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Lilith's Emporium - Wishes Ch. 05

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A different yet familiar woman moves in across from Brandon.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/26/2019
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A few weeks had gone by and Brandon still didn't know where Sapphire was or what had happened to her, all he knew for sure was she was gone and for some strange reason, nobody even seemed to remember her except him. His friend Josh doesn't remember buying him the gem covered penis statue which had also disappeared. He seemed to be cursed with being the only person to remember her.

He felt horrible which he also felt bad for as it made him feel selfish. He knew he did the right thing but he was hoping deep down she would still be here with him, he hoped that his good deed would pay off in the end. He couldn't even walk past the diner as it hurt too much for him to remember taking her for breakfast. He missed her terribly, not just because of the amazing sex but just having her around. Her presence brightened up the room and his life and now he just felt like the light was out.

He had gone back to work and that just made things even harder. Today he could barely focus on his job but he got it done none the less before finally heading home. He didn't bother stopping to get supper as he didn't have much of an appetite since Sapphire left.

The elevator door opened and he walked down the hallway towards his apartment when he heard a commotion. He saw a woman come walking out from the apartment across from his. She looked like a businesswoman but she had bright red hair in a ponytail and huge sunglasses on. She looked very professional even though her skirt was much shorter than any business woman's should be. She smiled at him as she walked by heading to the elevator.

Brandon stopped for a moment as she seemed very familiar but he wasn't sure why. She had a folder that said LEE real estate which he didn't recognize. The door across from his was still open which he thought was odd because that place had been vacant for a while now but he heard a voice.

"Dammit!" A woman's voice said as he looked around the corner seeing someone holding a large heavy box looking like she was about to drop it.

"Woah, let me help you with that," he said putting his hand on the bottom as it looked like it was about to burst open.

"Oh, thank you," she said even though neither one of them could see each other face as he took the box and placed it on the counter.

"It was my..." he stopped when he looked at her shocked by what he saw.

He was shocked because it was Sapphire's face but she looked different. Her hair was more auburn than blonde and wasn't as flowy as it was before, it was straight now. She was wearing blue Jean's and a long sleeve sweater with the sleeves rolled up. He suddenly wasn't sure anymore if it was just someone who looked just like her or if he was just missing her so much that he was just seeing things.

As he began to think maybe his mind was just playing tricks on him he said: "pleasure, sorry I thought you were someone I know."

"No worries, my name is Sara," she said shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you, and um, welcome to the neighborhood."

"Thanks, I didn't get your name?'

"I'm sorry, It's Brandon, I live across the hall." He said still shaking her hand.

"Oh good, so I will see you a lot probably?"

"I hope so," he said as she gave him an awkward smile before she laughed a little. "Wow, sorry I'm being weird, been a rough few weeks."

"It's fine, I have a good sense about people and I can tell you're a good guy, maybe a little weird but good none the less."

"Uh, thanks?"

"In fact do you know any good pizza places around, I am starving!"

"I do actually, how about I go grab a few and then I can help you bring up the rest of your stuff?"

"Oh thank you so much, there isn't much more but I'd love the help," she said with a smile.

"No worries, I'll order the pizza, what kind do you like?" He asked before pulling out his phone.

"Whatever you want, I'm easy," she said with a smile again that made him stop in his tracks.

It had to be her, the smile was just intoxicating just like Sapphires but he was trying to play it cool and relax. There was a chance that it wasn't her but he had to know for sure.

"Okay, I'll um, I'll order the pizza then," he said as he began dialing.

"Hey, Brandon?" She asked as he turned to her.


"Why don't you order the pizza?" she said jokingly mocking him for repeating himself before she laughed and walked down the hall.


Hours had gone by and they were sitting at her kitchen counter enjoying the last few slices of pizza and laughing out loud after bringing up the last if the boxes. Sara talked about where she was from and her parents which all seemed strange to Brandon. He was starting to think this wasn't Sapphire at all and just someone who looked similar as she had a whole history behind her.

"Thank you for all your help today Brandon," she said to him.

"It was no trouble, I'm happy to help."

"Now, what is your story?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean when we met you had this look of loss and confusion on your face, what happened?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

"Oh come on, I've been blabbing on about my life for hours, tell me," she said with an interesting look on her face.

"Well, okay, it started when I was dumped by my longtime girlfriend Tammy."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Well, she was kind of a bitch so..."

Sara laughed a little at his statement. "Okay, so then who was this other woman?"

"Sapphire was a woman I met... soon after," he said finding it hard to talk about.

"I see, Sapphire is a beautiful name, was she like a rebound?"

"At first yeah I guess she was, but it became so much more, I felt a connection with her, a deep one, like more than I ever had with anyone before."

"So what happened?"

Brandon sat there quiet for a moment before finally saying: "you ever heard the expression that if you love someone, set them free?"

"I have."

"Well, I did, hoping maybe she'd come back to me, but she didn't."

"Well, maybe she just hasn't yet?"

"Maybe," he said almost finding it hard to look at her to the point he wanted to leave as the memories started to hurt. "Well um, maybe I should get going."

"Oh, uh, okay, well thank you for everything," she said getting up and walking him to the door.

Brandon wasn't sure if this was her or not anymore but he realized he needed to come to terms with it. Even if this was her she obviously didn't remember him and maybe she never would, which even though was bittersweet may be the best he gets out of life. Maybe he could move on and start over with Sara as she was if it worked out.

He opened up the door and turned towards her as she had a confused look on her face as she stared at him for a moment. "What is it?" He asked.

"I... I'm not sure," she said as if she was very confused all of a sudden. "It's like I know you."

"What do you mean, we just met a few hours ago?"

"No, more than that, It's like..." she said just standing there looking at him. "I really want to..."

"Want to what?"

She stood there for a moment with a strange look on her face before she said: "it's nothing, have a good night Brandon."

She was about to close the door when he stopped her. She stood there staring at him not exactly mad that he did that but more curious. The way she looked at him told him something and he couldn't just ignore it anymore.

"What is it, Brandon?" She asked with anticipation in her eye's.

"I... I really want to kiss you," he blurted out feeling stupid for saying it before he nervously awaited her response.

Her silence seemed to last a lifetime until she finally said: "Then... What's stopping you?"

He stepped towards her but before he could act she suddenly grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss. It surprised him at first but he placed his hands on her waist pulling her close and kissed her back. It was her taste, her lips, exactly how he remembered her and he lost himself in the moment until she finally pulled her lips away from his.

"Brandon?" She said as if realizing something.

"Sapphire?" He replied without thinking.

She smiled at his reply and said: "I do love you!" And kissed him again pulling him back into her apartment.

Their lips didn't want to separate as he closed the door with his foot before they fell onto her couch. It was her, he knew it in his heart all along. Her body was warm beneath him and neither of them could pull themselves away from each other. They suddenly rolled and landed on the floor with a thud. Brandon was on the bottom as she landed on top of him.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" She asked.

"I've never been better, it's you?"

"It's me."

"How is this possible?"

"I don't know, I had this new identity, like magic but, I didn't remember you."

"Nobody remembered you either, it was like you didn't exist, only I did."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you shouldn't have just released me like that." She said a little annoyed.

"I couldn't help it, I loved you, so I had to let you go, and give you what you deserve, your freedom."

"You idiot, I would have stayed with you forever, but... thank you," she said with a sincere look in her eyes. "I didn't remember you but I wanted to kiss you, since the moment you helped me with that box but Sara had all these emotions that prevented her from doing it, as weird as that sounds."

"But, you're here, it's you, you're here?"

"Calm down, you're studdering, but yes I'm here, and I love you, Brandon," she said looking down at him.

"I am never letting you go again, I love you so much," he said sitting up and kissing her again.

Tears began to fill her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. She had never been so happy in all her life and now not only was she free but she was with someone who she truly loved and someone who also loved her in return.

She pulled him to his feet before she said: "come with me," and lead him to the bedroom.

They had pulled all their clothes off and were rolling around on her new bed. Their hands couldn't get enough of each other as they explored each other's bodies. Sapphire felt goosebumps on her skin as everything seemed different. She was used to sexual activity but there was something about this time that felt better.

Every time his lips touched her skin she felt a rush through her body. His hands caressing her skin gave her chills and she felt safe and home in his embrace. She knew this was exactly where she was supposed to be and was so released that her feelings for him didn't change even though she had lost her memory for a short time.

As Brandon's boxers came off he was about to slide himself inside her when he stopped. "Wait," he said stopping just inches from her pussy as she laid there begging for him to fuck her. "I don't have protection," he said with a concerned look in his eye's. Sapphire smiled and snapped her finger as Brandon just stared at her. "Wait, you lost your powers, right?"

"Does it matter?" She said kissing him as her hands slid around his ass guiding him gently into her.

Sapphire let out a moan as Brandon's cock entered her. She was amazed at how good it felt as it was somehow even better than before. It was almost too much for her to handle as he thrust himself in and out of her over and over again making her squirm as she dug her fingernails into his shoulders.

Brandon felt a little pain but didn't care as he was just so happy to have her back. He remembered the first time they fucked back the night they met and how nervous he was having sex without protection and just like that night the risk factor seemed to turn him on even more. It was strange almost as if the more he fought and didn't want to cum inside her the easier it was for him to do so.

Sapphire rolled him over getting on top of him again. She grabbed his hands placing them on her breasts as she moved her hips. His hands gently caressing her nipples felt incredible as she tilted her head back biting her lips and moaning loudly. It was strange as he looked up at her, she seemed more human now, her hair was different and he noticed little imperfections like birthmarks and such but somehow it made her even more beautiful in his eyes.

Brandon pulled himself up wrapping his hands around her waist before sliding them down around her ass squeezing it. She threw her arms around his head enjoying all these sensations for the first time as a human. He pressed his lips to her neck and chest as she let out a shivering moan as if every touch brought her pleasure.

"Oh fuck!" She yelled out as he buried his face into her breasts kissing them and licking her nipples. "Oh shit, I love you," she whined still massaging his cock.

Brandon wasn't sure how much longer he could hold on as he wanted to make sure she finished as well. Back when she was a genie she would seek to make sure he felt the pleasure but now he didn't want to finish without making sure she did as well which was becoming more and more difficult by the moment.

"Oh... God!" he said as she let out a loud moan right as his cock began to burst inside her.

She held on to him tightly as they both enjoyed the sensation there were sharing. His quivering member swelling and spewing inside her made her cum at the same time as she let out the cutest squeak as it hit her. It lasted a few moments before finally subsiding as they remained wrapped in each other's arms breathing heavily and enjoying the after effects. Brandon pulled his head back and looked up at her as she smiled down with her hair soaked with sweat.

Eventually, they fell to the mattress and were laying together just staring at each other. "Wait, was that Nessira?" He asked breaking the silence remembering the woman he passed in the hall.

"That red-haired woman, that was my real estate agent... Oh, that bitch!" She said realizing the same thing.

"I had gone to her before, asked her for help but she said she couldn't do anything."

"She found me this place, and actually mentioned a cute guy that lived across the hall, wow she is sneaky."

"Yes she is," he said before he leaned forward and kissed her again. "I like your hair."

"Ha, yeah it's weird, but I kinda like it too, you going to be okay with sex being just like this from now on?"

"Powers or no powers, I just want you."

"That's a good answer," she said as she looked over seeing her black Jean's and leather jacket that he liked from before fill out on there own as if being worn by an invisible woman before walking over and putting themselves in the closet. "It's what I wanted to hear."

"I missed you." He said not noticing what had just happened behind him. "I love you, Sapphire."

"I'm never leaving you again, I promise, but I do have one condition if we stay together."

"Anything," he said as he began to gently kiss her neck.

"I want breakfast."

"It's 11:00 at night?"

"Okay, first thing in the morning then."

"You got it."

"Good, because remember, I'm not your genie anymore," she said in an almost sinister yet sexy way. "Now how about you join me in the shower?"

"That sounds amazing," he said rolling out of bed as his penis was rather deflated.

"Someone looks tired," she said looking down at his used up cock. "But no worries," she said snapping her fingers before heading towards the bathroom giving him a sexy smile back.

Brandon laughed before he felt his cock get hard again within seconds. He looked down seeing it fully erect again and already dripping with precum and pulsing a little as he stood there. He wanted to fuck her again and badly but began wondering if she actually still had her powers.

"Hey, Sapphire?" He said as she peaked out of the bathroom again.

"Yes Brandon?" She said with a seductive grin.

He looked over at her then back down at his aching member before looking at her again as she stared at him biting her lips and smiling. "Oh who fucking cares," he said before quickly following her to the shower.

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Nighthawk1953Nighthawk1953about 1 year ago

I really enjoyed reading this story. It made me smile frequently with some of the antics. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

And a playful and loving ending, perfection.

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 2 years ago

Cute and Fun!


PutchiePutchieover 2 years ago

awesome story! Read the whole 5 chapters in one go!

RobcolesRobcolesabout 5 years ago
Outstanding as always 😁

I wish I had a tenth of your creative flair. Fantastic story yet again, I love this series.

maestro84maestro84about 5 years agoAuthor

When it comes to writing I am never thinking about how many pages it is going to be, I just write until I feel the story is finished and then I upload it and it is what it is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great Story

I just wish this chapter having more pages. More of them, only one page just making me unsatisfied like many things remain untold to get enjoy them more.

MrKnightlyWriterMrKnightlyWriterover 5 years ago
Sweet ending

Happy ending for the win!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Last chapter ended rather abruptly, but I knew would come through and you did with flying colors. Bravo. Best series in you Lilith Emporium anthology. Keep it up.

calx86calx86over 5 years ago

Awesome job. Absolutely loved this series. Thank you!!!!

maestro84maestro84over 5 years agoAuthor

I do enjoy happy endings, (no pun intended)

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 5 years ago

Perfect ending. You pulled that off perfectly. I have warm fuzzies - sexy ones.

ender2k2kender2k2kover 5 years ago
A satisfying ending to a good story

Thanks, well done.

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