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Love Prevails


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"Take your time Olivia. We can go slowly. I think that we both need to go slowly. I have fears too, and am deeply afraid of opening my heart. Just know that we are in this together."

Olivia noticed an older woman walking out of the forest as she stared out of the window, and told Jemaya about her. She pulled away from her a little, kissed the young woman softly, and went to the kitchen door to greet her guest.

Olivia decided that retreating was the only way to pull herself together. She pondered where to go, and felt inspired to go to the studio. She knew that what Jemaya had spoken of was true. She needed to open up to her own inner creativity; She could feel its presence within. She knew it could heal her, if she would just let it do so.

She walked down the hall, past all of the rooms she had not explored yet and into the studio to sit at the piano. The last time she had been in there, she had made love to Jemaya. What a beautiful memory, a memory that she knew she would never forget. She thanked the space for having her, and began to play the piano softly. The music quickly grabbed her into its force field and she sat there in musical bliss. An almost melancholic sound came through her fingertips, and brought her on a wild journey for hours.

Jemaya and her guest, Sylvie, sat quietly. She was an older Native woman who Jemaya spent deep spiritual time with once in a while. They hardly ever spoke when they did spend time together, but this time it was because of the music coming from the studio. Jemaya was happy that Olivia had listened to her, and knew that this was just the beginning of her creative journey. Both Sylvie and Jemaya were moved to tears many times, and soon Sylvie left silently, leaving her alone in the kitchen.

After some time, she went to the studio and floated in quietly. Olivia's eyes were closed, and she looked as though she were in a very deep place. Jemaya respected this, and stood in quiet awe of the younger woman's ability to improvise musically, portraying her feelings so profoundly.

After a while, Olivia finally opened her eyes and saw Jemaya standing nearby, and stopped playing. Her fingers buzzed from the energy of what she had just played. She spent a few moments coming back to reality.

"You play very well, my dear. You brought my visitor and I to tears a few times. You are so very deep Olivia, deeper than you know," Jemaya said softly, and sat beside her on the piano bench.

Olivia's heart began to beat quite fast with the nearness of Jemaya, knocking ice shards from it. It had become frozen over the years, too much heartbreak, too many wounds, and too much pain. Jemaya threatened the safety of her frozen heart, but deep inside of her, she wanted it to melt, so that she could feel again. Olivia leaned into her, knowing the risk, knowing the warmth. Jemaya put her arms around her, and she felt even more warmth, and more melting. She knew then that she was led to Jemaya to heal her heart, to let it melt safely in her embrace. Home was there in her arms. She thought about all of this, turned to her and kissed her, first softly, then gathering strength, to a wonderful wildness. They held each other closer while kissing, and eventually fell off of the piano bench. Olivia wondered if the fall had hurt Jemaya, so she pulled away and searched for wounds, but Jemaya pulled her back into the wildness.

Jemaya had been thinking similar things, and feeling similar things. She had been feeling her heart becoming less cold all day, and had begun to allow it. She was thankful that Olivia made the first move, because she was afraid to. It was beginning to feel so good, this new warmth. It felt so good to be touched again, by someone's loving hands and body.

Olivia wondered if this was what real love was like, this loving passion that she had only heard of, read about, or had seen in movies. A passion she had never been able to feel and explore. It was madness, this amazing act of creating love, where the feeling was mutual and agreed upon.

They moved like turbulent, wild waves of the ocean, moving like the tide coming in across the floor. They ended up crumpled in a naked and tangled pile, somewhere next to the easel, where Jemaya always painted.

Olivia opened her eyes and realized that it was dawn, and they were in that sacred space of creation, together. Jemaya still held her close, but had fallen asleep after the last remnants of wild goddesses madly making love throughout the night. Everything was so very still. Olivia had not moved at all, because Jemaya's graceful, gorgeous being was wrapped all around her, and she did not want to wake her. She wanted to gaze upon her beauty for as long as she could, savoring it. She soaked in her dawn-lit body, wrapped in painting sheets, showing beautiful, vast, valleys and meadows, entire nature kingdoms on her soft figure. She wanted to paint this scene. She wanted to sing the song of that moment with her, but remained quiet, so as not to awaken her. She melted herself more into Jemaya's meadows and valleys, and fell asleep again wrapped up in her arms.

Jemaya woke at around 8:00 in the morning, and gazed at her young lover. She felt overwhelmed by Olivia's beauty, and took a bit of time to admire her naked curves, and shining black hair. She smiled to herself, amazed that this sweet young thing wanted her. She didn't understand why Olivia would be so enamored by her, but she wasn't about to question it at that point. She carefully got up without disturbing Olivia, and quietly left the studio to shower, dress and make coffee. She sat down with her sketch pad, and tried to draw Olivia's body by memory, getting lost in the lines that she drew. She felt that finally, she had found her beloved muse.

When Olivia's eyes opened again, it felt to her like it was about noon, and she was no longer wrapped up with her goddess lover. She searched for her in the large studio, but she wasn't there. The sun shone beautifully through the many windows in the room, making Jemaya's paintings even more vibrant. She rose, gathered her clothes, which were strewn about the room, and dressed. She found Jemaya in the kitchen, looking relaxed, lovely and lustrous. Jemaya seemed to be in her own world, writing or drawing once again. The radio was on, playing some great Jazz music. She tried to feel the energy in the room, reading Jemaya, but she could only feel her own inner calmness.

"Good morning, Jemaya," she finally said and poured herself a cup of coffee. Jemaya jumped a bit when Olivia spoke, for she had not seen or heard her at all. She had been in deep thought, writing down her feelings, and drawing in her sketchbook. She loved writing, and drawing new ideas for paintings. It always brought her to a peaceful state.

"Oh! Good morning Olivia! You surprised me! How are you, my dear?" she said, smiling.

Olivia noticed how shining and radiant Jemaya looked. She leaned against the counter, and told Jemaya that she felt marvelous. They smiled at each other, and Jemaya got up, went to her and hugged her. Olivia felt that the hug was a reassuring one, and knew that Jemaya was happy. The night before had only enhanced the new depth between them. Jemaya leaned against the counter beside Olivia, and they looked out the windows at the gorgeous sunny day. Moments like that, they both felt, could go on forever. The radio played a Dave Brubeck song, inspiring them to move from where they stood. They sat down next to each other with their coffees. Jemaya looked at Olivia after a few moments, concerned about her new lover's silent state.

"Are you really okay Olivia?"

Olivia looked at Jemaya smiling calmly.

"I have never felt better Jemaya. But I am not sure what all of this means. Can you tell me?" she replied, feeling shy once again.

Jemaya smiled, held the young woman's hands and said,

"All of this could mean anything we want it to mean. Are you happy, Olivia?"

Olivia felt into what her feelings were and said,

"Yes I am happy. Incredibly happy."

Jemaya smiled again and said,

"Then there is nothing to worry about. All that matters is what is happening right now. I am happy, and you are happy, and that is obviously a rare and wonderful thing for both of us."

She leaned in and kissed Olivia, and made her quickly feel phenomenal. Someone knocked at the door, and startled both of them. The moments of peace left them suddenly. Jemaya apologized for the interruption, and went to answer the door.

A few moments later, a tiny Native elder woman entered with Jemaya. Jemaya introduced her as Sylvie, and Olivia got up to give her a hug, acknowledging that it was an honour to meet a friend of Jemaya's. Sylvie nodded, sat down and gazed at the young woman, almost glaring. There was a kindness though, there in her eyes. She studied her, as if trying to read a good book in as little time as possible. Olivia felt nervous by the elder woman and didn't know what to do with herself. Jemaya patted her on the hand and told the quiet elder that Olivia was a wonderful person to have around.

Olivia thought that she must have told Sylvie a little more the day before when she had visited.

"She's a special one. I think she's a keeper," Jemaya said and giggled.

Sylvie still had her eyes on Olivia and then looked at Jemaya for a while, in silence. She replied finally to what Jemaya had said.

"She is a special one and you have a depth between you that I have never seen, a good magic. You should keep her around Jemaya; she will be good for you. She has a love that is like no other, broad, vast, deep and unconditional. You should wrap this love around you Jemaya, it is a good and true love."

Olivia wondered if the woman was reading her mind, seeing everything that was deep inside of her. She was not sure if she liked the feeling.

Jemaya held Olivia's hand, and smiled warmly at her. Olivia wondered to herself, if Sylvie knew what was really happening between Jemaya and herself.

Jemaya knew of Sylvie's power, and knew that she couldn't hide anything. She felt a little at ease, hearing what Sylvie had said about Olivia, having always trusted her judgment.

The phone suddenly rang. She excused herself, and got up to answer it cheerfully. Sylvie and Olivia sat together quietly. She was a powerful woman, and Olivia could feel her intensity deep within. Sylvie leaned closer to her stared into her eyes and said,

"You have powerful medicine within you Olivia, a profound magic. Jemaya sees it, and I see it. Wise one, we honor you."

She gazed deeply into her eyes, and Olivia's head began to spin. Sylvie's gaze became like an eagle's gaze, and also became too much for the younger woman. Her world began spinning out of control, and she started feeling like she was going to fall into some sort of abyss. Everything became blurry, everything spinning faster around her, and she fell onto the floor into a strange deep blackness.

Jemaya had seen it all happen, and knew that Olivia simply couldn't handle Sylvie's power yet. She herself had had a similar reaction when she first started spending time with the wise woman. It was some sort of spiritual test that the medicine woman had to conduct, to fully understand someone's power. Sylvie had already gotten to Olivia, and held her close to her, singing a medicine song. Jemaya sat next to her, feeling bad that she hadn't had time to explain all of this to Olivia. She sang along with Sylvie, and knew that it was a very powerful healing song. Sylvie, no doubt knew what Olivia had suffered through recently, and it would be easier for Olivia to begin to heal in this state. She also knew that Sylvie would never tell her what she saw.

When they had finished the healing ceremony, Jemaya and Sylvie carried Olivia up to Jemaya's bedroom so that she could keep an eye on her. Sylvie left silently, as she always did, trusting Jemaya to watch over the young woman. She indeed had seen what Olivia had gone through, and knew it would be a while until Olivia could heal it all and be free of her incredibly deep inner wounds.

Chapter Four

Olivia came to consciousness at some point, not sure how long she had been in the strange darkness. She looked around the large, quite beautiful room, enjoying the softness of the big bed overlooking the ocean and part of the garden. The spring rain fell lightly outside, making everything a vibrant green. She looked around the room with her eyes half closed, for her head had begun to pound. She guessed that the room was Jemaya's. It felt to Olivia like it would be hers. The walls were a comforting shade of ocean green, a sanctuary from the paintbrush, the pen, and the road.

She wondered what time it was and what day. She tried to figure out what had happened, but it made her head hurt even more.

Jemaya floated gracefully into the room then, and was surprised to see her awake. She hurried to sit next to Olivia, looking full of worry and concern. She reached out and touched the young woman's cheek, cooing lovingly like a mother pigeon.

Her touch seemed to melt some more ice from Olivia's heart, and relieved her pounding head. She felt different somehow, but could not pin the feeling. She felt lighter, more open and trusting.

"Hello my love. How are you feeling? I am so sorry that I didn't have a chance to tell you before Sylvie showed up again. She is a Medicine Woman, and has a strange way of going about healing people. You are a sensitive one, and she didn't think you would react so intensely. You must have needed a deeper kind of healing. Oh Olivia, I missed you, and I was so worried. But, I trust her, and have been through similar experiences with her. Are you okay?" she said, touching her face again.

Olivia pulled her down, gently beside her, so that she could hold onto her.

"I am fine, just lay with me," she said quietly, and held her close. She didn't care about what had happened, she just needed to be close to Jemaya. Amber wafted around them, making Olivia want to breathe in her scent continuously. She let go of the strange happenings with Sylvie, not sure of what to think. She simply couldn't anyway. She hugged Jemaya closer and inhaled her sweet earthy scent. She kissed her neck, tasting amber on her lips, and then kissed her lips softly. There was no wildness, only gentleness flowing around and through them.

Jemaya was not sure if it was okay to make love so soon after such an intense healing, but returned the soft kisses. She told Olivia again that she had missed her and that she was sorry for not telling her sooner about Sylvie.

"Shhhh, Jemaya, shhhhh," she said and kissed her again. Wildness began to creep in, and took hold of them. They became like lions, feline lovers, loud, mad, crazed women intertwining energies. They rolled, played and created love colours into the night, and slept then, curled up with one-another, naked and wet. Dreamtime swept in and took them on its carpet ride of magical occurrences. Healing had truly begun.

Jemaya woke first, to the sun shining in the windows. She turned her head to look at her sweet lover, still quietly sleeping. She enjoyed waking up to Olivia in her bed, and hoped that it would happen more often. She tried to memorize Olivia's image, for future artistic use. Her body was perfect in every way, in her romanticized artist's eyes. She felt so full of love and could not wait for Olivia to wake, so she kissed her lover, waking her gently.

"The day is here, my love!" she said, beaming happily. "The sun is saying good morning, touching us with it's radiance, warming us like top soil. Now, we must get something for you to eat. You must be starving."

Olivia could not believe how lucky she was to wake up to such a beautiful being, smiling so happily at her. She felt radiant and full of life.

"Mmmmm my goddess lover. I could think of something I would like to eat," she said and growled. She kissed Jemaya's luscious lips and claimed them as hers. She rolled on top of her, giggling, and kissing her softly. She felt so wondrous, in that moment, and wondered how life could get to be so good, so simple and so full of love and joy.

Jemaya was feeling very similar feelings. She smiled greatly, pushed Olivia off of her and moved on top of her sensually, making both of their bodies want to sing "Hallelujah!" Olivia felt Jemaya's hand move between her legs, parting her labia and entering her wet yoni. She was transported quickly into another world. Jemaya's fingers were masterful, and worked slowly, then quickly, then slowly again. Olivia tried to touch Jemaya there as well, but Jemaya said,

"No honey, this is for you."

She was gentle then, and Olivia lapped up her loving like a parched doe would, drinking up fresh spring water. Jemaya was like the mysterious moon to her, vanilla and amber scented. Strange things floated through her mind. She surrendered to Jemaya's touch and was lost again in her ebbing tide. She opened herself into the liquid movement, and Jemaya took her away again, to her loving world.

Olivia opened her eyes again, to the daylight. She decided to get up and eat, and perhaps do some gardening. The sun was out and it looked heavenly outside. Jemaya's scent was still in the air, still all over Olivia. She loved everything about that. It was overwhelmingly sensual to her. She dressed and trotted downstairs after having a shower. She could hear Jemaya playing the piano beautifully, Pachebel's Canon. What she was playing moved Olivia and she could not seem to get enough of who she was. She wanted to know everything, but knew that she would have to be patient. She poured herself a coffee, got a bowl of cereal, and sat down to eat.

Someone knocked at the door. Jemaya yelled, "Come in!" Olivia wondered how Jemaya had heard the knocking from the studio. She suddenly felt weird and wondered if it was Sylvie. Perhaps Jemaya knew the feeling well.

Jemaya came through, stopped first to kiss Olivia and went to greet the visitor.

"Hello Sylvie!" Olivia heard her say happily. She heard Sylvie ask if she was okay.

"Yes! And she just got up," Jemaya said and brought her into the room. Olivia was nervous, and wasn't sure if she could handle another strange blackout.

"Why don't we have coffee in the greenhouse room?" Jemaya said, and poured the coffees. Olivia got up, grabbed her coffee and followed the two women. The greenhouse room was just off of the kitchen, and had many beautiful plants around a sitting area. The air was moist and smelled fresh and alive. Olivia had seen the room from the outside, but had not entered it yet. She admired a few brightly coloured orchids and then sat next to Jemaya.

Sylvie said point blank,

"I know of your real love, you two, and it brings me much joy. It will be hard at times, but love will always prevail here. The kind of love between you is rare, and will heal many wounds. I have come to give you my blessing."

Jemaya and Olivia went several shades lighter, freaked out that their secret had been discovered. Jemaya, who had guessed that Sylvie might know, was still stunned. Sylvie reassured them though, that the secret within her would be a secret that she would carry to her grave.

Olivia felt herself getting dizzy again in Sylvie's presence. Jemaya put her hand on Olivia's leg, to bring her some peace. She knew that Sylvie's power was overwhelming to Olivia, and that it would take some time to get used to. She also wondered if it would bother Olivia if someone knew that she was the lover of an older woman.

Sylvie pulled out two medicine pouches, hung them around both women's necks and simply walked out the door without another word. They were both quite dazed, so they smoked a cigarette and stared out the window. After a few moments of stillness, Olivia asked Jemaya,

"How can I be useful today, honey? I want a project to work on."

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