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Lisa's Dares - The Strip Club

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Coed asks her boyfriend to visit strip club.
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Codes- MF, interracial, nude female & clothed male, romance.

Intro- This story is fictional and meant for mature open minds. Please do not read it if you object to graphic sex featuring the codes listed above. Positive and constructive feedback is appreciated.

If you are a regular reader of my work, this new series is connected to my many other stories featuring Doug Ramsay and Lisa Coleman. You can also enjoy it as a stand-alone. I have several follow-up stories planned.

Please note that in the year the story is set, 18 year olds were allowed to visit and work at strip clubs in Texas. That law changed in 2021, you have to be 21 now. Like many sex positivity advocates, I was in favor of the previous law, but have resigned myself to live with the updated one.

One additional note- The strip club featured in this story is based on a real place and the staff featured are based on real people. This includes Camellia, who I found very similar to an Owlcat Games character, perhaps that was her intent. I enjoyed a night out at the club with the people in question with similar experiences also. I have, however, altered a few details for protection and to place the event in my fictional universe of writings. This includes the year the club was opened and a few details about the characters that work there. If you ever visit the same club, I hope you have a great time too. The club staff may consider this my online endorsement and review.


Austin, TX. November 1997.

"You want to have group sex with me soon, Hero?"

Doug Ramsay, a stocky eighteen year old man with dark blonde hair and thin beard, smiled. "Yes, of course." Was there any better way for a man to answer such a question?

Especially from the woman asking it. Lisa Coleman was a curvy redhead in her early twenties and the most enthusiastic sexual partner Doug had ever known in his life thus far. Both were students at the University of Texas at Austin. They had been dating for about seven weeks now after meeting in Austin's downtown nightclub district. Doug had rescued her from another date whose attention she ended up not appreciating- hence her nickname for him- and then taken her out for dinner and other activities several times over the next few days. They were now comfortably committed to each other. Doug smiled, thinking back on all their fun times. And surely more were to come, he thought.

That included group sex, surely. Lisa had made clear to him from early in their relationship that she was sexual partners with the three women who shared her house, and would not end those relationships in favor of dating him alone. She wanted to make sure Doug knew that up front and was okay with it. She didn't want to date him otherwise. Apparently she'd had bad experience with overly possessive partners in the past. Of course Doug had agreed to her requests, not wanting her to dump him. It helped that the three women in question were also beautiful and open-minded and all three had given him appraising interested looks soon after they met. Lisa was now his primary partner in their polyamory network. Though he had only slept with her and not them thus far, she had promised to arrange fun times for him with the other girls at some point. She would join in as well, of course.

This promise had him very enthused. Shauna and Tara Shapiro were a pair of adopted fraternal African and Arab-American twin sisters who were deeply in love with each other and yet eager to please others too. They were both very easy on the eyes. Their thin dark and heavy tan bodies were nice contrasts, though their faces looked eerily similar. Elena Ruiz was a cute petite Hispanic two years older than Lisa. She had told him Elena was the token straight girl in their house at first, and he had believed her until the morning after their first coupling. Then he had come downstairs for breakfast and found Elena exchanging kisses with Shauna and Tara in the living room, thanking them for fun times the night before. The truth of their relationship was clear.

"I have bisexual phases sometimes," Elena explained. "Maybe I'll always have them. I am still in the closet, though, except to good friends. That includes Boris and now, you, Doug."

"I'll keep your secret," he promised. "No big deal."

"Thanks," Elena beamed. "Maybe if Boris is okay with it, we can be closer friends someday. Threesomes with two guys and a guy plus a girl are still on my bucket list, and Lisa says you're nice in bed."

"You'll like being with him, Elena," Lisa said as she walked down the stairs to join them. "I know I do."

Doug could recall feeling very eager and hopeful that day.

The current moment- he and Lisa were in her bedroom getting dressed for their scheduled classes on a Friday morning- had him feeling similarly. It was not the first time she had posed him such a question. "Do you think we'll be able to enjoy it soon?" Doug asked, buttoning his shirt.

Lisa moved closer and helped him line up the buttons right. He nodded in thanks.

"Maybe," she said, speaking in a deep Southern Belle accent. Both Doug and Lisa had speech stammers and spoke with accents frequently to correct them. Doug used a faux upper-class British brogue. "We think we've found a weekend next month that should work for everyone."

"Great," Doug said. He was understanding that it had to be a few weeks away. Lisa had told him she'd enjoyed orgies with her various paramours before, but working them in with people's various schedules was often problematic. "So are we secure enough in our relationship now for it, you think?" That had been her other concern for holding off on group sex.

"Probably. I'll be testing you a few times in the next few weeks to make sure."

Doug said nothing, only nodded. Lisa had told him she liked to test her boyfriends now and then and assured him she would only give him tests he had a good chance of passing. He hoped these would be no different.

"How's December 13 for you? That's a Saturday."

"It'll work," he said after mentally checking his calendar. "Who all will be at this event?"

"You, me, Shauna, Tara, Elena, and Boris. Elena insisted on inviting him. It will be his first orgy with all of us too."

"No problem. You know Boris and I are good friends. I'm aware Elena is dating him and they like each other a lot." He adjusted his pants, making sure his pockets contained everything they usually did. "You going to tell me about my tests or are they a surprise?"

"I can tell you a little." Lisa smirked. "First, what you doing for Thanksgiving?"

"Uh, seeing family at home. You?"

"Same. I don't know if we're ready to meet each other's families yet, can we do that later?"

He raised an eyebrow, then shrugged. "Okay, no problem. I'm leaving town to see my family Thursday morning. You?"

"Same. I get back Sunday. When do you get back?"

"Friday night. I wasn't going to stay with my family long."

"Perfect. Plan to come over to my house that weekend. Spend time with Shauna and Tara, get to know them. If they want to seduce you, it's okay with me." Lisa gave him a dazzling smile. "We need to make sure you're okay with them as partners before the big event."

"Okay, uh, that means I might have group sex with them before I have it with you."

"It's fine, Hero. I've already had group sex with them. It's part of the testing I have planned for you to do the same. It's the third test, though. There are two other tests I want you to complete first."

"Okay." He checked his horn-rimmed glasses for dust, then donned them. "Thanksgiving's next week. Do I have time for these tests?"

"Hopefully. First is tonight, if you're okay with that. Be here and dress up. We're taking your truck to Round Rock."

Round Rock was a quickly growing suburb city of Austin on the north side, Doug remembered. "Okay. Any particular place?"

"A strip club called Rick's Cabaret. You been there?"

He blinked. "No. I've never been to a strip club. Uh, will they even let me in?"

She nodded. "You just won't be allowed to buy alcohol. I'm going along as your chaperone, but it won't be obvious I'm with you. That okay?"

Doug shrugged. "Not my first time with a stealth wingman. Are you expecting me to act a certain way?"

"As you normally would were you alone. I want you to spend at least an hour in there and enjoy at least three personal dances with three different girls."

"I can do that," he said in a cautious tone.

Lisa sensed his emotions- she always could. "What's the matter, Hero? You told me you visited a whorehouse in Taiwan once. A strip club's nothing compared to that."

Better tell her, Doug decided. "Yeah. It's just some adult businesses here are... different. Seedier than that place in Taipei. I don't like the atmosphere at some of them."

"You said you've never been to a strip club before."

"I have been in three adult novelty shops. One was okay, but the other two bothered me. I've driven by strip clubs too. I wanted to enjoy them. I dared to walk inside one once, the first month I moved here. I didn't like the place's vibe, so I turned away before paying cover. Didn't make it past the door."

"What was wrong?"

"Heavy cigarette smoke, weird smells, just seemed... trashy, I guess. I didn't like some of the wall art and costumes I saw either. I'm sure there are better places. I just... it bothered me."

"I thought it might be something like that. What club was it?"

He told her the name. "You know it?"

"No, but it doesn't sound like a place I'd enjoy."

"Have you been to strip clubs?"

"Yeah. I've gone with dates, with friends, and alone. I even worked in one for a while last summer. It was an interesting experience. The club I worked in was high end, like Rick's. They keep things nice, enforce a dress code. Not every club's like that. You'd like this place, I think."

"Okay, I'll go there and find out. Uh, I'm not spending more than 250 dollars, though."

"Your part time security job not pay you much?"

"Yeah, and I just had to cover tuition for next semester. Hope not spending much is okay with you."

"Just teasing, Hero. You set your own budget. I'll give you more details tonight. See you downstairs."

Before he could ask further questions, Lisa pecked his cheek and walked out of the room.


Doug picked up Lisa that evening around seven. He was dressed in a black blazer jacket, red button down shirt, and gray slacks with black belt and wingtip shoes. She wore a short black dress with matching low-heeled shoes. Imitation sapphire earrings matching her eyes and a gold chain necklace completed the ensemble. Their smiles at seeing each other showed they approved of the chosen clothes.

"So," Doug asked as they headed north in his maroon Ford Ranger pickup, "how long we staying out tonight?"

"You can decide," Lisa replied. "We're going in separately- I don't want the girls knowing you're with me."

"Right. Um, you said you were my chaperone tonight, though."

"Only to help you out if you need it, Hero. Otherwise, I want you to act like you don't know me. You should be safe. Don't worry about what I might think of you, either. Just have fun."

He nodded, though he was sure there were things she wasn't telling him. "Are you thinking they'll treat me different if I'm with a date?"

"Exactly right. They won't want me getting clingy or jealous. Even if I make it obvious I won't. Or maybe they'll try to upset me- some girls are like that. It's best if you go in as a single guy or with a group of other guys."

"Maybe I should have called Keith or Boris."

"You'll be fine solo, Hero. Just stay mindful of your surroundings. That blazer's a good idea, it makes you look sharp."

"Thanks. Um, so you're going in alone too then."

"Right. If anyone asks, I'll tell them I'm casing the club as a work venue. I might do stripping again someday, you never know."

"They'd probably like to hire you."

"Would you be okay with it if I did work in such a place?"

"Well..." He shrugged. "Your choice. I trust you, Lisa. You already made clear you're polyamorous and these places do have rules on touching, right?"

"Yes. Many places don't allow touching the dancers, period, just looking at them and talking to them. They can touch you, but not vice versa. Or they'll dance close to you but not actually touch. Rick's... it's up to the individual dancer. The place I worked last summer was like that too. I would ask each dancer what she'll allow before your dance."

"Got it. So why'd you quit working in such a place?"

"I was dating this jerk named Gabe. He took exception to it. I met him downtown, we dated two weeks, I was already working there. I think I got with him too fast. He told me he was okay with my job, then came in one night ranting about morality and started a fight with the manager. I dumped him that night but well... the manager still didn't want me coming back for a while. It was okay, my work and class schedules clashed a bit. I also had other problems now and then. Conflicts with other girls, bad customers, things like that. I made things easy and quit. It got nuts quick. I'd only been there nine weeks."

"I see." Doug was quiet for a while.

"What's the matter?" Lisa asked after about thirty seconds.

"Sometimes I get nervous dating you."

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" She chuckled. "You don't have to worry about me tonight. Just have fun, okay?"

Kinda impossible for me not to worry about a girlfriend playing stealth chaperone, Doug thought but did not say. He was sure she'd be evaluating him too- Lisa could not turn that part of herself off. But he loved her anyway and the evaluations usually turned out good.

They talked about other things during the rest of the drive. Thirty minutes later, Doug took an exit Lisa indicated and pulled into the parking lot of the club after spotting its sign. Rick's looked okay from the outside. Not too many vehicles in the lot, well-lit, everything seemed clean and orderly. Doug noticed an awning over the entrance and an area marked "valet only" but no obvious valets. The parking lot was also too small for that in his opinion. Maybe they only operated the service when they were especially busy.

"Weekday night," Lisa said, looking around the lot while he found a spot. "Shouldn't be too many guys in there."

"Right." He hesitated before getting out of the truck.

"Go on, Hero," Lisa said, squeezing his arm. "I dare you."

"As you wish," Doug sighed. "Kiss for luck?"

Lisa squeezed his shoulder and leaned over, then kissed his lips. "Remember," she said after pulling away, "act natural and have fun. I'll be watching over you, but you're single until you get out of there. At least an hour, at least three dances with three different girls."

He nodded. "Should I text you when I'm ready to leave?"

"Yeah, I'll keep my phone on vibrate. You do the same."

"I haven't had dinner yet. They serve food?"

"They do. See you soon, Hero. You're going in first."

Lisa adjusted her seat back to recline and took a Preacher graphic novel out of her purse. Doug unbuckled his safety belt, pocketed his keys, then stepped out of the car.

A short walk across the lot later, he was at the club entrance. A large sign on the wall reminded him of the club dress code- no T-shirts, hats, or hoodies- and a few other rules- no unruly behavior, photography, or smoking. As he'd expected, a tall hulking bouncer was seated on a stool beside the doors. He was Caucasian with a blonde flattop haircut and wore a crisp black polyester uniform. He stood up and waved at Doug's approach. "Can I see your ID, sir?"

"Sure." Doug showed him. "Uh, I am eighteen."

"I see that. Arms out please." The bouncer waved a metal detector wand.

Doug submitted to the sweep and exchanged nods with the bouncer after he found nothing of interest.

"You understand you can't order alcohol in here?" the bouncer asked.

"Yeah. I just planned on eating and enjoying a few dances anyway. I'm driving home later too."

"Very good. Cover's twenty bucks, they'll give you a wristband inside. Keep it on."

"You got it." Doug walked past the bouncer and through the door he held open. A small receiving room with a desk manned by a middle-aged black woman in a short brown leather dress and heels awaited him. "Twenty bucks, right?"

She nodded. "Need any ones?"

Doug felt glad they were offering change for tips. "Sure, you can break a twenty for me. I'll need a wristband too, please."

"Here you are, sir." She handed him his change and fastened a white paper strip around his wrist. Doug noticed it was too thick to tear easily. "The guy outside can cut that off when you leave."

"Thank you." Doug walked past her into the club. He noticed it consisted of a wide lounge area with two bars and several tables. Several dancers were shaking their bodies on two stages and moving around the floor. They were dressed in various outfits- all lingerie that displayed their assets well. High heels seemed the norm but they were thick enough to support the girls' feet rather than stiletto. The place was very well-lit and clean. The customers were various ages, all dressed in accordance with the code. A few glanced at him, but none seemed like trouble. The ladies of the night he saw were all beautiful. Varying figures and levels of makeup, all seemed to display tattoos. Doug observed they were mostly Hispanic, though he did see two black girls, a few Caucasian brunettes, and one blonde that had three men trying to talk to her at once. Doug heard contemporary pop music playing. The vibe of the place was seedy, but it was suppressed. He decided to push down his uptight attitude also.

"Good evening sir," said a Hispanic waitress walking towards him. "First time here?"

"Yes. I, uh, can sit anywhere?"

She nodded and waved at the tables. Doug chose a two seater table near the larger stage. He ordered ice water and a grilled chicken sandwich, then settled in to observe the floor.

Within two minutes a light-skinned Hispanic girl in a skimpy dark green camisole dress with a lot of see-through patterns approached his table. "May I sit with you?" she asked in a husky voice.

"Sure. I'm Doug Ramsay. What's your name?"

"Andrea." She seated herself and smiled at him.

Doug carefully kept his eyes on her heart-shaped face with expressive eyes and wide lips- he had noticed her visible breasts and thong panties already but didn't want to stare. Be polite, he reminded himself, and remember you have already seen quite a few other women dressed in less. "This is my first time here, and I'm still taking it in," he said. "I'm interested in private dances, but I want to eat dinner first."

"Okay. Personal dances are thirty bucks plus tips. We also have private rooms for six hundred per hour, up to three girls, and VIP service for twelve hundred. That includes a bottle of champagne." Her eyes dropped to his wristband. "If you could buy one."

"Thanks. I think I'll just be doing the personal dances. I'm on a budget tonight."

Doug's drink arrived just then. The short brunette waitress asked for payment up front, so Doug handed her a twenty. "Keep the change." She thanked him and brought his food a few minutes later.

He chatted with Andrea, looking at the dancers on the stages between words and bites. Several were alluring enough to capture his attention with adept displays of skill shaking their assets or moving around a pole.

"Wow," Doug said after one tall Hispanic dancer with dyed red hair brighter than Lisa's jumped up, grabbed the pole, and slid down it making several loops. "Can you dance like that?"

"Not quite," Andrea admitted. "She's been here longer than me."

"How long have you worked here?"

"About six months."

"You enjoy it?"

"It's nice. Pays well. I make enough to take care of my son and myself."

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