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Linda and Richard

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A 50 year old woman experiences sex with a gentle man.
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"I don't know about this." She murmured as she let out a shaky sigh. Linda was sitting at her desk, her hands twirling on the cord of her phone as she spoke to her dearest friend. She was the manager of a printing press, and having worked at the company for a few decades, she managed to acquire one of the largest offices in the building.

She was a beautiful woman, and heavily respected and idolized by most of her employees. She had dirty blonde hair that was knotted at the top of her head, stunning green eyes, and full luscious lips. Though her best assets - apart from her eyes, smile and energy - were her firm breasts, strong shoulders and curvy behind, which she liked to show off with body-hugging dresses from time to time. She was a confident woman, and that came from years of being respected and loved by her peers. She took the time to run every morning, making sure that age would never be something that slowed her down.

She was the type to have everything perfected in her life, down to the very tips of her filed nails, but there had always been something lacking, and at the age of fifty, she was getting sick and tired of it. That was why she had been convinced by her best friend, Emily, to sign up for an online social network service that helped people around her age to connect with each other.

Most of the men she had connected with were divorced, had multiple children, and seemed to not be interested in anything serious. She didn't know what she wanted, but she knew she wanted more than what she was getting. The truth was, she was jealous. Jealous of some of her friends, who were going on vacations and living their best lives, raising children with someone they adored. Some had been divorced a few times, but they all eventually found their person, and that was something she hadn't experienced in a really, really long time.

In fact, she didn't think she'd ever been in a proper relationship, which shocked most of the people around her. How could such a well-spoken, beautiful woman be lacking of a proper companion? She had concluded around the age of 30 that it was due to a couple of factors. First, she was too in love with her career. She stayed late in her office on most nights, not caring about whether or not she was getting paid. She would rather be making her company more successful than grabbing a drink anyways. Second, she was too picky. She was very educated, and knew exactly the type of man she wanted in life. Tall, athletic, charming, and as successful as she was. Basically, someone who could match up to her lifestyle. Well, a nice foreign accent wouldn't hurt either. With high standards and an age like hers, all the men who qualified were already taken.

And last but not least, Linda was closed off. She didn't need her best girl friends telling her that for her to realize this herself. Her parents were divorced and still hated each other, so she had always grown up despising adult relationships. Then, her high school sweetheart had cheated on her, at the point where she had finally decided to give her heart to him. After that, she had had a few flings, relationships that didn't get past a few dates - mostly because she loved to come up with any excuse she could to dump the guy she was seeing before she gave her heart away again.

And now, it seemed she was at a standstill, the same one she had locked herself in her entire life. And her friend Emily was having none of it.

"You don't know about what?" She hissed back over the phone.

"About Richard." She replied firmly.

"I know who you're talking about, and I'm having none of it." Emily said in a firmer tone. "You're going to see him tonight, and that's that."

"But--" Linda started, desperately trying to find any sort of excuse. Maybe her stomach was feeling a little sore?

"No buts. I'm so tired of hearing this. Linda, this guy is perfect for you. You should've seen the look on your face when you facetimed about him the next morning. You looked like you were going to explode from happiness."

Linda scowled. 'Explode from happiness' seemed like a bit of an exaggeration. Though she had to admit, she was very happy when she went home. Richard was one of the men she met on the dating site, but instead of making small talk with her, he indicated that he had no time to do so, and that he wanted to see her immediately. This might've been off putting to some women, but Linda loved his assertiveness, and how he didn't like wasting time - exactly how she liked to go about life. He was pretty good looking as well. He was tall with an athletic build, bald with a salt and pepper beard, blue eyes and full lips. He was also the same age as her, which was perfect for her standards. They had met up at a new restaurant, which was situated at the top floor of a hotel. She had worn a stunning black dress that hugged her figure, and he had worn a blue dress shirt, which seemed to be tailor made to show off his broad shoulders and figure. She knew he was the type to try to maintain his body just as she did, though was too shy to ask what he did exactly.

She couldn't help but stare at his big beautiful hands the entire time, and fantasize about them wrapped around her waist, holding her body tightly against his. She almost bit her lip just thinking about his musical French accent, and the way that words just tumbled out of his mouth. It felt like he was almost insecure about how he should be acting around her, but still managed to do all the right things. It was like... he was almost too perfect. And it scared her a little knowing this. Which is why she had to find a way out. And fast.

"Don't you think it'll be better if we just spent the evening together instead?" She asked hesitantly, knowing that Emily would shut her down immediately.

"I'm busy having a dinner date with Tom, you're on your own. And if I hear you've backed out I'm telling you I'll never forgive you this time!" Before Linda could say anything in response, the phone clicked, and all she could hear was the dial tone. She sighed dramatically. She knew that Emily was trying to be a good friend, but she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. Emily would never understand what she was going through, how hard it was to trust another human being in the way that you needed to when you dove into a relationship with them.

There was no point in dwelling on this now. She would have to be strong and face her fears, and maybe let herself fall in love for the first time in decades. And so she drove home from work, trying to think of anything other than her upcoming date with Richard.

She spent the next hour getting ready, and had to admit she looked at the mirror way too many times to make sure she was completely perfect. She wore black heels, a white and black dress covered in rose patterns, and curled her hair so it fell down her shoulders. Her makeup was specifically done to highlight her eyes, which she had learned made men immediately smitten with her from a very young age.

This guy didn't seem like the type to be smitten, though, and the more she thought about it the sillier she felt. This was her problem, really - overthinking everything. It seemed like she had run out of time, though, because her doorbell rang right as she was heading down the stairs to see if he had messaged. She shook her head while smiling to herself. Of course he was early.

Her heels clicked on the floor as she opened the door, and couldn't help but smile up at him. "Hello." She said, a little too quiet for her tastes.

"Hello." He beamed back. He was wearing another fitted shirt, though lightened it up a bit with loose fitting black jeans. She couldn't help but wonder what was underneath his shirt. He was too gentlemanly to touch her last time, and if he had done so, she might've backed off, but she couldn't help but absentmindedly wonder if he would be touching her more tonight. Maybe he only saw her as a friend. "I hope I'm not too early." He commented.

She shook her head while grabbing her purse, and followed him to his car. "No, actually. You're just in time."

He was looking her up and down, though not in a sleazy way. Like he truly appreciated the effort she put in to look good for him. "You look beautiful tonight, like always."

She blushed slightly and replied, "you too, Richard."

He chuckled, a sound that shot through her spine, and opened her side of the car for her. She stepped in gracefully, but was so shy throughout the car ride she could only make idle conversation while staring out the window.

She had no idea where they were going tonight, as he said he wanted to surprise her, and though she trusted his tastes, it still made her a little apprehensive. It was only fifteen minutes later when they pulled up at a Mexican restaurant, and she couldn't help but begin to giggle like a teenager. "Mucho Burrito?" She asked, still laughing.

"I thought it would be fun to do something a little less fancy." He smirked. "You also said it was your favorite last time."

I can't believe he remembered. She thought to herself. Did she have such low standards in men that this act alone made her stomach flutter inside?

No man had ever brought her to a restaurant so simple, not since she dated her ex-boyfriend in high school. Men always wanted to show off their abilities, particularly money wise, and kept trying to show off the more she seemed like she wasn't interested. Instead, Richard seemed to be able to read exactly what she needed, and a stuck up fancy restaurant was exactly what she didn't want tonight. Without her even realizing it herself.

It wasn't like he wasn't rich. No, Richard was a successful entrepreneur, and had made a name for himself at the age of fifty. He just didn't seem to care whether or not she found him incredibly rich, which was very humbling for her tastes. "Shall we?" He asked, and she nodded as he travelled to her side of the car and helped her out.

The feel of her hand against his seemed to almost electrocute her, which seemed so out of the ordinary she almost gasped in response. It seemed like her body was becoming hyper aware of his, wanting his touch but also scared of it at the same time. It made her heart beat like crazy, something it hadn't done in a very very long time. He didn't seem to notice though, but didn't let go of her hand the entire time as they walked into the restaurant together.

They both ordered burritos for themselves, which reminded her of her childhood with her father, where he would bring her to eat Mexican food every time she was feeling down. The place wasn't run down or dingy, and there were still plenty of customers, though they finished their food and left readily, knowing that it was a fast food joint. Instead of leaving immediately like the other customers, Richard and Linda situated themselves in the corner of the restaurant and spent hours talking to each other. It seemed Linda couldn't get enough of this man.

The night, which had started off nerve wracking and tension-filled, eased little by little, and she could feel herself relaxing more and more as the conversation continued on. It didn't feel like he was doing anything special, but they shared a connection she didn't feel like she ever had with anyone else.

Linda was definitely not the type to open up and talk about herself, but it seemed like Richard had set a mission to find out as much about her as possible. He asked her questions about her family, her work, and general inquiries about her thoughts. He related his own experiences with hers, and made her feel like he could never judge her no matter what she said. Of course, she would never be able to tell him everything, because if she did, and he decided to break her heart, she would feel as if she had nothing left.

The amazing part was, he seemed to even be able to read when she wanted him to touch her. He started by placing his fingers on hers at the table, then creeping higher and higher, easing his way into holding hands again. She had glanced at it a few times, but hadn't said another word. Then, she couldn't help herself. When he asked her to come and sit next to him on the bench, she had nodded after only a moment of hesitation. He let her ease her body down against him, her back on his chest, and wrapped his arms around her.

She didn't know if it was because no one had touched her like this in a very long time, but she felt like she was going to explode at that very moment. She was rigid, and her breath was uneven, and she almost asked him to let go a couple of times. He seemed to be in tune with her body language though, and loosened his grip on her until they were laughing about one of his ridiculous clients, and she finally let him hold her tightly again.

It was little actions like this that made her feel confident in him, like he knew exactly what her limits are, and when she wanted him to push those limits, and when he had asked her if she wanted to come over to his place to hear him play the guitar, she had said yes before she could second guess herself.

It was almost closing time at the Mexican restaurant when they headed to the car. Normally, going to a stranger's house like this would frighten her. It wasn't the case today, though, and she smiled to herself as she imagined how excited Emily would be the next day. "What are you going to play for me?" She asked.

He smirked. "It's a surprise."

His apartment was far from what she had imagined. It was a third floor brick apartment, without any elevators, but had a charm unlike anything she had ever seen. He could've easily afforded better, but the place itself felt like home, something she was never really able to do at her own place. Everything had a quality feel to it - the leather sofa, the record player, the fully set up kitchen, like he designed it not just to look good, but to be efficient in practice as well.

Again, she felt nervous. But he could sense this, and provided her with a glass of wine on his sofa before he went to grab his guitar. "Are you ready?" He asked, smiling at her.

She couldn't help but grin back. "I don't know, are you going to blow my mind?"

"Maybe." He shrugged, and then began playing. He had told her earlier in the restaurant he had always wanted to play an instrument, but just never had the time to do so. Recently, with his success at work, he's had the time to take some guitar and singing lessons. He wasn't a great singer, but she could tell he was enjoying it a lot, and it made her hum along with him, with her body swaying side by side with the song. She was enjoying herself far more than she would like to admit.

"Would you like to sing the next song with me?" He asked her cautiously.

She arched an eyebrow. "I can't sing."

He shook his head. "I highly doubt that, you just have to be more confident. Besides, I won't judge you even if you sound horrible. I promise."

She laughed out loud. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

She couldn't stop herself though. It seemed like he had somehow taught himself how to sing her favorite song. When did he have the time to do something like that? Her heart began to flutter again as he continued to strum the guitar, and she opened her mouth to join him in his music.

The feeling of warmth and trust seemed to envelope her, like she was in a warm cocoon that she never wanted to get out of. Was this what it was like to be loved by someone? To be cherished, to have his whole undivided attention? She felt like he was treating her like a queen, and that she had done nothing to deserve this.

It was so terrifying that she shook her head after the song was finished. "I should go," she said.

He calmly set the guitar down on its stand next to his television, and sat down next to her. "Why do you say that?"

"I don't know what I'm doing here." She replied, her voice almost quivering as she said so. She had no idea what was wrong, but every fibre of her being was telling her to run.

"You're here because you want to be. Because you feel how I feel for you." He said determinedly, like he was hurt and confused, but still refused to push her more than she could handle.

"You know I have trust issues, Richard. This is too much for me. We're moving too fast." He stopped her words by wrapping his large fingers around hers, holding her tightly.

"It's scary for me too, Linda." He said. "I know it doesn't look like it, but I've never met someone like you either. I'm scared too, but I'm also so damned happy, and I want to try this with you. I hope you feel the same way." He looked shy and hesitant telling her this, but also as determined as the fingers that were wrapped around her's.

She breathed out a few shaky breaths, and at last, when he seemed to look away from fear of her answer, she smiled. "Okay. I really like you, too."

"Well, I'm glad that's resolved." He grinned, and stood up abruptly.

"What are you doing?" She wondered, looking up at him as she scooted on the couch.

"I want to dance with you!" He announced, and almost skipped to the record player as he began searching for the record he wanted to play. It seemed like this man didn't take no for an answer, and was able to convince her to do anything. Linda didn't mind at all. Not one bit.

The soft jazz music began to play, and he swayed dramatically while grinning from ear to ear as he approached her. She giggled and shook her head, trying to stop him. It was too late. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up, letting her body press up to him where it felt just right.

She wrapped her hands around his neck, and he kept his strong fingers around her waist as they swayed side to side, perfectly in tune with the music. She loved the feeling of being wrapped in his arms, and being gently caressed by him as she melted into the feel of the song. They weren't dancing extravagantly, or doing anything particularly special, but neither said a word as they traveled around the room. He held her fingers and spun her a few times, and she giggled like a little girl, experiencing a boy for the first time and the whirl of emotions that came along with it. She could feel the sense of dread rise inside of her again, the need to push him away before he decided she wasn't worth his time. It would be so much better than getting her heart broken again. But she quieted that part of herself, and let him lead.

It was around 11pm, and she wondered once more if she should leave when the dance finally ended. There was no other reason for her to be here, and they had already been with each other for far longer than she had been with any other person for quite some time. Instead, he seemed to not be able to let her go. He suggested a movie, which was approved by her immediately. He popped some popcorn, grabbed some chips, and they sat on his carpeted floor while leaning against the sofa, both unwilling to let go of each other's hands.

"Tell me about yourself." He said when the movie ended.

She was shocked. "I already told you everything."

He shook his head. "You haven't."

"Richard... don't push me." She sighed, and felt herself closing off.

"I'm confident I can win your trust, even just a little bit. Slowly. I'll convince you you can tell me everything. And then I can finally get to know the real Linda." He said determinedly.

"You already know the real Linda." She replied.

He shook his head adamantly. "We both know you're still keeping things from me. It's okay, it's our second date. I can be patient."

She didn't know what he wanted from her exactly, what details of her past he craved to understand, but she couldn't help but appreciate it nonetheless. She wanted to give him that part of him he wanted, but would take her time to understand what exactly he needed. She almost laughed to herself as she wondered if this was what a proper relationship was supposed to be like. "I'll try, Richard." He nodded, like he knew exactly what she meant. He seemed to always know exactly what she meant.


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