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Love Me... Love My Dogs Pt. 03


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We washed each other from top to bottom, and surprisingly, her ministrations actually brought life back to my wilted tool. She led me out of the shower my the dick, and pushed me, still wet, onto my back on the bed, mounting me immediately.

"Ooooooo, that hits the spot," she moaned, "and I do mean 'the spot'!" Droplets of water flew wildly from her wet hair as she rode me harder. More dripped enticingly from her pointed, erect nipples, landing on my chest as her movements shook those perfect breasts dry. I let her do her thing, and she fucked herself into a frantic state.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck my cunt with that big fucking cock! Uhn! Shit! So fucking good!..." she groaned, cursed and screamed, pounding her pussy down onto my intruder, over and over, harder and faster, until her head snapped back and she howled. Her entire body shook and shuddered violently, as she came to a breathtaking orgasm.

She was still quaking when I sat up, grabbing her ass with both hands. I stood up, and turned, dropping us both back on the bed, but with me on top now. She let out an 'oooof' as I crashed down atop her.

This was still all for her, as I had no plans to cum again, nor the illusion I even could cum if I wanted to. No, this was the memory I wanted her to have for the next couple of months. This was the little smile that would appear cryptically on her face when her friends asked about her boyfriend. This was the buzzing I wanted her to feel in her pussy for days.

I fucked her. I mean, I FUCKED her. Gentle loving wasn't even considered, as I drilled her deep, using every inch of my dick to probe her wet cunt. The hotel room filled with the sounds of us rutting like animals. Moans, groans, slapping flesh, protesting mattress springs, gasps of urgent need... and the smell of sex, sweat, and oozing juices.

Christie screeched, and arched her back, cumming again. I considered two orgasms for her to be a good start, but no where near enough. Her eyes bored into mine.

"Fuck, yes! That's it, baby...fuck my brains out! Make me cum over and over, until I can't stand up!"

Since that was pretty much my plan, no comment was required. I just kept thrashing her, and her body virtually bounced between mine and the bed. Another orgasm followed a few minutes later, then yet another quite quickly after that. Her voice began to fade, used up by her screams of bliss. Time for a change.

I pulled out, flipping her onto her tummy immediately, and jamming my rampant dick back into her snatch. I think they call this position, 'lazy dog', but I called it exquisite. Tight, and being entered from an unusual angle, her pussy looked wonderful stretched around my cock, and her ass quivered under every furious thrust. Apparently, this position also stimulated her G-spot more, because she came several times in quick succession, before I was surprised to feel my balls tingling. I growled.

"Oh fuck yes... cum in me please, baby! Let me feel that delicious goo dripping out of me all day while I think of you!" She had hardly finished her request when I did so, pumping my load into her cunt, while she moaned in joy. "Mmmm yes, thank you, baby."

We laid there in a spent pile for a few minutes, the room now deafeningly silent, other than our breathing. Christie finally spoke. Her voice was destroyed.

"Okay," she croaked quietly, giggling at her own sounds. "Now we really need to get moving. Shower number two." She laughed again. "I guess I shouldn't call Mom until my voice comes back. She'll know what we've been doing for sure."

"I think she knows already. She booked the room, remember?" I replied. "But, you're probably right. Calling her would be a bit cruel, given she can't tell anyone."

I let her have the shower first. I needed a few extra minutes, and we didn't want to get sidetracked again, or we'd be late. When she came out, I took her place, and by the time I got out, she was looking fresh as a daisy, perfectly coiffed, immaculately dressed, and quite happy. I was feeling a bit bedraggled, but breakfast would probably fix that. I might not need the nap, after all, but I'd reserve the decision until later.

We walked down to the restaurant, and were seated immediately. I was starving, and it showed in my menu choices : french toast, a double order, with sausage on the side. A chocolate milkshake (weird choice, I know, but traditional ever since I was a kid), and two toasted english muffins, with jam. Christie went with an omelette. I felt like a pig, but she thought it was cute.

"I guess I don't have to ask if I'm making you work hard," she laughed, letting the double entendre go untouched. "I suppose me being away will be something of a vacation for you?"

"More like a prison sentence," I replied. "I'll miss you. Nude selfies, hot texts and phone sex are pale imitations, compared to the real thing. That's you baby...you're the real thing, and I mean that in every way possible." I hadn't intended it to be a flamboyant declaration of my love for her, just letting her know that I would miss her terribly. I was stabbing a sausage on my plate, and looked up.

Christie was looking at me, with tears in her eyes, and her lip was trembling.

"No one's ever said anything like that about me, before," she whispered, looking down at her plate. "Thank you, John. I feel the same way about you. I Love You."

I don't know if I can take another two years of this, I thought. I need her, but this may not be the time to propose. Probably be best to get past the Dad issue first.

I actually ate the whole thing, if you can believe it, although Christie did steal a few bites of english muffin, which in my view only cemented our status as a couple even more. What's mine was hers.

We made it to her campus with fifteen minutes to spare, but used up half that, saying goodbye and getting a few last kisses in. I finally had to kick her out so she wouldn't be late Still, I sat in the truck and waited until she was inside before I headed back to the hotel, where I decided a nap wasn't necessary. I tossed my bag in the back, checked out, and sent Angela a text, as promised, before I hit the road.


I only made one stop on the way home, around the midpoint, to use the restroom, get a snack and a drink. I found Angela's return text on my phone.

Drive safe. Come see me when you get home. Dogs good, she had sent.

Okiedokie. Halfway home. Worst weather is past, I replied. I found a CD to listen to, and headed out again.


It always seems like the trip home is longer than the outward one. That was especially true this time, with that empty seat beside me. There was an end, however, and I pulled into my driveway just after five, pretty much right on schedule.

The dogs went understandably nuts, giving me the maximum volume greeting, which told the whole neighbourhood I was back. Angela appeared out of the woodwork.

"Hi John!" she giggled, watching me get the full treatment from my kids. "I'd like to offer you dinner, if you'll come over at six. Will I be seeing you?" I looked at her, and paused before answering. She read my hesitation. "I promise, it's not an ambush...just a thank you."

"Okay, I'll be there at six," I answered, patting Peabody on the head while Baron licked my face, "assuming I'm allowed to leave!"

It turns out that the affection of beagles is fickle. Who knew? As long as I gave them dinner, they were fine with me leaving again, and I did, walking next door. I rang the doorbell, and waited patiently. When the door opened, there was Angela, looking beautiful. My spider senses were tingling. Something was not the way I expected it to be.

Dinner was great, with Angela's great cooking as usual. What was missing was Angela's partner ; Ed was not in attendance. Having dinner alone with her was making me a little nervous, although she was giving no reason for me to be, other than her attire. While it's true that she was fully dressed, it did seem to me that something might be missing under her blouse, as two distinct points were showing clearly, and 'things' were moving about rather freely. Christie's rack was a picture of youthful perfection and abundance. It appears that mother and daughter had that in common, although Angela's figure had more mature curves. I wasn't trying to check her out, but I wasn't blind either.

We sat around the table, talking, after dinner had been consumed.

"So, Ed's at work?" I asked innocently.

"Yeah. It happens occasionally," she laughed, toying with her coffee cup. "Not a big deal, but with Christie away at school, I do get a little lonely sometimes. It's nice to have someone to talk to."

"Anytime neighbour," I smiled. Those tingles were getting harder to ignore.

"I have to admit, John," she smiled back, "I'm a bit surprised you're still standing." I looked at her quizzically. "If Christie is anything like I was at her age...and I know that she is all of that and more...she's got to be wearing you out!"

I choked on my coffee. When I looked at her, and those two bullets were poking out through her blouse again.

"Angela, are you sure we should be having this conversation?" I asked.

"Hell no!" she giggled, "but you've got to cut me some slack in this case. You can't expect me to know what I know, and sit here silently. I can't talk to Ed about it. I'm sure as hell not going to spread it around the neighbourhood. That only leaves you."

She was right. I nodded. It was going to be strange, gossiping about myself with her.

"She does have quite an appetite," I relented.

"How many? Last night, I mean?" Angela asked, leaning forward eagerly. Her breasts bulged up into the neck of her blouse as she rested them on the table.

"Let's just call it several, with some more this morning," I answered, amazed I was talking to her like this.

"Really? And you're doing this the old fashioned way?" she gasped. "No little blue helpers?

"Jesus, Angela!" I laughed, surprised at her brazen question. "No helpers. Just her mouth." Hah, two can be brazen.

"Too much information, John!"

"You asked!" I decided to escalate things. If she wanted to flirt, I could play along. "She does this thing with her tongue..." Angela's hands covered her ears.

"Fuck! La la la la la, I can't hear you!" she laughed. There was a long silence." Seriously, John. I'm not trying to discourage your relationship, but I have a few concerns."

"Elaborate, please?" I replied.

"Well, she's a young woman, with, as you said, quite an appetite. Will you be able to satisfy her? You're not getting any younger, are you?"

"I feel younger than I have in thirty years," I answered, "but I get your point. There's always the blue pills. She might even like those better."

"Right, but you have to want to," she said. "When Ed and I got married, he kept me happy, but after ten years, he was less interested, and I was getting frustrated. Now...shit, I can't even remember the last time we had sex. He's only twelve years older than me. You're... well, do I need to say it?"

"Talk about too much information!" I laughed.

"Hey, I know about your love life. It's only fair you know about mine," she smiled. I'd seen a similar look in Christie's eyes on occasion, usually just before she wanted to go to bed. "Any man your age who can satisfy a woman her age gets my attention. I can't help it."

Houston, we have a problem. There was no doubt about it now. My intuition had been correct.

Angela was hitting on me. She was flashing me some nice cleavage, and hitting on me.

My neighbour...my married neighbour, who just happened to be the mother of my girlfriend...and who also holds our secret relationship in her grasp...was hitting on me.

Somehow, 'complicated' just doesn't quite describe it adequately.


Thanks for reading. If you have any input for future chapters please let me know.

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NitpicNitpicover 1 year ago

How come the women in this authors stories don't wear panties?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well-written story; keep Mom in line, though. I don't want to see her spoil everything.

chytownchytownabout 3 years ago

*****Very entertaining fun read with a lot of sex and twists and turns. Looks like more fun about to start!! Thanks for sharing.

AmazonBeauty1966AmazonBeauty1966over 6 years ago
Well Now!

What is this?? A twist you've added?? On to the next!!

Thank you :)

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57over 7 years ago

It's really good now that Mom knows. Can't wait to see how this plays out. Five stars!!

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 8 years ago
John, Surprise!

Wow, that's new, Angela knows and she wants also?

Complicated relationship.

And Christie, she agree?

5* for you.

I apologize for my English, is not my native language.

Dark_StormDark_Stormover 9 years ago
The promise

John promises Angela he won't get Christie pregnant, but I don't recall him ever having a birth control conversation Christie, even though he's been doing her bareback from the get-go.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story

Really like the style and the plot so far, Thanks for writing such a good series. Re a folllow-up chapter, yes please, but do keep mum off limits as that would ruin the supposed true love theme.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Finish the story.

You need to finish this story already its been forever so come on next chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Dangerous road ahead

He's courting disaster if he succumbs to Angela, not just from the father but Christie too. This could spell disaster all round. Perhaps poor Ed could have a fatal accident and ease remove some of the complications.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Great story.. i love the way you add a compicated things which Christie's mother involved.. But please keep Christie and John together and married..I've waited for the next chapter like ever.. From Indonesia

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great story so far

I love the romantic aspect of this story between Christie and John, I'm hoping like hell it doesn't get messed up somehow. I'd like to see them weather any storm necessary and see it through and they end up happily ever after. Just my two cents but great writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
You are gifted!!!

Love your subject matter and the way you weave dialog and events together so erotically - this is why I love all of your story lines so far - great imagination too! You have a lot of material left to deal with, not the least of which is bringing dad into the know , but also the horny mom. I think that the frustrated mom needs to be involved with both daughter and neighbor but not sure to what degree - the mom - daughter angle, excluding the disintrested dad, would also give added dimension to the relationship already going on. Can't wait for the next installments!!!!!

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