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Man Disciplines Sissy Ch. 04

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In the shower, sissy learns about involuntary reflexes.
6.3k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/26/2014
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The fitness-center shower area had three separate tiled shower stalls, with another plank-type bench stretching across their front.

I stood between the bench and the middle shower, waiting for him. For Ray.

For Daddy.

I looked down at myself, and my little cock was hard. I was waiting for Daddy, and he was going to wash me, and show me something.

Until tonight, I'd only ever seen him with clothes on. Well, during our last visit, he had all his clothes on, but as events moved along, with his pants down, and then his underpants too. And I had clothes on too, mostly. A dress and the rest of my feminine things. Now, unexpectedly I think for both of us, we were in a different setting completely, and we were both completely nude.

He came around the corner into the shower area, and I watched him. A solid, masculine man, his big shoulders. His penis swung in front of him as he walked, and I looked at it, noticing that it was still half erect. He passed me, and leaned into the middle shower stall, placing a white bar of soap into the dish mounted on the tile.

He caught me looking at his cock. "Yes honey," he chuckled. "See what you do to me? Even without your dress and lipstick on you're a cute little sissy," he said. He touched himself, and I mentally did the measurement. Six inches, half hard, probably seven when he was in my mouth, fully erect. He came up close behind me, put his hands on my waist. He had just been working out, and his salty masculine sweat smell surrounded me once again. Somehow his manly muskiness made me feel even more feminine than when he had pushed his cock into my mouth, just minutes ago. "Now get in there," he said, turning me toward the shower. I felt his cock brushing against my side. "Turn it on, get the shower running, not too hot."

He was telling me to go, but he held on to me, by my hips. He slid his hands up my sides along my ribs, then brought them back down to hip level and pulled me back to him, and I felt his hands slide down to grip the sides of my bottom. He had big hands. The way he loomed over me from behind made me feel small. I wasn't quite fully submitting to him, to his manipulation of my body. After all, fifteen minutes ago I wasn't a sissy anymore, or at least I thought I wasn't. So I wasn't exactly resisting, but I wasn't limp putty either. I wasn't actively fighting, but I was pushing back when he was pulling, and I was trying to stay in place when he was pushing.

"Mmm yes, honey, you have such a nice pretty ass. A girl's ass." His hands continued to feel and fondle my bottom, palming my cheeks and squeezing. I felt both his thumbs wander across my bottom cheeks to the crack between them. I squirmed and tried to take a step into the shower, but he tightened his grip and his hands squeezed my ass, and he pulled me back again, his thumbs pushing between my cheeks, his big hands pinching and spreading my bottom. I took a long, shuddering breath, and a soft, high moan slipped out of me. "I love feeling your girly ass, honey," he said. "Looking at it, watching you squirm like a girly little sissy."

His stiffening cock slid against me from behind, hard, hot. I felt it against my right buttock, then sliding up next to my right hip, I looked down and saw it throbbing next to me. "Yes, honey," he said. "Look at Daddy's cock." He used his hands to knead my bottom, and I felt him pull my cheeks apart again. He backed up a little, leaned forward to rearrange his target and lower the tip of his shaft, and I felt his cock glide between my upper thighs. I moaned and leaned over a little, and looking down I saw the crown of it come out, between my legs under my tight little scrotum. I could feel it's length sliding between my upper thighs. He adjusted again, slid it back out from between my thighs, grazing the underside of my sack. I moaned again. I knew he was rearranging, straightening his cock and then pointing the head up: his body bumped up against me from behind while he was fondling my ass cheeks with his big hands. He pulled me closer, very close, and rested the shaft of his cock between my cheeks, nestling it there while he grunted and let his lips brush my neck, and then he whispered.

"You're going to put your dress on for Daddy later, aren't you honey," he rasped.

I moaned. I hadn't told him about Lana's wardrobe. That she had purged. I tried to find my voice, to tell him, but he didn't wait for my answer.

"But now let's get to matters..." he backed away a step, and slapped my ass. He let me go, urging me into the shower. " hand."

We took turns getting under the stream. When we were both soaking wet, he turned the water off, and picked up the plain, white bar of soap, an oval shape.

"Ready to get nice and clean, squeaky clean, honey?" he said, as he lathered up his hands. I didn't answer right away, but he stared at me as his hands built up the lather. I swallowed, watching his hands. I looked at him, and he just kept waiting. "Yes Daddy," I said.

He put the bar back on the soap dish, and gestured with his right hand at the tile wall. "Stand about two feet back from the wall, baby," he said. I moved. "Yes, that's it. Okay, now feet apart." I took a little step to the side. "A little more," he said. He nudged the inside of my left shin with his bare right foot. "About two feet apart, that's right baby. Now, lean against the wall. Wait, put your head and your hands on the wall of the shower there."

I looked at him. He smacked my bottom with his soapy hand. "Do it," he said.

I leaned forward, put my forehead on the tile, and flattened my hands against the wall next to my ears. He spanked me again. His big lathered hand made a loud, echoing sound on my wet bottom. "Hands higher," he said. Feeling a sudden stab of shame in my weakness and lost manliness, I put my hands up higher, so I was leaning over, my weight mostly leaning against the shower tile.

"Good girl," he said, and he picked up the soap, and I felt him sliding the bar up between my legs, soaping my inner thighs, then he roughly circled the bar over my balls and my penis. "Yes," he grunted, and the way my head was turned against the wall, I watched him put the soap back on the chrome dish mounted to the tile. Then I felt his right hand slide up between my thighs from underneath, while his left hand reached around to the front. The low hand squeezed my scrotum, and I felt his other hand's fingers and thumb circle my shaft, then he closed his whole soapy fist around my hard little cock.

"We'll soap up your sissy clitty, isn't that right honey?"

I moaned. I turned my head the other way, feeling the tile against my cheek. I couldn't help squirming as he soaped me. He ran his lathered fingers up between my legs, and it was like a soapy goosing, and then he grabbed the soap again and slid the bar right up through the crack of my ass several times."Let's get this girly ass all lathered up," he said. He put the soap back in the dish.

"Oh honey," he said. "Now it's time to really give this pretty ass of yours a...." he paused, finding the word he wanted, "...vigorous washing."

His soapy hands went to my waist. His biceps flexed as he tightened his grip, and I could feel him squeeze the sides of my waist above my hips.

Remaining tight, his hands slid up, and down again, and he got very close, so that he was standing between my spread feet, hugging me from behind, squeezing and feeling me, and then his rigid cock nestled between my ass cheeks again, and I felt a little more of his weight against me, and he moaned and he whispered right in my ear again, are you ready, honey?

I just moaned and I felt my muscles tighten, I wanted to push off the wall, I wanted to stop this. He sensed me tightening.

"You stay right there," he whispered. I felt my knees shaking a little. He backed up a half a step, and moved a little, to my left side. He slid his right hand down to my ass, and it circled very softly over both of my buttocks, slick and soapy, while his other hand stayed parked on my hip, to keep me steady.

"No," I whimpered. "What if somebody comes in, oh please..." and I trailed off. His hand kept circling, and slid a little lower, now soaping the lower parts of my bottom, and the tops of my thighs.

He sounded a little angry now. "I told you," he said. "I told you, at ten o'clock when the pools close..." Then he stopped. He was thinking. Then he spoke again, not so angry.

"You know, honey, you may be right. The door is locked, but the security guard might come in. On his rounds."

"I don't want anybody to see..." I trailed off.

"To see what a sissy you are?" he said. It was his teasing tone. He chuckled. "Well, this wasn't my idea. Maybe you should have thought of that before you ignored my emails, huh honey?" He resumed soaping me. "If you had been a good girl and paid attention then, well, we'd be up in your nice hotel room, you would be wearing your pretty little dress, instead of down here where a guard could walk in any minute. And then your sissy secrets would be safe, wouldn't they?" His soapy hand slid between my cheeks. I moaned.

"Yes, sweetheart," he whispered, his lips up close to my ear again. "We'll get you nice and clean. Your hot little sissy ass and your cute little balls."

I felt a sudden sting, right between my legs, and I jumped and gasped. I felt it again and realized that he had flicked my scrotum with a fingernail. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" His tone was mocking, self amused. He resumed his gentle soaping, his fingers sliding between my upper thighs, then between my buttocks, and then his big hand closed over my scrotum from below. While grasping me there as firmly as his soapy fingers would allow, he lifted his other hand up next to my face, with his middle finger cocked against his thumb, and I realized he was showing me what he'd just done with his other hand, down there. He flicked his finger off his thumb, vigorously, right in front of my face, while his other hand slithered around my ball sack. I whimpered.

"Poor baby," he whispered. "Naughty girls who displease there daddies, get punished sweetheart." He touched the side of my face with his cocked finger, then flicked my ear, hard. My head jerked, and I moaned and whimpered trying to find my voice. Down below, he squeezed my balls, then I felt his hand disengage again, and I knew it was coming. He kept his hand between my upper thighs, his curled fist touching the inner skin, and I knew he was tightening his middle finger against his thumb.

"No, Daddy, please no," I wailed. "Shhh, honey," he whispered. "Shhhh." Then he kissed me. My knees went weak as his mouth found mine, and he French kissed me, his lips soft and his tongue gently invading my mouth. And right then, he flicked again, he flicked his fingernail hard against my tight little scrotum, and I jumped and whimpered out loud, and started to cry.

"Yes, sweetheart," he whispered. "Have a good cry. This probably won't be your last tears this week, because a naughty sissy girl like you needs to be taught a lesson, or several, over Daddy's knee." I sobbed, and squirmed up against the shower wall, as Daddy slid both his big masculine hands between my legs, soaping my little sissy cock and my tender scrotum and balls, and the crack between my bottom cheeks.

Two of his fingers made a "V" and slid up over my balls, over my twitching penis, then back down. The tips of those fingers touched my scrotum gently, then he curled his two fingers up around my tight little sack. "Sissy doesn't like when Daddy smacks her little ball sack with his hard fingernail, but Daddy likes the way it makes her squirm and twitch and cry," he said. He was looming up close to me again, and I looked down and back and saw his hard cock, and he reached down and gave his erection a little stroke with his soapy hand. "Yes, honey, you can see it can't you? You're making Daddy hard again..." Now he got very close, right behind me, and I felt his soapy cock brush against my bottom, then it slid into the crack between my buttocks. It felt hot, and hard there, and I squirmed when I felt it moving, shifting, pleasing itself in my soapy ass crack. Daddy moaned in my ear as his penis nestled in, and he reached around and pawed my balls again with soapy fingers. "I think I'll flick your sack again, honey," he said.

"No, noooo, please no Daddy," I wailed. He chuckled. He was stroking my balls with his soapy hand.

"Or maybe it's time to do something else with my flick finger," he whispered. He backed away from me again, and I felt his hand slide up, between my ass cheeks, and then his fingertip was circling, probing, and I moaned and my knees straightened and without wanting to I moved my hips and involuntarily flexed my perineum and tightened my sissy pussy as his fingertip found my tight little hole, and stopped.

"Oh honey, look at how you squirm! What a little sissy fag you are!"

I'm leaning bent against the wall, hips straining upward, I can see Daddy's hard cock bobbing next to me when I look down, he's whispering things in my ear, I'm feeling very ashamed, his soapy left hand is squeezing my tight little balls, and I feel the tip of his soapy finger probing my opening, teasing me.

"It's tight, oh honey your little sissy ass is very tight," he whispered. "It's a good thing we have all these soapy suds, right honey?"

I just moaned, but he had located my tender spot, and lubricated it with his sudsy fingers, and though his hand wandered back out, sliding in and out of my bottom crack, stroking my hips and my bottom, now that he'd located his target his fingers could quickly slide back between my buns and that fingertip would zero right in again. He teased my little hole, circling his fingertip around its edges, poking its center without penetrating, making me twitch and squirm

"This is what I wanted to show you, sweetie," he whispered. "There are some special little things you can learn about your bottom, and how it connects with your hard little sissy penis here." His other hand was softly stroking, soaping my testicles and the base of my penis.

"You ready, honey?" he whispers. "You want it don't you? Tell Daddy..." and his soapy fingertip found the center of my twitching anus, making me whimper my high, breathy moan again.

I felt it sliding up and down across my soapy asshole. "Yes," I whispered. "Yes, Daddy."

He stopped. His middle fingertip was poised at my entrance. He was waiting, I knew he wanted me to say it.

"I want it, Daddy," I rasped. I felt his finger push, very slowly. It went into me, just a little. "Finger me, Daddy."

"Relax, honey," he said. I wanted to relax, but my knees started to shake.

"Relax, I said," he said, and his hand slid back out and he gave my bottom a quick, hard smack, then slid his hand back in and I felt his finger probing.

"Yes, Daddy," I said, and I took a deep breath, let it out, and concentrated on breathing slowly and letting my muscles relax. Daddy's index finger slid into my ass.

"That's good, Honey," he whispered, moving his finger in and out again slowly. "You're tight, oh you're so tight but when you relax I can feel how soft your sissy pussy is, inside."

I'm leaning up against the shower wall, my feet apart, my back arched, with Daddy close beside me, with his finger in my ass, and my soapy balls in his other hand. I moaned. I squirmed. I had never felt anything like this, it was like all my feelings were concentrated in one spot, all my nerves had moved instantly down from my arms and my tummy and my brain, and up from my feet and my legs and my thighs, every nerve ending was throbbing in the ring of my anus and Daddy's soapy sudsy finger was pushing in and out of it, twisting around and touching bundles of inner nerves that clustered in a spot a few inches inside me.

"Hold still, Honey," he whispered, and his finger slid all the way out. I hummed a little wail. "Daddy needs to switch to the index finger," he said, and I felt him find the entrance again, and I gasped and he pushed my cheeks apart with his other hand and this time his index finger slid into me. It felt a little fatter, a little more dexterous. He stopped when he was just inside me.

"Relax completely now, Honey," he whispered. "Don't tighten on me, let your little sissy ass be loose." I did as Daddy said. I tried to think about how to relax, and in my mind I pretended to pee, and I felt my sphincter loosen a little.

"Yes Daddy," I uttered, in a self absorbed, quiet voice. I was concentrating on my most intimate muscles, my mind's focus was on my sphincter ring, and I couldn't devote much effort to speech.

"Close your eyes, honey," he said. He had become very still, his finger not moving, but still pushed about two inches into my rectum. I could feel it there, but nothing else was happening, no pushing, no probing. I closed my eyes.

"Stay relaxed now, honey," he whispered. I was relaxed, and the outer ring of my anus remained untightened, but I could feel his finger in me, still inserted up to about the second knuckle.

My breathing was slow. My eyes were closed. Then, I felt something. Very softly, something touched the underside of my hard penis, right below the head. Daddy was touching me. Then I felt his finger and thumb close around the top of my erection, and give a soft, quick squeeze.

I felt the spasm. I moaned, because it was as if there was an immediate nerve connection between him squeezing that most sensitive part of my penis, and the muscles of my anal ring. I instantly spasmed, and involuntarily the ring of my anus tightened down on Daddy's finger.

"I said relax, honey," Daddy whispered. He had let go my cock. I took a slow breath, and my anus loosed again.

He did it again. Suddenly his hand grasped and squeezed the top of my cock, and again I felt my ass tighten, as if he was pulling a draw string.

"Yes, honey," he whispered. Again he stopped all his motion, but Daddy still had his index finger inserted, and his soapy left hand was closed around my penis, but both his big, soapy hands were static. "Relax, that's right honey." I relaxed again. The moment was quiet, and a little tense too, in a waiting, paused way.

After five seconds or so, his left hand tightened slightly around the head of my cock, and moved. Even as hard as it was, my cock was small compared to his big hand, and disappeared completely when he closed his fist around it. He gave a single, pushing stroke, down the shaft and back up, his hand wrapped around my erection, slick and sudsy. Again, I felt my anus tighten, I very much felt his soapy index finger up my ass because I couldn't help myself, when he stroked my cock, my anus responded instantly. And I gasped and moaned again;

"Ohh," I said. "Ohhh Daddy ohhhh."

"Shhh, honey," he whispered. He moved his finger while my anus was still very tight, pushing it in then sliding it back, almost all the way out. I cried out again at the intensity of how it felt, half excitement, half humiliated. "Yes, you have it, Daddy can tell by the way your body reacts. Oh what a hot little sissy you are. Your little ass cunt has a very strong perineal reflex. Involuntary sphincter response. I'm guessing your glans is...very sensitive."

I felt my face turning hot again. I laid my cheek against the cold tile, and a shudder ran through me. Daddy pulled his finger out of my anus, and he was still stroking my balls lightly with the soapy fingers of his left hand. I was whimpering and twitching.

Casually, he slid his index finger right into my ass again, as he spoke. "Well, honey, this was what I wanted to show you. Doctors sometimes call it the 'anal wink'. Yes, oh yes we're going to have a good time this week. Well, Daddy's going to have a good time, anyway. Because first, little Lana needs to be punished, to be taught her lessons about manners, about communication. She needs to learn to pay attention to her Daddy. And do as she's told."


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