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Lifestyle Ch. 15 - Unleashing

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A swinger lifestyle might help a troubled marriage.
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Author's Note: The Loving Wives stories and comments seem to indicate many people think "One size SHOULD fit all!" Some believe that in all marriages both partners MUST remain sexually monogamous, then the couple will be happy ... well, at least tolerating each other, for the rest of their lives. And there are others who believe everyone would benefit if the married couple just learned to open up and share sex with others. Many people can't seem to recognize that others may have different legitimate reasons for the way they behave. Time and experiences change people, and they handle their lives differently due to their past experiences.

This is a story of FUN sex and loving couples, with my favorite swinger couple, Ted and Jan. It will reference their earlier exploits, some of which can be found in previous chapters and standalone stories. But you don't need to read those earlier stories to fully appreciate this one.

This story includes a (possibly?) monogamous couple, so I hope everyone might find at least one character in this story you like, rather than dwelling on others you hate.


Our oldest daughter, Jennifer, and her husband along with their kids live almost a two-hour drive away from our suburban home. And we were driving to their house today for a grandchild's birthday party.

My gorgeous wife, Jan was sitting in the passenger seat beside me as I drove. She was focused on her iPad tablet playing some card game, a variation of solitaire. We were on the road for well over thirty minutes when she casually asked, "So, what are you thinking about?" as she continued to play her game on the small pad.

"The usual," I easily replied, not going into any details. After over thirty years together, she already knows the answer, and I know she's expecting it.

"Sex, right?" she asked, as if she needed to be reminded.

"What else is there?" I replied in a sarcastic tone. "All I have is the road ahead to stare at as I drive, and my mind just wanders in its own direction."

"Well, I'm not giving you 'road head', so get over it," she said, destroying my hope for a blowjob. "You can either calm down by thinking of something else or feel frustrated all the way there." Then she teased by asking, "Are you thinking of what you missed with Maggie at that last house party?"

"Bitch!" I said in a determined tone with a hint of anger. "You just enjoy tormenting me, don't you? We agreed to stay together at that party. When Maggie came on to me, I tried to get your attention so we could go to a bedroom together. But after five minutes of you continuing your banter with the others, without even letting me join in, she found someone else to play."

"I was talking with Jim, Maya, Derek, and Arlene, trying to get us all together as a group. I thought you'd like to play with Maya or Arlene."

"And how'd that work out?" I asked sarcastically.

"It's not MY fault Maya didn't want to play with you," Jan said defensively.

"Maybe if you spent less time talking and MORE time listening," I said, again admonishing her, "you might have picked up that Maya wanted YOU, not me."

"I'm not Bi!" she quickly added defensively. "I wanted to play with their husbands."

"But Maya wasn't talking to me or Derek," I pointed out. "She was focused on getting close to you and talking just to you. And Arlene was just hanging back, trying to get you to focus on her husband, Derek. I think she wants to see that he's satisfied before she gets with anyone else at those parties. So, you left me to stand on the sideline most of that time until Arlene loosened up."

"Okay," Jan conceded. "I'll try to pay more attention to who you are with and try staying closer to you at the parties."

"We might host our own house party," I pointed out a minute later as I calmed down and thought more about it. "So far, we haven't invited more than one couple at a time to play at either of our houses."

"I don't like the way our house here in the suburbs is laid out for those larger parties," Jan said. "It's a little small. I don't want to set up the kids' old rooms for swingers to use. And the living room isn't big enough. Maybe we can use the mountain house retreat. It has the larger great room with several bedrooms and baths ready for guests. We could use that unless we've invited the kids for a weekend."

"There's an idea," I admitted, thinking of the possibility of using our remote vacation property. "But it's more than a two-hour drive from here, and that wouldn't be practical with the couples we know to drive that far for just one evening."

"We have enough rooms there," Jan observed "We could invite three or four couples to join us for a weekend, and they could stay overnight."

"Okay," I said. "Think about who you'd like to invite and when. We might put something together in the next month or two. But we'll see if anyone has any parties coming up at the Bar Group meet-up on Sunday."


The Lifestyle

We occasionally attend group meetups with other couples at different local bars. These meetups are with friends we met through an online web site for adult activities. One or two couples will pick a bar or restaurant they know which has the right venue, usually with a private room, and they send out an invite to the group. We show up around 2:00 on a Saturday or Sunday and socialize until around 4 or 5:00. We each buy some drinks from the restaurant bar, order some snacks, and spend the afternoon talking and getting to know each other, usually in a secluded side room. And sometimes couples will leave together for more private fun at one of their houses or a nearby hotel.

Jan and I started these adult friendly activities after the last of our kids was out of the house, and it was a rather eye-opening journey. We have been in this swinger lifestyle now for almost two years, and our experiences have expanded. Jan's attitude has changed from "No way!" for Bi or girl-girl activities, to lightly touching, followed by her probing another woman with her own fingers and looking closely, to sucking on another woman's nipples. She was no longer averse to other women touching or going down on her. And she was now willing to look at online profiles of couples with a Bi female.

My own sexual preferences haven't really changed, I'm still straight, having no interest at all in other guys. But I'm at ease seeing my wife with other guys and even sharing women between me and another guy at the same time.

The other thing we've noticed with this sharing is when couples get together, it's far more complicated than just a guy and girl meeting to find out if they're compatible. Now it involves four people and all the combinations and permutations of feelings. When I find a woman at a swinger party, I wonder; 'Will Jan like the other husband? And would she like seeing me with this woman? Am I getting along with the other husband, or is he looking annoyed or angry at me talking to his wife?'

Now multiply that by four, because everyone is thinking those same thoughts about each other. Then at these group events, add in one or two other couples, and you see where this is going. It becomes exponentially more difficult to find two couples or a group of more people who all feel the same towards each other at the same time. And seeing your own spouse sucking and fucking someone else is not something most people are inclined to easily accept, particularly if it's with someone you don't like. So, it takes the right 'chemistry' between everyone to form a group of 'friends with benefits'.

Jan and I usually go to these bar group meetups now for just drinks and conversations, without expectations of getting together right away. We would meet a few new couples. Then we head home to discuss our own impressions between just the two of us to sort out the possibilities. After Jan and I agree with each other, we'll message another couple to see if they feel the same way to set up potential playdates.


Bar Meet-Up

The next Sunday, Jan and I were at the Bar Meetup with our drinks in hand as we entered the side room where the group was meeting this time. I stood off to the side looking around the large room, realizing we knew more than half of the people there from past meetups. We never played with most of them, the 'chemistry' just not quite right for whatever reasons. But there were two couples there with whom we previously shared more intimate moments.

I was innocently standing off to the side talking with a woman we knew, Brenda. She was a petite redhead in her early forties, and she and I spent some very intimate time together twice. Jan and I met Brenda and her husband, Barry at a house party. Then we invited them for an overnight stay at a family vacation house we have in the mountains, because the four of us just clicked.

As we talked, Brenda and I both noticed a new couple we hadn't seen at our group's meetings previously. The woman appeared to be in her late thirties, wearing skintight jeans, knee-high black stiletto-heel boots, and a blue silk low-cut blouse. She was a few inches shorter than my wife, Jan. But those heels brought her up to a nice height. Her long dark hair framed her face, and I could get lost just staring into her dark brown eyes.

Her husband looked to be in his mid-forties, about six feet tall, 180 pounds, with greying hair almost like a "George Clooney" look, which I knew Jan finds very attractive.

While Brenda and I talked to each other, we couldn't help but notice the newcomers, because the young woman excitedly wandered among the groups of people in the room. It was her first time with this lifestyle bar group. And she acted like a kid in a candy store with the freedom to talk to anyone about socially taboo subjects.

When Sarah joined us, she just blurted out to me, "Do you know how hot you are?" her eyes wide in wonder. "I would really like to do you!"

Brenda almost burst out laughing at that, then said, "Oh, you'll really like him!"

"You two have been together?!" Sarah asked, as if surprised.

I wrapped an arm around Brenda's waist and pulled her close in front of me and she pulled my head down for a rather passionate kiss, before turning back to Sarah.

"Oh, I know him very well," Brenda replied, as she laid a hand on my chest and smiled at her.

Another tall, well-built blonde, Claire came over to join our conversation. Jan and I have known Claire since she and her husband, Ken invited us to our first house party in this lifestyle. They asked us to stay overnight with them and another couple before the party the next afternoon.

Sarah turned to Claire asking, "Don't you think he's hot?"

"Oh, you won't be sorry with Ted!" Claire replied.

"You, too?" Sarah asked, her voice rising in surprise.

I again leaned in to give Claire a deep kiss.

Sarah just stared slightly open mouthed at us until I broke the kiss, then she coyly asked, "When do I get a turn?"

I chuckled before saying dismissively "I haven't even met your husband, yet."

"I don't need his permission," Sarah replied a little sternly.

"It's not about permission," I said. "It's about boundaries. And you haven't met my wife, either, to cross her boundary."

"Huh," Sarah huffed a little "Then I'll just have to work at finding your gate keeper. I'll go see what I can do about that!" she added with a sly smirk before turning to saunter away. She stopped briefly to look back at me watching her, and she smiled before continuing.

It was about a half-hour later, when I noticed Sarah was standing in the middle of a group of five guys. As they talked, the guys stepped in closer to her and they started rubbing up against her. Something in their conversation must have prompted this because I knew the guys, and they wouldn't usually act that way with a woman in this setting. After a minute or two of that, she suddenly pushed between two of them, breaking away, almost running across the room to find her husband, Nate. When I noticed her break away from the group of guys, I thought she might be having a panic attack from feeling assaulted.

Sarah grabbed her husband's hand, and she excitedly tugged at him, pulling him away from his discussion group. She led him straight toward me and breathlessly said, "Nate, this is Ted. And I REALLY want to do him! Can we take him home?"

Nate chuckled as he reached out his hand to me to shake. "I hope you realize she's had a few drinks. I think those other guys must have turned her on."

"Hi. As she said, I'm Ted," I replied. "And my wife, Jan and I have been in this lifestyle about two years."

"I met Jan earlier," Nate said. "She seems to be as ... 'interesting', as my Sarah."

"Oh, then if you've caught on to Jan's "interesting' comments," I said, "we probably have a lot in common."

"Sarah and I have been playing with others for about three years," Nate said in explanation. "This is just our first time with this group. So, she's serious, if you and your wife would like to come to our condo nearby."

"I think we've been here long enough," I said. "But I need to check with Jan first." I looked around and caught Jan's eye as she stood with another group. Waving my hand, I beckoned her to join us. Jan walked over to stand in front of Nate, her eyes glancing down not so subtly to his crotch.

I saw Sarah watching Jan's eyes dart down to her husband's waist and the bulge in his tight jeans. Looking at Jan, Sarah cheerfully asked, "Would you like to check out his package at our place? We could leave right now."

Jan slid her hand over Nate's bulge. Then she looked at me and said, "It's hard to resist an offer like that." Then turning back to Nate and Sarah, she added apologetically "But I think we'll need to take a rain check." She looked at me, saying, I got a text an hour ago from one of our kids to meet this evening for dinner in another two hours."

I just looked at Sarah, shrugging my shoulders. "Sorry. My gate keeper said 'No,'"

"Awe!" Sarah replied, disappointed.

"Maybe you two could join us sometime," Jan cheerfully offered. "We have a house in the mountains, and we'd love to have you stay with us there sometime."

"That sounds like a plan," Nate joined in. "We don't have any kids at home, so we're somewhat flexible. You have our contact info through the lifestyle website, so let us know what weekends might work."

I have a business trip next weekend," I said. "But we could try for the following weekend if you're free. Brenda and Claire," I added as I turned my attention to them "we have enough room for you, Barry, and Ken to join us, too."

"Sounds great," Claire said. "But Ken and I are taking the kids to visit my parents that weekend. So, sorry we can't be there."

Brenda said she and Barry could make it, and Nate and Sarah agreed, too. So, we were set for a small house party with just us, three lifestyle couples spending the night together in two weeks.


Marital Problems

The next afternoon near the end of the workday, it was almost five o'clock when I locked the door to the computer lab and signed the security form hanging on the wall beside the door. Then I went to the elevator for the ride up to the Vice President's floor and his office. Inside the elevator, I looked at my reflection in the mirrored walls, taking the time to straighten my tie and run a hand through my black although slightly greying hair.

I turned sideways to check my profile, since my wife, Jan sometimes criticizes me for slouching. At six foot three, I tend to bend over to better hear people in crowded rooms or to get closer to their level when talking. But she'll harshly say, "Stand up straight and suck in that Buddha belly!" I'm NOT overweight, at just 200 pounds. At my height, that's the middle of the healthy range! But I should work on my posture, just not as much as she obsessively works out each morning.

Jan hits the basement treadmill five mornings per week. And I will admit it keeps her in great shape. At fifty years old and after having our four kids, she still has a figure many high school girls envy. But I do work out enough with weights to keep my muscles toned.

After walking down the hall to the VP's outer office, I entered his secretary's foyer.

"Hi, Carol," I greeted his secretary. "I just have a quick question for him. Is Walt in?"

"Yeah, Ted. He said if you came by, he'd like to talk to you, if you have some time."

"Well, it's almost five o'clock," I pointed out. "That's quitting time."

"He said to tell you there's a glass of scotch in it for you."

"Sounds like someone fucked up, again," I noticed, "and he needs me to fix it."

"God, Ted," Carol said with a chuckle, "does he have to get you drunk to do your job?"

"No. But he knows what it takes to get me to do it faster," I said as I walked past her desk and into Walt's office.

I had known the guy sitting behind that desk for almost thirty years, ever since he hired me right out of college to work here. He was a little shorter than me at about five foot ten, and just a little stocky. But he was also one of those gym rats and a weightlifter, staying in shape as he grew older, too. My wife, Jan and I socialize with Walt and his wife, Shelly, occasionally, even outside of the annual company Christmas parties.

Walt and I are sort of a team, since I started working for the company, with him handling the customers and contracts. He gives me the shitty jobs of fixing the messes other technicians seemed to cause. I was his trouble-shooter and "fix it" man. It became a joke between us, when he'd offer me a drink, the quality of the scotch indicated the level of the fuckup I had to fix. The worst problems got me the best glass of scotch.

"Ted," Walt said cheerfully when he looked up from the papers on his desk. "I'm glad you stopped by. Are you in a rush to leave?"

"It's that time of day, Walt," I replied. "And you know I don't work late."

"Could you spare some time for a drink, and stay for a few minutes today?"

"How bad is it this time?" I asked. "Is this a Macallan 15 bad, or the 18?"

"Neither really. This is a personal favor. I'd just like to talk," he said. "And you're the smartest guy I know."

"Okay," I said, a little puzzled as I took one of the seats in front of his desk. We never socialized in the office. Here, it was always business or the technology questions. And even when we got together outside of the office, it was mostly our wives socializing, with me and Walt just bantering about the contracts or technology.

Walt stood from his desk and walked around to his personal office liquor cabinet. I saw him pouring two glasses of the fifteen-year-old Macallan. After adding a splash of water to each glass, he handed one to me before he took a seat in the chair beside me.

"Ted, I've known you and Jan for thirty years," Walt began. "How do you two get along so well? You know she flirts with me at the parties or when we get together," he said, then abruptly added "Nothing ever happened between us! ... She just seems to flirt with words and gestures. But ... doesn't that get to you?"

"Not really, Walt," I said dismissively. "We've been together since high school. And she's always been that way."

"Don't you ever wonder if she might be doing something behind your back?" he asked.

"Do you know something I don't, Walt?" I asked, now getting a little concerned and wondering where he's going with this. "Did you see Jan with someone?"

"NO!" Walt insisted suddenly. " ... No. ... Not Jan," and he hesitated, as if thinking about what he wanted to say next. Then he added a little more solemnly. "It's Shelly. ... She's been acting ... a little different lately. She's been dressing differently, wearing more revealing clothes. And sometimes I think I hear her cellphone ping with an incoming text. But when I look at her phone later, there are no texts at that time. I don't know if I'm mistaken, or if she's deleting texts she doesn't want me to see."

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