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Louise and Joey's Ocean Cruise Pt. 05

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Sex, light spanking and a threesome.
5.3k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/26/2019
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All characters in this story are over 18.


Mother and son settled against each other and got lost in thought as they turned to watch the sunrise. The azure sea was calm, a few ripples, but no waves. They lay like that together for over an hour, until Louise went for a shower. Joey watched her hips swaying away, she knew he was watching and without turning around she simply bent and showed him her pussy, slapped herself on the butt, and walked away. She felt, rather than saw, his smile.

In a week they had gone from hardworking mother and son to incestuous lovers. Joey ran his mum's words in his mind again: "You've fucked her pussy more than once. And cum in her bum. Licked her pussy, cum in her mouth, watched her pee..."

He shook his head. He knew real life, back home, would be different to before. Different to now. But he was looking forward to it, with her.

He took his turn in the shower while she dressed. She put a bikini on, under her beach wrap.

"Oh, no gym this morning?"

"Bum's too sore. I can't sit on that exercise bike today!"

He laughed with her, blushing a little at her reference to him having fucked her ass the night before.

Beyond their little balcony they saw Mystery Island sliding by. They would anchor off and catch a boat ashore. It was tiny, but had some of the world's best beachside snorkelling on the reefs.

Later that day, back on board, Louise asked her son: "Level with me. How do you feel about me. Really."

"I love you, of course."

"I know, but, how?"

"I don't understand."

"OK. I love you, like a mother loves a son, but I love you like a lover too. See?"


"Um, well, those are different from how a husband loves a wife."

"Oh, I see. You want to know if I'm in love with you."

"Are you?"

"Will you be hurt if I said no?" He knew there was no place for semantics here.

"No, but I would be scared to death if you said yes."

"Same question, you with me?"

"No, son. I'm glad we're not 'in love' because all the while we can keep the three loves apart, we'll be OK."


"Yes, honey?"

"You're perfect. Wanna quick fuck?"

"Well, there's an hour before dinner. How can a girl refuse such an eloquent seduction?"

Joey pushed the joke further: "Jeez, woman! You want some dick or not?"


"Bullshit! Come here!"

Louise dodged, weaved, pretended to try to get away, all the time giggling and teasing him - pulling out one tit, showing her curved bum, running away again. Then she let him catch her. He playfully pulled her to the bed, sat, and pulled her over his knee.

"Don't you dare, Joey Montana!" Smack! "No, stop!" Smack, smack! She could have got off him easily but didn't. She realised something new. Being spanked went straight to her nipples and pussy. It aroused her. As long as it was half-hearted, like this, and not cruel.

Joey pulled her bottoms down. Smack. "You nasty little bastard!" Smack "Oooh, baby. How could you..." Smack "Ow! Your own..." Smack" "...mother..."

"You hate it?"


Joey looked at the angry pink patches on her buttocks. He looked at the perfect curve, rubbed tenderly where he'd slapped her, then saw a tiny glistening trail inside her thigh. He collected it with his finger, making her shiver, and tasted it. She was dripping wet.

Joey slid his hand up her thigh, over her bottom, down her butt crack, pushed her butthole. She gasped.

"Oh Joey. You can do anything to me. Everything you do makes me horny."

His finger pressed, she winced. He knew she was sore there from their earlier anal adventure, so he folded his hand into her pussy instead. Four fingers, while he rubbed her reddened buttocks. Those four fingers were wider than his cock and stretched her. She groaned: "Oooh, yesss. More, baby."

More? How can I...? OK. Thumb...there. Press...

"Mmmm. Mmmh. You're tearing me open."

I'm almost... I've got my whole hand in there. Up to the knuckles.

Louise's hips pushed back automatically at the fist inside her. She felt it press, moaned when it twisted, but couldn't bear it any longer. Childbirth had been a long time ago, and then she had been drugged. She yanked herself forwards, away from the invading fist, and knelt on the bed. Joey needed no instruction. He pressed into her from behind, fucked hard and fast, watching her buttocks, now pink and angry, pulse in waves with his thigh-slapping thrusts.

Hers was quick, easy. She rose to a brief climax almost as soon as Joey entered her. You slut! He spanks your butt, fists your cunt, and you cum this quickly?

He wasn't long getting there either. It was short, desperate, needy, a few spurts and then it was done.

Now pushing gently, rocking against each other, Joey made a joke: "We're getting good at this. A few strokes...we cum... No need to mess about with foreplay!"

"You get that idea out of your head right now, young man! Quickies are good, longies are better."

"Er, 'longies'?"

"OK, I just made that up. Now get that thing out of me before I piss all over you."

She play-slapped his arm on the way to the bathroom. He wiped his cock on a tissue and lay back, one arm behind his head.

Through the main part of the cruise, port stops were every other day. They were tourists, friends, a couple; very proper in public.

Before they knew it, there were only two nights left before they got home. On the first of them, there was to be a big dance in the main ballroom. Joey marvelled at how beautiful she looked that night. Despite knowing every inch of her body, and most of her desires and secrets, she could still surprise him.

"Where the hell did you hide that?"

"Bought it yesterday. Cost more than I care to mention. Like it?"

Long, deep-sea blue. The dress clung to her breasts and hips, rounded her buttocks, then split from thighs to ankles. No strap, but her breasts would hold it up. Cleavage. Bare back. Oh, and nipples.

"Are you wearing underwear?"

"Nope. I hope to drive some bloke wild, bring him back here and fuck the senses out of him."

"Oooh, Can I watch?"

"Play your cards right and it'll be you."

"Oh? And if I play my cards wrong?"

"Sandy's still aboard." The waitress at their favourite intimate bar.

He smiled at her tease. As they walked to the dance, along the swaying passageway, Joey said: "Just so you know. Dressed as you are, as beautiful as you are, if you smile at anybody with a heartbeat they'll crawl over razors to you on hands and knees."

She stopped, turned him towards her and kissed him tenderly. Then she playfully squeezed his cock and walked on. He stood still until she looked back, laughing at his open-armed 'what the hell' gesture.

The ship rolled more than they'd been used to, causing all kinds of fun on the dance floor as ladies found themselves supported on strange men. Dancing cheek-to-cheek became a mockery when the mood got lost in their need to stay on their feet. But the night was a success, even if Louise and Joey had got quite drunk on drinks they'd never heard of before.

They had a nightcap in 'Sandy's Bar'. Sandy gushed over them. "Look at you two, all happy and glowing! Oh and Louise, that dress! Usual?"

The gin and tonics arrived. Boldly, Sandy sat down with them and chatted. Business was slow, perhaps her regulars had retreated from the now quite heavy seas.

Joey couldn't be sure, having never seen her do it, but he thought his mother was flirting. With Sandy. If he'd been sober, he wouldn't have even thought like that. Hell, if she'd been sober maybe she wouldn't be acting like that. After tomorrow nobody here would see anybody again, so what the hell?

Sandy was saying: "So how did you two meet?"

Louise answered: "I used to date his dad."

Joey blushed, the truth of it felt too close to home.

"Oh? But you preferred the younger version?"

"I sure do now. This is our first, um, alone time together, this cruise."

"Sweet! Did you get a balcony room?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Nothing like making love in a tropical sunset with the curtains open!" She winked at Joey who was trying to hide his embarrassment behind his glass. She couldn't have known they'd done exactly that, but still made him flush. Somebody gestured to Sandy, and she went to take their order.

As Sandy left them, Louise could barely restrain her laughter at her son's discomfort. There was a smash, they looked to the source, straight up Sandy's skirt as she bent to swipe a broken glass off the table onto her tray. She had her feet wider apart than usua against the rolling of the ship, and under her uniform stockings she wore - nothing? This time Louise actually laughed at Joey's discomfort.

Soon Sandy returned. "What? What's the joke?" She was smiling.

Louise couldn't resist: "Well, we happened to look over while you cleared away that broken glass, and..."

Sandy looked to the table where it had happened and realised what they saw from this vantage point.

She feigned a Southern Belle accent: "Why mizz Louise. Were you two looking up my skirt?"

"He was, I looked away."

The two women laughed but Joey merely glared at his mother, but couldn't resist her smile and broke into one himself.

Louise asked her: "Are you allowed to have a drink with us? You're a big part of why this trip has been so fantastic, and..."

"Well, not officially. But my shift finishes in ten minutes and Tony won't mind." Tony was the barman.

"Come back in ten, then."

Sandy was off to finish her work. Louise was flirty, impish. Her smile never faltered throughout the next ten minutes.

"Joey, go for it. Try her. I can see it in your eyes, and hers. I'll stay away, if you want."

"Stop it, will ya? I mean, me and you..."

"...Have the rest of our lives together. You'll never have a better chance. I want you to have whatever you want."

"I don't know if I could, with another woman."

"You've got about seven minutes to decide. And just so you know, I think she swings both ways."

"Why do you say that?"

"I've watched her too. Especially with the redhead girl that waits on the other side of the room."


"So maybe I'd like to try her. Whether you do or not."

This time Joey actually gagged on his drink. Her smiling eyes told him she was serious, but his alcohol-inhibited brain took some time to process it. Fact one: his mother was suggesting he could fuck this girl. Fact two, his mother was suggesting this girl liked girls too. Fact three, his mother was suggesting maybe she'd like to have sex with this girl. Oh heaven. Fact four. If he heard her right - 'with or without you' - was his mother suggesting a threesome with him and Sandy?

That was a whole new level of complication. His heart beat as Sandy swished by, smiled at them, and took some empties off to the bar. Louise was sipping her drink, studying him. She knew not to interrupt - she'd planted the seed, she knew to let it sprout of its own accord.

Lost in his thoughts, Joey held his glass half-way to his mouth. Louise saw his brow furrowed, ached for his eyes to meet hers, and had a little panic attack in case she'd pushed too far. After all, incest was a long path to travel, maybe this was one step too far?

Joey looked at his mother, saw the ache in her eyes. To ease the tension, he said: "Phew. Any more hot surprises?"

"None that I can think of right now!"

"Have you ever, with a girl, I mean?"


"Why now?"

"Why not? Strangers, no commitment, that sort of thing."

He still hadn't come to any kind of conclusion when Sandy came back. "OK, my last order tonight. G&T's all round?"

Louise smiled and nodded. A minute later, they were clinking glasses. Sandy sensed something: "Er, did I suddenly kill a vibe, or something?"

Joey didn't speak for some time, only Louise answered her.

"No, no. Don't mind us. We were, well, discussing something. About you."

"Oh?" Sandy sipped her drink past a wry smile but was clearly intrigued.

"You see, I've been telling my..." She almost said 'son' ... "My man, here, that you have been flirting with him for the last week and a half.

Sandy giggled, knowing from Louise's smile and demeanour that this was no bitch-fight coming.

"What if I have?"

"Well, I also told him I think you might like girls too."

Smiling over her drink at them, she said "Go on."

"So. I was wondering, that is, we have a big suite, balcony and all, and plenty of drinks in the minibar. Would you like to spend the evening with us?"

Joey was bright red, if only they could tell in the dim bar light. Sandy picked up on his discomfort and followed Louise's lead.

"What do you say, Joey? Would you like me to have a few drinks with you too?"

He managed to keep his voice from cracking as he said "Yes, I would like that very much."

"OK then. Look, I can't leave with you, for obvious reasons. And I need a shower. What cabin?"


"Ooh, posh! Great. See you there in 30."

She swished off, said her goodnights to Tony and her other customers, and was gone.

Louise sat grinning like the cat with the cream, sipping her drink, while Joey gulped his down.

"Easy, Tiger. Too much of that and you won't do us justice."

Justice? What the actual fuck? We just made a date with a girl. A threesome date. A hot bi girl, me, and my mother.

Louise led her gobsmacked son back to the cabin. She freshened up, they brushed their teeth, and sat on the balcony. It was not perfect out there, getting cooler as they got further south, but pleasant enough. Louise's hair wisped in the breeze. Joey thought she was even sexier than ever. The stirring in his loins told him this night would be one to remember.

As for Louise, the beating of her heart belied the calm confidence she portrayed outwardly. Her throat was dry despite the mineral water she was drinking, and the knot in her tummy grew until a thought crossed her mind and made her laugh. Joey was puzzled: "Something you wanna share?"

"You know I'm not wearing panties, right?"

"I couldn't forget if I tried."

"Well, I've been turned on for over an hour now."


She stood and turned: "Do I have a wet patch?"

"Oh, sorry, but yes."


"Go change. Sandy'll still be another..."

The knock on the door stopped the thought. As she passed him to answer it, she said: "Fat chance. I paid a heap for this dress and I'm getting my money's worth."

She let Sandy in. They both drew in breath. The girl that was lovely in her work clothes stood before them in a sleek, satiny black number and black stockings, a box of chocolates in her hand. She'd got rid of the heavy work makeup, now just sporting little cosmetic highlights. Her dark hair shone, she still had those long dark eyelashes and pencil-thin eyebrows, but the dark lipstick had been replaced with a delicate pink.

Louise winked at Joey whose expression said everything. To break the ice, Louise offered a drink. She took a whisky and soda. An awkward silence began as they sat on the balcony, now quite crowded with the three of them. Joey spoke up.

"I was saying to Louise the other day, I bet you get hit on three times a night."

"Yeah, some nights. No different to any other bar I've worked, though."

"Yeah, sure enough."

"I don't often take up any of their offers, though. In fact, I've never... Oh shit. Sorry. I'm presuming too much."

She sipped her drink, they all did, nervously. Just like Louise and Joey's first time together, this time Joey took the lead.

"Sandy, what do you think of Louise's dress? I think it's the sexiest she's ever looked."

"Yeah, it's fantastic. Is it by Gamelon?"

"Yes, I bought it on board. Probably cost more that way, but..."

"Worth it. Joey's right. It's very sexy."

Joey went on: "Yours is great too. You look really good in the work gear, but even better in this. Really pretty."

"Hmmm. Thanks. Sure you don't just like my work gear because I wasn't wearing underwear tonight?" She blushed at her own boldness, but Joey smiled. He saw a chance.

"Louise's naked under that dress, too. Has been all night."

"Oh really? Seems I forgot to wear knickers too. Again."

There was a moment's silence while each of them tried to figure out the next move. Sandy made it.

"So, Joey. Louise. What are you thinking?"

Louise made it a joke: "I'm thinking if I don't get out of this expensive rag soon, the wet patch I'm leaking into it will ruin it."

Sandy laughed, and said: "C'mon Joey. The lady needs our help."

Louise stood, bit her bottom lip, and sighed in anticipation. Joey got behind her and eased the zipper down. Slowly, deliberately, Sandy peeled the top down, rolling it over Louise's nipples, kissing as she went. Joey watched his mother's nipples spring up hard under this fantastic girl's lips, felt himself getting rigid as Sandy kissed down her chest, stomach, licked her navel.

Joey's hands went to Louise's tits. She reached behind her neck to hold his head as he kissed her neck. And then the dress was off. Sandy placed it over a chair and knelt, helping Louise out of her shoes, lifting one of her thighs to lick at the wet slit she found open and waiting for her. Joey tweaked her nipples and rolled the fleshy orbs under his hands. He had expected to be jealous, but he couldn't deny sharing any pleasure with her, and this was certainly a pleasure.

After a minute or so, Louise took Sandy's head between her hands and urged her upwards. Standing close, she kissed her own juices off Sandy's lips, their tongues darted in each other's mouths, and fenced as they sucked at each other's lips. Louise commanded: "Turn around."

Sandy turned, lifted her hair out of the way of the zipper, and stepped out of the smooth dress as it fell to the floor. She idly kicked it aside, followed by her shoes. She had been right, she wore only panty-hose and a bra. It struggled to contain the weight of her D-cups, which dropped an inch or two when Louise snapped open the clasp. It joined her dress on the floor.

Joey pressed himself against his naked mother, reaching forwards for Sandy's breasts. Louise's were crushed against the girl's back, and she could feel the erection pressing into her buttocks. Sandy reached back, touching Louise's pussy, and they luxuriated rubbing each other like that for a minute or two.

Louise was conflicted. She wanted to taste Sandy's pussy but felt some reluctance. She'd never wanted lesbian sex before. But things progressed and it became inevitable.

The two women turned their attention to Joey. Sandy said: "He's got far too many clothes on, right Louise?"

Between them they silently undid, unbuckled, unzipped and unbuttoned and soon he stood there naked, his cock up and proud against his stomach. Sandy wore the only remaining garment. With her heart in her throat, Louise knelt to roll the pantyhose down over a hairless, smooth pussy and hold them down while Sandy stepped out of them. Her thighs were a little thicker, her bum a little rounder than hers, and those tits! A full cup size more than hers, Louise decided to start there. She bent to suck the little pink nipples, their small size all the more surprising against those large orbs, and delighted in them hardening in her mouth.

She snaked her hand down Sandy's slightly plump tummy, and found the wet slit below it. My first touch of a pussy that isn't my own. And she's wet.

She knelt. The angle was awkward, she tried to lick but only managed to get a little contact with Sandy's clit. She had a protruding hood and a large clit, compared to her own, but she wanted better contact.


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