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Love & Peace Ch. 01

Story Info
A ghost from the past threatens love affair.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/17/2006
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Chapter 1 - Kate's Story

Lightning ripped across the sky as I ran to my car, a plastic bag covering my head to protect me from the huge, fat drops of rain that fell out of the prematurely dark sky. Hastily opening the door, I turned the key in the ignition but instead of the instant response, all I heard was a low droning sound coming from a truly dead engine. Cursing myself for probably leaving the lights switched on when I arrived for work early that morning, I sat there in disbelief, this latest problem the culmination of a day's misery.

The knock on the window made me jump and I stared at the tall figure of a man as he tried to shelter from the constant onslaught of the rain. I recognized Daniel Masters, one of the Directors of the company I worked for, and wound the window down.

"What's up?" he yelled as the wind continued to howl.

"Engine's dead," I shouted back and looked at him in dismay.

He ran around and dived into the passenger seat shaking drops of water from his dark hair. Daniel Masters was new to the company, an American who, if rumours were true, had been sent over from the headquarters in San Francisco to make half the workforce redundant. Here in the UK we were just not living up to the American ideal and I knew heads would roll.

"Is there anything I can do?" he asked as we both stared at each other. I was surprised he had ventured out of his company BMW to help and could only think he had been watching me from his office window.

"I think I left my lights on this morning. It was dark when I arrived."

"It's Kate, isn't it? How did you enjoy the conference?"

I was stunned. For a Director to remember my name was unheard of and I stuttered over my answer, feeling even more of a fool. "Um, it was OK. A bit long though."

Daniel laughed. "That's what I like about you lot. You speak your mind!"

I relaxed a bit and smiled back at him, noticing his good looks, his unruly dark hair and hazel eyes. He filled the passenger seat of my small car and I caught a faint tang of aftershave.

"Look, I'll give you a lift home if you want. I can't leave you here alone."

I hesitated. Normally I would have phoned my parents to come and pick me up but as they were on holiday, it would have been difficult.

"Or maybe get your husband or boyfriend to sort you out?"

"I'm not married - and I don't a have a boyfriend for that matter either." I smiled and felt a small twist of desire shoot through me. To say I hadn't noticed Daniel Masters before would be wrong. Most of the female staff were probably fantasising about him and although contact with him had been brief, we had exchanged a couple of glances as we passed in the corridors and there was certainly a level of interest on my part.

"Lock it up and sort it out tomorrow." His words were almost an order and I obeyed without thinking, following him to his BMW parked in the reserved spot just outside the main entrance to the building. He opened the passenger door for me and soon I was cocooned in warmth and comfort as we made our way out onto the main road that ran through the industrial estate.

"Where do you live?"

"Out in the country, I'm afraid. It's a bit of a trek."

Daniel smiled and put his foot down as we wound our way through the country lanes. "You live alone?"

I nodded. "Well, apart from my cat. I like it."

He looked at me and I wondered whether the other rumours were true. That his marriage was on the verge of a breakdown, his wife resentful at leaving the States and the move perhaps a step too far for both of them.

"Am I taking you far out of your way?"

"Yes, but don't worry. I couldn't leave you there and this weather looks like it's set in for the night."

I gazed out of the window as the hedges and fields rushed past and felt a small quiver of anticipation. It had been six months since I had been involved with anyone and I missed the closeness it brought. At 26 I was young and there was plenty of time, but the lack of a physical relationship was starting to worry me.

"Turn right here, and then it's the cottage on the left."

Daniel brought the car to a halt and turned off the engine. I looked at him and felt that twist again as he gazed back at me, a questioning look in his eyes. Was he expecting to be invited in for a drink?

"Glass of wine?" I asked, feeling an air of tension between us.

"That would be lovely." He smiled and I shivered with that delicious feeling of anticipation that seemed to be missing from my life just lately.

Unlocking the door, he followed me into my tiny cottage which was tidy and free from the usual clutter that seemed to fill every room.

"Be careful of the beams! They're a bit low!"

Daniel laughed as he ducked underneath them, his tall frame making my rooms seem suddenly a lot smaller.

"Is red OK?" I called out from the kitchen as I uncorked a bottle of Californian Zinfandel, pouring two large glasses in an effort to get him to stay longer.

I returned to the living room to find him engrossed in my bookshelves and handed him the glass.

"You have a nice place here, Kate. Very sweet."

I looked at him in case he was being sarcastic but his face was serious.

"It's been a long time since I lived alone. I miss that sometimes."

I looked at him in surprise. "I must say you're not as I imagined you would be."

He looked back at me and smiled. "Why's that?"

"Well, I just thought all the Directors were a bit remote, that's all."

He laughed. "Some of us can be. But I like the UK. I like the people."

"So you're glad you came here, then?"

He hesitated and I knew that some of the rumours had a basis in truth. "It's been great, but sometimes a bit hard..."

I looked at him as he went over to study a picture on the wall. "Some of my family have found it difficult to adjust."

"Well I can understand that. I'm sorry but I don't really know a lot about you, Daniel."

He turned to face me and I could almost sense his thoughts as he looked at me. "How long have you worked for Jefferson's?"

I had to think as he waited for an answer. "Oh heavens! About two years I think."

"And you enjoy it?"

I paused. The truth was I disliked it but the job paid well and was convenient. But I knew that soon I would probably no longer be needed. Now was the time to ask but I just couldn't. I suddenly realised that I didn't want to upset him or make him angry. He no longer seemed the enemy.

"It's OK," I answered and poured him some more wine from the bottle.

"Hey, steady on!" he laughed. "I've got to drive home!"

I laughed as well and the tension disappeared as the talk turned to safer subjects, our mutual interest in walking being one of them.

All too soon, Daniel's glass was empty and he stood up from where he had been lounging on my sofa. I felt a pang of regret as he made his way to the door. It would have been interesting if he had turned out to be one of those men who abused his position in the company and I wondered whether I would have given into his demands.

But he was a gentleman throughout and as we said goodnight, he gently brushed my cheek with his lips.

"That was great," he said and looked at me with concern. "How are you going to get to work tomorrow?"

"Oh, a neighbour will give me a lift, don't worry. They can then start the car with some jump leads."

I waved goodbye as he got into the car, a strange feeling of emptiness filling me as I closed the door and made my way back into the living room. Feeling restless I studied my bookshelves as well, wanting to see what he had seen and wondering what he had thought of me.

That night in bed, I awoke in the early hours and couldn't get back to sleep. I tried to recall all the times I had come into contact with Daniel but could only think of two or three. He was a bit older than me, I guessed. Fifteen to twenty years was a good estimate but the age gap didn't seem to matter. In his mid forties, he seemed to be in his prime and I shuddered at the thought of him being with me, his hard body next to mine as he explored me properly.

The sudden need for him overwhelmed me and I reached down to my wet vagina that was aching for his touch. Gently rubbing my fingers along the slit I felt the pleasure grow as his face appeared before me. I groaned and rubbed harder, my mind imagining him doing that to me before he entered me fully and filled me up. These thoughts continued to torture me as I slipped two fingers into my wet opening, my legs spreading wide in desire and need. With my left hand I rubbed my nipples, the reaction instant as I imagined him sucking and licking them. How would he feel, I wondered. And would he want me too?

My right hand returned to my swollen clitoris and I moaned again as I felt the orgasm grow and build within me. I needed a man and I realised I needed Daniel. I needed him deep inside me, his face next to mine as we groaned and called out each other's names. I rubbbed harder and harder, his face a permanent fixture in my mind as I neared that delicious feeling of release.

When it came I shuddered and shook as the feelings overwhelmed me. It was the sweetest sensation and I knew that the reality would be the same. Had I really detected that air of attraction between us? I could only hope so...


Of course, over the next few months I barely set eyes on him. The black BMW was missing from the car park and at times I believed he had disappeared for good. The season slowly changed from summer to autumn and I felt my usual sense of sadness at the passing of the warm weather. Daniel had been gone for two months now and I had almost forgotten our meeting when one morning, as I drove into the car park, the black BMW was back in its reserved spot.

I felt a tingle of anticipation as I parked my car and made my way up to the large open-plan office where my desk was situated. Today was a meeting day, when all the employees took part in workshops and small conferences. Dressing for the colder weather I had chosen a short skirt with opaque black tights and a pretty, tight jumper that emphasised my larger than average breasts. I knew I looked good and hoped that Daniel would be included in one of my groups to appreciate my appearance. My long dark hair had just been cut and a recent make-up lesson had been put to good use. There was no denying I felt wonderful and I bubbled with enthusiasm and well-being.

My first meeting was in the conference room and I looked around at the group of boring people in dismay. The morning dragged and I kept glancing at the clock willing it to be midday when I knew we would all meet in the restaurant and take lunch together. A buffet had been laid on and we were expected to socialise and mingle.

The time came and I met up with my colleagues who had experienced the same mind-numbing boredom as me.

"Hey, I see Daniel Masters is back," I heard a woman say as she drank a glass of champagne, her eyes following him around the room. "He's the only good thing about this bloody company."

I followed her gaze and watched as he spoke to a group of fellow Directors, his arms waving around as he recounted some story or another. He looked happy and relaxed and I felt a stab of regret that he wasn't mine.

"Heard the latest?" my colleague asked as she helped herself to a sandwich.

Our small group of women listened as she recounted how Daniel had been in the States for the last few months trying to save his marriage. How she knew such private details I couldn't imagine, but I felt a sense of disappointment that he was now out of bounds.

"Does he have children?" another woman asked as she gazed at him over the rim of her champagne glass.

Our informant nodded and lowered her voice. "Oh yes, two little girls. They're beautiful."

"Angela! How do you know all this?" I asked in amazement. I felt guilty that we were discussing Daniel's private life but normally I wouldn't have cared. The Directors of the company were as fair game for gossip as the rest of us.

"Oh, I can't reveal my sources!" Angela laughed and we all joined in. The sound made several heads turn and Daniel glanced over in surprise. I blushed as he noticed me and held my gaze for a little longer than was necessary. He seemed to remember the evening of the storm and smiled before turning away.

The afternoon dragged on and all hopes of being in the same meeting as Daniel were dashed. By the early evening I was desperate to get home and relax, the unremitting meetings and corporate mumbo-jumbo beginning to take its toll on my nerves and humour. By 6pm I had had enough and thankfully the manager in charge of our little group had too. We were released from the stuffy conference room and I made my way out into the chill Autumn dusk with a sense of relief.

Unlocking the car door, I heard steps behind me and then a deep American accent brought me out of my daydreams of a hot bath and a soppy film. "Car OK tonight?"

I turned to see Daniel standing behind me, the setting sun behind him so I couldn't read the expression on his face. I laughed and opened the car door as if to get in. "No it's fine tonight, thank you. I'll never do that again!"

"That's a shame," he murmured moving closer. "I enjoyed taking you home and rescuing you."

I looked at him as he stood in front of me, surprised at what he was saying. "Well, I was really grateful for what you did. Thank you."

"Oh, Kate! Stop saying thank you. Anyone would have wanted to help you out."

I smiled and slid down onto the driver's seat. Daniel closed the door and I unwound the window. "Let me take you for a drink tonight, Kate. Try and make up for the awful day we've both had."

I hesitated. Thoughts of his wife and family came into my mind and Daniel saw my reticence.

"Look Kate, it's just a drink. We don't get to know our staff too well and I like you. You looked like you were having fun at lunch. I envied you in that."

"What about your wife, Daniel? Won't she mind you taking a woman out for a drink?"

He had the grace to look embarrassed and raised his hands, palm sides facing me. "Look Kate. We can just go out for a drink and I'll drop you off at home. OK? Nothing more."

I smiled again and nodded. "I'd like that."

We arranged for Daniel to follow me home and then go to the local pub in the village. I wanted to know more about him and any thoughts of his family were pushed to the back of my mind. I told myself it was just a drink with a colleague but I couldn't help the shiver of anticipation that tingled down my spine at the thought of spending an evening in his company.

The local pub was quiet when we arrived and while Daniel went to the bar to order the drinks I settled into a comfy armchair by the fire. The evening was chilly and I relaxed back into the warmth and watched Daniel as he chatted to the Landlord. He seemed so confident, his attitude relaxed and laid back but I knew a sharp business brain operated behind that friendly facade. He was charming to me and to everyone but I knew of his reputation of ruthlessness and I was sure he could be hard when he wanted.

"So what were you talking and laughing about at lunchtime?" he asked as he placed a bottle of red wine on the table in front of us.

I hesitated. Should I tell him the truth? Or pretend it was just girly talk?

"We were talking about you, as a matter of fact." I looked up at him teasingly.

"Really? And why was that?"

"Oh Daniel, you must realise you're the subject of gossip in the company? Everyone likes to know what's going on and you lot are more interesting than us!" I laughed and looked at him wondering how far I could go.

"I doubt that, Kate. I'm just your normal average guy."

I giggled and he handed me my wine. "Oh, you're not! No way!"

"Well, what do you want to know?" he asked, grinning at me as he sat in the chair opposite.

"Oh, some background would be good..."

"Ok. Where do you want me to start?"

"Well, family? You know, the usual things."

"So you can go back and feed your female friends with gossip about me?"

I suddenly became serious. "No, Daniel. Of course not. Is that how you think of me?"

"Lighten up, Kate! No I don't! Just thought I would wind you up a little, that's all!"

He sipped his wine and looked at me over the rim of the glass. "Whatever you've heard is bound to be wrong anyway. Ever thought that?"

I shook my head. "No, but I would like to get to know you better."

Daniel smiled and over the next hour we chatted about his wife, his move over from the States and also his lack of children.

"I thought you had two little girls!"

"Well, you thought wrong then, Kate. My wife is not interested at all. One of the issues we have is her career. How she gave up her job to follow me here and how resentful she is. That is true, I must admit. And as for the two little girls - they'll be my nieces, I should imagine. I have a photo of them on my desk."

I felt a little better. Somehow I hated the thought of him being with me while his family were left at home. "So, any plans to have children?"

"Not as far as I know. My wife is just not the maternal sort."

He laughed but I could see a hint of sadness behind the humour. "What about you? You're young, very attractive..." he grinned and I smiled back at him, loving the easy banter between us.

"Well, not at the moment, anyway. Life's just too busy!"

"You know, Kate, you remind me of someone...You look so much like her."

"Do I?" I giggled, the wine beginning to have an effect on me. "Who?"

Daniel became pensive. "Oh, I knew her a long time ago, Kate. You wouldn't even have been born. She was beautiful. Just like you."

I looked at him as I realised he was very serious. For a moment he seemed lost in thought and I wondered what this woman had been like and how she had affected him so much.

"Maybe I'll tell you sometime, hey?"

I nodded and finished my wine. I noticed the bottle was empty but somehow Daniel had only managed one glass.

"Let me take you home, Kate. It's getting late."

I stood up and felt very light-headed. Daniel took my arm and guided me out of the warm pub and into the chilll evening air. His arm was warm and I leant into him, loving the feeling of him being close. I needed him badly but I imagined that he would drop me off at home and then return to his wife. As ever, the perfect gentleman.

At the door to my cottage he turned to me and kissed me passionately, his lips warm against mine. I reached up and put my arms around him, drawing him closer, wanting to feel his body next to me.

"Oh, Kate, this shouldn't be happening," he groaned into my hair. "But you feel so good."

I responded by hugging him tighter and felt the beginnings of his erection as he pressed against me. A feeling of pure lust shot through me, my insides melting at the thought of him.

"Please come in, Daniel," I urged as he pulled away from me. "I really need you tonight."

He looked at me in surprise and then pulled me closer again. "Oh Kate. You don't know what you do to me."

I unlocked the door to the cottage and he followed me in, his presence filling the narrow hall. I could smell him and I loved his scent, a combination of cold night air and the faint tang of his lemony aftershave. It filled the small cottage and made me yearn for his touch.

Once we were through the door he held me again and I nestled into his shoulder, hearing the faint beat of his heart. "Look Kate, I think you should have something to eat," he said looking down at me and smiling. "And a coffee?"

I felt a surge of disappointment at his words and followed him into the kitchen. He started opening cupboards and drawers and I had an urge to laugh. He looked so big and sexy in such a domestic setting.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Well, it's been a long time since that buffet today. I just think we should slow things down a little. We've both had a drink and it wouldn't hurt to eat something."


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