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Mailgirls Down Under Pt. 12

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Aussie mailgirls are getting turned upside down.
13.6k words

Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 03/04/2024
Created 07/23/2022
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Previously in Mailgirls Down Under, Lindsay Davenport, the new American manager of Harada Industry's Australian operation brought in Mrs Ogawa a disciplinarian from the Tokyo office to try to tame the Australian mailgirls. Cara and Emily, the twin daughters of the previous manager, Mitch Johnson, are getting close to finding out who their father recruited as the original mailgirls. And HR are working out how to allow the journalist who fronted a TV segment on the mailgirls to come back in to be a mailgirl for a day.


Kimiko Date strode up to Betty Cuthbert's desk. "Lindsay called me. I guess she's got a message."

Betty Cuthbert gestured at the Manager's closed door. "She's busy at the moment. My instructions are no interruptions at all." The office boss's PA looked closer at the bleary eyed mailgirl and showed some concern. "You look a bit..." Betty started.

Kimiko smiled a little vaguely. "I had to take Mrs Ogawa out to get laid last night," she reported back, perking up a bit at the thought of getting a reaction from the uptight office worker who sat safely and conservatively dressed behind her desk. Kimiko lazily scratched just below her breast as she started to come to life.

But Betty surprised her, holding the mailgirl's stare. "Ah, that would explain it. She probably needed that. How did it go?" Betty breezily asked her.

Kimiko sighed, now absently scratching a knee. Which meant spreading her legs, just a little. "As well as could be expected," she admitted.

"And you?" Betty asked with some curiosity.

Kimiko rolled her eyes. "I was well..." Her nipples hardened at the thought and she felt a wave of pleasure at the memory. The spasm went through her chest as Betty stared, with a wicked smile. "I was a willing participant," the mailgirl admitted.

Betty tried to suppress a laugh. "Figures," she observed.

Kimiko woke up fully to the PA's responses. "You're a bit more into this conversation than I expected."

Betty crossed her arms. "I'm not a complete prude. And now you've got me wondering about Mrs Ogawa..."

Kimiko raised an eyebrow. "With a cock inside her?" Where was this heading?

Betty hesitated at that. "Ahhh..." she started, stopping because she was not sure where she wanted to take their conversation from that.

Kimiko regained her assertiveness. "And you know what that's got me thinking?" she asked a lot sharper now.

"I'm perfectly fine!" Betty exploded.

Kimiko placed one hand on the desk leaning close to the PA. "I'm sure you are," she shared. "Just like that response was not an overreaction to potentially someone getting near a truth. Now, I might have a finance background and not be a psychologist about these things, but..."

Sitting rigid, Betty snapped back "That's enough!"

But the naked mailgirl smiled back warmly. "Well, you were imagining me and Mrs Ogawa out on the prowl. I'm imagining you and Jackson out there trying to pick up men."

For some reason Betty saw that slight as a challenge. "I think you'd find that we could attract them," she came back, surprising herself at that automatic reaction.

Kimiko was up to that challenge. "It's not the attraction I'm thinking of. It's the next step, the implementation." She leant slightly closer in to Betty, now threatening her personal space, her breasts swaying just a little. "What happens next..."

Betty took back the advantage. "That's enough," she concluded. "Like I said I'm perfectly okay." She checked her app which had pinged a few times. "I think Mrs Ogawa is looking for you," she reported, suddenly fully her officious self. "I'll get another one of you up here to wait for Lindsay," she concluded dismissively.


Mrs Ogawa was waiting for Kimiko when she returned to the mezzanine. Jackson and three of the other mailgirls were lounging on the bench evidently also waiting for Kimiko to return to tell them what their visitor wanted. Mrs Ogawa dressed in her usual all-black uniform, buttoned to the neck, glared angrily at Kimiko, but then she always looked angry with Kimiko. Wendy Turnbull, the mailgirl's supervisor sat at her desk a short distance from the group, and looked up from her work when Kimiko came in. Unsure about her own role when Mrs Ogawa was around, Wendy carefully watched the woman apparently sent from Tokyo to improve the Australian mailgirls' attitude through harsh discipline, waiting to see what the enforcer might come up with next.

Mrs Ogawa snapped at Kimiko, speaking rapidly in Japanese. After their exchange, Kimiko looked to the other mailgirls. "She wants to know why there are only five of us here," she reported. "I told her that Jan is on her way up to Lindsay's office for a message." She looked around. "Where's Fanny?" she realised.

Wendy spoke up. "She has the day off," she announced like it was no big deal. Because in the Melbourne office of Harada Industries it was no big deal. Only on relatively rare days did all the mailgirls turn up due to holidays, sick days and other perks. Fanny was most likely away on study leave, continuing her post-graduate studies in the psychology of mailgirls. Kimiko told Mrs Ogawa this, but that did not seem to soften her mood. They had another exchange.

"Mrs Ogawa is not happy with us," Kimiko informed the other mailgirls.

Lauryn Marks sat up on the bench unconcerned that should could be seen from the other floors of Harada Industries. She yawned. "What else is new?" she wondered.

Annette looked to Jackson. "We've been through this before with her? Right?" They had defied her to the point of exasperation on her previous visit.

Jackson shrugged. "That was under Mitch," she reminded the other mailgirl. Things were different now, they all sensed that. Well, all except Pam, the newest addition. But she had learned enough to discretely not say anything or attract any attention to herself. She looked down, concentrating on her laptop, hoping for a ping on her app. It did not happen.

"So what's the deal, Kimiko?" Lauryn asked. Seemingly she at least did not care for any consequences of being upfront.

Kimiko received another barrage from Mrs Ogawa and sighed as she updated the others. "She wants to string one of you up," she advised, keeping her attention on Lauryn. "Like she did to me the other day." Mrs Ogawa, a Shibari expert, had bound Kimiko with rope and hung her upside down from the roof of the mezzanine the day before.

"No way," Lauryn exclaimed. She looked to Jackson who nodded.

"Not unless you want her to," Jackson advised. Which as they all knew was a basic tenet of their contracts with Harada Industries, their consent was required.

Kimiko stood there, looking around to the other mailgirls, but clearly none of them was keen to endure what they had seen her do. To some extent that was due to their admiration for the extremes Kimiko had displayed in that performance as well as her other antics. Wanking herself to a loud orgasm in the middle of an office-wide meeting was only one of her exploits.

"Well," she sighed theatrically, "looks like it will be me again." It was unclear if there was any real reluctance in her statement. Was she at all concerned when Mrs Ogawa revealed that this time she had a counterweight there so she could keep Kimiko suspended upside down from the roof for a lot longer than before? She did not show it.

Mrs Ogawa faced the Japanese mailgirl, a stony look on her face and the start of the rope in her hands.


Mitch came out of Shane Crawford's office to head to the lift after meeting with the office number two in command. Mitch was in two minds. He could either go back up to the tenth floor to his office and kill some more time before lunch. Or he could catch the lift down and go out looking for a coffee to take up his time that way. He almost did not acknowledge Betty Cuthbert who was sitting at her desk staring at him. "Sorry," he said, "I thought you would be busy."

Betty ignored her former boss almost ignoring her. "How are you getting on?" she smiled, hoping that there was still a bond there from the work that they used to do together. Mitch shrugged with a smile. If anyone knew that Lindsay was starving him of projects, it would be Betty. "Mrs Ogawa is back, giving Kimiko a hard time," she added, assuming that she should update Mitch on such things.

Mitch nodded at that but not really processing it. "I'll let you get back to it," he told her, assuming that he was holding up the usually busy PA from her work. He walked out of Betty's area to where he could see down to the mezzanine. Prompted by Betty's warning, he looked down to see that Kimiko was suspended in an intricate rope arrangement. She was openly on display poised on one leg with her toes just barely touching the floor, the other leg bend up and wide, so her pussy was on open display. Her arms were restrained behind her back. Mitch smiled in wonder, then remembered what Betty had just told him.

Noticing Jackson was sitting on a bench on the mezzanine keeping an eye on Kimiko along with two of the other mailgirls, Mitch decided he better check on what was going on and paged Jackson who looked up, saw him and nodded a promise to come up and see what he wanted.

Arriving in the viewing area Jackson smiled a greeting at Mitch, getting him to turn away from looking down on Kimiko for a moment. He turned back to look and Jackson stepped right up close next to Mitch to have her eye also on what he was seeing. Kimiko was clearly straining, rocking a little from side to side but otherwise unable to escape from her ordeal.

"Can't you do anything about her?" Mitch asked Jackson without turning to her, sensing that she was as concerned about what they could see as he was.

"I don't know," Jackson replied offhand. She had not had a chance to tell Mitch that she had already asked Kimiko who said that she was all right with her plight, that her pose was easier than it looked. Jackson turned to the still preoccupied former office manager. "Used to be I'd ask you if you could do anything," she tried with some levity.

Mitch was not happy with that response although he did not let on.

"The other girls are keeping an eye on her," Jackson pointed out.

Mitch grunted his realisation at that, also deciding that it was good time for him to leave the issue and get himself a coffee. And then he remembered that this was Jackson he was standing near. "Sorry," he backtracked, "we're overdue for one of our chats. Why don't we catch up, say in about an hour?"

"Sure," Jackson agreed happy to reflect some warmth back, "office husband." Mitch smiled at that shared joke. "I don't have any meetings then. I'll book you in," she added with a smile. She gave him a chaste peck on the cheek and left, feeling that she should at least for the present be down on the mezzanine with Kimiko. Just in case.


Shane's mobile rang. He looked at his computer screen, brought up his calendar for the day, looked at the phone which did not identify the caller. He got up and checked that his door was closed. By the time he got back to his seat, the call had rung off. Shane shrugged and sat back down, swivelled his chair so he was sitting side on to the desk. His phone rang again. He waited for six rings and then he answered it.

"Can we talk?" the woman on the call asked him.

"No, Rosemary," Shane answered firmly.

"Good," she continued. "I hadn't heard from you for a while and was wondering how the arrangements were coming along."

"There are a few complications..." Shane started.

"How can there be complications? I come in as I did before, with the crew. I take off my clothes, we film for a while and I leave. It's simple."

"It's not simple," Shane sighed. He held Pam Burridge's head still so just the head of his cock was in her mouth. He perked up, more like the usual breezy Shane. "It will all work out but I need time. Just got to keep the mailgirls happy!" He jerked his cock back and forwards just a little to enjoy the stimulation to the tip. Pam smiled up at him.

"The mailgirls?" Rosemary asked incredulously.

Shane smiled as Pam decided to take him a bit deeper. "If the mailgirls aren't happy, you don't get a show," he told the reporter. "But don't worry, there's not much that we have left to sort out. Can you call me in a few days?" Shane was casual but firm, ending the call there.

Pam took him out. "Is she giving you trouble?" she asked Shane, holding onto his cock as she looked up at him.

"You heard," he smiled. "Jackson and HR are trying to work it out. They don't want just anyone coming in here taking their clothes off."

"Why not?" Pam asked as she gently stroked his shaft to keep it hard.

Shane gave her his winning boyish smile. "Because they are worried that will erode your rights, maybe affect how much you're paid and how you're treated."

Pam gently kissed the very tip of Shane's cock as she held it firmly. "Really?" she asked, "all that?"

Shane took a moment to enjoy the sight of Pam naked at his feet. He reached down to fondle her breasts. "Are you ready to move on?" he whispered at her with a hopeful look on his face.

Pam started to stand up, maybe to accommodate him. She stopped. "I don't know," she softly responded. So it was no.

Shane nodded as he leant back in his chair encouraging Pam to go back to taking him deeper in her mouth. "And," he added, as he looked to the ceiling ready to wallow in the sensations that Pam would provide, "I am pretty sure they are right. This does need to be done properly, for your sake." Pam grunted her agreement, with her mouth again full.


Jackson walked confidently into the lunch room on the eighth floor. The journey up from the mezzanine had barely increased her breathing rate. Heck, she realised staring down at her washboard torso, I never thought I'd become like this. Realising that she was an athlete, and fitter than she had ever been before. Her breasts firm, her legs although long and thin were almost becoming muscular. She was sure if she could see her bottom that it would be as firm as her chest. Jackson looked around the unfamiliar room until she found that Mitch was flicking through a magazine on a display away at a side wall. She sidled up to him. "Men's Health?" she asked, surprising him.

Taken by surprise, Mitch guiltily closed the magazine. It was indeed Men's Health. "How did you know?" he asked.

Jackson just smiled. "Dumb luck. So tell me, why did you call me up here?"

Mitch smiled as they stood facing each other, only the crunched magazine in Mitch's hands between them. "I was sick of my office, thought I could do with a change of scenery."

It was the dead time between morning tea and lunch, so there was only one other person in the room, and he was nursing a coffee and scrolling his phone, for whatever reason out of synch with the rest of the office.

Jackson found a seat at a table not far from the magazines and sat down as Mitch hovered. "I may as well enjoy it," she suggested, "before we are required to kneel in this place and drink out of bowls on the floor."

Mitch looked concerned. "That will never happen?" he tried, adding "Coffee? Skim, one sugar?"

"It happens in The States," Jackson reminded him, "and yes," she added, agreeing to the coffee.

Mitch took a moment to return from the machine, placing a cup of coffee in front of Jackson and then sitting opposite her holding his cup. "I assume you know everything," he started. "We're getting more mailgirls I hear. Any idea from where?"

Jackson smiled and sipped at her beverage. "Well, the TV reporter wants to be mailgirl for a day. Although that doesn't count. Apparently Stuart has found one. And they're threatening to bring one over from The States."

Mitch looked startled. "What!? Stuart has found a mailgirl?" He shook his head at the madness of the uptight American finding a women not his wife to take off her clothes.

Jackson rolled her eyes. "I know. But apparently Shane knows the whole story. I think that it all happened because Stuart was trying to impress Shane." They both revelled in the weirdness of that for a moment. "But it raises all sorts of issues," Jackson added, suddenly serious.

"You're concerned about erosion of conditions," Mitch confirmed.

"Of course. The American one -- well, she's quite nice. I've spoken to her and her name's Jeneva. She's being mentored or something by Heather."

"And how's Heather doing?"

"Oh, she's killing it. Would you believe? She's a sensation there. But she's doing it on their terms. And Jeneva's, well, she's fine. But she's not one of us..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she's nice enough. But she's an entertainer." Jackson drew out the final word like she had doubts about the meaning of it.

"You mean she's a..." Mitch let that hang.

Jackson smiled, realising her unintentional slur. "No, I mean she's actually an entertainer. The US office hires cheerleaders and such. Would-be actors. Where you..."

Mitch nodded. Then he smiled archly. "Well, at least Shane will be happy."

Jackson tried not to look too serious. "About that," she started trying to sound light, "there was a lot of gossip in there. I probably shouldn't have spread it."

Mitch shook his head. "Doesn't sound like Shane though, does it?" He tried to share the light moment despite having had his suspicions before Jackson told him about Shane and the other mailgirls. Mitch had after all caught Shane fucking Heather and was sure that he interrupted Shane and Annette once when he had gone into Shane's office without knocking. And had heard rumours about the others. Well, except for Jackson.

She changed the subject. "I wonder what will happen when my contract comes up again. Maybe they will just let me go." She shrugged at Mitch. "It depends on how much they decide that they need me. Or whether they think I'm the troublemaker and they would be able to run things easier without me."

Mitch stared back at Jackson, keeping his fingers warm around the coffee cup. "Have you ever thought that they might decide like with me that it is smarter to keep you inside the place where they can keep an eye on you? Rather than have you going rogue outside where they can't control you?"

"Yeah," Jackson agreed, "maybe you're right." She perked up, shimmering her breasts. "Maybe I have more freedom than I realise."

Mitch smiled like that was more like it. "What are you going to do with this freedom?" he challenged.

Jackson put down her coffee and thought for a moment. She pinched both her nipples, hardening them. "Maybe this," she smiled teasingly.

Mitch shook his head. "I thought I was done with all this when I was moved from office manager," he sighed pretending that it had been -- and still was -- a burden.

"Sorry," Jackson pouted as she pinched one nipple hard and started to explore lower with her other hand, "but it doesn't end just because you're no longer the boss."

"I know," Mitch groaned knowing he cared too much. What could he do?

Jackson turned around to look for the other colleague in the room. "Hey!" she called out to him. He looked over to her. "Can you come over and help?" Jackson asked.

He shuffled in his seat. "I guess so," he offered as he slowly got up. He carefully approached Mitch and Jackson as she pushed her chair back from the table, still squeezing her nipples.

Jackson recognised him. "You're Michael, you worked with Lauryn, right?" she asked. Michael nodded. "Just squeeze my nipples," she instructed him. "I'll look after the rest."

Michael looked to Mitch who appeared to be fine with what Jackson wanted. "Mrs Ogawa untied Kimiko," she told Mitch as Michael reached from the side and pinched her nipples lightly between two fingers. "You can be a bit rougher," she advised. "And don't worry, I'll tell you if you're too rough." Jackson now had her hands free to toy with her clit.

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