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Lily's Playlist Pt. 12

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Part 12 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/08/2022
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On Thursday night, I met my brother at the Springhill Suites in Addison. It was walking distance from Addison Circle which was hosting Kaboom town- a huge 4th of July festival that ended with a massive firework display. Thousands of people flooded Addison the day before to celebrate, causing certain roads to be blocked off, making driving and parking impossible. Cam eliminated that problem by booking us the rooms at the hotel. We met up right after I got off of work.

"Hey Bro!" I exclaimed. He had his back to me as I entered the lobby of the hotel.

"Hey sis." Cam greeted me and I hugged him. "Jenna already went up to our room. She figured you'd want to get your hotel key and get dressed." Cam explained, handing over my key card.

"Oh great, she's already in my head." I groaned, only partially kidding.

He chuckled. "Stop it. She won't do that without my say so..."

I grimaced.

"I'm kidding. If it makes you feel better, she's twice as nervous to meet you."

Really? Huh. Good to know.

"So we'll meet you back down here around 6. Trevor and Becca should be here around then."

Great. I didn't know Becca was coming. Maybe if Trevor would have responded to my text, I would have been prepared to play 5th wheel.

"Sounds great!" I forceful cheered.

We drove to park closer to our rooms and he helped me with my bag. I already saw families and groups walking across the parking lot towards Addison Circle. The room was amazing. It was a one-bedroom suite with a mini kitchen and living room. I had no intentions of using either, but still very nice.

I showered, got dressed, and changed into a fitted white tank that had an American flag on it. I paired it with cut-off dark denim shorts. I didn't feel like doing my hair so I pulled it up in a messy bun. I threw on some comfortable tennis shoes, sunglasses, and red lipstick and was ready to go by 5:45.

I decided to go and wait in the lobby. I walked around the hotel, passing the pool. I noticed that Trevor had made it to the hotel. He was out by the pool, sunglasses on, talking to a very tall, bikini-clad brunette girl- obviously not Becca. He had his phone out and it looked like he was getting her number. I'll say it again. ASSHOLE!

I waited until they finished their conversation before I approached him.

"That didn't look like Becca." I said, pushing my shades on top of my head. He left his shades on, leaving me at a disadvantage. His blue eyes normally revealed everything he was thinking.

"Aren't you a smart one." He said, sarcastically.

"Aren't you a hypocritical homewrecker. Where is Becca anyway?"

"Meeting us at Addison Circle once she gets off work. Helping someone with directions makes me a hypocritical homewrecker?" Trevor said, with a little smile.

"Getting her number does. Why would you even offer to help? You couldn't even find your way to my new apartment." I scowled at him.

"That's why I had my GPS out on my phone- for directions not her number." Trevor grinned.

"Oh wow! You know how to use your phone?!? Did you figure out how to return my texts yet?" I said, crossing my arms.

He laughed. "I'm so sorry Lily. I'm throwing myself at your mercy. Please forgive me."

"Maybe after you buy me a beer." I smiled as we headed to the lobby together.

And like that, we were cool again. We can never stay mad at each other. That was why I had no idea why he avoided me and the inevitability of us making up last week.

5 minutes later, Cam came down with Jenna. I've seen pictures of her, but they really don't do her justice. She's tall, maybe an inch or two taller than me, and looks classy and chic in a linen white and blue striped blouse with red shorts. She has light brown fantastic curly hair and a radiant smile on her face. They made a cute couple. My brother was beaming when he introduced her to me.

"Lily, this is Jenna. Jenna, this is Lily."

I smiled politely, and Jenna immediately hugged me.

"It's so good to finally meet you." She exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"You too." I said, hugging her back. After she pulled away, she latched onto my arm.

"Cam and Trevor talk about you all the time, so I feel like I already know you." She smiled. "I can't wait to get to know you better."

I nodded, a little thrown off by her cheerfulness. This was her nervous? She seemed totally comfortable around me. Jenna asked me a ton of questions as we walked to Addison Circle. I didn't know what would be worse: this or having to make small talk with her if she wasn't as talkative. She kept the topics simple about my job, hobbies, favorites, and friends but it was still a little overwhelming.

Cam and Trevor picked up on my discomfort. Trevor just grinned at me, and Cam put his arm around Jenna. "Why don't we take a break with the questions babe?"

Jenna sent me an apologetic look. "Sorry. I tend to over-talk when I'm nervous."

I smiled, reassuring. "Don't be nervous. I should be thanking you for putting up with Cam. I'm still confused as to how he got you to date him."

She laughed. "He was persistent. Technically, he wasn't part of my group anymore, but it's my general rule not to date participants of my anger management class."

"Especially not dropouts." Trevor joked.

"No. Not graduates either. Most of them are still on some type of probation." She laughed. "After a few weeks, he told me if I went to coffee with him one time, he would stop pestering me. I'm so glad I did." She smiled up at Cam. He bent down to give her a kiss on the lips.

I smiled at them. "Sure he didn't slip you something in your coffee?" I quipped. Cam just chuckled.

Trevor elbowed me.

I nudged him back.

Since Becca was joining us, we decided to stay close to the main stage and food vendors so she could find us easily. We went ahead and ordered food. Jenna picked street Italian food with a chicken and cheese panini and cannoli chips. I went for Cuban food with deep-fried Cuban rolls and plantain chips. One of Cam's favorite restaurants is Texas de Brazil, so I was not surprised he got their plate that had Brazilian sausage, sirloin, and chicken with bacon. Trevor went for classic festival food with a turkey leg. We found an empty table, close enough to hear the music from the 36th Infantry Division Band. Jenna and I hold down the seats while Cam and Trevor go get us drinks. I told Trevor I would forgive him if he got me a beer. He did better and bought me a huge margarita. Even if I was still mad at him, I would have forgiven him on the spot.

We were eating, talking, and having a terrific time when Trevor got a call from Becca. He answered it and explained where we were. I swear, not even 2 minutes later, she was calling back. After trying to explain it to her again, Trevor got up to go find her.

"So I guess she follows directions as well as she follows TV shows?" I tilted my head at him, questioningly.

"Be nice or I'm going to tell her you have permanent PMS." Trevor smiled at me, before jogging off.

"Don't think much of his girlfriend?" Jenna asked me.

"She's not his girlfriend, but I generally try not to think of them at all until they've been around for at least 2 months." I responded.

Cam shook his head at that. 20 minutes later, Trevor and Becca returned. She was carrying a plate of nachos and a water bottle. Trevor had a cup of fruit and funnel cake fries. After they sit down, he gave the fruit to Becca and offered to share his fries with me. I declined, figuring he should be sharing his dessert with his date.

"Are you worried about gaining weight?" Trevor asked me, bluntly.

Becca gasped and looked at Trevor, horrified.

"No... Why? Should I be???" I peered at him in surprise.

"No. I noticed you haven't been eating any sweets. Just curious." Trevor replied.

Cam gave me a concerned look.

"Not everyone has a sweet tooth like you Trevor. It's supposed to be a sometimes food." Jenna commented.

Becca giggled. "I know. He eats whatever he wants and doesn't even worry about it. You're welcome to my fruit." Becca offered me.

"Thanks." I smiled at Becca and Jenna, thankful for their support. Trevor still didn't let it go.

"I mean, you're turning down funnel cake. You didn't eat any of EJ's birthday cake. Those are special occasions, not everyday." Trevor pressed.

I grabbed a fry and shoved it in my mouth.

"Mmmm nothing more patriotic than deep-fried sugary goodness." I talked and chewed, obnoxiously. "Happy?"

"Yes." Trevor grinned.

"No. Chew with your mouth closed. You know better." Cam scolded.

They laughed at him as I gave him a dirty look.

"The older you get the more you look like dad. Now you're starting to sound like him." Before, any comparison to our dad would set him off.

Cam smiled. "Thanks. Vamo' a lo que vinimo.'"

I giggled at one of my dad's favorite expressions. Translation: Hurry up and finished what we came to do.

After we ate, we still have an hour until the airplane and firework show, so we go to the midway area. We rode rides together. Everyone rotated on a couple of rides so I wasn't the loner on all of them. The system was working fine until the 4-person quad jump. Cam offered not to go, but I refused. When they left, I tried my luck on some games. On the basketball hoop, I spent $10, but I made the shot and won an oversized Mavericks plush ball. The guy running the game was nice enough to take my picture with it. I posted it on social media immediately with the caption:


When I joined back up with them, Trevor looked at my ball in disbelief.

"Where did you get that from?"

"I won it!" I said, dancing around with it arrogantly. "While you were riding rides, I was putting in work son!"

He laughed at me. "Let's go. I want one too."

I led him to the same game. The guy remembered me and confirmed I made the shot. Trevor spends $20 before he gives up. Cam doesn't even try. He believed the games are rigged and a waste of money. Trevor does win a dart-throwing game. He won a little stuffed turtle. I snickered at it when he gives it to Becca.

"Shut up Lily." Trevor said with a grin.

I laughed. "I didn't say anything. Besides, size doesn't matter, right Becca?"

We all laughed at that.

We walked back to the open area to get ready to watch the fireworks. I made a big production out of finding a place for my big ball and sat on it.

"A little competitive Lily?" Jenna grinned at me. She sat on the grass in between Cam's legs with his arms wrapped around her. A That was true love because it was way too hot and sticky for me to be that close to anyone.

"Not at all. I'm just the best at everything!"

"You weren't the best at laser tag at EJ's birthday party." Trevor murmured, sitting on the ground between me and Becca.

"Shut up Trevor! You were using kids as shields!" I accused him.

"So? All's fair in love and war." Trevor shrugged.

"It was EJ's 7th birthday. It was 7 and 8-year-olds." I smiled.

"Never too young to learn the rules of war." Trevor said, smiling too.

"Who is EJ?" Becca smiled.

The thought of how EJ came into our lives caused a little awkwardness in the group, but I recovered and explained simply. "He's my friend's son."

"Ok, nice." Becca nodded.

While waiting for the show to begin, I pulled out my phone. I saw I had likes and comments on the picture of me and my prized stuffed ball.

Jordan: Go girl!

Jake: Who did you steal that from?

Sammy: Yes! That will look awesome in our game room/den.

Ethan: How much did you spend to win it?

I chuckled to myself and responded.

Me: Don't worry bout how much I spent!


Why? Are you going to come arrest me? Ohh that's right, you can't 😋

And it's going in my trophy room/den

A few moments later, I get more responses.

Ethan: Don't hog the games. Let the kids have fun

Brandon: Oh snap! Got ya there #RentACopProblems

Jake: That's okay. I can make a citizen's arrest. After I pistol whip you a little first

Sammy: Lmao Ain't nobody scared of u

"I didn't invite you here so I can watch you play on your phone." Cam told me.

I flashed him an apologetic smile. "One sec."

I only respond to Ethan.

Me: You know me. Games are not for fun. They are for winning #Winning

Ethan: Guess I'm gonna have to school you again in a shoot-off like I did two years ago.

Me: Stop living in the past! 2 years was a looong time ago. If you hadn't noticed, things change. Ready for a rematch when you are.

Ethan: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Come ready Friday for the rematch

"Lily..." Trevor said, annoyed, over the sound of the airplane over us. I smiled and wrote one more reply.

Me: Touche. And I stay ready!

I put my phone away to focus on the air show. The air show and fireworks were amazing. It was so much fun. Afterward, we made our way back to the hotel. We hung out in my brother's room, chatting and drinking my brother's rum until traffic died down and Trevor and Becca left. I retired to my room when they left. After breakfast the next morning, Cam and Jenna followed me to my new apartment. They love it. I promise to check out their apartment soon. I hugged them both before we went our separate ways. I then rushed to Rocky's house to get ready for Ethan's parent's barbeque.

After watching Youtube tutorials, struggling with Rocky's curling iron, redoing my makeup 3 times, and 2 hours, I was finally happy with my look. I tied an American flag bandanna like a headband across my forehead over the beach wave curls I put in my hair. My skin looked clear and glowy with the foundation, concealer, and bronzer I put on after my failed attempt at contouring. My eyelashes were curled perfectly, and the mascara, brown liner, and gold shimmer eye shadow made my hazel eyes pop. I wore a bright blue blouse, the front tucked into white shorts. I finished my look with red hi-top Converse that matched my red and white striped fingernails. I felt like I mastered the flirty/sporty look I was going for. I wanted to dress ready to play basketball as Ethan told me to be on Facebook. I also wanted to be kissable as playing basketball together led us to our first kiss.

Our conversation on Facebook gave me the extra boost of confidence I needed. Obviously, Ethan and Karen weren't as solid as I thought. He was definitely open to hearing what I had to say. I knew he was flirting with me and quite frankly, even if he wasn't, I was still ready to tell him how I felt. No matter what happened, I was putting myself completely out there. Today would be the end of the back and forth. Either we were going to be together or not. And that gave me comfort.

On the drive to McKinney, I blasted my July 4th-inspired playlist. Navigation got me to the house with no problems. I was singing and dancing along to American Woman by Lenny Kravis as I parked behind Brandon's car on the street. I grabbed the crockpot full of beans and walk up the steps to the front door.

"Lily!" Brandon opened the door a few moments after I rang it, letting me in.

"Hey! Happy 4th of July." I said cheerfully.

"Back at ya." He said smiling, "I'll get the rest of your stuff. Kitchen is straight ahead."

I followed his directions to the kitchen. The house was wonderful. When I first walked in, there was a sitting room to the right. A formal dining area was decorated with red, white and blue décor. I kept going straight ahead into a huge open kitchen. There were glass patio doors and windows letting in the sunshine and providing a beautiful view of the backyard and pool. The kitchen had a breakfast nook and across from that was the family room with a large brown sectional, a huge flat-screen TV, and framed photos everywhere. It looked so homey and comfortable.

Mrs. Carter came inside through the sliding patio door and smiled at me.

"Welcome! Happy Independence Day!" She greeted me.

"Hi! Happy Independence Day Mrs. Carter." I repeated, looking for a good place to set the crock pot.

"Deborah. And right over here." She directed me to the counter.

"Thanks." I said, setting down the crockpot and plugging it in." You have a beautiful home Deborah."

"Thank you so much. Took a while, but I've finally got it exactly how I want it." Deborah said, proudly.

"For now. She's always coming up with some new project." Her husband Albert commented, joining us in the kitchen. "Did you find the house ok Lily?" He asked me with a friendly smile.

"Oh yes, GPS got me here no problem." I smiled at them.

Brandon came into the kitchen, carrying the cobs of corn wrapped in foil and the fruit tarts sitting on top. He set them on the counter. Deborah took the fruit tarts.

"I'm going to take this to the refrigerator in the garage. Albert, make sure Lily gets a drink." Deborah announced as she headed to the garage.

"Of course hun." He called after her. When she was out of the room, he told Brandon, "Get Lily a drink son."

Brandon smirked. "You see the cooler right?"

I nodded.

"Boy, that's not what I said to do. Go get her a drink." Mr. Carter told him.

Brandon exaggerated a sigh, as he went to get me a drink. I told him water was fine.

"Is the grill still on? The corn needs to go on for a few minutes." I asked them as Brandon handed me a water bottle.

"Sure is. In fact, I came in to grab a pan for Ethan." Albert recalled, grabbing an aluminum baking sheet.

"I'll take it." I volunteered, swiftly. I took the pan from Mr. Carter as Brandon grinned at me.

"Follow me." He picked up the corn and led me outside.

"Introduce her to the family on your way." Mr. Carter instructed.

Brandon did exactly that. I unlocked the gate that surrounds the entire pool and walked through. After setting the food on a table, Brandon followed me. He introduced me to his half-sister from his dad's previous marriage, Tami, her kids, and her husband. I met some of his aunts, uncles, and cousins as well. Everyone was super nice to me. EJ was in the pool, swimming with the other kids, so I just waved to him.

Rocky was chatting with Tami. She looked relaxed and cute in a blue and white romper and I told her so. She smiled and thanked me. Wasn't much, but it was better than her being cold like she had been all week. My stomach kinda dropped when I saw a shirtless Jake wrapping a towel around a pretty young woman. After drying off, they came over. Jake introduced her as his sister Jasmine. He has 3 sisters. One older and 2 younger. She is the second to youngest, at 23 years old, and proud to inform me she's his favorite because she doesn't have any kids. I laughed at that. She seemed really cool.

Brandon then led me to the grill. We had to walk out of the gated pool entrance and a few feet to the massive backyard and patio. The patio had an outdoor table and a massive grill, which Ethan was standing over. The patio is covered, there was even a ceiling fan, but it was still freaking hot by the grill. Ethan looked incredibly sexy in a red sleeveless shirt and cargo shorts, manning the grill expertly.

"Special delivery!" Brandon called, as we approached him.

"About time." Ethan said, facing us. He gave me a quick look over and I smiled at him coyly when he met my eye.

"How's your 4th going so far?" I asked Ethan.

"A lot better once I can get away from the grill." He said to me with a slight smile.

"She brought you more food." Brandon chuckled, holding out the pan as Ethan put the hot dogs and burgers on it.

"It's quick. Just corn." I said as Brandon left us to take the cooked food inside. I handed Ethan the water bottle Brandon gave me.

"Thanks." He said, twisting off the cap. I put the corn on the grill next to the remaining burgers to keep from staring at his lips as he chugged the water.

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