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Lilith's Emporium Pt. 04: Night w/Nessira Ch. 04

Story Info
Nessira goes to rescue Patrick, with some help.
7.1k words

Part 4 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 11/05/2017
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It was an old abandoned warehouse outside the city. Nessira stood outside staring at it rolling her eyes as to the cliche nature of this whole arrangement. She could sense multiple people in there and even smell the magic on them. She knew her charm wouldn't work here as whoever this guy was had placed a spell on his so-called guards so she couldn't harm them, at least in the way she usually would but she wasn't sure if it was them or the building.

She pondered for a moment before she decided to head on inside. She wasn't too worried as she did have an invitation and also a backup plan should things go bad but she had left her heart at home knowing t would only get in the way. When she removed it, it didn't destroy her feelings for Patrick, it only made the pain more manageable and let her get on with what she needed to do. Having a heart in her line of work wasn't good for business. If she started to care for every customer she had none of them would be able to feed.

She opened the front door and saw a long corridor that was barely lit. She laughed out loud a little when she saw armed guards along the walls wearing riot gear. They were obviously under this Warlock's control but she couldn't help but see the humor in this whole situation. She walked passed them barely giving them any attention at all as she saw a red door at the end of the hallway. She knew Patrick must be in there with his captor whoever he was. Nessira wasn't sure what to expect but she knew she would make this man pay for what he has done.

The doors opened on their own as she approached them and stepped inside. She was a bit surprised to see the room set up like a large living room with a fireplace lit on the wall. There was an empty chair in front of her with another facing the fireplace. She could see someone sitting in it but his back was facing her.

"Please sit, we have much to discuss."

"Yeah, I just came for my belongings."

"Please, I insist, there is no reason we can't be civil about this." He said turning around to face her.

Nessira laughed again seeing this man with a goatee sitting this in a robe smoking a pipe smiling at her. It took her a minute to compose herself before she said. "I'm sorry, should I call you Mr. Strange, or is it Doctor?"

"I have always found your sense of humor charming."

"You say that like I am supposed to know who the hell you are." Nessira said finally taking a seat across from him crossing her legs and getting comfortable. "Can you at least tell me your name?"

"You can call me Joshua."

"Okay Joshua, the guards are a bit much aren't they?"

"Oh them, they are just there to make sure none of your friends show up."

"I don't have any friends."

"What about Victoria, or Rick, or even Lilith herself, I have them all under an enchantment that makes it impossible for you to harm them."

"Can we get to the point, I don't have all day, who the hell are you?"

"Oh, I didn't think you would remember me, but no matter, as I said we have much to discuss."

"Well let's get on with it, I came here for Patrick and to end you if you have harmed him."

"I'm sure you have, you see I have waited for this moment for a very long time, the last time we met I was just a young lad."

"I see, sorry I don't sleep with underage men."

"Lovely, but no I am not a jealous man who wants revenge for being turned down, this is far more personal."

"Interesting, not very but you have my curiosity at least."

"You see, I am much older than I look, much like you, only age has taken more of a toll on me than you."

"Moisturizer helps."

"Yes, any way you see there is a day I'm sure you remember quite well, I don't because I wasn't there, I had left to go to another village."


"Yes, and when I returned home I found it ablaze along with the rest of the town and my family dead!"

Nessira sat there and listened starting to wonder who this man was and what exactly he was speaking of. She knew it had to have been that day when Sebastian died but it wasn't possible, it couldn't be possible.

"So many lives lost and then who should I see in the center of all this death and violence but you in the arms of your so-called mother crying over a broken heart, the Red Witch of Raven Hill losing her lover and in return destroying all the people who cared about her."

"I think we are done here," Nessira said standing up from her chair.

"I don't think so, you see you and I have some unfinished business." He said standing up out of his chair and walking over to the corner where there was something covered by a sheet that she was pretty sure wasn't there before. "You see you took something from me, and I just want to return the favor." He said pulling off the sheet to reveal Patrick tied up with tape over his mouth. She could see his cheek was swollen from where the tooth was pulled along with a few other bruises on him.

"I am going to slaughter you!" Nessira said as she went to lunge towards him but realized she could only move about three feet in any direction. "What, what is this?"

"You silly girl, beneath that rug is a succubus trap, similar to a demon trap with a few adjustments I made myself, you see after you left town I searched your house or what was left of it and found this." He said pulling out an old magic book she had long ago. "And with this, I learned so much, like how to keep myself alive long enough to exact my revenge. Now don't worry, I sought out other magical creatures and have spent the last 2 centuries learning everything I needed to know."

"I am going to kill you."

"I'm sure you will, and I welcome it, but not before I take from you like you took from me."


The guards stood in the hallway ready for whatever would come their way or so they thought. They had a spell on them that protected them from Succubi and Incubi as long as they were in the building however there was something stalking them that no spell had been invented yet to protect them from.

The lights began to flicker a little as one of the guards said: "what going on?"

"It's an old building, what do you expect, don't worry her friends can't hurt us."

"Ahh." A scream was heard down the other end as they turned and saw a gun on the floor and one of their comrades on the floor.

"Go check it out."

"I thought you said they couldn't..."

"I know what I said, now go!"

One of the guards headed down with his gun drawn looking around. He could see a gun on the floor and the guard there apparently dead with his pants open and his cock out fully erect and dripping with cum. He glanced up to see the vent cover to the air duct system was hanging open. He stepped closer and pointed his weapon up inside firing a few shots but hitting nothing but metal.

"I don't see anything." He said before he noticed a few red flashes out of the corner of his eye and looked back down the hall seeing everyone else was laying on the floor apparently unconscious or worse. "Guys, what the fuck?" He said as he looked all around starting to panic noticing they were all in the same position as the first guy, dead but with their cocks out.

He started wondering if he should run to the other end and try to warn his boss or run out the front door. He turned a few times with his gun drawn looking all around until he spun around and saw what looked like a woman standing in the middle of the hallway. The lights were out except for a few so it was hard to see who it was but he trained his gun on her and stepped towards her slowly.

"Identify yourself?" He said stepping closer and closer.

He noticed she had what looked like 2 horns on the top of her head and bright red hair. She wasn't very tall without the horns but she looked strange. Her skin was a grey color and she was wearing a black leathery looking dress and her eye's had a yellow glow to them. She didn't move and just stared at him with her hands behind her back like she was more curious about him than afraid.

"Don't move, show me your hands." He said as he watched a long tail curl out from behind her. "I mean it, I'll give you to the count of three." She began to growl a little almost like she understood his threat which made him a bit nervous. "One," he said as she began to crouch down as if ready to strike. "Two." Before he could get to three she lunged at him as he opened fire.

He stood there for a moment as she was gone and he seemed unharmed until he turned around and saw her standing a few feet behind him. He noticed her tale was extended towards him and as he followed it he saw it was wrapped around his erect cock which she had been able to pull out of his pants faster than he could have noticed.

"Holy shit!" He said realizing she had him in a bad position and that his gun had been knocked out of his hand as well.

He saw what looked like red veins in her skin began to glow at the base of her spin before the light began to travel down her tail towards his cock. He didn't know what to do or what she was doing and could only watch as the light got closer to his member. When it reached the part of her tail that was coiled around his cock he felt strange and his cock began to glow as well.

"What the... fuck!" He said as she stepped closer to him.

"Don't worry, I had to rush with them but you will have time to enjoy this." She said with a grin before she kneeled down in front of him with her mouth open.

Seconds later his cock suddenly erupted what felt like gallons of cum towards the predator in front of him as she tried to catch as much as she could in her mouth. She finally moved closer and wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock. It was a strange feeling but very pleasurable as his member didn't stop. His knees buckled and he fell to the ground as every last drop of him spewed out until there was nothing left but a dried up corpse with a smile on his face.

Shadow had her fill before she let go of him and headed back down the hall to her master. She sniffed around the door and peeked inside checking out the situation unfolding. Realizing that going through the door would be foolish she climbed back up through the vents and decided to enter that way.


"He has nothing to do with this, he doesn't even remember me, I wiped his memory."

"Oh yes a clever little charm that was easy to undo, I have also been filling him in on what else you've been doing, like how you murdered Jenny and took her body, how the first time you met him your intention was to kill him until you changed your mind even though you're not even sure why, I also told him about what you did to our village all those years ago."

Nessira looked over at Patrick who could barely keep his head up. She could see how tired and hurt he was and she just wanted to run to him but she was still stuck in the stupid trap.

"But here's the best part, I told him who he was as well."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you don't know? Did you ever wonder what it was you saw in him, why he was able to satisfy you?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"Actually it does, why would Nessira the Red want to spare the life of some random meal? That's not like you, you have only ever loved one man, ever!"

"What is your point!"

"Sebastian, you remember him don't you?"

"Don't say that name to me!"

"Why not? Don't you see it?" He said grabbing Patrick's hair and pulling his head back so she could see his face. "This pitiful excuse of a man before you is the reincarnation of your lover from long ago."

"...You're lying!"

"Am I, why do you think you removed your own heart? Because you have felt this feeling before and it scared you, you are afraid of love because you were hurt before, so that is the gift I am going to give you Nessira, I am going to kill him while you can't feel it!"


"What was that?"

"Don't do it, it's me you want, just please don't hurt him!"

"Interesting, I have never seen you beg before, this is a rare moment, but unfortunately for you what I want is for you to suffer, to pay for your actions and feel the loss that you inflicted upon me all those years ago."

He stopped when he suddenly heard a strange noise above him. It sounded like something scurrying around in the vents above.

"Damn rats!" He said before he pulled out a blade and held it to Patrick's throat. "Now is there any last words you would like to say to him before I end his life?"


"Don't talk to me, talk to him!"

What he didn't notice was a long dark tail moving its way down from the vet above and wrapping around his neck. Nessira saw it and tried to not get excited as he was seconds away from slitting Patrick's throat.

"Well, any last words?" He asked again.

"I do, Now!" Nessira said as there was suddenly something tightened around his throat pulling him up towards the ceiling.

Shadow had him but Nessira was still trapped and Patrick could barely move. She was wondering what to do with her captive but before she could act she felt a sharp pain as his jammed the knife into her tale causing her to let go.

"What horrible creature is this!" He said standing back up after catching his breath.

She was in pain but jumped down and knocked Joshua back before he landed on the floor and she ran to her master examining her situation. She lifted up the rug and saw a strange symbol painted on the floor below it.

Nessira looked at Shadows tail and ripped off a small piece of her sleeve and wrapped it around her wound while Shadow looked on a little confused. "Dammit, we need to break this trap," Nessira said but that would be difficult as it was a concrete floor.

Shadow looked around and ran out of the room only to return seconds later with a small metal hammer before jumping and with a strength, Nessira wasn't expecting she slammed it on the ground breaking the concrete and the symbol freeing Nessira.

"Wow, good girl!" She said as she was finally free.

"I may not have planned on your little pet but it doesn't matter." He said standing by the doorway before he chucked the blade across the room.

He must have put some sort of spell on the blade as neither Nessira or Shadow were quick enough to stop it before she watched it fly into the center of Patrick's chest. She stopped for a second unable to believe what she was seeing as Patrick let out a bloody cough. She could see the pain in his face as she ran to him not sure what to do and starting to panic a little.

"Oh god, oh fuck no, no no no!" She said afraid to pull the blade out and cause more damage. "Oh shit, stay with me, Patrick!"

Shadow watched Nessira as she untied Patrick from the chair and laid him gently on the floor trying to comfort him before she turned and picked up the Warlocks scent and ran to catch him. Nessira watched Shadow as her back legs changed a little and she crouched down on all fours to run after him. Nessira didn't know she could do that and was concerned for her but more concerned for Patrick.


Joshua was up on the roof about to cast a spell to open a portal to get him far away from here. He had gotten what he wanted and knew eventually Nessira would come after him but he was not too concerned about it as Succubi and Incubi were easy to best given his skill and time to prep. What he hadn't planned on was the creature she had brought along with her. He could not sense her and wasn't even sure what she was.

He took out a small book and began to say the words needed to open his exit when suddenly he felt something wrap around his arm and pull the book from his hand. Confused he turned and saw Shadow standing there with a bloodthirsty look in her eyes.

"You are an interesting creature, I could not sense you coming. You seem to be some sort of forest nymph but much more than that, there is a darkness inside you isn't there? You haven't even tapped your full potential and I doubt you ever will living with that red headed whore!"

Shadow watched him and listened to what he was saying. She did understand what he was saying but she didn't see him as anything more than a meal and someone that she wanted revenge against for stabbing her tail and Nessira wanted dead as well which she was more than happy to oblige.

"Do you even understand what I am saying or are you just a stupid mindless animal."

Shadow looked past him and then back into his eyes smiling before she turned around and began to run returning to her master.

"Where are you going, we have much more to..." he stopped when he suddenly heard something behind him and a large shadow blocking out the light from the roof across the way realizing he was no longer under any protection outside the building. "What is this?" He said as he slowly turned around and saw a large creature with wings and red eyes glaring down at him.


"Patrick stay with me, please you can't," Nessira said still trying to comfort Patrick while thinking of a way to save him.

Nessira wasn't sure why she was feeling this way without her heart. She was sad, panicked, worried, all the things she had removed the heart from herself to prevent but it wasn't working. She knew then that Patrick was special and now he was dying in her arms.

Suddenly the door flew open and she saw Victoria standing there before she looked over and ran to Nessira's side. She looked over the man on the floor with a blade sticking out of his chest not sure who he was or what had happened.

"Oh my god, what happened, who is he?"

"Please, we have to help him, you've done it before, like you saved Rick!"

Victoria examined him sensing something strange. "That... that was different, this knife has some sort of dark magic on it, whatever happens, it will destroy his heart the moment I try to remove it."

"Please, we have to do something!" Nessira pleaded with tears in her eye's.

Victoria was shocked to see Nessira like this. She had always seen her as a horrible person who didn't care about the lives of others but now she was here crying and begging her to help her save a man's life. It was a lot for Victoria to take in but she tried to think of something.

"Nessira I wish I could but there is nothing I can do, I can't repair the damage."

"What about a replacement?" Nessira said getting an idea.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I had a heart to replace his?"

"That might work, but I'm not sure."

"Help me, we have to get him back to Lilith's."

Victoria helped her pick him up and bring him outside so they could teleport there. This building had a magic suppression spell on it so their powers were limited. Nessira saw Shadow come running up next to her.

"Did you get him?" Nessira asked.

Before Shadow could say anything Victoria said: "Rick has him, we will deal with him later but first let's save your friend here."

Once they were outside Victoria cast a spell that brought them back to Lilith's. They were in the showroom and they gently placed Patrick down on the floor before Nessira ran upstairs. Victoria stayed with Patrick trying to keep him conscious not sure exactly what Nessira was doing until she ran back in with a heart in her hand.

"Whose heart is that?" Victoria asked.

"It doesn't matter just save him."

"Fine." Victoria said as she took the heart and grabbed the handle of the knife before she began to chant an ancient language Nessira had not heard in a long time.

Nessira watched her remove the knife and place the heart on the wound as it flowed inside him. She was mad that Lilith had taken her power away and given it to Victoria because she could have saved him herself but at the same time, she was grateful that she was doing this for her after everything she had done to her and to Rick.

"There, I've done all I can do, it's up to him now." Victoria said

"What do you mean?"

"His body still has to accept the heart, its like surgery, he could still reject it."


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