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Lisa and Mac Ch. 07

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The last hurdle before the Club visit.
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Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/12/2021
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I am grateful to an anonymous email correspondent who, in view of her experiences, allowed me to use her original and imaginative input to enhance this story. She knows who she is!

The last hurdle before the Club

We awoke together at 2.00 AM wrapped up in each others arms. We had slept solidly for ten hours after Mac had left us.

"Are you OK, darling," I asked Lisa tentatively.

"Very sore," she smiled, as her hand went to her bum.

"Well I am not surprised. Mac certainly put you through it. My God. What a session."

"Phweeee. God. Yes." She stretched her body. "Oh heavens, I feel stiff."

I kissed my wife. "You were magnificent." I told her. "So brave."

We both needed to go to the loo but I let Lisa to go first. She was very stiff as she got out of bed and I watched her as she walked naked to the bathroom. I took a deep breath. Her bottom was severely bruised.

While she was out of the room I checked the messages on my IPhone. There was one from Mac.

"Lisa was tremendous. John confirms visit for Thursday. Don't forget the photos."

Lisa came out of the bathroom and settled in bed on her side facing me. I rushed out and had a pee. On my return I rejoined Lisa in bed.

"Darling, your bottom is very sore. Let me have a look." Lisa turned on to her front. I pulled the bed covers down. Her bottom was very bruised with ugly long blue and red welts. In three places the skin had been broken, where small blots of blood had congealed. I ran my hands over the bruised flesh. "I need to get ointment on you," I told her.

"Umm, that would be soothing." She laughed. "I know what you are after," she laughed. Over the next quarter of an hour I concentrated on applying a light antiseptic cream on her bottom. It was a soft cream which was easily absorbed by the black and blue bruised mounds. As I was gently massaging her bottom I advised her that it would be best to apply the other balm to the rest of her body to keep up the treatment that Mac had advised to harden her skin.

She was soon aroused and made her feelings known by raising her bottom to my touch. Shortly my hand was going in between her legs. Her pussy was thoroughly wet. She came on top of me as I laid back and we made love again.

I told her of the message I had received from Mac. "God, I must be the only girl to hope that her period will be late," she told me smiling. We kissed, held each other in our arms and slipped back to sleep.


The next morning we were both in a rush to get to work. I kissed her tenderly at the door as we went our separate ways: she to the hospital and me to the engineering works..

I didn't see Mac at work but I got a message from him to say that we should meet up for lunch on Tuesday in the canteen.

As normal I got home from work before Lisa. I changed into casual clothes as I knew that we would not be going out that evening. As I came down to the sitting room I noticed that Mac had left the cane on the chair over which Lisa had bent when he had beaten her on the previous day. That was careless of him, or.... perhaps not...... perhaps deliberate? Luckily no one had been in the house other than Lisa and me to notice it. I picked it up and felt it. It was very smooth. And so flexible as I discovered when I bent it almost double. I swished it through the air a few times, remembering the unmistakable sound made when Lisa had taken her caning the previous evening. God it was vicious. My cock started to grow in reaction. Lisa would be back in the next half hour. I had better hide it. I sent a text to Mac:

"You left cane in the sitting room."

He replied promptly:

"OK. Put it somewhere safe. Perhaps the garage?"

I put a cushion on the coffee table. I gave it a hefty swipe with the cane. I wondered. Maybe Mac could have wanted to frighten Lisa by leaving it deliberately on show for her to see? To remind her of last evening, or to frighten her for what may be in store. Soon I had convinced myself that this is what he had intended. Yes, I was sure of it.

My heart started to beat harder. It needed to be displayed prominently for her, or perhaps any one else, to see. I placed it resting on the back of the chair to which he had bound her. I knew that it would scare her to see it there. She needed to know that Mac wanted her to remember.

I went to the kitchen, poured out a beer for me and a glass of wine for Lisa. She would be back soon. I took the drinks into the sitting room.

Lisa came bouncing in in her hospital scrubs, happily chatting away as she came into the sitting room. She stopped. She stared. Her hand went to her mouth which opened silently to form a big O. "Oh God. That's rather sinister." She said as she blushed. "It gives me goose pimples."

"Mac left it as a reminder," I told her.

"God, What a message. He wants me to know that he will use it again on me, I think?"

"Yes, he does. He wants us to leave it on display to remind you what is in store."

"But anyone visiting will see it."

"OK, we will compromise." I told her. "We will leave it there as he has asked, but make sure you put it under the sofa if anyone comes to the house."

Lisa came into my arms and kissed me. "In that way we please both my men," she said.

My hand went to her breast through her clothing. I kissed her neck. "Both your men?" I asked.

Her hand went to the front of my trousers. "Well, you are my husband and I love you dearly," she kissed me on the lips. "But we both know that he is my Master."

Her nipple was hard between my fingers, touching it through her bra and top. I was excited by her gentle hand on my cock. "Oh, Lisa darling. I do love you." I told her. "I love your touch."

"And what about when I touch Master or Sir John?"

"Oh Lisa."

"And then when Sir fucks me with his oversize cock?" She squeezed me tightly. My cock was rigid.

"Oh Lisa. Please make me come in your hand."

"You like thinking of them with me, don't you?"

"Oh, yes Lisa." She slapped my cock and backed away from me. Was our moment of passion gone?

I took a swig of beer as she took her wine off the table. "Don't forget that your Master wants some photos. We had better get those done today," I told her.

She squeezed my cock again. "Oh, you naughty boy. You look forward to that don't you."

I kissed her on the lips. "Yes, I can't wait to show you off."

"Well I am not going to show much, I can assure you."

Later we were in the bedroom. I had my IPhone camera ready. I couldn't believe that I was about to take some sexy photos of my wife at Mac's request for him to show to his Club members. This was so exciting. Only a couple of months ago Lisa had been upset with me when I had showed Mac a photo of her in a not very revealing bikini. I sensed that she would be reticent about this photo shoot.

Lisa had removed her hospital scrubs and was in her panties and bra. I suggested that she removed her bra. "You're not suggesting I should be naked, are you?"

That had been exactly what I was expecting, but I replied: "No; of course not." I suggested that she put on one of my oversize shirts to maintain her modesty, but without the bra to make it more alluring. She hesitated, but was reassured by me that no lewd photos were intended. She removed her bra, leaving her panties on. After lots of persuasion and coercion I took a series of shots, many of them while she didn't realise I was shooting them. I was hard as I posed her and took the photos. As I leant across her to adjust the shirt she touched my cock. This time we didn't stop. I removed her panties, which were wet in the gusset, and we made love. As she rested she was unaware that I continued taking photos, but this time her vulva was bare.

Later I picked out four special photos which, I thought, would please Mac. In the first she had her panties on and was sitting on the bed in the shirt looking off to the left. The light behind was sufficient to show the outline of her breasts in profile through the shirt. The hard nipples were easily visible. As she had raised a hand I had quickly snapped the photo showing one of her fingers inches away from touching her nipple.

In the second shot she was still sitting but this time facing the camera. She was still in the shirt but it was open so both breasts were partially on show. The third picture was after we had made love. Lisa was lying back on the bed with her eyes shut. The shirt was now fully open with her breasts and pussy on display, the latter glistening with dew and slightly engorged. One had to look closely to see a glob of semen seeping out between her labia lips. Her hand was high on her thigh with the fingers close to her vulva. She hadn't realised that I had taken it.

Finally, I wanted a shot of her bruised backside. I persuaded Lisa to take the pressure off her bottom by resting on her front. I raised the shirt tail and caressed her bum. She mewed with pleasure. I surreptitiously took up the camera and shot the photo I was after. I was glad that it was a colour photo. Her bum was black and blue from the bruises.

I thought that Mac would be pleased. I sent them to him.


On Tuesday I met Mac in the canteen over lunch.

He wanted to know if Lisa's wounds were getting better. I explained that she was still in some pain when she sat down, but otherwise she was fine. "She is a game girl," I told him. "At work she had to say that she had bruised her bum having fallen off a ladder to explain her stiffness. They even wanted to dress the wounds!" I laughed.

"I hope that I did not go too far?" he asked.

"No, she will be fine," I told him.

He was delighted with the photos, explaining that he would be sending all four to the members when arrangements were made for the meeting. "Was Lisa still OK with this?" He asked. I assured him she was.

He asked if Lisa was still game to go to the Club. I told him that she was now sexually very active and our love making since Saturday had been fantastic. "She is really aroused by it all," I told him. "A few weeks ago she would never have agreed to the photos." I explained.

"Yes, the members will like that one of her bottom." He said.

He explained that John would not be able to make it until Thursday. I said that would be fine except that sex would be out because of Lisa's period. "Perhaps we ought to postpone your visit." I told him.

"Don't worry. It will be fine," he reassured me. "No, we shouldn't postpone. Lisa wouldn't like us to back track," he paused as he took a bit of is lunch. "On Thursday we will come along at 5.00 pm as usual but will not be able to stay long. So do not prepare any dinner." He had an after thought: "Oh, and to save time get the frame set up in the sitting room beforehand."

We were quiet for a moment with our thoughts.

"What are you planning," I asked him quietly.

"John and I have planned to deal with her together. I am sure that she will appreciate it." He winked at me.

We supped up our water and got up to return to work. He passed me a DVD.

"Have Lisa look at this DVD. It's called "Judicial Punishment; 100 strokes.""


Lisa had returned home from work, picked up the glass of wine that I had left her on the side table and sat on the sofa with her legs tucked under her. As she sipped her wine she couldn't help but see the cane on display. She shivered.

"That cane really brings out the goose pimples," she told me. "It really is creepy."

I sat beside her and gave her a kiss. "I saw Mac in the canteen today," I told her. "He liked the photos."

"Oh, you shit." She punched my arm playfully. "You didn't show me which ones you sent."

I changed the subject. "He gave us a DVD to watch."

"Oh. Are you planning a sexy evening for us?"

"Well, I think that it is more to put you in the right frame of mind for the Club visit he talked about." I replied. I placed my arm around her shoulders. She took a sip of wine. "He told me to prepare the frame for Thursday." Lisa gasped.

"Oh, I couldn't take another beating like Saturday. And any way it will be my period so that will restrict things."

"I told Mac that. Perhaps they will be kind to you."

"I doubt that. What is the film called?"

"Penal Punishment - 100 Strokes." I told her.

She took a big breath, extending her legs from under her on to the floor. She nearly upset her glass of wine. Her hands were shaking as she put down her drink.

Lisa opened the DVD's plastic box and a piece of paper slipped out. She opened it and read it. "Oh, God," she said as she passed me the note.

It was in free hand:

"Lisa, During the evening of your visit the Club you will need to be able to take up to 100 strokes of the cane or whip. Watch this and think about it! We will be asking you for your decision on Thursday. Master."

She turned towards me, put her arms around my neck kissed me deeply. "God, that's a clear message. Thank God I have you to look after me," she said.

"Shall we watch it?" I asked her.

"Yes, I want to." She replied. One of her legs was shaking. It was going violently up and down as I slipped the disc into the machine. Together, with our arms encircling each others' bodies and our hands busy touching, we watched the DVD. She continued to tremble as I held her tightly.

It was a Russian production and was quite violent. The girl, accused of drug abuse, was told that the sentence of the court was one hundred lashes. She paled at the verdict.

In the next scene she was naked as she was strapped to a St Andrew's cross. Her breasts were visible and I notice her pronounced nipples.

A woman appeared and caned her bottom twenty times. Distinct welts appeared as the cane struck. Then another woman came into the scene with a whip. She whipped the girl's back another twenty times. The girl was squirming in her bonds and crying out as each stroke landed. A man with his shirt removed followed. He had the build of an athlete. He delivered a further twenty strokes of the cane to her back and thighs. There was a pause in the film while we watched the girl crying, with many camera shots roaming over her body.

I was hard as I watched the film. Lisa was breathing heavily. She removed my hand from my cock and replaced it with hers. My hand rubbed her thigh. "Which did you prefer?" I asked her.

"Oh, the man. He really laid it on."

The film continued. A naked girl of about thirty, with a good figure, appeared with a small whip, similar to the one which had been used on Lisa's breasts. Lisa gasped. The girl applied the whip with some force to the victim's breasts. Lisa squealed in unison with the victim as my hand rubbed her nipples none too gently. Twenty strokes were laid on hard producing very clear red streaks on her breasts. Lisa was panting hard by the end of it.

Finally the narrator said that the the final twenty strokes would be on her backside. The man returned, this time naked. His cock was a good size, as one would expect in a porn film. He slowly and methodically delivered twenty hard strokes spaced out at about thirty second intervals to her bottom. The victim was sobbing loudly, trying to avoid the strokes. Lisa reacted with a sort of shudder and a whine as each stroke landed. She gripped my tool throughout. By the end the victim's bottom was a mess of blue and red bruises.

The film ended. Lisa was in a sort of trance, staring at the blank screen and breathing hard as she gripped my cock fiercely. I kissed her. "God," she said. "I am not sure that I could ever go through anything like that."

Her hands were shaking as she picked up her glass to have a drink. She looked at me. "I am feeling so... sort of....... Oh God. I don't know what I feel. Can we please go to bed?"

Lisa and I went up the stairs and were soon in each others arms making love.

Later we were lying on the bed gently touching each other. "How many strokes did Mac say that I would be liable for if I went to the Club?"

"He said twelve strokes from each member."

"How many members are there?" She asked.

"Twelve, " I replied. "But perhaps they will not all be there. He said that the last girl had taken 72 strokes."

"No, I really don't think that I could ever go through with anything like that."

"It's OK Lisa. Don't worry about it now. We will let Mac know that you are not sure about the visit and that you need more time to think about it." I reassured her.

She kissed me. "Thank you for understanding."


On Thursday we had not prepared dinner for our guests. Lisa was in the chemise she had worn previously for Mac. She had put on her collar and cuffs as she knew that this was expected of her.

She was highly nervous, sitting on the arm of the chair and fidgeting with her hands as she observed the cane on the chair beside her, awaited for the arrival of our guests. She watched me assemble the frame, her leg noticeably shaking. She told me that she was frightened by the prospect of another beating. "I couldn't take the cane again." She told me. But we both knew that she would if that is what they wanted.

The door bell rang. Lisa jumped. She got up and walked hesitatingly to the front door. I mused that only a couple of months ago Lisa was too scared to go to the front door when they were expected unless she was fully dressed, in case the neighbours saw her. Here she was in her almost transparent chemise stepping forward bravely without a qualm. She opened the front door. The two men entered.

John, being less of a gentleman and more direct than Mac, immediately took Lisa by the shoulders as he came in through the front door. He looked her in the eye. "Get naked," he told her.

"But Sir....." Lisa tried to object.

"Get naked," he repeated.

It didn't take a moment for Lisa and me to realise that this party was not going to be one where there would be polite conversation, socialising with drinks, dinner and friendly chit chat. This was to be a meeting on their terms with the specific aim of dominating Lisa and me. No discussion. I had already acquiesced by setting up the frame in the sitting room as I had been told. The cane was visible for all to see on the sitting room chair.

Lisa licked her lips and for a moment she paused in defiance. But then she trembled and gave a little whimper as she grabbed the hem of the chemise and lifted it up over her head as Mac came in with his bag. It was impossible for the three of us men not to be in awe of her slim body with its very prominent hard pointed nipples, her full bottom and her now completely shaved vagina with the little white tail of a tampon protruding. She stood in the hall and trembled in anticipation. John took hold of a nipple and twisted. Lisa let out a scream. He dragged her by the nipple to the frame in the sitting room. He and Mac immediately secured her wrists and ankles so that she was spread-eagled ready for a flogging. Lisa was whimpering as John picked up the leather strap from the bag.

"Let's have a look at you." He circled her body, touching her here and there. Together they looked at her bottom. It was still significantly bruised and sore.

"You laid it on hard there, Mac." John said.

"Well, perhaps....." Mac replied. He touched her skin. "Perhaps I did overdo it a bit." Lisa flinched.

"We may have to postpone," said John. We don't want present the Club members with damaged goods!. They would not be happy with these bruises. We need to present her with a virgin white unblemished backside for their use. Not one marked like this. No, the marks will not be gone by Saturday week. We will have to postpone."

Mac agreed. He turned to my wife. "Lisa. Correct me if I am wrong. Your next period will be in about twenty five days. So the nearest Saturday after that when you are most fertile would be about five weeks from now."


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