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Little Packages Ch. 04

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Valentine's weekend brings drama and changes.
20.3k words

Part 4 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/27/2021
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Valentine's Day

"You will be late for your own funeral," Daddy called out from the bedroom.

"Why would I want to be on time for that?" I replied from the ensuite bathroom. "Sounds like a bad thing to be on time for."

I swear I could hear the exasperated sigh from inside the bathroom, even with my phone playing music while I put the final touches on my ensemble for this evening.

"The dinner reservation is in 20 minutes. It is a 15 minute drive to get there. You understand my concern," he said.

"And I only need another three or four minutes. We will arrive perfectly on time. You want me to look pretty, don't you?" I said sweetly. That was mean, because there was no come back to it.

Another sigh. "I'll be waiting out in the kitchen to give you your space, Kitten"

I hate saying I had him trained because, really, who was training who? But it's nice that he is learning the lesson all men have to figure out; you don't rush a woman when she's getting ready for a night out. Especially when she's going to be on your arm for the evening.

I didn't think I was particularly high maintenance, but I gather Beth must have been...lower maintenance. Not that I would know as he still rarely talks about her.

I shook my head to clear out the thought and looked in the mirror, putting my final touches on my make-up. Normally when I wear it I like making myself look younger. It helps me feel little. The clothes, the make-up, the right mindset, and I slip easily into my favourite fuzzy little place.

But this was the big 2-0. No more dating a teenager. Given my previous disastrous experiences of celebrating my birthday and Valentine's Day, I would have been perfectly happy with a candlelit dinner at home, a nice soak in the jacuzzi, and then some mindblowing fucking. But Daddy got it into his head that I should have at least one nice evening out on my birthday. And really, it's hard to say no to him when he asks nicely for something.

Unless he was requesting I be punctual. I can't have him thinking I'm perfect, after all.

So I decided if this was an adult night out, then I should try my best to fake looking like a grown-up. I passed on my usual ponytail or pigtails and used a fancy looking hair band to hold my hair back. Plain silver earrings. Around my neck was Daddy's favourite "socializing" collar, which was three silver chains. The first tight around my neck, the second dipped lower and met with a heart in the centre. The third dipped into my cleavage and was a lock.

Since it was Valentine's Day, I figured why not wear a red dress. It also had polka dots on it, which I thought still made things a bit young and playful. Between the cut of the dress and the lingerie I was wearing, I was also showing off as much cleavage as I could muster.

The skirt was short, coming up several inches above my knee. I had on a pair of the expensive black silk stockings Rachelle convinced me to buy last year. A nice pair of black, 3-inch heels, so that I was a little closer to Daddy's height. I stood before the full-length mirror and did a little twirl. The skirt was the perfect weight; it wouldn't flap around in any light breeze, but was light enough that if I spun around it would fly up to show off the stockings and garter, but didn't go so high as to show the thong I was wearing. Perfect.

If I had to go out for the evening, at least I could tease him with what he could have had if we'd just stayed home. I decided I'd made him wait long enough. He had made reservations, after all. I left the bathroom and made a very slow, deliberate strut down the hall, my heels clicking to let him know I was on the way.

Despite my procrastination, he smiled when he finally saw me.

"You always find new ways to be beautiful, Kitten," he said.

I smiled. "Good answer, Daddy."

"Shall we?" he said, offering his arm. We headed off to his car.

I shouldn't complain about being 'dragged' out of the house. Ever since we came back from Christmas we'd become as close to inseparable as two people can be who live in separate cities. I'd abandoned any pretence of waiting two weeks to see him. I was here every weekend and I deliberately arranged my classes so I could hop on the train to Kingston right after lunch on Friday so I could be here by 4 pm.

He worried about it affecting my studies, but when I showed him my grades from the first semester he eased up. He also made me bring my old sewing machine to his house so I could work during the weekend if needed. It belonged to my grandmother and I thought it was ready for the trash. Daddy, of course, found a guy who repairs them and I now have a working sewing machine at his house.

The last six weeks were amazing. I'd arrive at his house. Sex, then supper, or vice versa. Most of the rest of the weekend was spent with me doing some school work, reading his graphic novels, watching videos, soaking in the jacuzzi, and lots of sex. And lots of talking. I couldn't get enough of him, and he couldn't get enough of me. After the first few weeks he gave up on the idea of going out and doing things. I wanted him, and to be with him. That's it.

But my birthday and Valentine's Day...yeah, ok, that's an occasion to dress up. And that he wanted to take me out and show me off...well, who am I to say no to that?

"So is this place going to be packed with couples trying to be romantic and sweet? Maybe a proposal or two?" I said, being a little bratty.

"I splurged on a violinist to play during dinner. I know how much you'll like that," he said. He kept his eyes on the road, but I could tell, even in the dark of the car, that he was smirking.

"If anyone serenades me you are sleeping on the couch tonight," I said. I was kidding. Mostly.

"Kicked out of my own bed. My kitten is a harsh little girl," he said.

"Damn right," I said, and giggled. Yes, scary little girl that I am.

We pulled into the parking lot of a small restaurant. I was glad we weren't going into Kingston and hitting some huge place. It looked like it might comfortably sit a couple of dozen people. I remember driving past it before, but we had never eaten here before. Apparently it specialized in serving ingredients that were grown or raised in the area. Daddy pulled the car into a spot and then, before I could finish unbuckling my seatbelt, was around to the other side of the car to open the door for me and help me out.

I smiled and flashed plenty of my stockings and a hint of garter belt getting out of the car. "Thanks Daddy. Such a gentleman."

"Of course," he said. "But watching you get out of the car is its own reward." Before I could say anything he reached into the backseat and took out a bag I hadn't seen before. He then offered his arm and we headed towards the restaurant entrance, only five minutes late. Practically on time.

"You buy me too many things, Daddy," I said, as we stepped inside.

"It's your birthday. I am the worst Daddy in the world if I don't buy you something for your birthday."

I was about to respond when I heard "Ashley!" being yelled out and turned to see over six feet of Amazon redhead striding towards me.

"Michelle!" I managed to get out before being swept into a spinning hug.

In my heels I was, at best, 5'4" tall. Michelle, before she wore heels, was close to six feet tall. On this evening she was wearing some kind of dominatrix above-the-knee boots that jacked up her height so that she was a solid foot taller than me. That meant when she was hugging and spinning me, my face was firmly buried into her tits, which were pushed up by a corset.

I am about 80% heterosexual. Ok, maybe 75%. I grew up in rural Saskatchewan. Of course I made out with girls at parties to give guys a thrill. Entertainment options are limited. Sometimes I even liked it. But as a rule I prefer to have my mouth around a cock rather than a clit. Still, you try having your face smooshed into a pair of boobs like this and see if you don't start having thoughts like "well, maybe playing with girls a little bit wouldn't be soooo bad."

It was her husband Ahmed who finally gently brought things to an end.

"Michelle, perhaps Ashley would prefer not flashing the restaurant as you're spinning her around," he said.

"Oh yeah. Right. Sorry, Ashley," she said as she gently deposited me back on the ground. I was in such a daze that I hadn't even noticed that my skirt was sailing up around my hips as she spun me around. So much for the weight of my skirt. I hadn't accounted for Amazon spinning in my planning. I should have been embarrassed, but I was still woozy from the spin and the rush of hormones.

"What are you guys doing here?" I finally managed to get out, resting a hand on Daddy to get my balance back.

"Well, someone, keeps not coming over for a visit despite my invitations," Michelle said, with fake hurt in her voice. I actually did feel bad about that. The two of us had been texting on and off since Halloween as she wanted to see more of my cosplay. She also invited me to come over to their house for a visit. But she understood I was a bit of a homebody. Plus I always wanted to have as much time with Daddy as I could.

Still, I did feel guilty. She was amazingly cool.

And hot. Not that I noticed such things.

"Michelle..." I started and she began cracking up.

"Please. I know what you're doing on your weekends. Like I'd drag you away from that," she said. "However, Ben reached out the other day and said today was your birthday and would we like to celebrate with you guys. Well, it was enough to drag me out on this godforsaken night."

At this point the maitre'd asked if we'd like to be seated, possibly because Michelle was scandalizing half the restaurant. The top of her black boots ended just short of a black skirt. The gap between the two was covered by some kind of fishnet stockings. She was wearing a red corset that was fashionably scandalous. Her hair was pushed back off her shoulders, so we were all getting treated to a lot of real estate.

I thought I looked pretty good. Daddy and Ahmed both looked nice in their suits. But Michelle was the showstopper and she knew it.

We made our way over to a table. Ahmed and Daddy both pulled out our chairs for us. I thought I was being silly thinking it was romantic of Daddy doing this kind of thing, but I saw the look in Michelle's eyes and I could see she was happy to be pampered like that too.

Even sitting, Michelle was towered over the rest of us. "So, which birthday are we celebrating? How old are you, Ashley?"

"Twenty," I said.

"Honestly, I half expected you to tell me you were celebrating your 18th. So, no longer a teenager. Good. Being a teenager sucks. Now life gets interesting."

"Actually, and this may seem like a weird request, but would you mind calling me Kit?" I said. I was desperately trying not to blush. "I've never liked the name Ashley and I thought now that I'm 20, maybe I'd start going by Kit instead."

Ahmed simply said "of course" like it was the most reasonable request in the world. Michelle looked at me more suspiciously, but nodded with a grin. I suspected there would be a grilling later.

We bantered back and forth like that while the waiter came and took our orders. I had mostly given up drinking, but Michelle asked if I wanted to split a bottle of wine. I looked over and Daddy nodded, so we went ahead. It was my birthday so I figured a little wine would be ok. Daddy and Ahmed chatted, a bit about politics I think, which was kind of boring. Michelle and I gossiped about my school, modelling, cosplaying, and how boring our men were, which eventually caught their attention.

Once the wine and drinks were brought to the table, Michelle held up her glass. "A toast to the birthday girl!" and everyone at the table held up their glasses, tinked them together. I blushed, but I loved it.

"So, I need your 'meet cute' story," Michelle said, taking a sip of her wine. "Everyone has one, give me yours."

So between Daddy and I, we managed to recount meeting at the con and how I "almost killed him", which made me roll my eyes because I seem to hit him harder every time the story gets told, and everything that happened afterwards. Michelle was shocked that when we met her and Ahmed on Halloween it was only our second weekend together as a couple.

"I would have thought the two of you had been together for a year, at least. The two of you looked so comfortable together," she said.

I hugged my Daddy's arm and he kissed my head.

"She's the reason I'm relaxed for the first time in years. She's an amazing woman," he said. I felt like I was going to melt and slide under the table. Fortunately, Daddy switched the conversation before I started getting little in the middle of dinner.

"So, fair's fair. That's our 'meet cute'. What's yours?"

"We met at a con as well," Ahmed said. "When we were in university."

I untangled myself from Daddy and leaned on the table.


"Really," Michelle said. " I was at this con with my boyfriend at the time. I wasn't cosplaying or anything. I kinda only was there to be with him, but he blew me off for some video game demos so I got bored and started wandering around the con..."

"Back up," Daddy said. "A guy took you to a comic con and then ignored you to play video games?"

She nodded. "Oh those wild Friday nights of my 2nd year, when I would go to his dorm room and watch him play video games until 3 am."

"I am fortunate that her last boyfriend was the dumbest son of a bitch in Canada," Ahmed said. Daddy laughed, and the two of them toasted "To dumb sons of bitches who don't know better."

"Anyway," Michelle said "I'm wandering around and debating bailing when he comes up to me dragging along camera gear and politely asks if he can take my picture."

"I loved going to comic cons and taking pictures of the cosplayers. It was good practice for getting portrait photos and most cosplayers are so obliging to pose for photos," Ahmed said.

"But she said she wasn't cosplaying," Daddy said.

"No, but she was the most beautiful woman at that con and I knew if I didn't get at least a picture of her, I would doubt forever I had actually seen her. So I took a chance and asked, fully expecting to get turned down."

I knew it worked out, but I was on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happened next.

"So he asks, and he wasn't giving off a creepy vibe. So I thought why not, and posed and he took a few pictures. And honestly, if he had been weird about it, or flashed me a card to contact him about modelling or anything like that, I would have just walked away. Instead he politely thanked me and told me he hoped I enjoyed the rest of the con."

"And as I was walking away, priding myself for having the courage to talk to such a woman, she taps me on the shoulder and asks if she can see the photos. And after a second of being shocked, I showed her what I had shot..." he said.

"And I'm like 'oh, I can give you much better pictures than that. We need some natural light...'"

"So I'm being dragged outside, and she's posing for me, and we're both having so much fun and I'm really just enjoying being with her and taking pictures."

"That's when my phone buzzes and it's my idiot ex-boyfriend wondering where I am. So I decide to break up with him, right then and there, and I tell Ahmed I seem to be free and would he like to go for a coffee."

"And that was 10 years ago. And here we are," Ahmed said. He then took Michelle's hand and kissed it. And I couldn't swear to it, but I think she blushed a bit.

"Wow," I said, genuinely amazed.

"To comic cons," Daddy said, and we all agreed to toast to that.

That's when Michelle decreed it was time for a bathroom break. She stood up, causing about a half dozen men and at least two women to swivel their heads, grabbed my hand, and we headed to the bathroom. There was no one inside, so I could crack up laughing.

"You're going to cause at least a quarter of those relationships to break up out there tonight," I said.

"Hey, if they're not strong enough to handle a little bit of this passing by," she said, waving her hands down her body, "then it was too weak to survive and I did them a favor."

Then she gave me the stare. "Kit, eh. Would that be short for Kitten?"

Despite knowing it was coming and trying to prepare, I blushed. "Yes," I said in a quiet voice.

"You might want to start telling people you've started using your middle name, which is Katherine, and you're shortening it to Kit. Fewer embarrassing conversations," she said.

I thought she was going to laugh or make fun of me, but that was good advice. She came over and hugged me. Once again, boobs right in front of my face.

"However it's not hard to see you as an adorable little kitten. His idea or yours?"

I decided that I actually did need to pee, so I went into one of the stalls. I figured this conversation might be easier if her boobs weren't constantly there. "Honestly, ours. I wore cat ears our first time together. Later on, the cat...theme, kept coming up, so Kitten just seemed to work. I'm still Ashley at school, because I don't need that drama, but for everyone else, we're going to start introducing me as Kit."

I heard her go into another stall. "The sex must be spectacular."

"Oh my god, it is. I didn't want to come out tonight. I'm depriving myself of orgasms right now by being here with you."

"Ha!" she roared. "Well, we appreciate your sacrifice."

"Thank you."

"So everything is good. No troubles at all," she said.

She was obviously fishing for dirt, but I did have something that had been playing on my mind for awhile, and Michelle was older, so maybe she had some advice or could see something I didn't.

"Well, he was married before for over 20 years, and she died about two and a half years ago in a car accident. A drunk driver killed her..."

"Jesus," Michelle said. We both flushed and came out of the stalls.

"It's just, I don't know how to deal with it sometimes. He's happy, and he tells me all the time that he's the happiest he's been in years and I know he loves me, and I love him, it's just sometimes..."

"Sometimes he's sad and misses his wife," Michelle said, washing her hands.

"Yeah. I mean, he went back to Vancouver over Christmas and told his parents about us, which is cool. I'm really glad he did. But I think he went and talked to Beth, that's her name, Beth's mom. And he hasn't said how that went, so I worry. I think he has photos of her out and puts them away before I come over. Men, you know, not always the best at dusting. I can see there was a picture there and now there's not."

She dried her hands and began touching up her makeup. I did the same. I think it gave her a moment to consider what to say.

"I don't doubt for a second he loves you. I've seen a few older guys with younger girls, and please don't take offence to this, the girls often look starry-eyed like you do, but they guys are always 'hey look what I got.'"

"I've dated a few older guys, I'm familiar with the look," I said.

"Exactly, but every time he looks at you it's like you're this amazing mythological creature and he can't believe his luck. It's easy to see he adores you."

I felt like I could cry hearing that, but it would ruin my makeup. So I just nodded.

"But, yeah, he had a whole other life before you. But what you have to remember is that Ben missing his wife doesn't mean he loves you any less. I bet he's still having moments where he's completely sideswiped that she's gone," she said.

"I wish I could help," I said.

"Oh sweetie," she said, taking my hand. "You help him every day. I'll bet money on it."

This time I hugged her. Face away from the boobs.

"Thank you, Michelle. That helps a lot," I said, as I finished fussing with my hair. We were getting ready to rejoin the boys at the table. She paused at the door like she had a thought, was debating saying it, and then decided what the hell,

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