiting their fate. I was now one of them, awaiting my fate. It was out of my control now. Master would decide what my life from this point would be.

I stayed in that cell for days. I was fed gruel and water like the other slaves. Some of them tried to engage me in conversation. They wanted to know what I knew about this place. I never spoke to them. A slave's duty was to do, not speculate. Somewhere down the line, I had fallen out of my slave mentality. I had taken liberties and the pain I now experienced was the realization that this slave had thought that she was something more than a slave. Stupid silly me.

One day I was led out of the cage and brought to a simple room. Master came into the room and sat down on the only chair. I stood, in my rough tattered dress. I was unable to meet his eyes. I did the only thing I wanted to do. I dropped to the floor and hugged his legs. Prostrated, I begged him to accept my apology. I was sorrier for breaking his trust than for anything else in my life. I told him I understood now that I had taken his trust in me and shattered it.

"I'm ready to accept my punishment and fate. I am your slave and you have every right to do as you wish, but I beg you to forgive me. I made a mistake and didn't realize it. I took you for granted. Whip me, torture me, kill me, but I can't bear you not forgiving me. It has hurt me deeper than any cut or wound!"

Master looked down at me. He had not said a word.

"How can I trust you?" he asked me.

I didn't know how to answer that.

"Master, I have always done everything you have asked of me. I will continue to now. I didn't take into account that I was for you only. Jasmine seduced me, but I did not stop her. In that moment, we were both emotional and we comforted each other. I don't ask you to trust me again, I have broken that trust. I just ask forgiveness for my lack of awareness."

Master was quiet. He stood and disentangled himself from my grasp. "You will stay here for now." He said and left the room. I curled up in a ball on the floor and cried.

I didn't see Master again for quite some time. I was miserable. My whipping had healed but inside my heart was broken. I felt pain for what I had done to Master. I had broken his trust. Now I was resigned to accept my punishment. The fear of what ever Master inflicted upon me was gone. I was his slave and I resolved myself to do whatever he asked of me.

One day my door was unlocked and opened. A man escorted me out of the room and led me to Darabi's office. Inside were both Darabi and Master! My face lit up at seeing him. He in turn just looked grimly at me. My eyes lowered and my face flushed red.

"Kneel!" Master ordered.

I rushed in front of him and knelt before him. I should have just dropped to my knees where I stood, but I needed to be close to my Master. I could smell his musky scent. I had missed it. I breathed it in with my very being.

"We have been speaking," Master informed me. "Darabi and I have been working on a plan. Part of it might involve you."

I was curious and accepting.

"I will do whatever my Master wishes." I said.

He looked at me. He reached out and grabbed my chin and twisted my face upwards so that I could stare into his eyes. His blue eyes. His thawing blue eyes.

"You displeased me, slave, when you forgot your status. You broke my trust. The reason you haven't been flayed alive is that you have proven yourself in the past to be a very valuable asset to me."

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry Master." I said.

"I am willing to give you a chance to regain my trust, if you still wish to..." he said.

I jumped at the chance, grabbing his legs. "Yes Master! Anything! I am yours to command!"

Master shook his head.

"Don't be too hasty, slave." He said. "I am giving you a choice. It is rare that any slave receives a choice. Savor it. Think about it, then decide. You have a brain in there. I know you do. Use it."

I nodded and waited for this "choice".

"I need someone back at the Estate. I need an insider. Someone I can trust. That someone is you."

How was I going to get back into the Estate? Lucinda knows I'm a threat.

"You will be presented to Sir Jon by Lady Martha as a good faith prize. She will give you to him as a sign that she will do business with him. Your Master, me, is now dead. I died from the wounds of my torture. Darabi has sold you back to Lady Martha and she has secured you for Sir Jon. Word is already being spread that I am dead, so your story will just reinforce what he will already suspect."

"Once inside, you will have several tasks. First, you must determine who is loyal to me. Anyone who is not will have to be dealt with."

I was shocked. Did he mean I was to kill them?

"You will gather names for me, for when I regain control again. Three nights from when you arrive, you will disable the defense systems and sensors in the south east corner of the estate. That is called Briarwood. I will give you the access codes and the directions for you to memorize. Once they are disabled, I will come back in and reclaim control. You will simply stay out of harm and wait for it to be safe."

He looked at me. "Think carefully slave. You are safe here. There can be other ways you might be able to regain my trust in time. You showed bad judgment. That can be forgiven. You take on this mission and you will be exposed to all sorts of dangers that I cannot protect you from."

I pondered the mission and choice for a moment, but knew in my heart that I could refuse my Master nothing.

"Without my Master's trust, I am nothing. This slave worships you Master. She has done you a disservice and now must regain your trust back. She accepts the mission and will not fail you again."

I bent down and kissed his feet. My penance was decided. I would gladly do it.

Master smiled. His eyes had softened. I could read his thoughts at that moment as the pride showed from within him. 'I knew you would!'


I was naked in front of Sir Jon. He examined me as Lady Martha stood back with a smile. Lucinda was in shock and had no words. She had not foreseen this event occurring.

"She is in good shape, unharmed." Lady Martha told him.

"I was able to secure her after her Master perished. She was quite expensive, as they did not wish to give her up."

Sir Jon nodded. He seemed to be savoring the moment.

"I hope this gift to you means we can put aside our differences and start doing business?" Lady Martha confirmed.

Lucinda regained her wits. "Bah! Kill her and be done with her!" She said.

Sir Jon shook his head.

"It would be a waste of this precious product. I'm sure I can find uses for her..."

Lucinda glowered. I'm sure she knew exactly what type of uses Sir Jon could find with me! Her jealousy was rearing its ugly head!

"Tell me," said Lucinda. "What happened to your Master?"

I swallowed and prepared my speech.

I looked away from her and looked at Sir Jon.

"My Master died at the fortress from his wounds. He had passed out and never regained consciousness. After that I was processed and taken to be sold."

Sir Jon shrugged his shoulders. "That's about what I've heard." He said. He examined my back, where the wounds from my recent whipping were still healing.

Lucinda seemed suspicious. She should be, the dirty bitch!

Sir Jon seemed satisfied and dropped his pants in front of me. "Suck it!" he said as his cock grew in front of me.

I dropped to my knees and took his cock in. Sir Jon rolled his eyes back and closed them. I twisted my face sideways and glared at Lucinda. We met each others gazes and neither of us refused to blink as I continued on Sir Jon's shaft, quickly milking him into cumming.

"If you wish to have her, Jon." Lucinda spat. "She can be a house slave. She will not go back to the Harem!"

For a moment Sir Jon was quiet. Then he nodded his agreement and turned to Lady Martha.

"I accept your gift. We are good. Have her ready, we are leaving right away."

Lady Martha bowed and thanked Sir Jon.

Before leaving, I was able to see Jasmine alone. She was distraught over my punishment and her role in my seduction. Apologizing profusely, she begged for my forgiveness and said that she herself had been punished for taking assumptions. She had admitted that the "power" over slave Todd that Lady Martha had given her had gone too much to her head and that she had clearly overstepped her boundaries when she took me.

I thanked her for her apology and explanation, but I myself was still very upset over my role in cheating on Master.

"I carry that responsibility as well." I told her. "I accepted what you were doing to me."

She shrugged. "Calista, you are a slave. You are submissive. I took you and you had no choice but to accept. You were only doing what was natural."

I shook my head. "No. My duty is to Master, no one else. I allowed it to happen with no resistance. For that I must pay the price." A tear trickled down my face and when Jasmine reached to wipe it away, I shied away. She would not be allowed to touch me.

She was awkward now. She didn't know what to do with her hands as they fidgeted beside her body.

"Lady Martha was furious with me." She said. She now was looking at her feet, refusing to look me in the eye. "She took my privileges away and now Todd has authority over me. He has been...harsh."

It was at that point in our conversation when I was called to leave Lady Martha's ranch and travel with Sir Jon and Lucinda back to Duquette Estate. Back to the one place in my entire life that I could call home. I wondered if it would ever be my home again, or if it would soon be my resting place.

I spent the entire trip on the plane in between Sir Jon's legs. Kneeling on the floor, I was instructed to keep his cock in my mouth for the whole trip. After he quickly shot a load of warm cum down my throat, he settled back for the journey while my knees started to cramp and ache. Lucinda watched me like a hawk.

"I don't trust the cunt." She told Sir Jon.

He just snorted.

"She can blow you but that is all, you are mine, and I don't want her fucking you!" She warned him.

He argued with her, and she started to pout and cry.

"She'll seduce you from me. Aren't I woman enough for you?"

"Of course you are." He said.

"We're partners! There are some things that only partners should share!"

Sir Jon was getting flustered. What was the point of owning a slave business and a slave harem if you couldn't have sex with them?

Finally he realized the only way to stop her tears and her accusations was if he agreed.

"I won't fuck her." He groaned.

It seemed clear that Lucinda was calling the shots.

When we landed, I was taken to where the house slaves resided. I was given a house slave uniform and greeted by slave Mildred. She had sad eyes as she greeted me in my demoted status. Soon the other house slaves had gathered around me asking me for information. As far as they knew, Sir Jon was now in charge with Lucinda. No one knew what had happened to Master.

I was guarded. I told them very little. At this point my mission was clear. I was to ascertain which slaves were loyal to Master and which had gone over to Sir Jon and Lucinda. The two slaves I felt sure were loyal to Master were slave Mildred and slave Jacinta, whom I had worked with all those months. Late in the evening I met with both of them and asked them what had been going on since Sir Jon and Lucinda took over.


"It happened as soon as Master's plane left." Slave Mildred told me.

We were in her room, the lights turned down. I sat on the bed with her while Jacinta sat on the floor.

"There was a commotion and gun fire. The sirens came on and everyone went into lockdown. All slaves rushed to their rooms and locked their doors until we received the all-clear signal."

"Afterwards, Sir Jon had everyone assemble on the front lawn. Kennel slaves, house slaves, stable boys, harem slaves, everyone. Sir Jon and Lucinda stood before us. The guards brought in some of the bodyguards. We were told that these were the ones loyal to Master. Sir Jon explained that he was in charge now. That Master was dead and he and Lucinda had taken over. He then had the bodyguards that were loyal to Master shot right in front of us. He executed them!"

"He then dragged two of the harem slaves away from the crowd and had them shot as well. He said that anyone that showed loyalty to Master would be dealt with swiftly. Afterwards he had some of the stable boys bury them in the cemetery."

"Most of us were crying." Jacinta piped in. "A few were resigned and a few cheered Sir Jon and Lucinda."

"Who was it that cheered?" I asked. I needed names.

Mildred looked at me.

"Harem slave Roxanne cheered. So did house slave Jenny and house slave Marion."

I noted them. Mildred continued.

"Things went on like normal, only the punishments were much more severe. Any indiscretion was met with a severity that none of us were used to. House slave Jo-Ellen was flogged to death because she had spilled hot coffee on Sir Jon."

There was a pause as the gravity of her statement sunk in.

"That scared everyone. I think even the ones who cheered him were having second thoughts. One night, the guards took three house slaves. Lucinda told us that they had been conspiring to overthrow Sir Jon. They were tortured for a week then we all witnessed their execution as they begged to be put out of their pain and misery."

I was starting to realize that this mission was indeed as dangerous as Master had warned me. Dear Master, I pray that I can fulfill this mission and gain back your trust!

We snuck out of slave Mildred's room and back to our own rooms. I was anxious to continue my mission when the sun came up.


It was easy to revert back to house slave duties. I had spent a lot of my time doing the mundane chores and duties of service for a large chunk of my stay at Duquette Estate. I was not allowed to serve in the Manor house, an order I am sure that Lucinda made personally. She had a right to fear me. Instead I floated around the other buildings. For the first two days, I did nothing to arouse suspicion. I was absolutely sure that Lucinda was having me watched. I performed my duties. I also watched for everything. My eyes and ears were always open as I scanned for anything out of the ordinary.

I was careful to engage with the other slaves. It was important that they see a defeated former harem slave that was being punished for being with Master. Most of them stayed clear of me, worried that associating with me, they could be accused of conspiracy.

The second night I filled slave Mildred and slave Jacinta in on some of my plan. I was sure that they would loyal to Master; I even told them that I would make sure that Master knew who had helped me.

Jacinta was excited to help. She had visions of becoming a harem slave and thought that by Master knowing of his involvement, he would promote her to that lofty status.

Mildred on the other hand was subdued. She had seen far too much of both Master's and Sir Jon's reign to know that there was very little difference between the two of them. You were still a slave at the end of the day. She however did not like the way Sir Jon and Lucinda were running things and agreed to help.

They felt the others out as to where their loyalties lay. Mildred would not hand over the list to me until she had me promise that Master would not harm them. There had been enough misery and death.

"I promise you that I will try to get Master to be merciful."

She nodded and handed over the list.


It was the third day. That evening the plan was for me to disable the alarm system so that Master could enter into the estate and take back control. I had given instructions to both Mildred and Jacinta who would cover for me in the evening and be look outs in helping me disable the alarms in Briarwood.

The day went smoothly but as evening fell, I was summoned to the Manor house. It seemed that a party was taking place. I was escorted into the library, where the door was closed behind me. At the desk sat a lone figure, Lucinda.

"Well, well, well! The cunt has arrived!" She sneered.

I shivered. I was not going to enjoy this. I also was worried about getting to Briarwood in time to shut off the alarm.

Lucinda sat at the desk like she owned it. That was still Master's desk! She had kicked her feet up on the burled walnut surface. She had made herself at home.


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