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"Maid" to be a Cuckold Pt. 03

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The stunning conclusion of of our maid and mistress story!
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 04/01/2024
Created 04/29/2023
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The next week came and went, and the day of Mark's arrival was finally here. Lauren had gone all out for the evening, and was wearing a pretty evening gown. Courtney had lent her a bra and panty set which had been hand laundered and returned by yours truly.

Lauren was getting ready in the master bed while I waited on her helping her get dressed and doing any last minute chores.

"Do you think he'll like it? This dress I mean." She said looking at me in the mirror.

"He will Mistress." I said as I examined her body, she was dressed to the nines and looked drop dead gorgeous.

"I've heard stories from Courtney, he's a really great guy, and apparently the bedroom is where his talent really shines. I'm nervous. Is it wrong for me to be excited?" She said looking at me with a slight worry on her face.

"Not at all, Mistress." I responded as nonchalantly as I could.

"But what do you think, Samantha? I mean, I know you're a sissy cuck now, but it's okay. I can be vulnerable with you. We're still married. What do you think?" She said.

"Mistress. You are the sexiest woman alive. Sir is a very lucky man. But I do have a question, Mistress. When this is all over, what happens to me? " I asked. It was a genuine question. This whole ordeal started with my fantasies and in slightly more than a week I had been humiliated and emasculated completely with the cherry on top yet to come. I loved every moment of it, but a small fear nagged at me. What would come next?

"Hmm. It's funny, that was the first thing I thought about when Courtney made the offer. You were right. This does feel good. And I know what you're thinking. This is not going to go away. Not by a long shot. The fact is, this is working. For me. So if you're still down, we'll keep going. It'll depend on how tonight goes. I mean, if it's a one time thing, it's a one time thing. But if it's more, it's more. I think it would be fun to explore this more. " Lauren said as she put the last few touches on her outfit."Now, how do I look?" She asked.

"Absolutely stunning, Mistress." I replied.

"Thank you, Sam- I mean Samantha. You've been so good to me. So obedient. Maybe too obedient. Did you ever consider the idea of safewords? Like what if you're not okay with something?" She asked.

"I never needed it. And to be honest, even now, I haven't. You're so kind and caring, and you're also a great mistress. I know that you wouldn't go overboard. You have my full trust. " I said as she smiled.

"That means a lot. But remember, tonight, it's not just me you'll be serving. It's Mark and Courtney. You will obey all of us. I'll be honest, I'm looking forward to tonight. Now about you, you will be wearing this." She said handing me an outfit.

It was a maid's uniform but not my normal one. It was designed to be extra slutty. The design was very skimpy, with the skirt barely covering my ass, and a neckline that plunged deep. There were matching thigh highs and a g string.

"Oh, and the panties are crotchless. You should be ready soon. Tonight, the only time you'll cum is if we make you. And if we don't, well. You'll have a very difficult night." She said with a wink.

"Now, go put that on. Courtney and Mark will be here any minute. " She said as she walked out.

I did as I was told and got into the outfit. I couldn't believe my caged cock was almost dangling out in the open.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was Mark and Courtney. I opened the door for them.

"Sam. Nice outfit. I must say, I'm a little shocked. " Mark said as his eyes wandered across my femme and dainty body.

"That's Samantha now, darling. Samantha the sissy cuck maid. She's a lot more fun than Sam, sexier too. Isn't that right Samantha? " Courtney said. She was wearing a dress not too dissimilar from Laurens.

"Yes Miss" I said.

"Aww. Such a good girl. " She said as she picked me on the cheek.

"So glad you both could make it. Let me give you both a tour. Follow me." Said Lauren.

"Upstairs is our bedroom. That's where all the fun will happen. " She said as she pointed upstairs beckoning the two to take a look at the room they would be spending the night in.

I had spent the whole decorating what was once our marital bedroom. There were rose petals on the bed, candles in the corner. The bed stands had tonnes of condoms, sex toys and lube (Although Lauren had said they didn't need lube as Mark got them both plenty wet).

"Nice job Samantha." Mark said as he entered the room.

"Thanks, Sir." I said as I bowed my head.

"And here is where the sissy sleeps. Or rather doesn't. She may be awake all night listening to our noises. And you both know how loud Courtney can get!" Lauren said with a giggle.

"Nice." Was all Mark said. I couldn't help but think he was a little awkward. Courtney and Lauren kept building him up as this untamed sexual prowess but he came off as a little uncomfortable. Was he also nervous?

"Now, Courtney, you can leave your stuff here." Lauren said.

"You're going to stay?" Mark asked her.

"Yes, darling. Just because we're not going to have sex doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching." Courtney said.

"What about Sam- Samantha. Is she going to stay?" Mark asked.

"Actually, it's her idea. She wants to see you fuck me." Lauren replied.

"Oh really? Wow, that's crazy. But hot. Okay, I'm sold. Let's do this!" He said as he rubbed his hands together.

"Now, Samantha, go serve dinner. " Lauren said.

I served dinner and poured wine. As I did, the three of them sat on the dining table, talking. Lauren was sitting awfully close to Mark, almost on his lap. I could sense the sexual tension building.

"Samantha, is the food ready?" Lauren asked.

"Yes, Mistress. I will be serving it shortly." I replied from the kitchen.

"Good. Go wash your hands and come join us. You've done a great job tonight." Lauren replied.

"Thank you, Mistress" I said as I wondered why they wanted me to join them. After washing my hands, I took the food out and served it, and joined them taking my spot next to Courtney.

"So, how was everyone's day?" Lauren asked as she giggled.

"It was great. I was a bit nervous though. Nervous about the night. But now that we're here, I'm more excited. It's been a while since I've had a threesome. But I'm sure I'll get back in the groove." Mark said as Courtney smiled at him.

"I've actually been looking forward to this too. I'm glad you're comfortable with it. I've had my doubts about Lauren's sexuality, but now, I'm convinced. You've always had it in you Laur, couldn't be prouder!" Courtney said.

"What about you, Samantha? How was your day?" Lauren asked me.

"It was wonderful, Mistress. I spent all day preparing for your date." I said looking at Mark and Lauren. I could have been mistaken but I felt like he had his hand on her thigh from under the table.

"Oh, it's a date now, huh?" Lauren said giggling.

"Yes, Mistress. This is a date after all." I said obediently.

"Well, aren't you a cutie? You're right. This is a date. It's a very special date. And you've been a perfect little sissy, so you deserve a treat. " Lauren said.

"Mistress?" I said.

"Come closer."

I did, and was surprised when she kissed me on the lips.

"Thank you, Mistress" I said.

"Aww, isn't this sweet. She's blushing But enough of this, we should get to the main event. Why don't you serve dessert early?" Courtney asked.

"Sure. Samantha, please serve the dessert." Lauren said as she blushed. As I got up I could see Marks hand firmly on her thigh confirming my suspicions.

I brought the dessert over and served it to the three of them as they moved back to the couch. This time Lauren wasted no time and sat on Mark's lap. She waited till I was in the room, looked me in the eye and started to kiss him, meaningfully and intensely.

"Oh, my. " Courtney said.

"Is everything okay, Courtney? Do you need something?" Lauren said as she broke the kiss.

"Oh, no, nothing. Keep going." Courtney said as she fanned herself as if to express how hot this was making her.

Mark and Lauren continued to make out. As they did, his hand reached under her dress and stayed there.

"Mmm. Feels good." Lauren said breathily.

Mark lifted the dress slightly, exposing Lauren's upper thighs, and then slowly started to move up, his hands moving further and further inside, until they were touching her panty clad pussy.

"Does it feel good, Samantha? Seeing your wife make out with another man?" Courtney said to me as she beckoned me to sit next to her.

"Yes, Mistress." I said as I took my seat, my gaze unable to shift from the two of them.

"Why? Does it turn you on?" She asked.

"Yes, Miss. Very much so." I said as I swallowed my sadness of my own wife making out with a stranger in our house.

"What about you, Mark? Does it turn you on to make out with another man's wife? " She asked.

"Very much so, Courtney." He said in between making out with Lauren.

"Good. Why don't you show us how much it turns you on. " Courtney said.

He nodded and continued to play with Lauren's panty clad pussy. Lauren moaned, her eyes closed as her hips moved rhythmically.

"Doesn't that feel good, Lauren?" Courtney asked.

"Yesss. Sooo goood. Oh God." Lauren said her eyes rolling back.

"Are you going to cum from his hands alone?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. Yes. Mmm. I might just." Lauren said with a wink.

"No! You guys should take this to the bedroom! Don't ruin the mood. " Courtney said.

"Uh yeah, she's right. We should head upstairs." Lauren said as they stood up.

I cleared the dishes and followed them. When I came up, they were already kissing again. Lauren was moaning and Mark's hands were under her dress again, this time his fingers were inside her.

Courtney was seated on the sofa near the bed, intently watching.

"You can come watch, Samantha. Next to me and don't you dare touch yourself." Courtney said.

"Thank you, Mistress. " I said as I pottered towards Courtney.

Mark and Lauren continued to make out. I could sense a huge bulge in Mark's pants. He was very aroused. Lauren's hands were playing with his bulge.

"Should we get naked?" Mark asked.

"Hmm. Yes. But I think I want Samantha to undress us. " Lauren said.

"Okay" Mark said as he laid back.

"Samantha, take his shirt off first." Lauren ordered.

"Yes, Mistress. As you wish." I said as I got up and moved towards Mark.

I approached him and unbuttoned his shirt. His chest was broad and well muscled. Lauren was practically drooling as she touched his pecs.

"Wow. You're in great shape." She said.

"Thanks. I've been working out." He replied.

"Mistress, may I remove your dress now?" I said looking at her.

"Of course. You can take it off." She said.

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you." I said as I moved to her. I carefully unzipped her dress, and helped her out of it. Her body was a vision in the lingerie.

I then shifted back to Mark and took his trousers off to reveal his boxers, and then turned to Lauren and removed her bra and her panties.

"Mmm. You're in such great shape, Mark. " Lauren said as she played with his body.

"Samantha, why don't you take your clothes off too. " Lauren said.

"Uh yes Mistress. Of course." I said as I removed my maids lingerie to have my body naked with thigh highs, in heels with the chastity cage on my cock or clitty. I looked at Mark and his masculine body, and looked at Lauren and her sevlete femme body and looked at mine, which was somewhere in between the two. Not quite a man, but not yet the woman.

"There's the little sissy! " She said laughing as my caged clitty came into focus, framed by the lace of the crotchless panties.

"Samantha, why don't you help Mark with his boxers? Go on. Get on your knees and get his big cock out. " Lauren said.

I got down on my knees, and crawled towards him.

"No no. Kneel properly, with your back straight and head up. " Courtney instructed.

"Yes, Mistress." I replied as I took of his boxers and let them fall to the floor.

"Look, Samantha. See his cock? It's so big. So much bigger than yours. Isn't it a pretty sight? " Lauren asked.

"Yes, Mistress. It's amazing." As I took in the sight of his cock. It was easily 8 inches, much more larger, and thicker than my own. It radiated pure masculinity that had me staring at it in wonder.

"Do you like his balls? They look pretty heavy. Why don't you kiss them?" Courtney said as she shifted in her seat. Was this turning her on too?

"Yes, Mistress." I said as I leaned forward and kissed his balls.

"Aww, what a cute sight. A little sissy kissing another man's balls. How does it feel?" Courtney asked.

"It's amazing, Mistress. It's so masculine." I said in between kisses.

"And the smell? Is it different?" She asked.

"It's intoxicating, Mistress. It's so strong. It's a manly scent." I said.

"Oh, you're so right. It's so masculine. Why don't you kiss the tip now. Just the tip. " Lauren said.

I did, and as I did, Mark moaned.

"Mmm. Good. Now, lick the underside. But be gentle. Make sure to get it nice and wet for me" Lauren said.

"Yes, Mistress. Anything for you, Mistress. " I said as I licked him.

"Oh, wow. You're such a slut, aren't you Samantha? That's enough. Now, undress me." Lauren said.

I removed her underwear and left her standing stark naked, her beautiful body on display. As I removed her panties, I couldn't help but noticed how wet they were and how sweet they smelt. I couldn't remember the last time she was this wet with me.

"How does my body compare, Mark?" She asked.

"Absolutely breathtaking." He said as he got closer to her, almost ignoring me. He wrapped his big hands around her petite waist, and kissed her. She melted into him.

"Samantha. I want you to undress me too." Courtney said.

"Yes, Mistress. My pleasure." I said as I walked to her and took her dress off. Underneath, she was wearing a matching bra and panty set.

"Take my bra and panties off. I won't need them." She said.

"Yes, Miss. Anything for you." I said as Lauren and Mark continued to make out, their naked bodies reacting to each other as I could see his thick cock now fully erect.

I took her bra and panties off and left her stark naked. Her body was equally as stunning, albeit curvier.

"Why don't you sit next to me? While we enjoy the show." Courtney said.

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Miss." I said as I sat next to her as the two of them made out. Their bodies were rubbing against each other. Mark's hands were on Lauren's breasts, squeezing and pinching them, and Lauren was playing with his cock. Lauren then got on her knees and started sucking him.

"Samantha, can you see his cock from there? What do you think? Isn't his cock amazing? " Courtney said.

"It's incredible, Mistress. " I said.

"Is it making you wet? It's making me so wet." She said.

"Yes, Mistress, very much." I said.

"Would you like to finger me? I'll let you finger me if I finger your tight sissy pussy while you watch your wife take another man's cock." She said.

"Oh God. Please Mistress. That would be a dream come true. I'd love that. Thank you, Mistress. " I replied trying not to sound too excited.

"Okay, go ahead. You can finger my pussy while I play with yours." Courtney said as she spread her legs and intertwined with mine to allow easy access to her wet hole.

"Thank you, Mistress. Yes, please." I said as I positioned myself well.

I went ahead and fingered her as her fingers entered my sissy pussy, her pussy was wet, soft and warm. Just having my fingers inside her was enough to get my caged clitty leaking with pre cum, not to mention Courtney's own fingers making it's way inside me.

Meanwhile Lauren was bobbing up and down, taking Mark's cock deep in her mouth.

"Oh, that feels so good. I think he likes that, doesn't he?" Courtney said as Lauren took her mouth off his cock, leaving a tiny trail of slobber and pre cum from her gorgeous lips to the top of his cock.

Lauren was paying no attention to us or Courtney, she was lost in the lust. She took his balls in her mouth, licking and sucking them, and then moved back to his cock.

"Oh, fuck. That feels amazing." Mark moaned.

"Samantha, look at her. Isn't she the best cock sucker?" Courtney said as her eyes rolled back slowly as my fingers went deeper inside her.

"Yes, Mistress, she's amazing." I said as I felt Courtney's fingers playing with my hole.

"Did she ever suck you off this way?" Courtney asked.

"No mistress. Not this way. I was too small for her. " I said with no shame.

"Aww. And is his cock big compared to yours?" Courtney asked.

"Very much so, Mistress. Very." I replied as my breathing started to get shallower.

"How does it feel? To know your wife is a slut for a real man. Look at her, she's a total cockslut. She's in heaven, isn't she?"

"Yes, Mistress. And her mouth feels even better, Mistress. "

"I bet it does. Too bad you will never know what that feels like again." Courtney said as Lauren kept on sucking him.

"Are you getting wet, Samantha? It's okay, you can moan. Don't be shy." Courtney said.

"Oh, God, yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress. It feels amazing, Mistress. You're fingers feel amazing, Miss. I'm so wet. Oh my god. Your fingers, Mistress." I said as I let my guard down.

"I'm glad, slut. Now keep looking, I want you to watch them. And you can stop fingering me, I think you need to improve." Courtney replied.

Lauren was still on her knees, bobbing up and down his cock, as Courtney's fingers continued to penetrate my pussy.

"Are you getting close, Mark? Do you want to fuck her?" Courtney asked.

"Oh God yes. Fuck." Mark responded.

"Okay, that's enough, Lauren. Why don't you hop onto the bed. On all fours. " Courtney said.

"Yes, thank you, Courtney. " Lauren said as she immediately bounced on the bed on all fours with a speed and eagerness I had never seen.

"Samantha, you should help Lauren. Help guide Mark into her soft pussy. Once you do that you can come back for a good view." Courtney said.

Mark got behind Lauren, and took a deep breath. I pottered over to them and took a deep breath myself. His cock was massive and ready. I looked at Lauren, and saw the lust in her eyes. This was all she wanted.

"Samantha, put his cock inside me. Please " she said with a desperation I had never heard before.

"Yes, Miss. " I said as I grabbed his large cock into her pussy, starting with just the tip and then more of the shaft. With every bit of his penis that went inside her, Lauren moaned louder. His cock was finally inside, all of him inside my wife.I watched as his cock was inside her. Motionless, as he stretched out her pussy.

"Fuck, you're so tight!" Mark said.

"You're so big, baby. So fucking big." Lauren replied.

"Are you ready?" Mark asked.

"Mmhmm." Lauren said with her eyes closed.

"Ready for me to fuck you? Really fuck you?" Mark said as he put his hands on her hips for leverage. I made my way back to the sofa where Courtney was now rubbing her pussy openly.

"God, yes. Fuck me. Fuck me hard." Lauren said.

Mark pushed in and out of her, slowly as she let out a scream.

"Oh God, oh god, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes. Fuck me. Fuck me. Yes, yes. So good. Fuck. Oh. Fuck. So good. Don't stop." Lauren screamed as her entire body rocked as Mark moved inside her slowly building a rhythm.

Mark then started to fuck her faster, her hips meeting his thrusts as the slapping noises of sex filled the room. His balls slapped against her ass as his pace built. Courtney meanwhile was furiously masturbating, leaving me to finger my hole in frustration as I watched my wife have the time of her life.

"Oh God. Oh my fucking god. That feels so good. Oh. Mmmm. Oh God. Yes, yes. Don't stop. Don't stop." said Lauren as her voice indicated the sheer pleasure and ecstacy of having a large cock and a real man fuck her senseless.

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