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Loving The Moment

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A mother opens her daughter's eyes to worldly ways.
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Loving The Moment

Matis called out to his wife and asked her to let their son and daughter know that the motorhome, which he had spent so much time renovating and cleaning, was finally ready for inspection.

The silver-grey bodywork gleamed, the windows were all polished, and along with that, its streamlined shape remained a wonder to him to behold. He had bought the German-made vehicle on the cheap following a Limoges dealership going bankrupt. The motorhome was second-hand and had been in a poor state at the time and, as the months passed, the vehicle had become an obsession for him to restore and add a few of his personal touches and improvements.

"Katrine, you have a look around it first. I'll go hurry up Natalie and Dion!"

"Okay, darling," she laughs in response to his obvious enthusiasm, "I'll do as you ask of me, although I have been helping you make a few design changes and clean it all up."

What she called the master bedroom, at the back of the vehicle, now had a raised double bed with storage drawers installed underneath and discreet lighting to make it feel like a love nest. If she was to travel, sleep in it, and also meet her husband's frequent claims upon her, then she wanted to do so in comfort and privacy.

"Sorry, I know that I couldn't have gotten this far without you," he replied and drew close before putting an arm around her and nuzzling a kiss to her cheek. His Katrine had indulged him over the time of the vehicle's restoration and she had been glad that their home, on the edge of the city, had room for it to be stored out of sight, and under cover, as he worked on it. "I'm just glad that it's ready in time for the summer break. We can go exploring and spend three weeks in any place that we choose to stop at and have familiar things around us. I'm leaving it to you to make it feel like a 'home from home'."

He was intent on exploring the Dordogne and beyond at a restful pace, enjoying walks through the forests, seeing the lakes and cliffs that lined the rivers, going swimming, and exploring the chateaus. He hoped that his country's architectural history night yet register with his teenage son and daughter. Natalie was getting on for nineteen and would go to college in the autumn; Dion would do the same in a year or so. Then he and Katrine would have more time for themselves and he would ease up on his work.

"Off you go and get Natalie and Dion," Katrine commanded, with a smile, as she stepped onto the bottom tread of the access steps and tugged on the door latch. "You know that they'll need some persuading to come with us on the trip you're planning, don't you?"

"Yes, I do, and as you keep on reminding me."

Katrine saw his lips stiffen in annoyance with what she had suggested, his craggy features aging him. She reached out to brush back his mop of greying hair, the fringe on his forehead poking up rebelliously.

"I'm sure that they will come with us, chéri. They need some persuading, that's all, and I've always known how good you are at that."

They had been driving for hours, stopping en route for a coffee at a lakeside restaurant. The motorhome purred along sweetly, the air-con moderating the temperature inside the spacious cabin.

"Where are you going?" Katrine asked as Natalie was heard to unhook her seat belt.

"To the toilet, mother!"

"Just be careful. The road is twisty and we'll soon be at our stop for the night."

Natalie sighed. She had agreed to go on this jaunt, she who was a young woman past her eighteenth birthday and still going on a 'family' holiday. She was glad to have brought some books along for her to read. There was only so much swimming, playing games, and hiking or mountain biking for her to take. Her brother, Dion, smiled up at her as she passed him before he returned to looking at his iPhone, his fingers tapping out texts to whoever was his latest girl, or girls. He never could stay true to just one.

Trees were to be seen rushing past as she gazed up, through the large skylight her father had fitted and was placed between the solar panels that provided much of the motorhome's electricity.

She knew that her father had worked his magic on their motorhome, the small seating area behind the driver and passenger seats also part of a dining space and kitchen with all mod-cons. Close by were bunk beds that folded down from behind the wipe-down walls that lined much of the subtle but bright interior. Go past the cramped shower room with its toilet and basin and you come to the door that leads into her parent's room with its large bed.

She had found it impossible to say 'no' to travelling with them, just as Dion had done, but she had dreaded being cooped up in this wheeled 'home from home' for so long as they explored a vast area of the countryside all around where they lived, and where she and Dion had their friends. She had already endured having to hear her parents making out, as they had done on their first night out on the road, and you never quite knew what to expect at the next stop-over, whether it was a track off the main road or the holiday sites that were so well-run and had every amenity; swimming pools, water parks but scaled down versions of them, chalets, sanitaire blocks with washrooms and shower cubicles for both sexes, a bar and restaurant where those who were staying could meet and make new friends.

Natalie clung to whatever she could hold as her father manouevred the motorhome over the narrow lanes, the overhanging branches sometimes brushing the roof.

"Is it far now?" she asked and heard her parents laugh. "Okay...okay, so I've reminded you of what I said when I was a kid!"

She laughed too.

All of them had to get along, even if there would be limited privacy, something she found frustrating and had told her mother about. The bathroom was too small to get dressed in so you were bound to be seen doing so by the others, although her parents had their nest.

"Don't worry so and enjoy the days away, Natalie. We're family and whatever we do and see is nothing to be ashamed of.'

"Yeah, sure," she sighed in reply, knowing from her father's look, or occasional touch to his wife's arm or leg as he drove them, what awaited her once more during their night at the next stop. She would have to close her eyes, cover her ears, somehow, and blot out the sounds of them grunting and groaning, the creaking of their mattress as they again had noisy sex. And if that weren't enough, Dion seemed to be working his length as his parents were heard to fuck in their bedroom.

Just where was she to get any peace when all of this was going on around her?

At the end of their second day of travelling, with stops to enjoy a water park, swim, and get soaked in some of the flume rides that broke down remaining doubts about what they had set out on, they arrived at their first proper camping and caravanning site. The sun was setting way out to the west and the wooded hills surrounding their pitch did not block the views of the evening sky and the first sighting of a planet. The manager showed them their pitch on the site map and Matis bought some tokens for the hot water meters that they would find in the shower block, 'separate ones for men and women' he chose to inform them.

"We've not let go of every one of the old ways, just yet, although we try to keep up," he told them.

"That's a relief," Matis joked when the manager left them and after showing them all how to hook up to the pitch's power supply, if they needed or wanted it.

Katrine soon came to a decision when the park's manager had left them.

"Well, after two days on the road and after our fun at the water park, I'm having a shower. I won't use all the water in the tank, I promise."

"You certainly won't," Matis asserted. "Go to the shower block or there will be no water for the rest of us or to wash up things after supper."

Katrine felt a rush of annoyance, not only from what her husband had said but also from the way he had spoken.

"If you insist! I thought you had installed a big enough tank to see us through!"

"I may have done that, but we're on our first expedition so do as I ask, please?"

"Very well, have it your way," Katrine sighed and snatched two water heater tokens from his hand as Maris held them out to her. "Are you coming with me, Natalie?"

"I suppose I'll have to, if I'm to have a good wash."

She wondered how long she would have to endure the inconvenience of walking to the block sanitaire to have a decent shower or some space to move in the toilet. What her father had refurbished in the motorhome was now, it was already becoming clear, a suite for emergencies or two people and not four.

"It will be okay," Katrine sighed, threading her arm through Natalie's as they walked the short distance to the shower block carrying towels and wash bags. "Your father could have warned us and not sprung that on us."

The tokens bought them far too little hot water to make the shower comfortable, but the stalls were clean and private. They soon discovered that special tokens were better than any coins, but it was too late to change things now. So, disgruntled, they dried off and got dressed after experiencing what had been, probably, the coldest and shortest shower either of them had had the misfortune to have.

"Well, that was a waste of time and tokens!" Katrine told Matis as he greeted them, his preparations for a first-night supper, on a proper site, were already underway. "We both had cold showers!"

"Welcome to camping!" Matis laughed. "It won't do you any harm, just this once."

"You can believe it!" Katrine swatted away his hand as he tried to console her, to ease away his wife's anger. "You can sleep alone if you go on like that! I'd rather end the trip now than have to endure another cold shower in there!"

"We'll see it through, all of us, my darling."

An uneasy peace settled on them all, but Natalie realized there was nowhere to hide, to find some peace, given that they were in a confined space and all of them were on edge. Supper passed in virtual silence and the TV, fixed to the ceiling held little interest until they said their 'goodnights'.

It was gone midnight and she couldn't sleep. The overhead light for Dion's bunk cast a weak glow down onto the floor beside her.

"We're missing out on the fuck-fest," Dion was heard to chuckle as his parents made out and eased away their differences on what had happened earlier. "Perhaps our luck will change before the end of our trip."

"For you maybe..."

"Still the virgin, are you?" Dion teased, needlessly.

"Who said I was?"

"No one, sis. It's how you behave that gives it away. You're still so closed in on yourself."

"Thanks, brother. I'll bear it in mind when a handsome guy walks into my life."

Things between them all could only get better, she hoped.

"Don't spoil it!" Katrine began, "We've had a great day out horse-riding and doing things together. Now, Natalie and I want a shower! Don't spoil our fun, we must have enough water heated up by now!"

Matis knew that his wife might well be correct, but he was keeping an eye on water consumption, hot water especially, as the campsite charged by the litre of water tanked up from the standpipe connection set close to the pad they were again parked on. The same went for electricity and so he'd set the timer so that it came on for a short period both in the morning and late afternoon. He was learning as they went along and knew, from the sound of her voice, that Katrine was a little miffed by his attitude.

"I'd prefer it if you went to the shower block again. Dion and I will go over when you return and, after that, we'll have supper somewhere here on the site. How does that sound?"

"I'll let you know when we get back, after our long and hot shower!" Katrine grumbled in reply.

"Go easy on him, Mother," Natalie began, and as they again walked along the path to the sanitaire. "Dad's only looking after us and learning how it goes with his toy."

"I'm his toy!" she muttered in reply and caught her daughter's shocked gaze. "Forget I said that."

"At least we've got some more coins, Mother, tokens I mean, so let's hope they last a bit longer."

"If you can bear to see your mother naked we can share a cubicle and shower," Katrine suggested. "That way the tokens go a lot further and we can wash each other as we go, use what water our money can buy."

"Well," Natalie answered, doubtfully, and unsure about being naked in the shower with her big-breasted mother and feeling inadequate by comparison, blessed as she was but not with a rack that matched Katrine's in any way. "I suppose it's better than having another cold shower. The last one was more than enough for this holiday."

Katrine laughed and skipped along beside her as if they were sisters out on an adventure. "Good, they're my thoughts too. Come on!"

So here they were, mother and daughter, walking over the path that led to the sanitaire, each of them clutching a towel and their toilet bag. As it was early evening they were pleased to see that they were the only ones intending to use the showers.

"Take the one on the end, the one nest to the wall between us and the men's shower room, it's bigger than the others, but not by much."

"How can you tell?" Natalie asked, but she was glad to be away from the entrance door that seemed to be left open most of the time, something she found disconcerting. Anyone, some perv, could just walk in on them and push open the door on them.

Once inside the cubicle, the room echoing dully as they closed the thin door and skid the bolt to lock it Katrine immediately stripped naked and waited impatiently for Natalie to do the same. She saw her daughters' hands trembling.

"Are you nervous to be naked with me in here?"

"No, not really," she answered. "It's been a while since I saw you like this, and it's what I thought yesterday."

Natalie was dismayed at her mother's fleshy figure, her rounded hips, and the fullness of her breasts that she only ever saw shaped by what she wore. Now, naked to her sight and with her mother's strong thighs, hips and the seductive curve of her belly to be seen, she understood why her father would want to take her, to fuck her, as often as time and her mother's willingness to let him in allowed. Her father was not a handsome man but he was lustful and pleased that his woman brought enough for him to keep wanting her. She had some years to go before she could get close to having a figure as voluptuous as her mother's.

Nor had she inherited her mother's fiery temperament that seemed to work on a trip wire, the arguments with her father evidence of that. She considered herself more restrained, bashful, and even shy. Such behaviour had kept her out of the social loops where her brother thrived.

"Come on, Natalie, there's only five minutes of hot water if we're lucky," Katrine urged as she shoved the first token into the slot of the water heater. "This is going to be cozy.".

Reluctantly Natalie undressed, put her clothes on top of Katrine's, on a chair just outside the shower cubicle, and stepped in, closing the door again behind her.. Shyly, she covered her mound with slender-fingered hands, felt the coarseness of her pubic hair, and contrasted that with what she saw of her mother's sex, her slit closed and covered by a thin spiral of dark blonde hair.

"Come here, girl, and I'll wash you!"

Katrine had drawn her closer, under the thin drizzle of water, warm and soothing, and she let her hands roam over her daughter's as she washed her, offering a gentle massage to her skin. She then turned her around so that Natalie was facing her and gently eased her hands away.

"Don't be so modest. My daughter's beautiful and has a lovely, slim, body. I'll treat you to some new clothes while we're away and that includes some nice lingerie, and a skimpy bikini so that any young guys we may meet by the swimming pool, here or wherever else your father takes us, will see what you bring to them."

"I'm not on show, mother. I'm happy with the bathing suit that I have."

"Bathing suit? That sounds so old-fashioned. Besides, it's fun to tease the young guys."

"Perhaps so. Now, pass me the shampoo, please. You'd better get on and wash yourself too before the hot water runs out."

She didn't know why, but her mother's touch on her naked skin, as she was made to turn around again, felt uncommonly reassuring. They were away and could bond again and feel no pressure from her father or Dion.

"I'll wash your hair and then you can do the same for me, although mine's nowhere near so long as yours." Katrine stood close, occasionally pressed against her daughter's back, or her breasts swept over her girl's skin as she rinsed in the shampoo before stepping away. "We haven't done this for a while..."

"No, Mother, we haven't. I'm past those ways of it." It felt nice, though, to have her hair washed and for them to talk, the warm water holding out. Something unusual about the shower wall down at waist height now caught her eye. "Hey, Mother! There's a light shining through a hole in the wall!"

As she gazed at it in puzzlement, Katrine brushed against her shoulder and they both leaned forward to look at it, at a hole some ten centimetres wide with taped edges that had been clearly cut in the shower wall.

Katrine's eyes grew wide and a smile formed on her lips.

"Oh, my goodness!" she gasped and chuckled at the same time. "I haven't seen one of those for years! Do you know what kind of hole that is?"

"Is it an old drain hole for an old pipe that's never been fixed?" Natalie asked as she leaned forward, again, to take a closer look, her pert breasts dangling, before she squatted and peered through it.

"No, it's a lot more fun than that, and you'll learn soon enough. Wait and I'll tell you."

"Is it a peephole?"

"Sort of. It's called a glory hole. Can you see what's on the other side of the wall, a man perhaps?"

Katrine suppressed a giggle. She also felt a wanton thrill to see it in the wall of their cubicle and took to wondering if there was anyone on the other side. A close friend, Matilde Deschamps, had once told her about them; how she and her husband Fabien had learned of glory holes when they were in Paris on a romantic weekend to celebrate a wedding anniversary and had gone toa risqué nightclub. But to discover them here, in a back woods holiday resort, far from Paris, intrigued her. Were the site's owners intent on catering to everyone's tastes, no matter how bizarre and deviant they might be?

After another argument about hot water with Matis, she was of a mind to have some fun and to live on the edge. She was on holiday, after all, and was minded to sample wayward delights if they were offered to her by anyone who stood on the other side of the shower wall and who dared to push his prick through the hole that seemed large enough to take the most generously equipped man. The shower wall felt thin enough for a man's length to offer more than enough pleasure to any woman who chose to take it, either in her hands or in her pussy, probably both.

Natalie could stay or leave her to it, but her girl had to learn of these ways and what people could get up to in pursuit of sexual gratification, somehow, and at some time. Her younger brother was nowhere near to being so innocent and his promiscuity had not gone unnoticed by either her or Matis, but over such behaviour neither of them had any control. Her son had even gone so far as to give her an approving glance on seeing how she was dressed for the start of their journey.

Natalie looked up, in shock and met her mother's wondering stare. She covered the hole with her hand. "For a moment I saw the legs of a man and...and his...you know?"


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