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Living With a Goddess Ch. 03

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John and Melissa get closer.
6.9k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/22/2014
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Work the next day passed by quickly. The dreamlike state of euphoria that my threesome with Helena and Asta had left me in helped me get all my admin done without the monotony getting me down. I was also helped in the not-getting-bored department by Melissa, who came over to my desk in the afternoon. A few coy words were exchanged, and then in under a minute we were in a stationary cupboard. I say stationary...

We kissed passionately, our hands exploring each other's bodies. The pent-up sexual tension from our date had us both attacking each other's mouths. Melissa began to moan contentedly as I moved my kisses down her neck, all across her tanned flesh and towards her cleavage. My hands slid up under her tight sweater and I started gently feeling, for the first time, her enormous breasts. I began to slip a hand into the confines of her bra, certain that those huge cups were already at maximum capacity and that the addition of my hand would cause the straining material to split.

A sudden noise beyond the door made us both stop dead. Melissa looked at me, wide-eyed, her expression part fear, part excitement. The noise passed, but we both reluctantly agreed to leave it there. Melissa suggested we hang out later at my place. The implications were clear - and they were made clearer by her reaching down to my semi-erect cock and giving it a stroke through my jeans. It strained at her touch, and she raised an appreciative eyebrow at me.

"Well hello there, big boy," she said. We both burst out laughing at her cliched response, then I kissed her lightly on the nose for the compliment. As we made our way back to our desks, evading the judgmental glares of a few of the office's more gossipy staff, I tried to focus on getting my boner down. I'm sure Kim from accounting got a glimpse of my bulge, as she quickly flushed red and changed direction as I passed her in the hallway. Think unsexy thoughts, I told myself, remembering an episode of The Simpsons. Still, my cock took a long time going down. And I was pretty sure it felt a little bigger than usual. Was this all down to Asta's gifts?

I thought of Asta, and Helena, as I walked home, replaying the incredible scenes I had experienced in my mind. I would definitely have to see the death goddess again. Plus, sexual experiences aside, Asta had been practically glowing with energy when we woke up, entangled, on my bed that morning. She hadn't given me so much as a blowjob before I left for work, instead grinning to herself, thanking me for the Currency (and the fuck), and assuring me that she had lots of creative ideas for her new surplus of sexual magic-fuel. I wondered what crazy thoughts she had in mind as I fumbled for my door key. She'd increased my physical stamina, not to mention my size and my ability to sustain an erection. What else could Currency be used for? I got my answer when I opened the door and saw what was on the other side.

It wasn't my flat. As in, my flat wasn't my flat anymore. My front door had opened onto a large room, seemingly too big to fit in the building. The floor was carpeted in soft red, and there were pillars of white stone along the equally immaculate walls. I looked up, awestruck, at the ceiling, which had been painted in a classical mural. As I looked closer I realised the characters weren't religious figures, but rather groups of naked women, all engaged in various sexual acts.

I managed to tear my eyes away from the ceiling to look at the room in front of me again. Directly opposite me, a waterfall - yep, a waterfall - cascaded down the wall from a thin slot just below the ceiling, falling with a light splash into a pool below. The pool ran in a ring, like a moat, around a circular island, upon which was a circular bed. Upholstered and decked out in red velvet, the bed was nearly as big as the enormous mattress in Helena's dungeon-like domain, but twice as thick and plump. And on the bed, clad in a loose garment of entirely translucent pink fabric, was Asta. Her hair was up, and her pink nipples poked through the gossamer wisp of material. Her legs were crossed daintily, the juncture between her thick thighs a perfect 'Y'. The room echoed with the sound of tinkling water.

"John!" Asta called to me. "Welcome home. What do you think?"

"I... It's incredible. Where, um... where's my flat?"

Asta giggled, gesturing at the space around us. "It's here. This is it. I had some Currency left over, so I thought I'd make this place a bit more like home. My home, I mean. I hope you don't mind."

"No," I said. "Not at all. Melissa's coming over later though, this might be a bit hard to explain."

Asta's face lit up. "Melissa? Oh, yay! I'd love to watch you two fuck for the first time. God, her tits are something else, huh?"

I smiled to myself at the thought of my - well, my girlfriend, I guess - lying naked on that round, silky bed. Sure, it would take some explaining. But the night was shaping up to be pretty incredible.

"Wait, Asta," I said, "you said you had some Currency 'left over'. What did you use the rest on?"

Asta beamed at me, and clapped her hands. A door in the side wall I hadn't noticed began to open. It looked like a door from my old flat. I guessed that was where the normal part of this crazy sex-goddess-palace was.

Out of the door came Violet. Her crimson hair was tied up messily, like Asta's. She was wearing one of my T-shirts, one several sizes too big for me. The shape of her slender body beneath that fabric was truly breathtaking. Her pert breasts stood out and defined her shape, and the shirt only came down to just beyond her waist, where she wore nothing else. Seeing me, she smiled mischievously, twirling round and hiking the back of the shirt up over her tight, perky little ass. I hadn't realised how much I'd missed that ass until I saw it there: pale, smooth and flawless. It was all I could do not to step over to Violet, bend her over, and plunge my stiffening cock between those gorgeous buttcheeks.

"Hello, master," said Violet, demurely.

"Hello again, Violet," I said, smiling at her fondly.

"I brought Violet across," said Asta from the bed. "Not temporarily like before, but properly. She's here for good now. She can live with us!"

Practical issues flickered across my mind, but were instantly dispersed when Violet stepped over to me, stopping with her face barely an inch from mine, on tip-toes so that her already long, slender legs stretched out and equalised our heights. Her big, blue eyes stared into mine, her pale skin lightly dusted with freckles, her hot breath passing the tiny gap between our mouths.

"May I kiss you, master?" she asked.

I answered by reaching around Violet's slender form, gripping her back with one hand and her firm butt with the other, and pulling her into my body for a deep, passionate kiss. Violet moaned into my mouth, and began rubbing her whole body up against mine. I felt her hard nipples through our clothes, felt the warmth of her crotch as she ground up against the shape of my cock through my jeans. Eventually, we remembered we both had to breathe in, and the kiss subsided. Violet stepped back, unable to keep a flicker of a smile from her usually demure, pretty features.

"Take your cock out, John. It'll suffocate in those jeans," Asta said. I obliged, undoing my fly and letting my dick swing out, exposed to the air. That did feel better. And it was definitely bigger. Not even fully hard and over seven inches, by the look of it. Violet eyed my cock with a deep hunger.

"Before you stick that anywhere, Johnny boy," said Asta, "allow me to introduce you to the second of my three handmaidens."

I looked at Asta in wonderment. Of course! She had said there were three. Our threesome with Helena the night before must have given her enough Currency to bring two back over.

The woman who walked through the door had a purposeful, graceful stride. She wore a simple dress of white fabric, cut low at the bust, which contrasted with her dark brown skin and showed off a deep, impressive valley of cleavage. This woman was around the same height as Asta, and just as curvaceous. I saw her thighs jiggle as she walked, and the ripples of movement in the fabric of her short dress showed that her ass shook with every step too. Her braless tits also bounced with her graceful footfalls, threatening to burst from her low-cut dress. Then I saw the woman's face - and my dick, still exposed to the air, immediately leapt to its full hardness, Asta's gifts causing it to swell well past the eight-inch mark. This woman was beautiful. There was no other word for it. A cute little nose, big, almond shaped eyes of the palest blue, and a pair of lips just made for kissing, curved in a smile that lit up the room. Her hair was short-ish, thick and curled, and bounced around her head as she walked. This woman just seemed to bounce in general.

"This is Rosa," said Asta. There was a purr in her voice that suggested she was as turned on by this woman's mere presence as I was. "She's my right-hand girl, my second in command. Of course, she lives to serve you too."

"Hi, John," said Rosa, smiling that sweet smile at me and melting my insides. "It's lovely to meet you." She stepped daintily over to me, sidestepping my painfully erect cock, and kissed my cheek. My skin burned at the touch of those lips. Before stepping back to stand next to Violet, Rosa leant over to my ear, and whispered. "That is one good-looking cock. Come and see me later if your girlfriend doesn't tire you out."

The thought of Melissa caused a brief flash of guilt at my current situation, but my brain soon diverted any blood flow from my logic center to my dick. Good goddess, that thing was getting big.

Rosa stepped in line with Violet, hugging her briefly and kissing her on the lips.

Asta cleared her throat. "Oh, and John, there's one more thing -"

There was a knock at the door behind me. The front door.

"Melissa!" I yelled.

Asta nodded, waved a hand, and there was flash of golden light, too bright to keep my eyes open. When I did open them again, my flat had resumed its normal, shabby interior. Asta, Violet and Rosa were nowhere to be seen.

I breathed deeply, tucked my cock back into the tight confines of my jeans, and turned round to open the door.

Melissa stood on the other side. She wore a jumper that would have been baggy on anyone else, but was stretched by her voluptuous chest, as well as tight black jeans that hugged her wide hips. I'd never seen her dressed this casually before. She was even wearing her glasses, which she never wore at work because she claimed they weren't sexy. As I surveyed the beauty that stood in front of me, I strongly disagreed.

"Hi, Mel."

"Hi, Johnny," Melissa said, somewhat nervously. "I, um, I wasn't sure how casual this thing was. I mean, we didn't discuss... I mean, is this, like another date, or -"

I cut her off with a light kiss on her nose. I wasn't sure why kissing Melissa's nose made me feel the way it did, but I felt a pleasant rush in my gut. There she was, standing in my doorway. The first girl to make me feel that way in my stomach as well as my groin.

"It's a date," I said, grinning. I couldn't help but smile when I looked at her. "A casual date."

Melissa smiled back, stepping in to my flat. "A casual date," she nodded. "I like the sound of that. So, is this date casual enough for me to whoop your ass at Mario Kart, or what?"

We did indeed play Mario Kart, and she did indeed whoop my ass. Melissa had always been better at games than me. She just had some natural skill, I guess. I found myself looking over and watching her a lot instead of the screen. That may have had something to do with my losing.

As I watched her, I remembered all those times over the couple of years I'd known her that we'd hung out together as friends. All those hours spent in each other's company, generally just wasting time away with movies or video games. I'd never really given it much thought before, but Melissa had gradually become a close friend. Maybe even one of my closest friends, given the somewhat small social circles I kept. I watched her as she stared intently at the screen, her face a beautiful picture of a woman letting loose and having fun. I'd taken her for granted those past two or so years. I promised myself I wouldn't any more.

She stopped, noticing me staring, and paused the game. "What's up?"

"Nothing," I said. "I was just thinking about how much I love spending time with you, actually."

Melissa looked a little shocked, and genuinely touched. I guess I'd never been the type to share my feelings, even little things like that. Maybe if I had done so earlier, we'd have gotten together a long time ago.

"Aw, Johnny," she said. "That's so sweet." She looked into my eyes, and I could tell she meant it. Then she unpaused the game and overtook me.

"You dick!" I yelled at her, laughing. She giggled as she sped across the finish line.

I hung my head in shame. Melissa got up and shook her ass at me in a victory dance. The sight was incredible. "Seven wins, no losses. Hmm. I'm starting to see a pattern here, Johnny."

Hours later, nearly midnight, and we were curled up on the sofa together, watching a movie. Melissa's stunning body was pressed into mine, my chest against her back, her ass in my crotch. The boner I'd had all evening struggled against my jeans. I knew she must feel it, but all she'd done in reaction was to push herself further into my embrace. I had one arm trapped beneath her as we spooned, and the other draped over her incredible tits. Her hair was a mess, all static-ed up from the sofa, and some of it was in my face. I just breathed in her smell.

"Are you smelling me?" she asked.

"Yes," I admitted.

"That's kind of cute," she said, and nestled herself further into me. My cock was firmly wedged into her butt now, finding the crack between her voluminous buttcheeks despite both our jeans being in the way.

"You know I've been feeling your monster cock for the last hour, right?" she asked.

"Yeah," I joked, "I've been subtly wanking myself off with some very precise hip movements."

Melissa laughed, and spun round, breaking our contact, and hitting me lightly on the shoulder. Our legs got tangled in the movement, and she fell back onto me - only forwards this time, her chest crushing into mine. I felt the softness of those awesome tits beneath the tight prison of her sweater. I realised she wasn't wearing a bra.

Melissa's face had ended up right near mine. She looked up at me through her glasses, the movie now forgotten. "Kiss me on my nose," she said.


"That thing you did before. Kiss me on my nose. It makes me feel all gooey."

"Gooey?" I asked.

"Oh, shut up. You know what I mean." She suddenly looked anxious. "...Do you?"

I looked into her eyes. "I do. I feel it too."

Melissa beamed at me, and I leant in and kissed her lightly on her nose.

She shivered against me, her tits shaking in her sweater. "Gooey," she murmured.

She kissed me back, on the mouth this time, and that kiss lasted much longer. The kiss turned to another, and another, and then she planted one on my neck, which I returned, all the while sneaking my hands up the back of her jumper and caressing her back.

Melissa was ahead of me, it seemed. She fumbled for my fly, unzipping it and reaching in for my cock. Her hand closed around it. She laughed.

"What?" I said.

"Fucking hell, Johnny," Melissa grinned. "Your dick is going to rip me in half."

"That's the plan," I said.

Melissa kissed me, then leaned back, pulling her jumper off over her head. It was a struggle getting it past those tits, and the material caught on her nipples, granting me a view of the undercurve of each of her massive melons. The underside was a little paler than her tanned cleavage. Tan lines. Hot.

I leaned in to her as she tugged at the jumper, and the second her breasts sprang free I shoved my face between them, grabbing each great mound of titflesh and drowning myself in her chest. I pulled free after a long moment, looking up at Melissa's face. She was trying to do a mock disapproving expression, but was obviously aroused beyond the point of such expressive finesse. She only managed a moan, and pulled me up out of the great valley of her cleavage for a searing hot kiss.

"You like my tits, Johnny?"

"Oh fuck yes, Melissa. I've dreamed of those tits every night since I met you."

Melissa reached down, cupping as much of each heavy breast as she could with each hand, and pushing the two pillowy mounds up and together, displaying their curve and her dark nipples and wide areolas.

"They're yours now, John. Fuck me. Fuck your girlfriend's tits."

I tore off my shirt and began pulling my cock out of my jeans, when I stopped. "Girlfriend?"

Melissa went wide-eyed, fear on her face. "I thought -"

"No, yeah - yes, Melissa, god yes I'll be your boyfriend." Melissa's face split into a perfect smile.

"I know we didn't have 'the talk', or whatever they call it in sitcoms, but I just assumed... you know. I mean, I... really like you. A whole fucking lot."

"I like you too," I said, kissing her nose again. She shivered at that, a ripple moving through her mountainous tits. "And now I'm going to fuck the living daylights out of you."

Melissa wrangled herself out of her tight jeans as hastily as she could as I held my cock in one hand, my own jeans falling off me. My dick was definitely heavier. Thicker, too, as well as longer.

Melissa forgot all pretense of foreplay or a striptease, simply giving me a glance that made my stomach do backflips before tugging her panties down and revealing her bare pussy.

"Shaved. I like it," I teased, reaching down and stroking her slit, finding it sopping wet.

"Fuck me, you cunt," she laughed.

I obliged, shoving Melissa onto her back on the sofa, positioning myself over her, and lined up my swollen cockhead with her dripping snatch, pale as it was against the tan that stopped in a perfect panty shape around her crotch. I lowered myself, a bead of precum dripping onto Melissa's pussy. I could feel the heat already. She watched me, her breath caught in her throat.

I looked into her eyes. She took off her glasses with one hand, and put them aside, craning her neck up to kiss me lightly on my nose, just as I had done to her. I smiled at her, and pushed my engorged cock into the sweltering folds of her pussy.

Melissa's mouth widened into a round 'O'. She closed her eyes as I guided more and more of my length into her. She was tight, the tightest pussy I think I'd ever fucked. With my newly improved dick, it was hard going, but she was so wet already that I managed to get halfway in without too much resistance. Melissa's eyes were screwed tight shut by this point, and I figured that was enough of my cock in her for now.

I was briefly stunned by the revelation that, aroused to the point of madness as I was, I was still relatively clear headed. I wasn't fucking her mindlessly as I had Asta the night before. Her pleasure, her reactions to my movements, were foremost in my mind. As I began to slide in and out of her, and her cunt gradually relaxed for me, I realised my feelings for Melissa were deeper than anything I'd felt before - any simple attraction, any fleeting lust. I picked up my pace, and leaned in to whisper in her ear. I had to tell her. I didn't care if I ruined the mood, I had to share this new sensation with her. She had to know how I felt about her, looking down as she wriggled in naked pleasure beneath me.

"I love you," I whispered in her ear.

I leant back up, and saw Melissa's eyes were wet. I felt her vaginal walls ripple around my cock, and her face tightened in ecstasy as she came. Her mouth could make no sound as she held her breath through the waves of her climax, but she fixed her gaze into mine, and she mouthed the words. "I love you too."


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