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Little Red Ch. 02

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Red gets feisty with her captor and is punished dutifully.
2.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 07/17/2011
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Autumn didn't respond, instead averting her eyes and burying her head in her arms, shaking softly. When Tabor took her by the hand he saw that her eyes were wet. He resisted the urge to roll his, pulling her onto himself, then rolling over onto her, pinning her arms. He watched the fear come and go from her eyes, once she realized he wasn't going to continue. It took her a while to work up the courage to murmur, "So... is... is this it? You're going to take me to wherever you live and keep me there? Or are you just going to take the easy way out and...and... and kill me...?"

"Oh no, no," he chuckled, "I wouldn't kill youu. Friends don't kill friends, right?" he smiles jokingly before continuing, "Wouldn't you like to live with me, though? We would have a grand old time."

"I have a family." She said. "You can't just pick me off the path like some stray. I have a home, a life of my own! I love them... And they would comb this forest for me."

"Well I can't just let you go, can I? And even if I did, how could you be sure you'd come back to visit me?"

Autumn shut her eyes in disappointment, flinching a bit as he kissed her. She cursed herself for thinking he may have given her a choice. "I... I guess that makes sense." Autumn was surprised when he rose off of her, taking the time to put his clothes on while absentmindedly gazing into the distance. She looked inquiringly to where he was looking before he motioned,

"Get up now. We're going."

She attempted to stand, but it felt as though her pelvis had recently been introduced to a battering ram -- which wasn't entirely untrue in the slightest -- and found herself unable to walk.

"Well. Damn." Tabor said, surveying what he'd done to his catch. "I guess the only thing I can do is carry you home."

He leaned down to pick her up, noting her melancholy expression.

"Don't forget my clothes! Ohh gog... What am I to do about clothes?"

Tabor picked them up, tossing them over her. "What do you mean? You will do what I do. You'll live off the land. If you really need new clothes, you'll make them."

But Autumn was already a thousand miles away, thinking about all the things she'd miss -- showers, soft beds, soap... Before she realized it she found herself crying softly, trying not to alert him. But eventually he noticed her quiet sobs, "Are you still feeling sorry for yourself? Because that's not going to help anything." He snapped.

"Really now! Be-because you're not the one d-doing this to me? I was fine until y-you came along." She cried brokenly.

"I don't know how that matters. This is still happening, whether or not you like it. You're only making it harder on yourself."

"Oh yes, kidnap and rape isn't traumatizing or anything..." she said, trailing off.

"Well if you're going to be like that about it," he growled, placing her down, "then I'll just leave you here and you can walk home."

Realizing that this was her first and likely few chances at escape, she shakily and painfully rose to her feet and ran brokenly into the trees. As expected, he followed her easily, catching her possessively by the arm. He pulled her close, "Woah, wrong way. I meant my home. You aren't going anywhere, love. But now that I know you can walk, I don't need to carry you any longer."

Her gaze dropped to the ground as she followed slowly and uncomfortably.

"Why are you so mean to your new friend? I'm trying to give you a wonderful new home, and you just run away from me!" she glared at him, unfathomable hatred seething through her. He ignored it, instead grabbing her by the arm and pulling her along side him. Autumn winced as she was forced to walk at a faster, more painful pace, but otherwise didn't complain. They eventually approached an inconspicuous house among a large camphor -- a treehouse, really. Autumn surveyed the quaint home, wondering what sorts of things her captor would do to her there.

"What do you think? Kinda nice, isn't it?"

Autumn made a noncommittal noise, and he took her inside. She observed the small interior, opened only by a door in the floor that a ladder hammered into the great tree led up to. There were only bare necessities here. A large glass jug of water in one corner, a stovetop, a chest, two chairs, a quaint bed in another -- a couple cabinets and drawers with thick glass windows fitted on three of the four walls. Worn, but comfortable looking rugs were along the floor, and curtains on the window.

"You will of course, sleep with me," he said, for it was nearly nighttime by this time. "and if you don't cooperate, there are places on the bed and walls you can be tied to." He says, pointing them out. Autumn realized with much disturbance that he must have prepared this place for her. The hooks in the walls, the lack of sharp corners or useful tools... She was a prisoner here, even if it was cozy. Tabor continued, noting her stricken silence,

"I have to go get food now, but you'll just be a hindrance." He walked over to one of the drawers, producing a length of handling rope. "Do you have a preference for where you'd like to be tied to?"

Autumn shook her head, backing away, "You don't have to do that! I -- I don't even know where we are right now - I won't run, I promise."

Tabor laughed, "Uh, no. Not gonna happen."

He tied her wrists together with a complicated looking knot, and fastened her to the far wall. As he went for her legs, she quickly folded them underneath her,

"What if I have to pee???" she blurted out, before he could punish her.

"Then you will wait until I get back." He growled, seizing her legs and binding them as well. Autumn sighed hopelessly, wishing she had her clothes, at least, as the tears streamed down her face. Tabor left wordlessly.

She was found shivering and broken-looking, hanging from the wall, her eyes red and her cheeks wet from the tears, not to mention her wrists and ankles pink and raw from the friction of trying to escape. Tabor approached her expressionlessly, untying her arms and placing fruit into them. He sat in a chair on the opposite side of the room, staring at her quietly.

Autumn tried to ignore his gaze as she bit into an apple, absentmindedly rubbing her wrists. When Tabor finished eating, he stood and approached her. He took her wrist, turning it,

"Your wrists are red. Trying to escape, were you?" he growled. He moved closer to her, "That won't do. I think I'll have to punish you!" he exclaimed with a gleam in his eye. Autumn burst into tears, sobbing, begging,

"N-no! Please no! You - you just tied the ropes too tight! I promise! Please don't, oh gog-"

He pushed aside her resisting limbs and untied her, picking her up and tossing her not-so-gently on the bed.

"What? What was that? You're not disagreeing with me, are you?"

"Pleaase, Tabor! What- what did you expect me to do? You have m-me tied up like I'm some sort of pet!"

She tensed, backing away as he moved closer, his eyes drinking in her pleading form as he tied her limbs away from her, spread eagle. Her struggles were shrugged off and pushed away as if they were nothing, "Nooo, please... please don't... not again..."

He stood above her, his cock already engorged. Autumn squirmed, attempting to protect herself, but her limbs were held steadfast. Shaking with terror, she closed her eyes and simply waited. She felt his weight upon her, his heat, his pleasantly earthy, boyish scent, and drove into her. Autumn let out a half-strangled cry, and Tabor a pleased growl as he penetrated her much more easily than before. Autumn gasped at the cacophonous combination - the aching pain and the sharp agony of reopening a wound in a place so intricately nerve-filled - or wounds in her case - but noted that this wasn't nearly as bad as the first time.

Tabor came at her with horny vigor, holding her by her forearms as he fucked her, digging into her skin with his nails.

"O-oh! Easy, easy! Pleaase!" she cried, inadvertently bucking back with her struggles.

Tabor regarded her amusedly, "Oh? And who gave you the power to order me around?"

He did, however enjoy her bucking, and it only caused him to thrust harder. Autumn was feeling rather daring as she snapped, "Who gave you the power to order me around???" Her angry burst dwindled to a whimper, fists clenching, trying to ignore his bruising humping.

"I did, and I'd like to see you try to stop me." He replied coolly.

Autumn stared at him deadpan, ceasing her squirming and lay still, but it didn't seem to phase her ravisher as he thrusted powerfully - enough to cause strain in the ropes around her legs, giving her the impression that she was being stretched apart in a medieval rack.

"Gahh! You- Bas-tard! Ngh!"

Tabor suddenly ceased all movement, causing Autumn's stomach to drop. "Excuse me? What did you just say?"

It was interesting -- she felt, not consciously thought -- how much of an effect his threatening body language had on her, which were nearly as terrifying as the raping. He withdrew from her, eliciting a sigh of pained relief from Autumn as he got off the bed.

"You seem to have an attitude problem."

He walked over to a chest near the bed, rummaging for something.

"But I think I know how to fix that..." He turned around, producing a leather whip with sadistic glee.

"Ohh no oh no! Fuck you!" Autumn cried, beginning to squirm again, knowing full-well that it was useless. She begged as he untied her carefully and turned her over. Without any warning, he whipped her firmly across the ass cheeks, the sound resounding along the walls of the little house.

Autumn yelped, jerking upward as the searing, smarting pain was vividly felt. Autumn fumbled around until she found the rope he had used to tie her with, striking him with it as hard as she could. She wasn't surprised at all when it didn't effect him nearly as much as it had her, for it was a rope and not a whip, and she dropped it out of fear when he began to approach her quickly, looking pissed.

He shoved her into the bed hard, "What are you doing? Did you really believe that you could get away with that?" he snapped - nearly yelled. Autumn tried to maintain her composure as she responded,

"W-what more could you do to me?" she asked, eyes tearing, fearful but mostly indignant in her response, gesturing at her still-bloodied vagina. Tabor's expression softened and turned into a wolfish grin,

"Would you really like to find out?"

"N-no!" she sobbed, "Even if I dooo cooperate... You -You make it hurt just as baad!"

"Heh, maybe so... But at least when you cooperate most of the time, it feels good for you, too. But whatever - I still get enjoyment out of this either way!"

Autumn hiccupped through her tears as she gazed up at him; terrified and humiliated, feeling that it was all so pointless to run... there was no use. Tabor pulled her over to the wall, tying her arms to it. He stretched another rope across the small room and tied her legs to it, suspending her in the air at his waist's height. She tested her binds by wriggling a bit, seeing that they gave her little elbow room. Suppressing more tears, she looked up,

"Tabor... Pleaaase be gentle..." she whispered.

He leaned in close, whispering back,

"Not a chance," and began to violently pound her. She screamed unappreciatively as he ravished her painfully with quick yet deep thrusts. Autumn pulled at each of her legs' bonds desperately until the rope was more than taut, feeling as though her joints were going to give way before she gave up. The restraints were too strong. The swaying motions caused by the little stretch her bonds gave and his bruising pelvic pounding began to make her feel ill. She shut her eyes and just took it.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself," Tabor purred breathily, clearly enjoying himself. Autumn said nothing in reply, not even opening her eyes, but wincing at a particularly sharp thrust.

"Why do you still fight it? You enjoyed it last time."

She still remained silent.

"...Maaaybee you only like it when I really get into it..." He then gave her another particularly painful thrust, causing her to wince tearfully. He grinned, gazing at her expression. "Yesss, I think that's it..."

He continued for some time, and Autumn ran out of breath to scream her pain any longer. He held her close, thrusting deeply and roughly. She felt another tear deep within, and broke down into a fit of half-conscious begging.

"Y-you're not doing it riiight... You're just shreddddiing me....Ohh no... no mooore... please, gog..." she moaned when she was finally coherent. Showing little mercy, Tabor continued plowing into her, not caring how incorrectly he was doing it. Autumn was rocked back with every violent thrust, and she realized by his heavy panting and regular moans that he was far too into it to care about the state of her reproductive system.

He seized her hips and pulled them toward himself with each plunge, every thrust ramming deep into her abused sex. Autumn let her head fall back, attempting to not pass out again, even squeezing him a bit in hopes that he was close... Just as his tempo rose even more vigorously hinting at climax, he stopped, and then just as quickly started again, much of his stamina restored. Autumn could feel the hot blood dripping from her slit. Autumn bit her tongue, contemplating how long it would take for her to choke and drown on her own blood. She could tell that he was dragging it out as long as possible.

"What did I say? I knew you'd have fun!" Tabor crooned.

Autumn only mewled pitifully in response. He didn't say anything more after that, but used her body to bring himself close to orgasm. Her breath was being forced colour out of her with each thrust, and she strained against him. He only penetrated her all the harder for her struggles, but she couldn't help the pained cries that left her, nor her instinctual squirming. He again approached orgasm, but this time rather than stopping, he kept plowing and tearing. She took the brunt of the pain, knowing that he was nearing climax, her cries getting louder and louder as the discomfort plateaued. He suddenly flooded her ravaged reproductive system with more of his warm semen, jerking, powerful thrusts slowly dwindling to soft twitches of pleasure.

Autumn panted as he released into her, thankful that it was finally over... When he stayed buried in her without movement, she looked up apprehensively to gauge his facial expression.

To her relief, his face - as always focused on hers - showed only satisfaction and no anger. She fell limp again, thankful that his expression was - for the time being - no longer one of inconceivable, violent lust. He suddenly withdrew, squeezing his softening, blood coated cock as if assuring a friend of a job well done. He walked to the bed, leaving Autumn hanging from the wall as he stretched out, looking comfortable while she hung, limbs and joints pulling sorely.

She hated the look of proud, utter satisfaction upon his face,


She didn't respond, continuing to hang where he had tied her.


She heard him approach, but didn't look up. "Didn't that feel good? Didn't you like that?" he asked cruelly, stroking her hair. Autumn glanced at him, then to his bloodied crotch before quickly looking away again, shaking, terrified and hopeless tears falling.

"I... I get it..." she murmured brokenly after some time, eyes still closed. She felt his breath on her face, indicating that he had leaned in.

"Oh? And what's that?"

"I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I'll -- I'll never disobey you again... just please... please... I can't do this again..."

"Ohh, love... it's okay, it's okay..." he said, and Autumn couldn't help but feel soothed by his - for once -- gentle, bass voice and soft caresses. She opened her eyes as he tenderly untied her, her wrists and ankles raw and in some parts bleeding as he picked her up, cradling her like a child and carried her to the bed. He kissed her wounds, hushing her quiet sobbing. She eventually settled down, only hiccupping a bit as she wiped at her tears. She was confused, but also unimaginably exhausted, so she didn't question his uncharacteristically kind treatments nor did she have the energy to suspect and be fearful of retribution. So Tabor cuddled her from behind, spooning her softly and stroking her hair, almost as if he were trying to make up for the prior ultraviolence.

As Autumn drifted off into a painless slumber, the last thought that she could remember was the realization that she was going to be with this boy wasn't going to let her go. That she was going to be with him for a long, long time.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please add more . Very good story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

i think i like your story just go on i'm with you ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I ADORE this story! Please please post more parts if you've written them :)

One of my favourites!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Eugh. e.e

Frankly I gave the first chapter one star and if I could give less to this one, I would. Like something along the lines of -5 or something. This just...really makes me cringe. I get non-consent, reluctance, rape fantasies - they're serious favorites of mine. But this...frankly, it's too god damn realistic. I mean, seriously? An insane guy impossible to sympathize with, clear Stockholm syndrome to come, freaking VAGINAL TEARING and overall brutality, that's what you consider hot? Sheesh.

Well, as I usually say... tastes shouldn't be fought over. So, to each their own, and indeed it is just a story, not hurting anyone.

I do have a right to my own thoughts on it, though, and it left me disturbed an turned off...for which I need an outlet, thus why I'm commenting.

Oh, and to whoever said people should read the rosa-blanca.ru or whatever...? None of the rosa-blanca.ru would suggest this sort of outright violence.

However... I will say the writing is alright. Even if the picture painted wasn't so pretty, you DO do a good job at painting it...Grammar and spelling was also ok. You also improved from one chapter to the other, as I don't think you used multiple exclamation or interrogation points in this one. ("!!!!", "????")

So despite my opinion of the story, I'm not here to go all "D: stop writing, you suck! bleh!" or anything. I think you're a good writer...and seem willing and able to improve, so do keep writing!

SunsilkWaterSunsilkWaterover 12 years ago
Hot ><

I would like to read more =) your writing is so amazing and talented because no matter where I pause reading or when I go back to a certain paragraph I can imagine the scenes so well! And everyone has their own, sometimes biased, opinions so don't let the anon who left the first comment affect you. They really have no right. This is an adult site, what appeals people like those to come to an adult site and preach on others people's fantasies I will never know, but if they can't handle this then they shouldn't even be here in the first place. Anyways, can't wait to read more if you decide to continue! =)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Please post more

MORE!!!! You write so well that I can picture the story, well done. Can't wait for next chapter!!!!

AamraAamraalmost 13 years agoAuthor

Well, it's this great thing called a fantasy. The cool thing about it is that it doesn't happen to you in real life. If you didn't like the rosa-blanca.ru, then why would you read it, then proceed to complain?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

why do people write about such ugliness what could possess one to want to either have it happen to them or for them to do it to another. the Bard said "...nature has framed some strange fellow in her time..." yea lol so tru


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