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Life: It Only Gets Better Pt. 01

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When things get their worst, Brian finds something better.
4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 10/27/2015
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As usual, my stories have women with bigger than average chest sizes. Also they have Interracial content. If this is not your thing, you have been warned. (Yes I know, it is in the interracial section but there are many people that still read and get angry that it is interracial in nature.)

To see what the women look like see my profile.


The rhythmic bumping on the wall between his room and his roommate's had forced him out into the living room. But it was no better out here. He turned the volume on the game console up. But it did nothing to mask the loud screaming and moaning of his best friend. He sighed and turned the game off. He surrendered back to his room where all he could hear was the bumping of the wall. He looked over at the clock. "I have to be up in two hours guys!" he yelled.

"Oh shit!" he heard his roommate say. "Sorry bro!" he yelled back. There was silence for a few minutes then the door opened.

"Sorry Brian, we didn't know it was so late." Scarlett said. "Come in later, I will smooth it over with Jake." she said before closing the door.

"Fuck that!" Brian said. "I won't come in at all. Smooth that over!" he mumbled to himself.

But true to his nature he showed up to work directly on time. He punched in on the time clock and got to working at his desk.

"Thought you were coming in late?" Jake asked. "Scarlett said you weren't feeling well." Jake said peering over the small cubicle wall.

"Nah it blew over." Brian lied. Jake nodded.

"Thanks for coming in. But if you're sick, doesn't help any of us." Jake said as he walked away. "Take the day off. You got the sick time to cover for it." he said. "That was not a request!" Jake shouted as he slammed his office door. Brian sighed and got up. He didn't mind taking the day off, but he was saving those sick hours for a vacation he had planned. Scarlett met him at the elevator.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she got out.

"Thanks a bunch!" Brian said sarcastically.

"What's going on?" she asked grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the elevator. They were best friends, practically brother and sister.

"I have to take the day off." he said rolling his eyes. "Jake thinks I am sick and you know how is with germs." Brian scoffed. Scarlett who by her names sake was a true red head, smiled up at her towering friend. She loved it when he scoffed and acted like a big baby. She made fun of him the big black guy acting like a four year old. She was just barely over the 5' 3mark, but Brian was over 6' 6, so the height comparison was fun to look at. He was very dark skinned and she was almost pale except for the few times she went to get a tan. He had a bald head, while she had long red hair almost touching her butt. He was muscular, she was skinny. The two were a very odd couple to look at.

"I will talk to him." she sighed. "Go home and play your game." she smiled. He nodded. The thing with Scarlett was that no one, could ever tell her no. In all the years Brian had known her. He had never met anyone that could say no to her. If she wanted something she was getting it. She always said she used her powers for good never for evil. Which was true, she never made someone do something they didn't want to. "Say hi, to what's her face for me." she smiled and walked away.

"Gloria." Brian yelled as the elevators closed.

Brain was in the midst of playing his online game on his computer when he heard the door close. He could hear his roommate stomping around outside. Shaking his head he decided he was going to take a break.

"Give me a minute. Roommate aggro." he smiled.

"Ok, I will go let the dogs out." Gloria said. They were an online item. He had never been into online dating till he started playing this game. Now he couldn't go a day without hearing or seeing her.

"Hey. Didn't know you were home." the roommate said. Brian looked confused. He swore he heard the door to the other room close.

"Yeah." Brian said turning to look at the room. "Got sent home." he said looking back at the roommate. He was on his phone. Brian heard a chime of a phone go off in the bedroom. He looked over at the roommate who was shaking his head. "What the fuck is going on?" Brian asked angrily. He had set Scarlett and this guy up. After Scarlett had seen him in a skateboarding magazine.

"Look." the guy said. Holding his hands. "You're friend is really good, I mean really good as a girlfriend and all." he said trying to defend his actions.

"But!" Brian said circling around the little island table in the kitchen the roommate moved to avoid him.

"Come on! That temper!" the guy said. "From zero to bitch in one second flat!" he shrugged. Brian stopped. Of course he could pound this guy into the floor if he wanted to, but Scarlett was a big girl she could handle this herself.

"Sit!" Brian yelled pointed to the sofa. The guy nodded. "You in the room come out here." Brian yelled. A small blonde girl came out, looking down at the guy.

"Jake. What's going on here?" she asked.

"Do you know, he was fucking my best friend in that room just a few hours ago?" Brian asked the blonde.

"No!" she looked at Jake in disgust.

"Come on! I changed the sheets!" he said throwing his hand up.

"Fuck you!" the blonde said giving him the finger then walking out.

"What the fuck dude?" Jake asked throwing his hands up. He looked pitiful sitting there in his white tank top, black jeans. He was covered from head to toe in tattoo's. He also had way too many piercings. But that was Scarletts type she always went for these guys. Brian called her on his cell phone.

"Here. Someone needs to talk to you." he said as she answered. He threw his cell phone at Jake who caught it and shook his head. Brian sat at the island listening to him give excuse after excuse. Finally Jake threw the phone back at him.

"You alright?" he asked.

"No! I am not fucking alright!" Scarlett yelled. She was crying.

"I will be right there." Brian said. Hanging up the phone. "You better not be here! When I get back!" he yelled.

"Fuck you! I wont!" Jake replied. Brian ran to the door and kicked it open. "I mean I won't. Fuck man. Damn!" Jake said falling to the floor.

Brian sat in silence in Scarletts office. She sobbed and cried and spoke in her high pitched voice. About guys not liking her when she was angry, and how she wanted to go back home. She hated it in the city. She always had.

"Go back." Brian shrugged. Scarlett looked at him threw tear filled eyes. "We will still be friends. And you will be what a three hour drive away." he said sitting forward looking at her.

"What about you?" she asked. "You could come back with me?" she smiled.

"You know that's not true." he smiled he had burned way too many bridges when he left. And small town people did not forget very easily. She nodded.

"But you can. And you should." Brian smiled. She nodded.

It took two weeks but eventually. Scarlett was all packed and ready to go back home. Her big brother Jacob had come with the moving truck to get her. He was also skinny ginger haired. But he hated Brian, that was one of the many bridges he had burned. So he watched from afar. As the brother turned and got into the truck he turned one last time and gave Brian the finger.

"I deserved that." Brian nodded. As Scarlett came up to him.

"Sorry." she shrugged.

"Nah. I deserved it." Brian smiled.

"I will call you the minute I get back." she hugged him. Brian smiled.

"I know. And every day after." he said.

"Don't do that!" Scarlett said looking up at him. "You're not always the big tough guy. I have seen you at your worst and everything in between." she said. "I will smooth things over and you will be welcomed back with open arms." she said as she backed off.

"Not even your powers are that good." Brian smiled.

"Don't under estimate me Brian Hogan." she said as she got up in the truck. Brian watched it drive away before he went inside and up to his apartment. It was quiet and empty. He didn't realize how much stuff was Jake's till he moved out. Now the place looked empty. He sat down on the couch and stared at the ceiling. He was alone. Then his phone beeped at him. His face brightened up it was Gloria.

"Hey you. Perfect timing." he said. Feeling a little better.

"We need to talk." she said. Instantly his heart started beating.

"Ok?" he replied.

"His back." she said. Brian lowered his head and shook it. "He wants to part of Simon's life again." she said.

"But he walked out." Brian replied. She was talking about her ex. Simon was their son. The ex had walked out on them after Simon was born.

"He is his father Brian." Gloria said.

"I know." Brian shook his head. "Fine." he surrendered.

"I have to give this a shot for Simon." she said. "I am sorry." she said. Brian hung up. He threw the phone across the room. For hours he just sat there staring at nothing. Not moving. When the phone lit up in the dark room. He got up and walked over to it.

"I'm home!" Scarlett said all cheery.

"That's great." Brian said trying to sound happy.

"What happened?" Scarlett asked no doubt hearing his voice. He told her what had happened. "That fucking bitch!" Scarlett yelled.

"Scarlett. She is doing the right thing for her son." Brian said.

"Of course she is." Scarlett said. "But she still is a fucking bitch." she said.

"Thanks." Brian smiled. She knew the right things to say. "God I wish you were here. We could go out and drink." he said falling back into the couch.

"So go without me. Go to that bar down the street." Scarlett said. "You know the one with the female bartender with the huge fake tits you like." she laughed. Brian nodded.

"They are pretty huge." he smiled.

"Yeah and pretty fake too." Scarlett added.

"You're right. I will go." Brian said. Standing up.

"Have a few for me. And try and take that bitch home and fuck them fake titties!" Scarlett laughed.

"You're having fun saying fake tits. Aren't you?" Brian laughed.

"Yeah. It's making mom shudder every time I say it." Scarlett said.

"I would say tell her hi. But I am sure she would tell me to fuck off." Brian said.

"Yeah. When I called she wasn't too happy." Scarlett admitted. "But I will get her to come around."

"Talk to you tomorrow." Brian said.

"Definitely. And give them fake titties a squeeze for me." Scarlett said. Brian just smiled and hung up.

The bar was about a twenty minute walk from Brian's apartment building. He walked inside and immediately felt better. Stacy the bartender was working today and as soon as she saw him. She pointed to a stool at the bar.

"Thank god." she said.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked.

"It's fucking loser central in here tonight." she said pouring him a beer. "On the house. Just sit there and talk to me." she said.

"Deal, after the month, I am having I need this." Brian said.

"Got you beat!" she said.

"Doubt it." Brian replied.

"Shots?" Stacy asked. As she placed shot glasses on the table and a big bottle next to them.

"You sure. You got to work." Brain asked.

"I am off in." Stacy said as she looked up at the clock. "An hour and fourty-five." she said. "Go for it!" she smiled. Brian told her about Gloria and Scarlett.

"Fucking hell!" she said grabbing the bottle. "You do need these." she said pouring him two shots. "Take em both!" she said pushing them over. Brian took them both.

"Plus." he said as he put them down. "Roommate is out, now I got to pay the rent by myself." he shrugged. "Which I know for a fact I can't afford." he smiled. Stacy shook her head and poured another one, and past if over.

"I give." she said throwing her hands up. "All I got is my car got hit by a shopping cart at the store. And being hit on every day here by local losers." she said. One of the guys at the bar looked at her. "Well it's fucking true." she said. "Every night, someone comes in takes a peek at my chest and spends the rest of the night trying to find a way to get their dick between them." she smiled. The man nodded. And went back to watching the game on the screen above the bar.

"Well, to their defense." Brian said. "It's a goal most guys have to strive for." he smiled. He was feeling pretty buzzed. Stacy turned and put some glass away.

"Absolutely. I get it." she said as she washed some of them. "I have a huge fucking chest." she said. "I wake up to these fuckers every day of my life. I love them, or I wouldn't have got my ex to pay for them to be this big." she said coming back to him. "But come on a little class, wouldn't hurt." she shrugged. "Not just blatant fucking rudeness." she said.

"Agreed." Brian said. "So I got to ask." Brian said. As he finished his beer. He had always wanted to ask figured today was as good as any. "Why?" he asked.

"Why this big?" Stacy replied. She poured him another one. "Good question. I don't get asked that much. Just how big? How much? Are they real?" she said sitting on a stool behind the bar. "Well I got the ass, was born with that." she smiled.

"Agreed." Brian said. Scarlett had always commented on her ass, even grabbed it a couple of times. Stacy was the definition of a white girl with a big bootie. Her hair almost met it. But now it was up.

"So after me and the ex split up." she said looking at Brian. "He asked if I wanted the house, the car or anything." she smiled. "I told him pay for these, and I will let him go with everything." she shrugged. "I didn't think he would do it. Since he still liked me, and hated big tits." she smiled. "But here they are." she said as she grabbed them. "And I love em" she laughed.

"And the guys love them too." Brian said.

"Nah they are all talk." Stacy said. "When I do get in the mood, I try and get them but they get intimidated and run home with their tails between their legs." she said. She looked up at the clocks. "Fifteen minutes." she smiled.

"So what are you going to do after work?" Brian asked.

"Same shit I do every day pinky." she smiled. Brian laughed. "Just go home play some games, then hit the sack." she said. "My life is awesome." she said sarcastically.

"Same here." Brian said.

"Well I better cut you off." she said. "Don't want your ass falling down before you get back." she smiled.

"Nah I am good." Brian said. She looked him over and poured another beer.

"Last one." she said. Brian nodded. Stacy went to the register and closed it out. "What do I owe you?" Brian asked.

"Told you. On the house." she waved him off.

"Nah. I got to owe you something?" he asked. She just smiled at him. As a man came behind the bar and she switched places with him. She walked over to Brian's stool.

"Take me back to your place and we can call it even." she whispered in his ear. Brian smiled.

"Deal!" he said. As he chugged his beer. He loved how aggressive she was.

They barely made it into the apartment before she was taking off his shirt. She kissed him all over his chest. Pushing him back onto the couch.

"Just sit back and enjoy." she smiled. As she got down on her knees. She spread his legs wide as she unzipped his pants. She took his dick out. Brian looked down at her as her mouth slowly took his dick inch by inch. He let out a deep breath as she got to the bottom.

"Holy fuck." he said as she looked directly up at him. Then very slowly inched her way back up. She did these three more times. Without taking her eyes off of him. Then she slowly sped it up. Each time a little faster than the last. "Damn your fucking good." he said. He had never had his dick sucked like this. She nodded with his dick in her mouth.

"Been waiting to do this for a very long time." she said as she took his dick in her hand. She used her other hand to take the band out of her brown hair. It fell just past her shoulders. She cocked her head to one side and licked his dick on one side then the other. "I love sucking a nice big dick." she smiled.

"I love to see a big dick between big tits." he said hoping to see her tit fuck him.

"Then I have to disappoint you." she smiled. "I don't have big tits." she said licking the tip of his dick. She took him down to the bottom again. "I have huge fucking tits!" she corrected him.

"Yes you do!" he said looking at them stretching her black shirt out.

"What do I get out of it?" she asked looking up at him with his dick in her hands.

"Anything you want." he said back. He wanted to get tit fucked by those huge tits.

"Anything?" she smiled. He nodded back down at her. "I want you to fuck me, and fill me with your cum." she said. "Then I will let you fuck my huge fucking tits!" she said with an evil grin.

"Fucking deal!" he said without hesitating. She literally jumped up with a smile on her face. As she grabbed the top of her jeans. Brian watched as she peeled the jeans down her, it was like a second skin around her big ass and thick hips. She was wearing black panties that shaped perfectly on her ass. "Damn that's a thick ass!" Brian said reaching out with both hands and grabbing both cheeks.

"Glad you like." Stacy said as she bent over.

"Now this is a nice ass!" Brian said over again as he gave it a spank watching it jiggle, he left a red hand print on one side.

"Don't let the other get jealous." she said looking back at him. He spanked the other side. She moaned. He peeled the panties down, exposing her to him. He buried his face between her ass licking her from behind.

"Fuck!" she said reaching forward while still standing she grabbed her knees bracing herself as he licked her from behind. "Damn that feels good." she said as Brian licked and fingered her pussy from behind. "Damn Brian!" Stacy said. She pushed her ass back on his face but he didn't move. Brian had no intention of stopping. He grabbed both sides of her ass and pulled her back on his face. "Hold on now!" she said as he felt her cumming. "That's it!" she said. But Brian could barely hear her. She pushed back harder on him as she began to cum hard. "Brian fucking stop! And fuck me! Please!" Stacy begged. Brian smiled as he stood up. He turned her around she grabbed the back of the couch as he bent her over.

"About time someone grabbed this ass." Brian said as he pushed his way inside her.

"Well it's been a while." Stacy said as she buried her head. Brian began slowly working his way in and out of her. Her ass jiggled this way and that way which each thrust. She took her hands off the couch grabbing her shirt and pulling it off of her.

"Now the bra!" Brian ordered as he grunted. He was balls deep in her pussy.

"Get that when you cum, not before!" She said.

"Oh yeah?" Brian said as he began to go faster. As he got faster she began to push back on him. Then she matched him bouncing back and forth on him. "Let me see you do it!" he said. He stopped fucking her and watched as she bounced her ass back and forth along his dick. "Damn you know how to work it!" he said slapping each side leaving his hand marks.

"Sit down." she said as she stood up. He turned around and sat on the couch. She pushed his legs apart and bent over lowering herself down on his dick. She had one hand on one of his knees as she slowly bounced herself up and down.

Brian watched her ass bounce up and down before grabbing it on both sides and pulling it down. The room filled with her ass bouncing off off him. He pulled her down harder. She bounced herself more. The sound got louder and louder.

"Fuck." she said as she shuddered one more time.

"My turn now." Brian said pushing her up. Then leading her down to the floor. She was still bent over her head buried to the floor her ass up as high as it could go. Brian got behind and began fucking her as hard as he could. Sweat dripping off of his head. He was giving all get got and she was taking it.


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