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Making Partner


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"Really, Jason, I..."

"Cut the crap, babe. I read your diary and know all about you and your college roommate."

"You didn't!"

"I did and frankly, it's a turn on to think of you and Rita getting it on." He hadn't read her diary, it was just a wild guess based on his observed interaction between the two women. He paused and studied her expression concluding that he had indeed gotten it right. "But I want to be there, and we play together."

"Hmph!" she huffed. "Forget it, Honey. I like cock now, your cock to be precise. Now take me stud, take me here and take me now!"


The physical move the next day went smoothly as there wasn't much to move from the apartment into the big house. By the time Jason got home from the office, she had everything unpacked and more or less put away. Just the packing trash remained. It took Jason just a half hour to break down the boxes, stuff the packing paper into trash bags and haul the trash out to the street for the Saturday morning pickup. He had just finished up when the truck from Accent Interiors pulled up to the curb.

"You Jason Larson?" asked the truck driver.

"Yeah, that's me," Jason replied.

"Have a delivery for you Mr. Larson." For the next two hours, Jason with increasing dismay, watched as the large van was unloaded and the seemingly endless stream of furniture was disgorged and hauled into the house, a house he could barely afford.

Inside, Rita directed the precise placement of each and every item. When the men departed, Jenny proudly asked him, "How do you like it?"

"It's nice, Jenny, really nice. I just don't know how we can afford it, honey."

"You're going to be partner in a few weeks, and we don't have to make a payment until next year!" she proudly boasted.

'Next year, we might be living in a cardboard box,' he glumly thought to himself.

"Don't be mad, Honey. Look, I promise, I'll make it up to you. You'll see; everything will be fine."

"Oh, look! Mike's home!" exclaimed Rita as she looked out the expansive windows. "C'mon, guys! Let me introduce you!" Jenny and Jason followed Rita next door. Inside, Rita called out to her husband. Moments later, with his shirt stripped off, Mike appeared from the bedroom wing. Jenny stifled a gasp as she recognized her new neighbor.

"Mike!" gushed Rita. "This is Jason and Jenny Larson, our new neighbors. They're getting married next weekend!"

Mike regarded the couple, pretending that he didn't know Jenny. "Howdy!" he greeted as he thrust out his meaty hand to Jason. "Nice to meet you folks! Jason, is it? How about a beer, Jason? I'm sure you could use one and I sure as hell need one! And you, Jenny? White wine?"

"How did you know?" Jenny coyly replied.

"Just lucky, I guess. Yeah, lucky... very lucky," Mike said with a knowing smile. Without missing a beat, Mike turned to disappear into the kitchen to play the perfect host to his new neighbors.

Playing it cool, Mike paid most of his attention to Jason, finding out what he did for living, how long he had known Jenny and pressing him for his take on the upcoming football season.

Jenny was in a quandary. She did her best to avoid Mike, pretending that she didn't know him, all the while worried about what she might have written about Mike in the diary that Jason claimed to have read. 'Gawd,' she moaned to herself. 'Mike Manson! Williams... I'm sure Rita said her name was Williams, not Manson!'

As one beer became three, Jason was enjoying himself, getting to know his neighbor and talking sports, State U sports in particular with a fellow alumnus! And they knew so many of the same people! It's a wonder that their paths didn't cross at State U, but then again, State U was a big university.

Mike spied Jenny heading to the kitchen to refresh her wine. Smoothly he passed off Jason to Rita.

Jenny heard someone behind her and turned to see. Instantly Mike pushed her up against the kitchen counter, his strong hands rubbing her ass. "It's great to see you again, slut," he whispered while pushing his groin into hers.

"Mike, please," protested Jenny.

"Be a pleasure, babe."

"I don't mean that!"

"I do," he growled. "I'm going to fuck you."

"But your wife..."

"Rita? She's not my wife. She's my slut... just as you are."

"Please, Mike. I'm engaged. We're getting married next Saturday."

"I love fucking married pussy."


"No?" he laughed. "Remember, I own your ass, sweetheart. I'll fuck you whenever and wherever I like. Having you living next door is going to be very convenient, don't you think?"

Jenny thought that he was going to take her right there, just to prove that he could. It would be just like him. Deep down, she wished he would, just to get everything out in open before the wedding. If Jason ever found out about her... Mike was nibbling on her ear, getting her hot, when Rita walked in. Rita cleared her throat to make her presence known.

Mike looked back over his shoulder and disengaged, giving Jenny a knowing wink. He would indeed fuck her, Jenny knew, and it would be soon. Maybe not now, at this very minute, but he would and soon. He would fuck her, as often as he liked, until he tired of her again, then, like the last time, he would give her to a friend or rather friends for their use. Just the thought of it made her pussy gush.

Mike casually grabbed two beers from the fridge and rejoined Jason, leaving the two women alone in the kitchen. Rita regarded the flustered Jenny. "Don't get upset, sweetie. I know Mike, I know him very well. His libido is always in overdrive. I learned long ago that Mike gets what Mike wants. But here's the corollary, Rita gets what Rita wants too."

"I think we'd better go home," Jenny whispered.

"What? And miss the party?"

"I don't think you understand," came the quiet plea.

"Oh, I understand. You and Mike have a history. He told me... about a half hour ago. He also told me that he was going to take you. Take you make you squeal. Take you and make you beg for for more. Well, you might have been his number one slut back in college, but that honor now belongs to me. You'll just be number two, honey, which is good because you are going to be married to that hunk out there. So, here's the deal... You want to go home? Okay, in a few minutes we're all going over to your house to go swimming. From there, we'll just have to see what happens next."

Rita poured two glasses of wine. Handing one to Jenny, she said, "Relax, Jenny and have fun. There's really nothing either you or I can do. Mike's going to get what he wants and what he wants is you. You might as well enjoy it. I'll take care of Jason."

Alone again in the kitchen, Jenny took a gulp of cold wine with a trembling hand. 'How could this be?' she asked herself. 'I'm not like that anymore. Gawd, what will Jason think of me?' Tears began to well up when she heard the rest of the party coming into the kitchen.

"C'mon, honey," called out her husband-to-be with a slight slur, "We're going to our place to swim. Rita's going to lend you another bikini. Something sexy! Really sexy!"

A few minutes later, the party had moved next door. Jenny regarded the small strips of material that she was supposed to wear while Jason changed into a pair of his trunks. Like the bikini Rita lent her the other night, this one barely contained her boobs, but the top was generous compared to the thong bottoms that covered none of her ass. "Try it on," urged her fiancée with a slur.

"I can't wear this," she protested.

"You'll look great in it!" Jason said while steadying himself. "Put it on!" Jenny slipped into the minimalist bikini. "Turn around," he ordered. "Damn, what an ass! You look great!" Jenny wrapped the diaphanous sarong wrap around her shapely hips, grateful for the little cover that it provided.

She seemed to be in a daze as Jason led her out to the pool area. 'Gawd, does he know what he's doing?' she asked herself. She was about to bolt and run inside to put on something more conservative when Mike and Rita strolled out. Mike looked magnificent in his skin-tight tiny bikini that outlined every bulge and curve. She shuddered remembering what that bulge was and where it would soon be.

Rita looked magnificent too, thought Jason. 'The sarong will have to go,' he wistfully thought. A moment later, Rita was next to him, her manicured finger nails trailing gently across his broad shoulders and back. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mike sit a boom box down on the pavement. As the slow music filled the air, Rita flirted shamelessly with him, rubbing into him and purring that she wanted to dance. With her arms wrapped around his neck, they began to move about to the music, eyes locked to eyes, crotch rubbing crotch.

With his hands filled with Rita's ass, Jenny was momentarily forgotten until they tread over the discarded sarong. At first it didn't register with him what it was, it was just something soft and thin that had gotten momentarily tangled in his feet. It wasn't until he looked over Rita shoulder and saw Jenny and Mike submerged neck deep in the water, that he made the connection. 'Two can play that game,' he thought feeling bold. His left hand departed the comfort of Rita's ass and found the loose knot that kept her sarong in place. As he fumbled with it, he noted that Rita was not resisting in the least. Suddenly it was free, drifting down to the floor, his hands now gliding over the bare skin of her shapely firm buttocks.

"I love the feel of your big hard prick pressing into my belly," she murmured after five minutes of having her ass kneaded.

"I'd love to have it in your belly," he countered.

"Sounds good to me, Baby," she replied.

"What about them?"

"They're not paying any attention to us," she answered smoothly. A moment later they had moved near the doorway. Jason checked again. Mike and Jenny had not even glanced towards them while they danced and he was openly feeling Rita's ass. Deftly he pulled her through the doorway and into the house.

They made it only into the darkened living room before Rita stopped him. Quick as flash, she stripped his swim trunks down to his ankles and in doing so, knelt before his turgid cock. Jason groaned in appreciation as he felt the wet warmth of her mouth, caressing his glans with her lips and teasing tongue while she fondled his bloated balls. While Rita's lips slid down the stalk of his cock, Jason noted that he could still see Mike and Jenny out in the pool. He also noted that they couldn't see him or what Rita was doing to him.

It was pretty wild, watching Rita's husband flirting with his fiancée in the pool just a few yards away while Mike's wife lustily sucked his cock. It was apparent that Mike and Jenny were not aware of their absence. His hands moved from her head to untie her halter stings holding her top up. With great satisfaction he watched as Rita's big tits spilled from the top to hang free. He glanced back up and satisfied that everything was cool, pulled his cock from her mouth.

Kneeling, he placed his neighbor on her back and devoured her erect nipples while stripping off her thong bottoms with one hand. Pulling the thong over her ankles, Jason ordered, "Spread 'em, Honey." Rita, spread out a like the whore she was, ready to be taken.

"Fuck me," she hissed as she mauled her tits and humped her hips in the air. Thinking that they didn't have much time, Jason dispensed with any further preliminaries and mounted her. "Ugh!" she grunted as his thick cock thudded into her deep. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! That's it, baby! Fuck me with that wonderful cock. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me..." The illict fornication was fast paced. It wasn't loving, it was a fucking, a primal fucking, with Rita giving as well as receiving.

Jason growled, "I'm cumming, baby, I'm cumming!"

"Cum inside me," she answered. "Fill me with your sperm. Knock me up, stud! Yessss! Yessss! Yessss!"

Having completed the act, Jason rolled off, surprised at how exhausted he felt. It was a quickie, intense but quick; still, he was fatigued. Regardless, he stood to assess the situation outside. There was no apparent change so he sank down to his lover again.

"Gawd, that was good," Rita murmured while rubbing her dripping sex. "Do you always shoot such big loads? Jeez, I'm leaking all over the place."

Jason didn't hesitate. His mouth engulfed her leaking vulva to suck the evidence of their coupling from her.

"You randy, bastard," she moaned as his lips spilt her nether lips to suck and lave over her pink interior. Attacking her clit, he quickly had her squirming around, bringing her off in record time. Disregarding the danger of discovery and with his cock revived, he mounted her again. With his swinging nut sack slapping against her ass, Jason savaged her hungry ravine with his renewed erection, her pelvis tilted upward to receive him. Thrusting into her with powerful strokes, slapping sounds filled the darken room giving audible evidence of their clandestine mating. Again it wasn't love making, but rather a carnal animalistic fucking, a primal fucking that both enjoyed.

Fifteen minutes later, Jason was escorting Rita back outside. Mike signaled for them to join them. Fearing that they had been discovered, Jason acted as nonchalant as possible. His fears were quickly allayed as Mike joked about something inane. Jason didn't notice the dazed satisfied look on his fiancée's pretty face. Thinking that he had gotten away with fucking Mike's wife right under his nose, he struggled to keep the smirk off his face.

An hour or so later, the neighbors left, leaving Jason and Jenny alone for the first night in their new home. Hitting the sack, they both dozed off quickly.


In the morning Jason was awakened in the manner he enjoyed the most, with Jenny orally teasing his cock. Once she knew he was awake, she sought to give him the best blowjob he ever had.

Jason was blissfully squirming about as his fiancée did magical things to his aching and throbbing cock with her loving mouth. Skillfully she kept him right on the very precipice but not pushing him over the edge, that is, not until she was ready for him to ejaculate. He never knew how or where she had learned this trick, nor did he really care... it was incredible and that's all that mattered. His dick tingled and tingled, inducing a euphoric state that was like a protracted orgasm, but not quite, the exquisite sensations leaving him nearly delirious and panting for breath. The spell was broken by the intrusion of his cell phone ringing.

On the second ring, Jason cried out as his cock erupted, the pent up climax exploding upon him, and like a tire blowing out at high speed, the ride was uncontrollable, the intensity of the shattering moment draining him completely of all energy.

The phone had long since stopped ringing before he could begin to resume normal brain function. Finally he breathlessly exclaimed, "Fuck!" before becoming silent once again. He felt weak and dozed off for a quick nap. When he awoke, Jenny was already up and in the kitchen fixing breakfast with the limited supplies they had on hand.

Lounging about, he vaguely remembered the cell phone ringing. Still lethargic, he fumbled with the phone on the bed stand, knocking it to the floor. "Fuck," he muttered again, saying it in annoyance this time rather than celebration. Rolling to the side of the bed, he reached down and fished the wayward phone from the floor. There was a voice mail for him. Retrieving the message, he heard the familiar voice of Dave Tellman, his boss.

"Sorry to call you on a Saturday morning, Jason, but we have a situation. The Hammond Group has a burr up their butt to get that deal closed by mid-week. I know, yesterday they said it would wait until after your honeymoon, but John Hammond called me personally just a minute ago. He wants it done yesterday. You need to get your ass to New York, pronto, today if not sooner. Get the paper work done and get the deal closed. You should be back for your wedding, if not, delay the wedding."

"Again, sorry to have to call you about this. Did you get moved in, okay? If not, then I'm sorry about that too. Call me when you get this message."

"Aw, fuck!" exclaimed Jason in frustration. John Hammond was a monumental pain in the ass some days, always changing his mind at the last minute and expecting everyone to jump to it at that very instant. But being one of his firm's largest clients, everyone did just that, jump to it at that instant.

Rising, he trudged off to the kitchen naked in the hopes that they had coffee this morning before hitting the shower. As he got closer, the aroma of coffee filled the air. Finding Jenny at the counter doing something, he slid up behind her to cup and maul her large breasts, running at least one hand inside her robe to stroke her bare flesh. "Morning," he murmured as he nuzzled into her neck. "Thanks for the great wakeup call."

"You're welcome," she said cheerfully, hoping that he wouldn't tear away the robe to play with her tits like he usually did. 'Gawd, how will I ever explain those hickies on my tits,' she lamented to herself. 'There's no way I can hide them until they fade. Damn, that Mike!'

"Got some bad news, baby."

"What's that?" she asked.

"That phone call. It was Dave. I've got to go to New York, today."

"Today? We've so much to do!"

"Sorry... I'm under orders. I should be back Wednesday at the latest." Tactfully, he concealed that it might be even later.

"Wednesday! You can't go off this week!"

"I don't have a choice. Hammond is demanding that we get his deal done, right away."

"They better make you a partner after this," she pouted, secretly grateful that she had a few days to heal before he saw anything incriminating. By mid week, the blood blisters should have faded enough that a little makeup should effectively hide them, and if not, should have faded enough to claim that he had somehow bruised her last night.

'Why did she have to bring up making Partner?' groused Jason to himself. 'Should I just tell her?' Once again, to the forefront of his mind, the whole looming financial nightmare of the consequences of declining Partner was brought forth, and with it, the wondrous cock job Jenny had performed on him this morning was pushed into the recesses of his mind.

"I need to catch the first flight out that I can. Sorry, babe, but I've got to go." With everything good pushed out of his mind, he trudged off to the shower, without getting a cup of coffee.


Minutes after Jason departed for the airport, Jenny heard the doorbell ring. Not expecting anyone, she answered the door. "Hi, ya, slut," greeted Mike with a smirk. "Saw your boyfriend leaving and decided that now is as good a time as any to catch another fuck. Your choice, your place or mine?"

"Jason had to go to New York." Instantly she regretted revealing that information.

"That's so good of him!" declared Mike with an evil grin. "There won't be any interference in breaking you in again."

"Mike, I really can't... Oh!" she yelped as Mike tore her blouse open.

"I want your ass naked," he growled. "Now!"


After pulling yet another all-nighter, it was Thursday morning before Jason had every minute detail of the deal accepted, finalized, signed, sealed and delivered. He was exhausted, but it was done, much to Jason's relief. Understandably Jenny had sounded distraught when he talked to her last night after he honestly told her that the deal still wasn't done yet.

He arrived home Thursday, in the early evening. Upon entering his new home, he was met with silence. He looked about and called out, but no one was home. It was odd, he thought; he had left Jenny a message on her cell phone as to his estimated time of arrival, and miracle of miracles, the flight was actually on time. Her car was in the garage, so he dialed her cell phone, only to hear it ringing in the kitchen.

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