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Lilith's Emporium: Demon G/F Ch. 01

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Lizeth's daughter finds a mate, with strange fantasies.
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Ryan was driving in the dark on this foggy night and it was getting hard to see. He was on a road in the woods not even sure where he was or how he got there. The fog seemed to be getting thicker and he was starting to get a little worried as it was getting even harder to see until he saw a light in the distance which seemed to be some sort of store.

Ryan really just wanted to get home after the rough week he had. His girlfriend of over a year had just broken up with him recently but he was struggling with being heartbroken but also a little relieved it was done. Scarlett was beautiful and smart and he felt lucky to have her but she was also very controlling and degraded him on many occasions. He felt lonely as he never felt he could have done better but also felt like maybe this was a good thing.

As he pulled up to the only light in the darkness and parked his car. It was late but the sign still said open. He couldn't make out the name of the store but he saw the word Erotic and began to wonder where he was. He sat in his car for a while until he realized the fog wasn't lifting so he decided to at least check out this store. Even if it was a sex toy shop he figured it was something to browse while he waited.

There was no sign showing what time they closed so he headed inside. He looked around at all the strange artifacts he was surrounded by and began to wonder what kind of store this was. The word Erotic didn't seem to match what he was looking at.

"Hello?" He said as he looked around not seeing anyone there. "The door was open but I don't want to..." He stopped when he saw a statue on a small glass table that caught his attention.

He stepped towards it kneeling down to get a closer look. It was strange looking at the dark stone figurine seemed to be half human and half demon split down the middle. The human side was a very beautiful woman with details that he didn't think were possible as her legs seemed amazing sticking out from a dress that left little to the imagination. The face which looked mostly the same on both sides except the human side had a green gem for the eye and the demonic side had a red gem instead. There was a wing and a horn as well on the demon side but as strange as it was he found himself infatuated with it.

"Ah, Vhesana, daughter of Lizeth the demon of lust and loyalty," Nessira said seemingly appearing out of nowhere as Ryan stood up surprised a little.

"Oh I um, sorry the door was unlocked,"

"We are open late, I see you found something you like,"

"Oh, well it is a very nice statue,"

"That it is, it's interesting that you caught her attention,"

"Caught her attention?"

"Yes, she likes you, didn't think it would happen,"

"Likes me, what are you talking about?"

"Her mother found her mate when the store first opened a few years ago, but Vhesana is much pickier so the fact that you caught her eye is fascinating to me,"

"Mate? I'm sorry but I am a bit lost here,"

"Most of our customers are at first, but I promise if you take her home, you won't be disappointed,"

"Take he home? Look I was honestly just looking for a place to pull over to get out if the..." He stopped when he noticed that the thick fog that had been making the roads difficult to travel was gone.

"Ha, oh yeah she definitely likes you,"

"The fog out there was blinding moments ago, what the hell?"

"So should I wrap her up?"

"What are you talking about, you're talking like this statue is alive?"

"Because she is a demon trapped in this form until she finds someone she wants,"

"There's that word again, you sell demons?"

"Something wrong with that?"

"Demons are evil creatures who cause chaos, aren't they?"

"I will tell you what I told the man he took her mother, demons are misunderstood creatures, she feeds on lust and in return gives loyalty,"


"Demons are very simple creatures, I know many people who have gotten together and even married demons and said they were the best mates they had ever had,"

"This is all very strange,"

"Oh it is, Vhesana is a bit of a wild one, very mischievous but also very fun, her mother is a bit old fashion but she is a great person, just ask her first 3 husbands,"

"3 husbands?" Ryan asked. "What happened to them?"

"They died,"

"What, how?"

"Old age,"


"Vhesana is a few hundred years old and comes back to life whenever she finds a potential partner,"

"So, you're saying if I buy this statue I'll have it until I die, never had a statue as a girlfriend before,"

"I love men, you are so stupid but so grateful for what we do for you,"

"Uh, thanks?"

"All I am saying is you take her home and your life will never be the same, and I am guessing you were just dumped?"

"I um, how did you?"

"I have a sense, trust me, Vhesana here will make you forget all about her,"

"This is all very, well weird but I think I'm just gonna go, the fog is go so thank you for everything, this visit was interesting," Ryan said before he turned and left the shop and getting into his car.

Nessira was a little surprised that he left that easily but when she looked over at the table she noticed that Vhesana was gone. She smiled at herself and walked over to the door flipping the sign around and locking it before heading upstairs.



A few days had gone by and Ryan had just gotten off the phone with Scarlett who had to come by and grab some of her stuff. He told her it was fine and promised he would not be there at the time as she still had a key to his place. He didn't have any plans so he decided to just go run some errands and try to keep himself out of the apartment for a few hours.

His first stop was to a little coffee shop on the bottom floor of his building where he usually grabbed a drink before work. He was about to leave when he suddenly saw a woman at the counter ordering herself a coffee and he couldn't help but stare at her for a moment as something about her looked familiar even though he couldn't quite figure out why. He was about to leave when he noticed her look over and smile at him.

Ryan smiled back before looking down at his phone as she grabbed her coffee and headed his way. He began to feel a little nervous as this beautiful woman walked towards him wearing a tight black skirt and a leather jacket. He noticed her legs but tried not to stare until she was suddenly right next to him.

"Hello there," she said reaching her hand out to him.

"Hi, I'm Ryan, and you are?"

"Venessa, pleased to meet you, Ryan,"

"Yeah, I mean um, you too, so do you live in the building?"

"I just moved in, so to speak,"

"So to speak?"

"Yup, so what brings you here?"

"Oh, uh, just trying to stay out of my place for a few hours,"

"Really, why is that?"

"Long story,"

"Well, I have the time if you do,"

"Um, okay," he said confused to why this woman was so interested in him.

"Let's have a seat," she said sitting at a nearby table as Ryan joined her. "So what is keeping you out if your own home?"

"My ex, she is grabbing some of her stuff and doesn't want to see me,"

"Now why is that?"

"Well, it was sort of a bad breakup,"

"How bad?"

"Well, she... She kind of treated me like crap for most of the relationship, and finally, I had just had enough and told her I was tired of it, to which ended when she dumped me,"

"I'm sorry, but it sounds to me like you could do better,"

"Yeah, maybe, I don't know,"

"Why don't you know?"

"Well, she was the only serious relationship I ever had, and she already has a new boyfriend, I think she was seeing him before we broke up,"

"So your confidence is all messed up I take it?"

"You could say that, I really wanted things to work out but the moment I stood up for myself I was alone,"

"I can see why you would think that, maybe you just haven't met the right girl yet,"


"So what about the sex?"


"What was your sex life like?"

"That's a bit personal isn't it?"

"I'm not saying give me details, unless you want to, but was it good?"


"Come on we are all adults here,"

"She thought some of my..."

"Come on, you're so close!"

"She thought some of my fantasies were weird,"

"Really, now I'm interested,"

"I feel weird talking about this,"

"No no, I am drooling now, tell me,"

"You're an odd girl, but I have some unusual fantasies, and I'll just leave it at that,"

"Aw, can you give me a hint?"

"Well, its nothing too crazy it's just," he hesitated. "I guess you can say I have a thing for, not human,"

"Wait, like bestiality?"

"No nothing like that! I mean like Vampires, or demons, or other supernatural type creatures,"

"Oh, that's not weird at all,"

"It isn't?"

"Not at all, I mean, you see a beautiful woman and knowing she isn't human, the sex could be dangerous or even deadly but you won't know until it's too late, and it could be the greatest experience of your life, even if it ends, wow that is hot,"

"Well, it's kind of refreshing hearing a woman say that, not like there is anything I can really do about it I guess,"

"And this Scarlett wasn't into that?"

"No, in fact, she would sometimes tease me about it,"

"That bitch!"

"It's okay, really, I mean her and I did have some great sex, but maybe she was right, maybe I should focus on the beauty of human sex,"

"Do you find human sex boring?"

"Not at all, I appreciate a beautiful woman just as much as the next guy,"

"I see, but what if they just looked human?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what if you see this woman but she was possessed, or hiding a beast inside her, you wouldn't know until it was too late, and even then your curiosity overrides the logic side of your brain and you just give in,"

"That, wow, that is interesting,"

"Isn't it?"

"It's um, why am I talking to you about all of this? I mean we just met and, this seems a bit strange to me,"

"Maybe, but do you regret it?"

"Actually, well no I guess, as weird as this has been, I've enjoyed talking to you Venessa,"

"See, we aren't all miserable cheating bitches,"

"It's good to hear that," he said sipping his coffee again remaining silent for a moment.

"Wow, you're not very good at this,"

"Good at what?" He asked suddenly confused.

"Asking out women,"

"Oh, uh... sorry, maybe I um, maybe it's just too soon,"

"Wasn't too soon for your ex,"

"That's true, well..."

"I'll make this easy for you, tonight, 7:00, we'll meet here and go see a movie or something, nice and simple, it will give us something to discuss after, I mean if you don't want to keep talking about boning the supernatural,"

"I don't know,"

"Well let me help you, I am very easy going and promise not to demand a damn thing from you or tease you about your sexual fantasies, I'll even buy the movie tickets,"

"You don't have to do that,"

"Hey, that's how it's going down buddy!" She said as Ryan stared at her for a moment. "Ha! Just kidding, but seriously it's my treat, just say the word,"

"Well, you know what, what the hell,"

"Always what a girl wants to hear,"

"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"Ha, you're so cute, and if things go well then maybe you can pretend I'm a demon," she said giving him a sexy grin. "I'll see you tonight," she added before touching his hand for a moment getting up and heading out.

Ryan sat there watching her walk away still trying to figure out where she looked so familiar from but he couldn't place her. He finished his coffee but stayed at the table a few moments when he realized there was an obvious issue pressing against the front of his pants after the conversation he had with her. He calmed himself sown before heading out to runs few more errands and keep out of his place for a few more hours.


Back at Ryan's apartment Scarlett was opening the door and stepping inside. She was blonde with a body she obviously put a lot of work into. Her whole aura was that of a person who was physically attractive and knew it. She had already planned on breaking up with him after she had started sleeping with her friend Josh.

She looked down and saw the small milk crate filled with her stuff but stepped over it walking into his bedroom. She started to look around getting nosey as she found his porn stash which was in a drawer in his desk. She picked up one with vampire girls on the cover which she knew was one of his favorites and laughed to herself before opening the case and breaking the DVD in half.

Whoops!" She said dropping the broken bits back in the drawer. "Fucking weirdo,"

She continued to look around before she grabbed a small wooden box on his shelf opening up and taking the cash that was inside it. She knew he always kept a rainy day fund for emergencies or a night out and she had no problem taking it for herself as there was over a hundred dollars in it.

Smiling at herself she pulled out a knife she usually carried on her and went to cut the cord to his cell phone charger and a few other things. Scarlett was very spiteful and had no problem making Ryan's life difficult just because she wanted to. She grabbed the cord and was about to cut it when she suddenly stopped as she heard a voice behind her.

"I don't think he would like it if you did that!" A voice said as Scarlett turned around and saw a tall slender brunette standing in the doorway of the room.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Let's just say I am a friend of Ryan's, a very protective friend," Venessa said staring at the blonde in Ryan's room.

"Well listen bitch, this doesn't concern you so why don't you run along,"

"Ha, you silly girl you," she said stepping closer shutting the bedroom door behind her.

"Listen, I don't know what your game is but you better back the fuck off!"

"You must be Scarlett, I've heard about you,"

"I bet you have, I bet he was crying his eyes out over me,"

"He was upset, but don't worry, when I am done he won't even remember your name or care you exist,"

Scarlett held up her knife warning this woman not to get any closer to her but Venessa suddenly grabbed her wrist and squeezed until she winced in pain and dropped the knife. Scarlett wasn't sure who this woman was it what she wanted and tried to pull free but the grip was far too strong and it was starting to hurt.

Vanessa smiled at her prisoner before Scarlett tried to punch her with her free hand only to have it blocked with ease. Vanessa looked at her as her eyes turned red for a moment. She could see the fear in Scarlett's eyes as she began to sense she was in trouble and struggled harder to get free but to no avail.

"Who... Who are you?" Scarlett said cowering in fear.

"Ryan knows me as Venessa, but you can call me the Demon Vhesana, and I am here for him and to punish anyone who tries to hurt him,"

"Please... Please, don't hurt me,"

"Well that depends on a few things, first off this isn't yours," she said suddenly holding the money Scarlet had stolen from him. "And that knife of yours, far too dangerous for a silly little girl like you to have,"

"Take it, it's yours, and I promise I won't bother Ryan ever again!"

"I know, but just in case," Venessa said as a tail suddenly curled up from behind her back and up over her shoulder. "incrementum coles," she said before her tail suddenly sprayed Scarlet in the face with a mist that made her begin to cough before she got dizzy and fell down on the bed.

Vanessa backed away as Scarlet continued to cough not sure what was going in at first. She suddenly began to feel something very strange down between her legs as she placed her hand on her crotch feeling a pulsing sensation. She looked up at Venessa who was just staring at her with a smile on her face waiting for the effects to do their thing as Scarlett suddenly widened her eyes starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

"What the... Oh Fuck, what did you do to me?" Scarlet asked as she began to feel the pressure inside her pants as it felt like her clit was starting to swell.

She fell back on the bed writhing not sure what was going on as she felt strange. She heard a ripping sound from the front of her jeans as the button on them popped off and went flying. She reached for her zipper to release some pressure and the moment she did she saw an enormous cock pop up from between her legs. It was larger than a normal penis fully erect and pulsing uncontrollably as it stuck out of her pants.

"Isn't it magnificent?" Vanessa said looking at her work.

"What the fuck!" Scarlet said as the pulsing grew stronger before little drips of precum began to dribble from the tip.

"Now here is how things are going to work, if you come anywhere near Ryan or his apartment you are going to have this, well let's say Pinocchio like issue,"

"No, I can't live like this, make it stop!"

"Oh it will, and it will disappear once you get away from here but if you come within 50 feet of him you are going to have a big problem!" She said as Scarlett's new cock swells even bigger getting up to about 2 feet long still pulsing.

"What the fuck, you bitch!"

"Oh you have no idea what I am capable of, but if I were you I'd get a move on before this pulsing boner gets too big for you to walk, I don't want to mess up Ryans room either," Venessa said as Scarlett pulled herself to her feet and began to try to run out of there which was not easy as she had a dick the size of a horses sticking out if her pants.

She struggled to get to the door opening it and looking down the hall to make sure no one was around before running to the elevator. Once inside it was still pulsing uncontrollably as she felt a strange pleasure growing inside it. She was so embarrassed as she had no way if hiding this monstrous erection attached to her and the sensation was so strong she fell to the floor of the elevator. She began to moan out loud until the feeling was so strong she let out a scream.

Suddenly she saw a warm gooey white fluid begin to erupt from the head if her enormous cock spraying up into the air hitting the ceiling before splashing back down on to her soaking her all over. She had never felt an orgasm like that before and was almost ashamed of how good it felt as she laid there enjoying the sensation as she squirted gallons if cum before it finally stopped.

Scarlett laid on the floor covered with cum as her cock finally began to shrink back down to size before disappearing completely leaving just a ripped up opening in her jeans as the door opened and a few people waiting outside saw her laying on the floor covered in a white sticky liquid. The smell of sex was strong as it rolled off the elevator and most of them turned away in disgust as Scarlett pulled herself to her feet slipping a few times before exiting the elevator and running out the front of the building.


Ryan had come home after a few hours to find Scarlett's stuff was still in the crate where he had left it. He was pissed thinking she hadn't come for it yet but he noticed a few things in his bedroom out of place like someone had been there. Nothing seemed to be missing and he even found Scarlett's knife on his nightstand which he thought was a bit strange. He tried texting her but got no response so he just tried to forget about it as he thought about his date with Venessa later on.

He was a bit nervous and also a bit confused. He knew she looked familiar to him but he could not figure out from what. He did find her very attractive, in fact, she was absolutely beautiful and he found it odd that she would be interested in him. He began to think maybe she was a friend of Scarlett's and this was some sort of sick plot just to screw with him. He knew it was crazy but he also knew how spiteful she was so he wouldn't put it past her.

As 7:00 approached he found himself getting nervous as he wasn't sure what to wear or anything. He threw on a nice blazer he owned which he usually felt pretty good in but tonight he felt a bit silly wearing it. After convincing himself he was just being stupid he grabbed his keys and headed down to the lobby.

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