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Lucille and Mrs. Miller

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Young couple expands their sexual horizons with family help.
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(A Tribute to Mary Granger)

This is a long introduction and I apologize for that but it seemed necessary to me. For those of you who don't have patience for these sorts of things feel free to skip it. But make sure you at least read the warning that precedes my story.

A wise man once said, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". I cheerfully admit this story is unabashed imitation. I have been an admirer of Mary Granger for some time. Her style is truly unique and I enjoy it immensely. Unfortunately she doesn't write nearly as frequently as she once did and that has left a void that needed to be filled. But so far no one else has attempted to fill it. With a little apprehension I'm stepping up to the plate.

Mary and I have exchanged a number of highly entertaining e-mails over the years and she encouraged me to send her my fantasies. Recently I decided to send her a continuation of my favorite Mary Granger series, "Lucille and Mrs. Miller". It took some time and although I'm generally quite happy with the end result I'd be the first person to say that my deliberate attempt to imitate her style was only partially successful.

After finishing this piece I sent it to Mary. I wanted to get her reaction but I also wanted to get her permission to post a story using her characters under my own name. Unfortunately Mary Granger has gone silent again. I've tried several times and used a couple of different approaches to no avail. I've received no response from her. It's been about two months now since I finished this and I've been waiting patiently to post my effort. I've decided to go ahead and submit it without hearing from Mary. This is not the way I would have liked to go about this. But I really want to present this to the Literotica readership and start getting their feedback. If you enjoy this submission, Mary Granger deserves the lion's share of the credit. Hopefully she'll see this and start writing again to show me how it's supposed to be done.

Before reading my story you really should read the series it's a continuation of -- "Lucille and Mrs. Miller". It's found under the username MaryGrangerx. It's a 6 part series and the last installment is the unnumbered one. And then, while you're at it, look up the other names she has written under -- MaryR and most recently MaryGrangerx43. Most of you will be glad you did. Although I tried to start with something of a recap so you could just jump in and start reading my effort without having to read her series you're really better off reading the entire cycle of stories. I hope you'll read her stories so you'll be able to judge how closely my writing style resembles Mary's.

And finally, the pro forma warning:

This is a work of fantasy involving consenting adults. Everyone is over 21, a few of them well over. They are committing incest and although I enjoy incest stories immensely I don't recommend anybody trying it out in real life. In the last third of the story there will be some male-on-male sexual activity. If that is not your cup of tea you should stop reading at that point or, perhaps, not read the story at all. Either way is fine. And if you really hate the themes of this story and read it anyway and then proceed to excoriate me for having written it that's still fine. I understand that for some Lit members doing that is the only entertainment they derive from this site. Who am I to deny you your sole source of validation. But I won't apologize for it. You have been warned.

A Continuation

It was a glorious Monday morning.

The sunlight was streaming through the bedroom curtains. Lucille didn't want to get up. Her husband Bruce had already gotten up, fixed himself a bite to eat and had his coffee, and was already working down in the shed.

But Lucille stayed in bed, thinking about the wonderful events of the previous day.

For years Lucille had had fantasies about playing with her father's penis and had felt enormous guilt for having them. Even though her husband Bruce accepted and even encouraged Lucille to have these fantasies (and in fact enjoyed them as much as she did) she still felt terribly guilty because of them.

But not any more. Not after yesterday. Yesterday she and Bruce had told her parents all about her fantasies involving her mom and dad. They had even told them about Bruce's new found love of panties and wanting to be a "pretty boy". Her mother and father couldn't have been more understanding and it all had resulted in Bruce showing Jane, Lucille's mother, Lucille's pretty panties that he was wearing. Jane had even fondled his tiny prick and helped him to a very nice "dribble". Bruce had been quite ecstatic.

And Lucille's father not only showed her his cock it had turned out to be a magnificent big cock. Her mother had placed Lucille's hand on her father's cock and then Lucille had showed him her panties. She had even pulled the cotton gusset of her panties to the side and showed her father her black haired slit. Eventually, Lucille was rewarded by her father shooting an enormous load of spunk all over her face, much to her delight.

And, as nice as all of that was, it was even nicer when Bruce and Lucille got ready for bed. Just talking about all that had happened enabled Bruce to have another very nice "dribble" and then, when Lucille treated herself to her "dessert", listening to Bruce talk about watching his father-in-law's penis spunk all over her face made Lucille's "dessert" the best ever.

And now Lucille was simply lying in bed, reliving everything that had happened and looking forward to next Sunday when she and Bruce would go back to her parents for tea and dinner. And this time her sister Susan might be there with her husband Ronald. Lucille's mother had hinted deliciously that Susan & Ronald were also playing exciting little games with them. Lucille could hardly wait to find out exactly what Susan & Ronald's fantasies were.

But Lucille knew it was time to get up. Mrs. Miller would be coming over with her son Brian, and Lucille had to be dressed and ready to receive them.

As she thought of Mrs. Miller, Lucille got very excited, thinking about telling Mrs. Miller...

And at that Lucille caught herself. What exactly could she tell Mrs. Miller? She couldn't imagine going into explicit detail regarding the intimate, shameful things she and Bruce had done. But then...were they really shameful? Her parents certainly didn't show any signs of shame. But still, it was "family". Lucille couldn't tell Mrs. Miller all of the intimate, family things she and Bruce had done with her parents.

On the other hand, Lucille almost felt obligated to tell Mrs. Miller something about what had happened. After all, if it hadn't been for Mrs. Miller's wonderful, common sense advice none of it would have taken place. And Lucille would still have the enormous load of guilt that she had felt for years because of her shameful (no! not shameful anymore!) fantasies she'd had concerning her parents.

It was a dilemma. And she tried resolving it while she freshened up, dressed, and had breakfast. But to no avail. By the time Mrs. Miller arrived all Lucille had been able to firmly decide was that she really had to tell Mrs. Miller that she and Bruce had followed her advice and told her parents all about the fantasies and that Mrs. Miller had been right -- that her mother and father had been completely loving and understanding and everything had turned out marvelously.

And so, while Mrs. Miller was working about Lucille's office, dusting and cleaning, Lucille told her exactly that. But the whole time she was telling this to Mrs. Miller, Lucille was terribly anxious and "shivery", thinking about the delightful things that had happened and afraid that Mrs. Miller would ask for the details.

But all Mrs. Miller said was, "Now see? I told you everything would work out for the best. I was sure you were worrying needlessly. I knew your parents were wonderful people who love you and would, therefore, be completely understanding." And with that, Mrs. Miller had left to start cleaning the living room.

Lucille was totally nonplussed! This was the last thing she had expected. Now that she wouldn't have to go into the details with Mrs. Miller she was kind of...disappointed.

And so, not knowing what else to do, Lucille started working on her computer. But she couldn't stop thinking about the events of the previous day and how they were all due to Mrs. Miller's sound advice. And then Lucille realized there was one other thing that she needed to tell Mrs. Miller.

Lucille went out into the living room and said, "By the way, Mrs. Miller?"

Mrs. Miller paused in her cleaning activities. "Yes, Mrs. Ross?"

"I feel that you should know that my mother asked why Bruce and I were telling her and my father about our...fantasies...and I told her that you had advised us to tell them. Mrs. Miller, my mother was quite impressed with your common sense and good advice. In fact she said you seemed to be an admirably sensible person."

"Why, how very nice of her to say so, Lucille", Mrs. Miller said.

"My mother particularly agreed with you that the fantasies that Bruce and I had concerning her and my father weren't hurting anyone and were, therefore, perfectly harmless. In fact my mother added that everybody had fantasies and that it was nothing to worry about."

"Well, Lucille, it sounds to me like your mother is also a very sensible person. And, I might add, a very compassionate person. I knew she had to be. No woman could have arrived at the position of being Chairperson of the District Women's Institute without being sensible and compassionate." At this Mrs. Miller paused and considered what Lucille had told her. "So your mother agreed with me that everybody has fantasies."

"Yes, that's true, Mrs. Miller."

"Did your mother tell you what some of her fantasies were?"

Lucille blushed. Here were the embarrassing questions that Lucille had been afraid of. But now she was feeling so "nice" and "shivery" that she wanted the conversation to continue.

"Well, she did mention how she had often thought my husband, Bruce, would make a nice "pretty boy" and she was absolutely delighted to see that he was wearing my panties."

"She saw them?! You mean that your husband unbuttoned and took down his trousers in front of your mother?"

"Actually, Mrs. Miller, my mother undid Bruce's trousers herself. She really enjoyed seeing him in my panties and even said he'd be able to wear my sister Susan's panties when we're over next Sunday."

"Your mother offered her daughter's panties to your husband? For him to wear?"

"Yes, Mrs. Miller, that took me by surprise as well. It seems my mother and father had been quite familiar with my sister Susan's and her husband's fantasies for some time. I was quite shocked by it and amazed that my mother was so calm and matter-of-fact about it all. She repeated what you had said about the fantasies that Bruce and I share about her and Dad, saying that they don't hurt anyone and, therefore, are perfectly harmless."

"It seems to me, Mrs. Ross, that I must echo the compliments that your mother made regarding me. I would have to say she sounds like an admirably sensible person as well, and someone I would enjoy meeting sometime."

"Well, Mrs. Miller, what a coincidence! That's just what I was getting around to telling you. My mother said she thought you would be a very good person to get to know and that she was hoping you could join us for tea some time."

"Why, Lucille, that's a wonderful invitation. I'd be delighted and honored to join you and your mother for tea."

And with that the two women got on with the rest of their day, Mrs. Miller returning to her cleaning and Lucille going back to her office and her computer. A short time later the phone rang. Lucille was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was her mother, Jane.

"Oh, hello, mother, this is a pleasant surprise! I didn't expect to hear from you so soon."

Lucille's mother said, "Lucille, I've been thinking of you and Bruce all morning. We had such a pleasant visit yesterday. And I'm so glad you were able to clear the air with us regarding your fantasies, dear. I'm sure you feel much better for having done so."

"Oh, I do, mother. It's as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I worried about them so much, even while Bruce and I were enjoying sharing them. It was such a relief. I slept ever so soundly last night."

"That's wonderful, dear. I hope you appreciate that it's all due to the marvelous common sense advice of your cleaning lady, Mrs. Miller."

"Funny you should mention that, mother, I was just thanking her for her advice. It was very difficult for Bruce and me to follow her advice, we were in fact quite terrified about speaking with you and Dad about it, but it certainly turned out for the best though."

At this Lucille heard her mother chuckle in a rather earthy manner. "Yes, dear, it certainly did turn out well! Your father was quite ecstatic. After you and Bruce left we talked about it and enjoyed reliving it. I got to be Little Lucy for him. He was quite randy! Even by his standards. Lucille, Mrs. Miller wouldn't happen to still be there by any chance."

"Yes, mother, she is."

"I'd love to speak with her personally, could you put her on the phone, dear?"

"Certainly, mother." Lucille called into the living room. "Mrs. Miller, could you come in here, please?"

There was a brief pause as Mrs. Miller stopped what she was doing in the other room and came into Lucille's office space.

"Yes, Mrs. Ross?"

"Mrs. Miller, my mother is on the phone and would like to speak with you."

Mrs. Miller's face just beamed. "How delightful! I'd be happy to speak with your mother, Lucille."

Mrs. Miller took the phone from Lucille and was just about to speak into the mouthpiece but then she hesitated. She covered the mouthpiece with her hand and asked Lucille, "What's your mother's name, dear?"

Lucille answered, "Her name is Jane Dodd."

Mrs. Miller spoke into the phone, saying, "Hello, Mrs. Dodd. I've heard so many very nice things about you from Lucille. It's a pleasure to be able to speak with you personally."

There was a brief pause.

"Well, Jane then. And you can call me, Irene."

Another, longer pause...

"Yes, as a matter of fact Lucille was just telling me about it. I'm so glad my advice proved to be the right advice and that everything turned out so nicely."

Mrs. Miller paused, listening. She turned and looked at Lucille.

"Well, Mrs. Dodd...I'm sorry -- Jane...I don't think Lucille told me all about it. She didn't go into too many details."

There now followed a rather long pause while Mrs. Miller listened to Lucille's mother. The silence was only broken by brief, occasional interjections by Mrs. Miller. While hearing Mrs. Miller's half of the conversation and observing the expressions on her face, Lucille could tell that Mrs. Miller was getting a full, detailed description of the activities that she and Bruce had enjoyed with her parents. Lucille was very embarrassed.

"Yes...he was?...yes, I agree, he is a very "pretty boy"...I know, Lucille told me you unbuttoned them yourself...how lovely...and what was Lucille doing while you were doing that...her father got to see her panties?...oh, more than her panties!...He didn't!...he did?...well, knowing her fantasies she must have been quite excited...it was also your fantasy?...And his!...oh, how wonderful! Everybody got to realize their fantasies...what then?

At this point Mrs. Miller got very quiet saying nothing more than an occasional "Uh huh?"

Then she turned and looked Lucille directly in the face while still listening to the voice on the other end of the line.

"Oh my!! He did?! All over her face!! That sounds quite lovely, Jane. I would have loved to have seen it. I'm sure it was the fulfillment of a long held desire. Just wonderful!"

Lucille was completely mortified! Her mother had just told her cleaning lady that her own father had spunked all over Lucille's face! Lucille's cheeks were glowing red!

"Well, thank you, Jane, but I don't think I can take all of the credit. I'm happy that my advice prompted Lucille and her husband Bruce to tell you about the fantasies they share concerning you. But it was the compassion and understanding that you and Mr. Dodd showed them that really made the difference."

Another pause...

"Why, Jane, I'd be honored and delighted to join you for an afternoon tea sometime."

Again, Mrs. Miller turned and focused on Lucille while continuing to listen to Lucille's mother.

"Oh!? She told you about my son, Brian, as well did she?...and her "accidents"?...yes, Jane, her description of Brian was quite accurate...you would?...that'd be fine with me...no, I doubt there would be any problem at all."

Now there was another long pause broken only by "Uh, huh" once in a while.

"That sounds like a truly delicious idea, Jane. Yes, I believe I could make all the necessary arrangements on my end. I'll check into a few things and then get back in touch with you. I'll get your phone number from Lucille if that's all right?"

Another long pause while Mrs. Miller heard Jane say something that caused her to smile from ear to ear.

"How very nice of you to say, Jane. I agree. Just as they say in the old, American film 'I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship!' Certainly, Jane, I'll hand you back over to Lucille. I have to get busy. I have a lot of things to see to."

Mrs. Miller handed the phone back to Lucille and went back to the living room to finish her cleaning chores.

At first, Lucille wasn't sure what to say to her mother. She was still quite embarrassed about what her mother had told Mrs. Miller about her, Lucille, playing with her father's penis. She was also quite curious about what her mother and Mrs. Miller had been planning.

"Mom! You told Mrs. Miller everything! I'm so embarrassed."

"Sweetheart, I have complete faith in Irene's integrity and discretion. Especially considering how comfortable and accepting all of us are knowing about her son, Brian. I'm not worried in the least. This is how you build trust in a relationship, by sharing confidentialities."

"But, mother, what must she think about what I did with my father's...well...with my father yesterday."

"Lucille, she thinks you and your father had a wonderful experience that you had both desired for a long time and it didn't hurt anyone. And I might add that it was something I had long wanted to see and I also enjoyed it tremendously."

"But, mother, what was all that at the end about arrangements?"

"Oh that was nothing, darling, just me and Mrs. Miller figuring out when and where the two of us could meet for tea."

Lucille was a little dubious. Thinking back on it, the conversation seemed to have been far more involved than just meeting for tea. But Lucille could hardly tell her mother that she thought she wasn't being completely honest with her, could she?

"If you say so, mother. I'm sure you and Mrs. Miller will enjoy each other's company."

"I'm sure Irene and I will get along famously! But, Lucille, I want to make an arrangement with you too."

"With me, mom?"

"Well, you and Bruce,...or should I say "little Brucie"?"

Lucille felt suddenly "shivery" & "squishy". She loved being able to talk to her mother now about Bruce wearing panties and becoming her little Brucie. It was wonderful to be able to share freely.

"Your father and I are very much looking forward to you and Bruce coming over next Sunday. But I was wondering if you and little Brucie would like to fulfill a fantasy of mine?

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