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Lucky Man Ch. 04

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Kelly on display at the club, and a night at their friend's.
21.3k words

Part 4 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/07/2016
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Chapter 4


"Go ahead man, I don't care," Mark said, nodding at the device in Duncan's hand.

"Turn it on first, but make sure the dial is on the lowest setting," Becky explained.

Duncan nodded and looked at Kelly questioningly. She bit her lip but then slowly nodded.

"Go ahead," she said quietly.

She saw him smile and quietly clicked the device on after making sure the dial was all the way down. He flipped the switch and looked to Rachel and Becky for a reaction.

"Now, slowly nudge the knob upward, but don't go very far," Becky instructed.

Kelly shivered nervously, half expecting the device to bite her private parts. Then she felt it. Duncan nudged the dial slightly higher, and the device in her panties began a slow, rhythmic pulse.

Molly gasped and grabbed on to her husband's arm. He looked at her in surprise. "Whoa...whoa...whoa," she said.

"Oh my goodness!" Kelly said suddenly as the device began to pulse a little faster against her clitoris.

Duncan looked at her in shock, finally realizing what the women had disappeared to do.

"Did you guys switch with Becky and Rachel?" Drake asked, a shocked look on his face.

Kelly blushed a deep crimson, suddenly wishing she hadn't done so.

Molly smiled as Duncan backed off the pulse slightly, putting it on its lowest setting.

"Ooh, that's not so bad," she said, turning and kissing her husband deeply.

Duncan laughed and shook his head, looking first at Kelly, and then Molly. "I can't believe you two!"

Drake smiled and turned towards him. "I'll need a turn with that thing in a little bit," he said.

Kelly blushed then, and tried to straighten herself up. She smiled despite herself as the rhythmic pulses turned her on more and more. It was definitely an interesting sensation. At the lower speed, it only seemed to keep her at a readied state of excitement. She was very turned on and it looked like she'd be staying that way for awhile.

Molly seemed to have a better time of concealing what was going on.

"Come on guys, let's all dance," Becky said.

Mark elected to stay behind, as did Rachel and Kimber. "Y'all go ahead. We just got through," he explained.

Becky led the way, everyone else squeezing down the crowded stairway towards the dance floor. Kelly was following closely behind Molly, Drake and Duncan sandwiching the two of them together. She found that she had to move slower or the sensation caused her orgasm to build dangerously close. She grabbed Duncan's hand and pulled him close.

"Don't turn the dial up," she pleaded.

He smiled. "Only if you misbehave," he replied.

Becky picked a spot on the dance floor and immediately sidled up close to Ed and Marie. Duncan and Kelly got close and began to move in time with the slow pulse of the music. Drake and his wife followed suit. Kelly looked up and saw Erin approaching and waved her over.

"Would you mind if I joined you guys?" the waitress asked her.

"Please dooooo, ohhhh craaap," Kelly said, her words drawing out as a wave of pleasure coursed through her.

Erin moved up behind her and began to dance close to Kelly.



Duncan was actually shocked at his wife's behavior, but not in a bad way. He was amazed at how far she'd come tonight. He quickly decided that the garment he'd chosen was a success. He turned and saw Becky in between Marie and Ed, her hips gyrating up against the older woman and her hands behind her back.

He turned and watched as his wife danced, her eyes closed as Erin moved sensually up against her. He pulled her close to him, drawing Erin up against her backside. The waitress had her hands on his wife's hips and was gently rocking back and forth in time with her and the music. The DJ began to mix in the next song which was a little faster. Kelly turned around and faced the waitress as she bounced in time with the music. Erin smiled and winked at Duncan.

Kelly turned around again in time with the music, and Duncan saw that the dancing was pulling her shirt open every once in a while. Erin reached around then and placed a hand on Kelly's navel. Duncan saw a sheen of sweat begin to slowly appear on his wife's pale skin, and a single bead worked its way down from her hairline to her neck, and then down between her breasts.

Erin's hands began to stray then. She reached up and felt for the fabric, intending to pull it back across to maintain Kelly's modesty, but her fingers ended up resting on Kelly's nipple ring.

He looked down and saw his wife bite her bottom lip as the waitress gently lifted the ring. Duncan thrust his throbbing erection up against his wife's ass, which she promptly pushed back against. He saw her gasp then, placing one hand on Erin's shoulder to steady herself. The waitress lifted Kelly's chin up and kissed her lightly on the lips.

He felt something warm behind him and turned slightly, seeing Molly had moved behind him. He felt her hands on his hips and felt her swaying to the music. He turned and smiled, wrapping his arms around her.

"Hey there," she said, looking up at him. "It looks like you guys are having a good time"

He turned and smiled as Drake came up behind Kelly. She turned then and looked at Duncan, making sure that he was okay. Duncan nodded as Erin released her hold on Kelly's nipple ring, drawing a gasp from his wife.

"You've certainly gone out of your comfort zone tonight," Molly said, moving close to him. He could see her biting her lower lip.

"Is this thing helping?" he asked holding up the remote.

She smiled and nodded. "It's giving me a constant state of arousal. Drake is going to get very, very lucky tonight."

Duncan laughed as he felt Erin come up behind him. "I think the waitress has a slight crush on you," Molly said with a laugh.

Duncan blushed slightly at that and shrugged.

"I guess I might have a little crush on you too," Molly admitted, surprising Duncan. Erin came around to the other side, behind her. "I've always kinda had a thing for you," she said, her gorgeous eyes staring straight through into him.

"Likewise, and you look incredible tonight," Duncan said as they slowly danced against each other. "I've always thought that Drake was one lucky guy to have met you."

He smiled and looked over at Kelly. She had one hand in the air, and one on Drake's shoulder. He had pulled her top back in place.

"See, nothing to worry about. My man is looking out for her," Molly said.

"I think he deserves a reward then," he admitted, getting Drake's attention.

The bald man looked up and caught the black remote with a nod and a wink.

"Go easy on them," Duncan reminded.

Drake was looking down at Kelly as the music thumped through everyone. He clicked the device up one notch, and Molly immediately gasped and grasped at his chest.

He turned and looked at Kelly and saw that she was having a hard time standing. She propped her head on Drake's chest as the thumping bass and the vibrator in her panties pushed her closer to the edge.

Molly reached around him and pulled his hips up against her. He could feel his erection pushing into her stomach.

"God Almighty!" she muttered, pushing against him. "Jesus, you are big," she said, looking up at him.

Erin smiled and looked down between them. Her eyes got wide and she looked up in surprise at him.

"I better get back to my husband before I go too far," Molly said. She cast one more look downward at his dick longingly. "Jesus," she said again, breaking free as Erin moved close to him.

The music thumped as she pressed her body up against his. She ground her groin into his bulging pants and he coughed, blushing. She smiled, laughing lightly at his shyness. He turned and put his hand over hers as it rested on his hip. His wife and Molly were surrounding Drake, who had his hands in the air to keep the device away from them.

Laughing loudly, he cocked his head at Drake, who tossed the device to him. He caught it and playfully kicked the dial up three notches. Both girls fell to the floor. Laughing, he turned it back down and then finally off, allowing the two of them to stand.

"That wasn't very nice," Kelly said as she was helped up by Erin and her husband. She shook her head at him, but smiled despite herself. She turned and pulled Erin close. "Thank you for taking care of my husband for me," she said.

"Oh it was my absolute pleasure," Erin said. "You sure you two don't want to take me home?" she asked, smiling hopefully. "I promise you two can do whatever the fuck you want to with me. I'll be such a good," she paused to kiss Kelly again, "obedient," she continued, kissing Duncan next, "girl for you."

Kelly smiled but shook her head. "I don't think we're quite there yet, but I don't think you'll have to wait too long at this rate," she said, looking around the dance floor.

"I need a break," Drake said, coming close to the three of them. "Mol's already headed upstairs."

Kelly nodded. "I think I need to get this thing out of my panties," she said, drawing a laugh from Erin.

"I think that's what Molly went to do," Drake confirmed.

Duncan smiled. "Lead the way," he said, glancing at his friend. Kelly moved up next to Drake then and took him by the hand.

Erin slid close to Duncan and wrapped her fingers in his. He smiled and thought how much he was enjoying the evening. He turned and saw that Becky, Marie and Ed were following the small train as it headed upstairs. Duncan led Kelly ahead of them with his hand on the small of her back.

They got back to the table and sat back in their seats as Kelly, Molly and Rachel disappeared into the bathrooms, presumably to remove the vibrators. Duncan ordered a fresh round of drinks as Marie scooted close to him.

"You doing okay?" she asked quietly.

He smiled and nodded. "I am."

"Are you sure? I really don't want you guys to move too fast."

He chuckled. "Well, we decided earlier that the most important thing for us is to communicate. So as soon as she comes back from the bathroom, I'll get with her and make sure that she's okay, and let her know that I'm okay."

Marie smiled widely. "That's exactly the way to do this," she said. "I'm so proud of you guys."

Kelly reappeared with Molly and Rachel, who handed Becky back the vibrators.

"Well what the hell am I supposed to do with these," she asked.

"Here," Mark said. He took them from her hand and placed them in his pants pocket. He turned and smiled at Kelly. "You think you got another dance or two in you for me?"

She shook her head. "You'll have to give me a little bit, I've gotta catch my breath."

"Fair enough," he replied. "I want my dance later though."

Kelly slid next to Duncan as he took a sip of his drink.

"Hey," he whispered. "Are you doing okay?"

She smiled and nodded. "You?"

"Hell yes," he replied. "I saw that Erin was uh... getting a little frisky with certain body parts of yours."

She grinned and leaned close. "I totally had an orgasm when she did that."

Duncan looked at her in surprise as she lowered her gaze and didn't look at him. "Are you upset at me?" she asked.

"No, Baby," he replied, lifting her chin. "I don't think this evening could go any better."

Erin came over to them and slid up next to Kelly. "You know, I think it's obvious that I have a little crush on your husband, but I'm also finding it really hard not to just grab you and have my way with you," she said.

Kelly blushed upon hearing the pretty young waitress's words.

"I know you guys aren't ready tonight but if you ever get to that point, don't forget about me," she said. "You've got my number right?" she asked, looking at Duncan.

"He does," Kelly said with a smile.

Erin retreated after another longing look and left the two of them alone.

Duncan looked at her again. "I promise I'm okay," she said. "I think it's cute that you've got someone crushing on you."

"I think he's got more than one," Drake said, looking over and seeing Molly staring almost hungrily at Duncan. "I think my wife might have a thing for you," he said, smiling. He frowned then, but just for a second. "I just realized what a weird thing that is to say."

Molly giggled and turned to her husband, grabbing his crotch and trying to kiss him.

Duncan shook his head. "I didn't mean for that to happen."

Drake was laughing. "Stop!," he said to Molly, forcefully but not angrily. Turning, he looked at Duncan, "she's just turned on man. It's nothing to be worried about."

Duncan chuckled.

The evening progressed. The drinks were slow in coming, as no one wanted to get too drunk too early. A short time after their third round, Mark held his hand out to Kelly. "Would you like to dance?" he asked. "With your husband's permission of course," he said, turning to grin at Duncan.

"Just keep it above the waist," Duncan said, drawing a look of surprise from both Kelly and Mark.

"Hell I was gonna keep it g-rated, but if you insist!" he said, leading Kelly away.

"Just keep her dressed please," Duncan called.

"I wouldn't trust him," Rachel said, shaking her head.

Duncan laughed. "He'd never do anything to jeopardize our friendship. He might sound like an asshole all the time, but he's actually a pretty good guy."

"She's fine," Drake agreed.

Kimber and Erin moved over to Drake and dragged him back out the dance floor, after asking Molly of course. Becky and Rachel both grabbed Ed and Marie and pulled them out to dance.

Molly came over to him as they moved closer to the balcony so they could see. He searched briefly for his wife, who looked up at him for a second, almost as if she needed reassurance that he was okay. He gave her a quick thumbs up.

Duncan moved around behind Molly, trapping her between the railing on the balcony and himself. She leaned back into his torso easily.

Glancing down, he spotted Kelly again. Mark was sidled up close to her. As he watched he saw a flash of silver at Kelly's chest, no doubt her nipple rings. Mark's hand quickly moved up and pulled the top back in place.

"Aww, see?" Molly said. "He's making sure she stays modest."

"I know, I saw," Duncan said with a grin. "I told y'all I had nothing to worry about."

He watched as Kelly wrapped her arms around Mark, catching another flash of silver at her breasts. Mark reached up again and pulled the shirt back in place. Kelly looked up at him and was saying something.

Mark looked at her and was saying something back. He cocked his head toward Duncan. Kelly said something else, to which Mark looked up at him and shrugged. "I tried," he mouthed.

The DJ switched to a faster tempo, but with a harder bass drop. The room vibrated as the music hit its crescendo. He smiled and shook his head when he saw another flash of silver at Kelly's breast, to which Mark looked exasperated and pointed towards Duncan.

Kelly laughed and pulled his arm back down. Mark shook his head and looked down, obviously enjoying the view. She turned around and faced Ed as Mark put both of his hands on her waist and it was clear that her breasts were slightly exposed.

The song ended a few minutes later as the DJ made a few announcements. The dance floor cleared and everyone made their way back to the table.

"I can see you were having fun," Duncan said as she sat down next to him. She looked at him apprehensively.

"We kept it mostly g-rated," she said looking up at him almost like a child that was desperately trying to not get in trouble with a parent.

He chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. "I saw your wardrobe malfunctioning from up here. Those things," he said, brushing a finger against one of her rings and eliciting an eye fluttering sigh, "tend to catch the light pretty well."

She smiled, suddenly more timid than she had been on the dance floor. "Are you mad at me?" she asked.

He smiled and shook his head, wrapping her in a hug. "I keep thinking about how much we're going to be having sex tomorrow."

"You aren't going to take me home and make love to me tonight?" she asked, moving close and looking up at him playfully.

"Oh that's definitely happening, we're just going to be doing it tomorrow too," he said with a wide grin.

"You better get me home then," she said, running a hand along his stomach. She turned as the two began to say their goodbyes. Erin came over as they were getting ready to leave.

"Hey, before you leave," she said, "You guys have my number, call me anytime you like." She leaned over and kissed Kelly lightly on the lips again. "Maybe we can go to lunch."

"Sure," Kelly said with a smile.

Drake came over and wrapped her in a hug, drawing her up into his arms. "I'm glad you guys came tonight," he said, as he set her back down, his hand extended for Duncan to shake.

Duncan smiled and took his hand, as Molly came up and hugged him. "We'll be seeing you guys soon," she said.

"You look incredible," Duncan said, glancing down and causing her to blush.

"Thank you, Duncan," she said. "As a mom, I never get tired of compliments."

He smiled and kissed her on the cheek. Mark came over and shook his hand then and gave Kelly a quick kiss on the cheek. "See ya bud," he said. "Night sexy."

Marie and Ed waved as the two pushed their way through the crowd, Duncan leading his wife. They retrieved their coats and headed out into the cold. Duncan helped his wife into the truck and shut the door.

As they pulled out, she slid next to him and leaned into him.

"So were you really okay with everything?" she asked.

He thought for a second, but then nodded. "I mean we really didn't do anything too crazy," he said.

"Well, I was pretty exposed for a little while."

He nodded in agreement. "Truthfully Baby, you were pretty exposed all evening. I'm pretty proud of how well you handled it. You were only really embarrassed near the start of the evening, it seemed, least as far as I could tell."

She sighed happily. "Me too. I feel so free!" she said, sitting up and raising her arms. Her top swung open revealing her perfect breasts, nipples almost painfully erect.

"You certainly seem to have come out of your shell tonight," he agreed. He turned down the road towards their house. They lived just outside the city limits, their house set back from the road and nestled up to a stand of mesquite trees. Lights flashed behind him, and he swore quietly.

Kelly slid back over into her own seat and quickly latched her seat belt. Duncan pulled over into the parking lot of a small strip mall, the same strip mall that the cop had pulled them over in twice now.

The police car pulled in behind them and sat quietly for a minute. Duncan slowly rolled his window down as the policeman came up. It was the same one as before.

"Good evening, sir," he said. "We behaving ourselves tonight?" he asked. He clicked on his flashlight and shined it in. Kelly was trying to fix her top, but the tie had come loose and one of her breasts was completely exposed.

"Yes sir," Duncan said. He'd calmed considerably when he saw that it was the same police officer as before.

"I saw you guys leaving the club, I just wanted to make sure you got home safe, you know?"

He moved around the truck then, towards Kelly's side who glanced nervously at her husband.

"He's just wanting to get a look at you," Duncan said, as he stroked her hand calmingly.

The officer tapped on the window, and Duncan rolled down the passenger side. He shined the flashlight in the backseat, obviously making a show of looking for something before he settled on Kelly's chest.

"You look really nice tonight ma'am," he said.

"Thank you," she said, breathing heavily.

Duncan squeezed her hand and she calmed a bit.

"Did those hurt?" the officer asked, shining the light on her nipples.

"My rings?" Kelly asked. "They hurt when they were pierced, a lot actually, and they were sore for a few weeks afterwards. Not anymore, though, why?"

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