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Lilith Shorts - The Good Deed Ch. 02

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Ted makes a mistake visiting the Blood Stone.
2.6k words

Part 13 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/11/2018
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"He's cute, I can see why Ella went on about her night with him.

"I know right, and from what she said he's packing some serious heat in his pants, oh I can't wait, he even smells amazing."

"Wha....... where am I?" Ted asked as he was blindfolded and it felt like he was chained to what felt like a bed as two women's voices spoke.

"He's waking up, this is going to be fun!" One of the women said as Ted still couldn't see anything.

It had been a few weeks since the night Ted had met Ella and had an amazing time with her. The bite on his neck had all healed up but he was starting to wonder if he would ever see her again. Since that night he had found a new job so his situation was improving. He hadn't started yet but he had made a deal with his landlord about paying so he wasn't too worried about it.

One night he stopped by the Blood Stone to see if she was working. He knew it was a long shot and probably not the best idea but he had not heard from her at all. He thought about going to her apartment but that just made him feel like a creep too so he figured this was the best option but it was also how he ended up in this mess, to begin with.

He suddenly felt a hand rubbing the front of his jeans while someone else took off his blindfold. He was in a small room on a queen-size bed as these two blonde women smiled at him. They were both wearing clothing that made them look like they probably worked as dancers at the Bloodstone as they were also very attractive but he knew he was in trouble.

"Now, let's see what made Ella brag so much," one of them said as she unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants until his cock was out. She began to rub it making him hard as he let out a little moan while trying to pull free from the chains. "My my, that is impressive, take a look, Vicky."

"Wow, we are going to have a lot of fun with you," Vicky said as she crawled into bed to get a closer look. "I can smell his blood, and look, he was nice enough to give us a straw to use," she said with a laugh as she ran his fingers along his shaft.

Ted remembered her from when he walked into the club. She had walked up to him and asked if he wanted a private dance but he instead asked if Ella was working. Everything after that seemed foggy, almost as if he was quickly knocked out from behind.

"What did you do to me?" Ted asked after noticing he had a headache.

"Sorry if I was too rough, maybe we can make it up to you?" The first woman said before she leaned down and started licking his cock with her tongue.

"You are such a fucking tease, Melanie," Vicky said as she started licking his cock on the other side. "We don't want this over too quickly now do we?"

"I think he'll be just fine, besides, it's been a long time since I've found a man who could please a vampire."

"Please, don't do this, where's Ella?" Ted asked as they continued to lick his cock.

"Forget about Ella, you're gonna have fun with us tonight, besides, she said it wasn't a good idea if she saw you again so we're doing her a favor."

"What do you mean?" He asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, will make it as painless as possible," Melanie said with a grin showing off her fangs.

"It's your last night on Earth, and trust me when I say, there is no better way to die than with us."

"Wait, please, you can't......." he pleaded with them before Melanie wrapped her lips around his cock and began to suck while Vicky massaged his balls and took them in her mouth. "Fuck!" He yelled out because, despite his predicament, it felt amazing.

"You see, he likes us," Vicky said while they continued to molest his member.

"I love making men submit like this, lying there, with no choice but to feel everything. Good thing I'm not a bitch," Melanie chuckled before continuing to suck on his cock.

"That's why they call us the sin sisters, and we aren't even gonna charge you," Vicky said as she ran her finger under his balls, tickling him a little. "Although, he won't need his wallet anymore when we're done. Shit, I guess we are charging you, oh well, guess we'll have to show you a really good time."

"Shit....... shit!" Ted yelled out bucking his hips a little as his cock suddenly burst into Melanie's mouth as she sucked up every drop of cum he had to give.

"That's not fair, I thought the first one we were gonna share?" Vicky said with disappointment in her voice.

"I'm sorry, you know I can't control myself."

"Well then I get the first ride," Vicky said pushing Melanie aside as she took off her clothes, tossing them on the floor before she crawled on top of Ted, grinding against him as she got face to face with him. "Are you ready for a good time?"

"Please," Ted pleaded again.

"No need to beg, you already got me naked."

She was a very beautiful woman, both of them were and he couldn't help the way his body was reacting to their attention but still, all he could think about was Ella and how he was never going to see her again. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to imagine it was her on top of him rubbing her pussy against his throbbing cock which was still hard despite his recent orgasm.

Vicky lowered herself onto his member letting it slide in as she let out a moan. "Wow, this feels so fucking good," she said before she started moving her hips.

"Don't forget that I want a turn after," Melanie said as she came up behind Vicky and wrapped her arms around playing with her breasts. "I hope he can last the night."

"He could for Ella, and we are so much hotter than her."

"That we are Sis," she said as she kissed the side of her neck.

Ted hated himself for enjoying the sensation he was feeling as Vicky milked his cock. He wanted to break the chains so he could touch her and enjoy himself as much as possible but that didn't seem like it was going to happen.

"That's it, oh fuck yeah, his cock feels so fucking good," Vicky said as her eyes began to fill with blood. "I can't........ hold........ on!"

Right as Ted was about to cum for a second time he yelled out in pain as he felt teeth piece into his shoulder. It hurt for a moment but he then felt himself cum much harder than he expected as she drained his balls and his blood at the same time.

"Hey, leave some for me," Melanie said before sinking her teeth into his inner thigh making him scream again as the sensation seemed to keep his orgasm going strong.

As Vicky pulled her teeth from him she licked her lips and said: "oh well, guess you won't last the night," before she bit him again.

Ted was starting to fade as he got dizzy and tired before he heard the door open with authority. "What the fuck is going on here?" A familiar voice yelled out as he felt Vicky and Melanie let go of him but he was too weak to even look at what was going on before he passed out.


Ted's head was pounding as he lie in the dark. His hands were no longer bound and he was pretty comfortable as he felt the soft pillow under his head and a warm blanket covering him. As he opened his eyes he looked at the nightstand and saw a bottle of Gatorade sitting there.

He tried to reach for it but he was having a hard time moving as he still felt weak. He heard footsteps walking towards him but he wasn't sure who it was as he was having trouble turning his head and focusing his vision.

"Let me help you with that," a woman's voice said as she sat down on the edge of the bed and opened the bottle for him. "Here you go," she said as she poured the cool liquid into his mouth.

"What......" he said trying to sit up noticing the bandages on his chest and the fact he was only wearing his underwear.

"Just relax, you lost a lot of blood."

Ted felt a pinch before he looked over and saw an IV on his left arm pumping him with fluids as well. "Ella?" He said looking back at the tall brunette sitting next to him.

"What the Hell were you thinking going to the Blood Stone."

"Nice to see you too," he said still having trouble sitting up.

"You could have been killed, you almost were!"

"I wanted to see you," he said finally looking her in the eye.

"Ted," she paused not sure what to say. "Look, we had a great time, but....."

"It was a one-time thing right?" He said with a smirk. "Yeah, I should have guessed that."

"Look Ted, it's not that...."

"How'd you find me?"

"I..... the bartender overheard you asking about me before Vicky and Melanie grabbed you, figured I should know."

"Well, thanks, I guess we're even," he said reaching over and pulling the needle out of his arm.

"You should rest."

"No, I've taken up enough of your time, I'll head on home and," he said as he tried to stand but fell to the floor.

"For the love of, just lie the fuck down will you?" She said picking him up and putting him back in bed. She climbed on top of him and straddled him to keep him down against the mattress. "I mean look at you, you're a mess."

"Well, some things are worth it?"

"Oh really, you're saying this was worth it?"

"Well I got to see you again didn't I?"

"So if you never saw me again, you'd be all set?"

"I didn't say that, it's just......"

"Just what?" She said leaning down and crossing her arms on his chest.

"Well, I........"

"Want to........ go on a date?"

"Yeah, actually I would."

"Oh, and where would you take me?"

"Well, I'd take you out to din......... uh, drinks?"

"Well, I see you've thought this through."

"Look, I know what you are, and I know it won't be normal, but at least let me try?"

"Well, I mean, you did almost die trying to find me, and you were brave enough to stop that mugger. I suppose you could take me out."

"Great, how about......" he suddenly felt dizzy again trying to sit up as she gently pushed him back down against the mattress again. "Shit, how long was I out?"

"12 hours."

"Shit, already fucked up my new job."

"I already went down there and explained to them what happened, how you were hit by a car."

"Oh, and they believed you?"

"I can be very persuasive," she said biting her bottom lip. "I told them I was your girlfriend."

"Oh, and they believed that too?"

"Well, it might be true," she said getting her face closer to his.

"Wait, how'd you even know?"

"Maybe I've been stalking you, maybe I'm that crazy kind of girlfriend?"

"Yeah but, you are still way out of my league."

"Then maybe I'll have to stop by and show off in front of them, so they know it," she said before she started to kiss him. She felt his hands slide around her ass as she continued. "So there is a little strength left in there unless you want me to let you rest?"

"I like you right where you are, but I don't have a lot of blood left in me."

"Who said anything about blood?" She said as she grinds against his crotch feeling his cock get hard. "Seems there's enough for that."

"Oh shit," he said looking up at Ella who was wearing jeans and a t-shirt but still looked sexy as Hell.

"I can be very gentle," she said running her hands down his chest before she pulled off her shirt. "I mean, you missed me."

He reached up and unbuttoned her pants before sliding his hands inside to slide them off as much as he could. She squirmed in his arms as he slid his hand under her panties and teased her slit a little making her moan.

She sat up and slid off her jeans followed quickly by her panties before taking his off as well. "Fuck this slow bullshit," she said before lowering herself right down onto his cock as they both let out a moan. She took a few deep breaths before looking him in the eyes. "Hi," she said with a giggle before kissing him again.

As weak as he was, his arms found the strength to explore her body as she moved her hips, milking he cock. This was nowhere near as intense as last time, or as it was with the Sin Sisters but it was exactly what they both wanted, simple.

She let out little moans as his hands grabbed her perfect ass and it was music to his ears. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and the fact that he was having sex with her, again just blew his mind. Her lips tasted sweet and her scent was intoxicated. It was a different scent than last time but the succubus pheromones would probably be too much for him right now as his hands slid up her back.

She was being very gentle with him, only moving her hips enough to pleasure them both but somehow that made it feel ten times better. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer at this rate but she didn't seem to care as she wrapped her arms around his head and kissed him passionately.

"Oh fuck," he said feeling he was going to cum at any moment but was trying to hold on.

Ella just smiled as she moved her hips a little differently enhancing the pleasure even more as if trying to sabotage his attempt to last longer. She had a mischievous look on her face knowing exactly what she was doing as she brought him closer to orgasm.

"Stop trying, I'm just too good," she said kissing him again and rocking her hip one more time making him cum very hard as she bit her lip and enjoyed the sensation.

She moaned feeling his warm seed squirt all over her insides, almost as if it was just as pleasurable for her as it was for him. His cock went on for quite a while and he enjoyed every second of it, almost she had some supernatural ability to shift her hip and make it last longer which was not a problem as far as he was concerned.

"Wow, that was amazing," he said feeling a little light-headed.

"You weren't so bad yourself," she said resting her head on his chest.

"I barely did anything?"

"True, but I got what I wanted," she said giving him a kiss before getting comfortable next to him. "You should get some rest though, you owe me a few drinks."

"That I do. You aren't leaving are you?"

She smiled at him before throwing her arm over his chest. "Where would I go?"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

when is the next chapter??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Can't wait for the next chapter

You are my favourite author on the entire site please keep up the great work those amazing stories that you keep coming out with and hopefully another chapter of this coming not too far away?

JokerMan84JokerMan84about 3 years agoAuthor

Don't really do requests because I can only write if I'm 100% behind the project. Also fanfiction with other ppls characters has a lot of rules

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Hey do you do requests? Have you consider doing stories with symbiotes again like your Alien Panties series? Also I was wondering if you can do a story taking place in spider man universe where the symbiote crash lands on Earth and like for example ends up bonding with Mary Jane Watson?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Another great read. I get such enjoyment out of your work. I can’t wait to go through everything you have posted.

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