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Living the Dream in Mexico Pt. 01

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You can't escape who you really are.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/06/2023
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Brian pulled up to the gate and waved his pass at the electric eye. He let out a sigh as he waited for the gates to open. It was 94 degrees and he wondered why he had come back in September instead of staying in Minnesota for another month. It would be ten degrees cooler in a month.

He had enjoyed being back north for two months visiting friends and family, but he had missed his large house in this quiet gated community in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. He swung around to the right and followed the one-way street around a couple of curves then turned left onto his dead end street. He turned into the short driveway of the last house on the left and pushed the remote control for the sliding garage door. It opened a few feet then stopped and closed again.

What the hell is wrong now Brian wondered. He got out to see and discovered that the man door embedded in the left half of the sliding door was partially open keeping the door from operating. He slammed it shut then got in the car and tried the remote again. This time the door opened smoothly. Brian pulled the car in and shut it off. He popped the trunk and grabbed two duffle bags carrying them to the front door and turning back for two more bags.

He glanced into the corner and wondered why there seemed to be a pile of rags in the corner. There were two thin blankets and a worn out foam pillow in a pile with some clothes strewn around. None of the things were clean and as he nudged one of the small pile of clothes an unpleasant odor rose up to assault his nose. There were also a few food wrappers and a chipped and dented six liter enamel pot with a poorly fitting lid on it. He picked up the lid and instantly dropped it again. Someone was using it as a chamber pot and hadn't emptied it recently.

Brian pulled a broom from the wall rack and used it to sweep everything out the garage door onto the sidewalk. He was very careful using the broom to ease the chamber pot out the door. He was too tired tonight to do more than that. He closed the garage door and made sure the man door was locked before making five trips getting everything into the house. He took his two clothing bags up to his second floor room and got the A/C cranking. He called and ordered some food while he unpacked his treats from home. He loved Mexican food but there were some things that were just not available here.

As he was eating, he made a list of bills that had to be paid in person and got a grocery list together. It had been a long four day, 3000 mile drive and he was feeling his 52 years. You're not a kid anymore he reminded himself. Not ready for the nursing home yet either he thought grinning. He had been retired three years now.

He was both lucky and unlucky that he could retire at 49. His mom had gotten an aggressive cancer and went in three months. His dad died of a broken heart less than four months later. He was an only child and was totally surprised at the amount the folks had left him. He had gone back to work to give himself time to think about the future. No one at work could understand why he kept working with four million dollars in the bank. The good happened three months later when he bought his usual two lottery tickets and paid the extra for the multiplier. The next Saturday he went to check his numbers and discovered he had won a million dollars. The multiplier had come up three so he had won three million dollars. After taxes it was only $1.6 million but still. So he had retired, packed a bag into his van and set out. He had spent two years traveling the US and Mexico trying to find his happy place. He had found it in Playa del Carmen. It was just an hour south of Cancun so an international airport, good hospitals, any kind of food you could want, and shopping were all close.

He had looked at a number of houses but wound up buying the first one he had looked at. Two stories, three bedrooms and baths. A decent back yard, room in front to build a garage and only a few steps from the small community center and pool. It was in a gated community, he lived at the end of a cul de sac, so it was both private and quiet.

My life is great he thought as he fell into a deep sleep. In the morning he went down and started the coffee before going into the first floor bedroom that he had equipped as a gym. After his workout he filled his big travel mug and went up to take his shower. After dressing he realized he would have to have breakfast out until he did his shopping. Refilling his mug, he grabbed his to do lists and opened his front door.

What the hell? he thought. The pile of rags was back in the corner. He went over and grabbed them intending to carry them back outside. As he pulled a small girl came out from the pile and seeing him backed into the corner with a deer in the headlights look. It took them both a few seconds to recover then Brian asked in his not bad Spanish what the hell she was doing in his garage.

"I live here," she said defiantly.

"No, I live here, you are trespassing," he said firmly. "Collect all your things and leave before I call the police."

"No, I have been living here for over one month so you can't throw me out."

That kind of sounded like she knew what she was talking about, but he wasn't buying it. "You are trespassing, how did you get in here anyway?"

"I climbed through the bars," she told him.

"There you see, you don't have a key, you were not invited, I don't want you here, so collect your things and go," Brian said pointing at the door.

"No, you can't make me, I have rights," she said folding her arms across her chest.

"How does an underage kid know so much about rights huh?" he challenged her. "And where are your parents? Aren't they wondering where you are?"

"I am almost twenty years old. I don't know or care where my parents are. I hope they are dead for the way they treated me," she said hotly.

"Oh bullshit, you can't be over fourteen years old. You're not even five feet tall."

The girl brought herself up straight and rather imperiously told him, "I don't know feet, but I am 1.45 meters tall."

He did the math in his head and said, "Jesus, you are like 4' 10" how much do you weigh?"

"I am not sure, but I think I am 44 kilos. Why do you need to know these things?" she asked suspiciously.

"Because in the US those measurements would fit a 12-14 year old girl," he replied.

"I have my ID card and IMSS health insurance card, you can look at them," she said reaching into the back pocket of her dirty shorts.

Both cards had a bad picture of the girl. They listed her name as Valentina Garcia Lopez and her birthdate did indeed make her nineteen. They looked genuine and had the crumpled look of documents well used.

He handed them back and looked more closely at her. Her stunted growth and mildly bowlegged stance told him she probably had rickets. She was certainly undernourished and her slightly reddish hair probably meant amenia. He felt sorry for her but was reminded of his father saying, 'you can't save every puppy in the pound'.

That had basically been his problem all his life. Both ex-wives and even more girlfriends had all been basket cases that needed his help. When he had helped them get back on their feet, he found he had created strong, independent, proud women who did not need him anymore.

So here was another basket case. Well, a new start in Mexico and a new start in not getting sucked into some girl's problems.

"Look, I'm sorry you had shitty parents, I'm sorry you don't have a place to stay, but you can't live in my garage. Time for you to go," he said sternly.

"No, you can't make me go."

Brian sighed, "Look I have some things to do, I will be gone a couple of hours please be gone when I get back." With that he got in his car and left.

He made the most of his time and crossed everything off his list before heading home. He had forgotten about the girl until he pulled into the garage and saw her sitting cross legged on her bedding. With a sigh he called the police and told them the situation, they said they would have a male and female officer respond. He got out of the car popping the trunk as he did. He grabbed his reusable shopping bags carrying the first load into the kitchen. He set the bags on the counter then turned to go get the rest when he nearly bumped into the girl carrying the rest of the bags. He took them from the smiling girl then screamed "What the devil gives you the right to come into my house?" he growled at her. "I did not invite you and the police will be here soon to make you leave."

She stood there shocked at the venom in his voice before he dropped the bags then grabbed her arm shoving her into the living room and out the front door.

The girl stood in the middle of the garage trying very hard not to cry. Brian stood by the door glaring at her with his arms folded. They stood frozen like this until the police truck pulled up.

The male and female officers cautiously came into the garage carefully assessing the situation. When Brian smiled at them, they finally relaxed a little. The female officer's name tag read Garcia, she gently took the girls arm and led her into the corner to talk to her. The other officer came up, introduced himself as Corporal Vega then asked him for his statement. Brian explained that he had just come from the US and found her there in his garage and he wanted her gone. They stood quietly chatting until officer Garcia finished taking the girl's statement. With a shake of her head she motioned the girl to stay where she was and came over to the two men.

"The woman says that she is your girlfriend and has been living here for over a year. You came home from visiting your family then you two got in a fight, you made her sleep in the garage last night. She wants us to make you let her back in the house."

"Oh for God's sake. You don't really believe any of that do you?" Brian asked.

Both cops looked very sheepish but wouldn't say anything else.

"Please, come in and look around. There are no female clothes or personal items in there. I was gone two months so there is no food in the refrigerator. Check with epura they will tell you no water has been delivered. Aguakan (the Mexican water supplier) will tell you that no water has been used for two months. CFE will tell you no electricity has been used. She is filthy and does not have a key. How can you begin to believe her lies," he said calmly.

"Well sir, it's like this," Vega explained. "In a domestic dispute we just collect the statements of the parties unless there was violence. Then you hire an attorney and go to court to prove the truth of your statements and disprove her statements."

"But that's what I'm trying to tell you," Brian said patiently, "there is no domesticity so how can there be a dispute? She is a simple trespasser that I want removed from my property."

"But it has not been proved that her story is not true at this time," the female Garcia put in.

"Do you honestly think she is telling the truth?" Brian scoffed.

"To be quite honest," the woman said, "the bitch is lying through her teeth. But, and this is a large but, you have to prove she is lying."

"So, I can keep her out of my house but not off my property?" asked Brian.

"Yes, you can't make her leave the property, but you can limit where she is allowed to go," the officers confirmed.

"Just off the top of your head how long does it take a case like this to be resolved?" he asked.

"Well, this is Mexico, so it is difficult to say. Generally, a year or more is not unusual. Much however is dependent on the amount of money you have and the quality of your lawyer," Vega said rubbing his thumb and forefinger together in the universal sign for bribery.

Brian sighed, "I understand completely."

Both officers handed him a card. The woman said, "On the back are our personal numbers. Call either of us anytime and we will try to help you out, either officially or not."

"That is very kind of you, I did not expect such service," he said gratefully.

"You are not the typical um..." she said.

"Gringo is the word you are looking for," Brian said smiling.

"Yes ok, since you said it first, we'll go with that," she said smiling back.

"We actually do try to help people out," her partner put in. "We appreciate a citizen that can grasp the fact that our hands are sometimes tied. Someone that remains calm and doesn't yell and shout is rare. That is not always the case with gringos or Mexicana's, if I am being honest."

"We can see you are trying to fit in here in Mexico. Your Spanish is quite good, but it has a strange accent," she said.

"Probably because we spoke German at home when I was a kid, my grandparents lived with us and were more comfortable in German. People say I have a funny accent in English also," Brian explained.

"Ok, I am going to go put the fear of god into the girl, probably won't help but you never know," Vega said as he went over to the young girl.

When his attention was on the young woman his partner said softly, "My name is Cecelia, or Cece. I noticed you didn't mention a girlfriend or wife," she said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well Cece, I don't have a girlfriend, all my wives are ex's and while I am not looking for something permanent, I do enjoy female company," he said with a grin. "Why, did you have someone in mind?"

"Well, I just might," she said touching his arm. "I was thinking that a follow up courtesy call might be in order a little later, maybe around eight o'clock?"

"Well, that would be very thoughtful of you. Did you want me to leave your name with the guard shack. That might avoid the gossip of an officer calling at that time of night."

"That would be perfect. I can show my civilian ID and not wake up the gossips," she agreed. "Did you want me to bring anything?"

"Just your cute self," he replied. "I went to the store today and stocked up. How about I make some alitas, frijoles, and fried papas?"

"Wow, looks, money and he cooks too," she said batting her eyes at him playfully. "I would love wings, beans and potatoes. How are you fixed for beer?"

"I have three kinds of beer, wine, mescal and I make a wicked margarita."

"I appreciate that but you won't need all of that to get me horizontal," she winked.

Her partner came over to them and said, "I'm not sure I did any good with her, but we will see. I am assuming you two have a date later?" He laughed at the look on Brian's face saying, "Cece has been my partner for three years. I can always tell when her horny switch is turned on. My wife and I joke about it."

"Yeah, well you can joke, you're married to Miss Perfect. It is hard meeting a guy when you're both a cop and thirty two."

"Wow, you're that old? Maybe I should rethink this," Brian teased.

"Not a chance gringo, if I have to I can use the cuffs," she said menacingly.

"Yes, definitely bring them tonight," he said leering wildly at her.

They all laughed and waved goodbye. After he watched to make sure they had gone he turned to go into the house when Valentina spat on the floor while calling him an asshole for being so friendly with the police.

Calmly Brian told her, "If you ever spit on my floor again or make any kind of mess I will beat you until you beg for mercy. Then I will have the police come and arrest you for assault. Is that very, very clear to you?"

"How can you treat me this way? How can you just throw me to the wolves like this?" she wailed.

"Look, I don't know you, I don't want to know you and I have no obligation or desire to help you. Where did you live before you trespassed onto my property?"

"I was living in an abandoned c-" she started.

He cut her off saying, "You know what, I don't care. If you aren't leaving just sit there, or go steal some food, or get run over by a truck." He went in the house and made a show of loudly throwing the deadbolt.

He grabbed a beer and opened a bag of pretzels. He normally kept the blinds open on the window that faced the garage but this afternoon he closed them. He turned on the TV and found a futbol game just starting and settled in. When the game ended he alerted security about Cece then started prepping the wings and got them in the oven before going up for a shower.

Everything was ready when he heard the small ship's bell he used as a doorbell clang. He quickly went to greet his guest. He opened the door and was confused for a moment. A beautiful young woman wearing a long red sheath dress that clung to her so well he knew the only thing under the dress was her. She wore just the perfect amount of makeup and an intoxicatingly subtle perfume.

"Well Brian, are you going to let me in or just stare at me all night?" Cece said grinning.

"My god you are gorgeous," he blurted before stepping aside.

"Yeah, I have been told I clean up pretty well."

"Holy sh-, um cow, how is it that you are a cop and not a model?"

Thinking that he was being literal she said, "I tried it but my leg to body ratio was not ideal so I gave it up."

"What idiot told you that? Of course, I can't see all of you but the parts on display are perfect in my opinion," Brian told her.

"Well, aren't you just a gentleman to say so. Why don't we go inside and I can let you judge the whole package."

"Yes of course," he said then automatically added, "mi casa es su casa."

Cece glanced into the corner and saw the empty blankets and teasingly said, "So where is your girlfriend tonight?"

"I suggested she go get run over by a truck, I'm hoping she thought I was serious." Brian said sourly.

"You don't really mean that do you," Cece said carefully.

"No of course not, I just want her gone from here. I'm not that cold hearted."

He followed her in, checking out her ass as she went by. He led her into the kitchen and asked her what she wanted to drink. He opened the refrigerator door and showed her the choices. She pointed at a Modelo Negro and he grabbed two. He asked her if she preferred a glass and she said no. She looked around at the food ready to be put on the table and silently approved. Out loud she said, "This looks fit for a queen, but this queen has been horny since I met you. First priority is Cece getting a cock in her tight pussy."

"You want to do it right here on the counter or can you control yourself until we get upstairs?"

"I can wait if you don't move too slowly," she said smiling. She drained her beer then told him, "Grab a couple of reinforcements and let's go."

"I have another 'fridge in my room," he explained pointing the way to the staircase. He let her go first to watch her magnificent ass. She caught him looking and swayed her hips even more as she climbed the stairs.

She went over and stood next to the bed then held her arms open, so he gathered her in and began kissing her. When they finally came up for air, they looked at each other and simultaneously said, "Holy shit."

Cece, her voice shaking a little, said, "If the fucking is as good as that kiss, I'm calling in sick tomorrow."

Cece turned then pulled her hair out of the way giving him access to the zipper of her beautiful red dress. As he slowly eased the tab down, he saw that he had been right, there was only her under that skintight sheath, the zipper ended where her butt crack began. He couldn't decide if he wanted to see the front or back first. In the end he turned her to face him then slid the straps off her shoulders. The entire garment whispered to the floor causing both to moan.

"Please turn around. Slowly," he asked when he felt he could use his voice.

"With a smile that lit up her entire face she slowly rotated then put her hand on her hip in a classic model pose. Turning to look at him over her shoulder she coyly asked, "Is this what you had in mind?"

"I didn't really get to enjoy your front, I'll get back to it I promise, but would you be offended if I worshiped your butt for a while, maybe five or ten years?" he asked, his voice filled with desire.


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