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Luna vs. The Camp Ch. 08

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Luna ends her camp trip with a bang, of the gang variety.
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Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 07/23/2018
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I woke up the next morning to an unusual situation, after yesterday's counselling session and impromptu celebration, I returned to the cabin with the girls, we said goodnight to each other, but waking up I was treated to the sight of them down in the living room.

"Good morning, ready for the last day of the camp?" Jackie turned to me and greeted me with a chipper attitude.

"Yeah, I suppose." I felt a pang of sadness at this realization, this was effectively the last day, tomorrow we'd be too busy packing up, in fact plenty of people would have to start from today, it seems that Rebecca sensed this and attempted to divert my attention from it.

"You ready to make good on your bet?" Becky said, leaning over the kitchenette of the cabin.

"What bet?" I was genuinely confused, did I make a bet that I wasn't aware of?

"I told you that the day could still get better yesterday, remember? Near the end of our hiking trip." I tilted my head, still not sure what Rebecca meant, before it hit me, she had replied to me saying that with "wanna bet?"

My mouth hung open, and Rebecca looked at me expectantly, waiting to see what I would say.

She was definitely trying to get me on a technicality, but let's be honest, I would never pass up an opportunity to do something naughty.

"What's my forfeit?" I asked, essentially agreeing to make good on the bet, Becky smiled.

"Okay, so remember the bet we made on our first day here? Whe you had to cum before the ranger spotted you?" Another thing for me to remember, but this time I was more aware of the bet she was talking about, most likely because I had an orgasm immediately afterwards thinking what would happen if I lost said bet.

My forfeit should I have lost said bet was to go to any cabin of Rebecca's choice, knock on the door, strip for its residents and give them an open invitation to do whatever they pleased with me,

Fortunately (or unfortunately, not really sure myself), I won the bet immediately afterwards, and Rebecca had to do everything I was doing the following day.

But now it was time for me to do exactly what I imagined I'd be doing as I played with my pussy on that day.

We got out of the cabin, it was still morning and we were leaving tomorrow, so we had quite a few hours left before we had to go back to the cabin and pack, well, I say we but I was essentially traveling light since I didn't have that many things to begin with considering my lack of wardrobe, as expected, our destination was the boys' cabin area, Rebecca directed me to cabin no. 2, and as I approached the door, I could hear quite a commotion as I knocked on the door.

"Oh, hey, Luna right?" as the door opened, I saw a familiar face, it was the same boy we had met at the lake the day Rebecca performed her forfeit for the bet, I believe his name was Tom.

"Uh, yeah..." I said, not quite sure what to say as I could glimpse what I could only describe as a party behind him.

"Your roommate told us you were coming yesterday, said she wanted to throw a party in our cabin." I could see a knowing glint in his eyes, I was essentially set up, Rebecca wanted me to go out with a bang, quite literally now that I think aboutt it.

Led inside, people cheered as they saw that I had arrived, I suppose it's quite easy to convince people to show up when you tell them that the resident exhibitionist slut was going to put on a going away show.

I made a mental note to slap and kiss Rebecca later on, not sure in what order.

The cabin remembled ours quite closely, with the exception of the spase furniture of the cabin having been moved to the walls, leaving a big space in the center where party-goers could intermingle.

Tom took my hand and led me to the couch, where I met his three roommates, Mike, Derek and Steven, I shook their hands, we got to talking a bit, they expressed their surprise, almost believing that the story Tom told of the day we met was a ridiculous tall tale, that is until yesterday when they all witnessed my grand performance, and how they even managed to grope me a little that day.

I have to be honest, I don't even remember seeing Tom that day, and I had trouble placing them as well; I was in a bit of a daze that day, too caugh up in the emotional rollercoaster that was the therapy circle and mingling that came afterwards.

"So is it true?" Steven asked, shooting glances at Tom and the other boys.

"What is...?" I felt a knot in my stomach, as if this was some sort of elaborate prank, not that I wouldn't go through with it, or that I even had any misgivings about what I was going to do, but the idea was so extreme it almost felt like Rebecca would step in at the last moment and deny the whole thing.

"That the four of us are gonna... You know, with you?" Mike asked the question a bit more directly, of course they weren't sure I would go through with it, it was one thing to masturbate and allow people to touch me, but to perform a gangbang in front of them? With boys most of whom I barely knew?

If there was ever a time to back out, this was it.

"Yes, I'll do it!" I put a bit of force in my confirmation, and I could see the boys' eyes widen, they were genuinely shocked "You don't want to?"

I could see the struggle in their eyes, maybe it was because this sort of thing was the definition of "too good to be true", not to mention the insanity of being told to have sex in front of an audience, even for someone like me, a girl who had been naked and performed countless sexual acts in front of dozens of people, it felt daunting.

"We do!" all four boys proclaimed in unison, I couldn't help but let a chortle out, thankfully, this seemed to break the ice a little.

We talked a bit more, but now it was time to actually pay up, Tom led me to the couch where I climbed on top and stood there, a couple of heads higher than all other party-goers.

The moment everyone saw me, a hush came over the cabin, all eyes were on me, waiting for me to take my clothes off.

"I don't really have much to take off, so no strip-teasing." I said in a slightly loud voice that cracked with nervousness, I gripped the bottom of my shirt, steeling myself before I lifted the shirt over my head, and the moment my breasts popped into view, I felt an immense weight lifting off my shoulders, as if the shirt itself weighed a hundred pounds.

The crowd seemed to share my relief, some murmurs started up, only to be silenced when my thumbs hooked into the waistband of my shorts, catching myself, I turned around and arched my back, sticking my butt out, a whistle rang out from the crowd, and everyone, including me, laughed as I lowered the shorts, letting them hit the couch.

A small round of applause as Tom helped me down from the couch, feeling the massive weight being lifted must have made me bolder, as the moment my feet hit the ground I lunged in for a kiss, and the crowd exploded.

Not satisfied, I went to the boys one by one, giving each a kiss of their own, by the third one, I could feel hands beginning to touch me, first squeezing my ass, then one fondled a breast, I continued alternating kisses before I sat down on my knees, the four boys crowding around me, it was time for their shorts to come down.

I was treated to a sight of four hardened dicks in front of me, I had only seen Tom's dick for the good part of an hour, so it's not like I remember its exact shape and size, but to put it simply, none of the options in front of me invited shame to their owners, they were all of varying but decent sizes.

I didn't want to waste any time, I took the one directly in front of me into my mouth, and as my head bobbed back and forth, tongue swirling around the shaft filling my mouth, my two hands finding the ones immediately next to it, gently stroking them as they took the opportunity to play with my breasts.

I didn't want to dwell on any one particular boy, now competing for my scarce attention, I kept alternating which one was in my mouth and in my hands, I was doing my best to make sure I didn't neglect any of them, whether in my hands or my mouth.

Eventually, I saw one boy move to the side, I knew what was coming, I raised my hips and wiggled them invitingly, it didn't even occur to me to ask if they had protection, but I was pleasantly surprised when I felt the tell-tale sensation of a condom as the fourth boy thrust into my sopping wet hole.

I was now being pounded from behind, spit-roasted with a cock in each hand, I was probably aware in the back of my mind that this was all taking place in the middle of a party, I was being watched and probably recorded by dozens of people as I took several cocks at the same time, but if I was being honest, the only thing on my mind was the bliss coursing through me as I pleasured these boys.

Rocking back and forth, I was holding my breath when the boy behind me delivered a firm thrust and held, after a few seconds of spasming, he pulled out, and the boy I was fellating pulled away to let another take his place; it was his turn to fuck me.

It didn't take more than a few seconds before I was once again being fucked, this time I only had one cock in my right hand, but the difference in their performance was noticeable, the first boy was pounding me hard, he didn't seem to care if he came too quick, but this one was slowly thrusting inside of me and trying to take it slow.

Soon the first boy actually returned, taking my free hand and placing it on his cock, I happily continued to stroke him back to life, it couldn't have been that long, but I was more than happy to be used by them until they were satisfied, or until the condoms ran out, whichever works.

At some point, I honestly lost count of how many times any one boy has fucked me, or how many orgasms I've had myself, There were points when they came on me as I jerked them or sucked them off, choosing whichever place to spray their seed, but even that dwindled as time went on, and all I noticed at some point is that one of them came, but didn't come back for more, and then another, and another, I finally looked up at the one cock I still had in my mouth at that point and saw Tom, looking as ragged as I felt.

I got up, and led him back to the couch, where I finally noticed Steven and Mike sitting on either end, looking completely spent.

Once Tom sat down in the middle, I climbed on top of him and inserted his cock inside me, continuing to ride him, he reached out and grabbed my breast, I continued to bounce up and down on his cock as we stared into each other's eyes, I could feel him inside me getting close, and then it came, or should I say he did.

And that was it, Tom gave in as I let his softening cock leave my pussy, Steven on his right made room for me to sit down on the couch, and I did, finally confronting the crowd who exploded into uproarious cheering, for some reason I felt a little embarrassed, not at what I had just done but at their cheering of me, I could hear the boys say something, when Derek came over, he was holding all the used condoms we had gone through, still full of their seed, gently laying them on my reclined body as one would put a winning medal or belt on an athlete, and honestly this performance might have required a similar level of athleticism.

I giggled as I sat there covered in used condoms for a second, looking at everyone taking pictures and making videos of this honestly absurd scene before the boys took pity on me and took away the condoms, one of them produced a towel and gave to me so I could get cleaned up.

Of course, that wasn't the end of the party, I was then prompted to rejoin everyone, still naked of course, where I was treated to a similar experience as last night, plenty of touching and kissing, thankfully everyone spared me from having to endure more orgasms, because by that point, I was thoroughly exhausted and I assume everyone could tell.

A couple of hours later the party began to wind down, some people needed to go and prepare their own stuff for when they left, and some apparently needed to go "take care of things", as I understood it, oddly enough, a good chunk of people seemed to leave in pairs, maybe watching me gave them that shot of courage to consumate a budding relationship, or just felt excited enough by watching me that enough people just agreed to give it a go.

I figured now was about as good a time as any to get dressed and go back to the cabin, but that's when it hit me, I couldn't find my clothes at all!

I guess the girls who were having fun elsewhere at the party saw my confused look and approached me, asking me what's wrong.

"I can't find my shirt or my my shorts anywhere, have you guys seen them?" The girls looked at each other, I could see that no good news would come from them.

"How about we ask the boys, maybe they saw where your clothes went?" Rebecca offered a solution, she was basically consoling me, probably knowing that this was a long shot.

But a long shot is still something, the boys were hanging around the couch, but unlike me, they were dressed now, they smiled happily as I approached them.

"Hey Luna, what's up?" Tom asked, a lot less shy about looking at me naked than he was back when we first met.

"Have you guys seen my clothes?" I asked, a bit exasperated.

The boys looked at each other, they got up and looked around, obviously seeing off a glance if they could find... Something, or maybe someone, that's when Derek just reached out and took one of my breasts in hand, fondling it as he pretended to be deep in thought, and the other boys seemed to get the hint.

"I don't know, what did they look like?" Steven asked, now on my other side, with my other breast in hand.

"Just a white shirt and some regular jeans shorts..." I sighed, I kinda knew what they were doing, I just hoped they actually knew something and weren't just playing around, not that their fondling bothered me even.

"Mike, you remember anything?" Derek asked Mike as he stepped aside to let his friend take his place, and Mike wasn't satisfied just playing with my breast, he reached back and began squeazing my butt.

"I don't know, I'm having trouble remembering, what do you think Tom?" Mike made a face like he was struggling with something, and I was honestly getting worked up, any more of this and I'd just start feeling horny, I could hear the girls snickering behind me as they saw my mounting frustration.

"It's on the tip of my tongue..." Tom said as he slipped a finger into my pussy, slowly pumping it as he saw how turned on I was at this point, I couldn't concentrate anymore, they could take as long as they wanted, provided they made me cum first.

It was a small orgasm, but I liked it nonetheless, the feeling of just being used as a toy for these boys honestly made it even better, and they mercifully stopped once they saw me cum, if they had continued I may have just let them waste even more of my time.

"I think we saw Grace pick up your shirt," Tom finally said and the others nodded, I suppose they were looking for her earlier "Don't know where she is now, or if she took your shorts too."

"Well, that's something, at least," Jackie shrugged, she definitely enjoyed watching this play out.

"Maybe we can find her at the Counsellor's cabin?" Rebecca added, still holding back her smile from watching me go through the ringer, maybe she was feeling smug for finally making me go through the forfeit she wanted me to do since the first day in this camp.

We headed out ot the counsellor's cabin, I was still naked, of course, attracting attention whereever we walked, it wasn't much, but it felt kinda liberating walking around like this without having to worry about someone getting upset at me.

At the cabin, I went inside immediately as the cabin door was open, only to find Jeanne and Kevin plus a third counsellor from the other day who I think was named David, but Grace was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh hey Luna, nice to see you're getting more comfortable at the camp," Jeanne spotted me and the state I was in, despite that she actually sounded genuine.

"Yeah, shame it's the last day, I wouldn't have minded seeing her like this more often," Kevin cracked a joke, causing Jeanne to smack his arm angrily.

"Um, thanks but I'm kinda looking for Grace, is she here?" I asked completely dismissing the remark, I honestly didn't care about the dig, I'd experienced far worse from people who actually meant to be rude.

"Oh Grace? She's just-" Jeanne was about to tell me before Keving and David stopped her with a quick hand against her mouth.

"We'll tell you, provided you make all three of us cum." David proposed an idea, one that even Jeanne seemed to like because she was shocked for about one second before she turned back to me grinning and nodding, they were determined to make me work for it, plus I'm pretty sure they were at the party, so they knew I was more than willing to use my body for this trivial a bargain.

In fact, before I could even accept the offer, Jeanne had taken her own bottoms off and spread her legs, moving David's hand off her mouth she invited me over:

"Last time the boys got to have all the fun, so come to mama." In a tone that was way too excited for what amounted to blackmail of their own charges, Jeanne beckoned me over to go down on her.

"Okay..." I didn't want to argue with them, and I was actually getting a bit annoyed at this, in a more convenient situation, I would have been more than happy to do all of this with a smile on my face, if anything something like this where I had no clothes to my name whatsoever and everyone just treats using my body as if they were asking for some change was almost a dream come true for me, but right now it felt like I was just being teased with the possibility as impending doom was looming over me.

I got down to my knees in front of Jeanne's open legs, she spread her lips with her own hand, showing me her open pussy, I dove in, licking away at her lips and clit, she took hold of my head and pressed in, letting out a soft moan.

After a few minutes of enjoying my tongue, Jeanne finally gave in and squirted a little bit of juice into my face, it did take a few minutes, and now it was on to the boys.

"You definitely took your time," Kevin said, having sat there watching me eat out Jeanne, I wondered if I really took that long "If you don't hurry up, Grace may not be doing what we think she's off doing."

"Maybe we should speed this up?" David asked his compatriot, so that was their play? I rolled my eyes.

"I suppose you want me to do both of you at the same time?" I asked, grinning at the transparent attempt to guarantee that they have sex with me.

"So you do get it? And no, I don't think your hands will do." Kevin said as he got up and unzipped his pants, his eight inch tool flopping out in front of my face, and I didn't get a good look at David that other night, but he certainly was no slouch either.

"Well just for that, you get my mouth." I snarked back at Kevin as I swallowed his dick whole before he had a chance to talk back, I could hear him clicking his tongue, but he quickly changed his tune once I started working his shaft, doing my best to deepthroat him.

David, not one to waste time, knelt behind me, lightly caressing my lower lips in preparation to me up from behind.

It dawned on me that I had never had sex with more than one person before today, and this would be the second time just today that it was happening, and just as the weight of everything was about to hit me, David's cock went inside me, and he wasn't wearing a condom!

This was my first time having sex without a condom, despite my parents making sure I was on the pill recently for obvious reasons, I couldn't help but notice how much better it felt having sex without one, a moan escaped my throat as I continued sucking on Kevin's cock, now being rocked back and forth as I was spit-roasted.

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