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Self-Care as a Threesome.
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Daniella's wedding was the best thing that happened to our own marriage. We were finally closing the loose end in order to let our guilt disappear.

To understand how the 3 of us were intertwined you need to know that this was all my doing. As an up and coming lawyer at a top firm in DC I was aggressive about everything - from the clients I took to the guys I fucked, everything was about me.

So when I found Henry recovering from his early retirement from football, I decided to make him mine. I wined him, dined him, sucked him, fucked him and wed him in 2 years. He was a small town guy that was hit by my tornado. Two kids and three promotions later I was queen of the world.

But somewhere in our eleventh year of wedded bliss I realized that everything wasn't as perfect as I imagined.

For years my husband, the embodiment of virtue and loyalty, would spot weak individuals within my firm. He had a sixth sense for people that didn't have our best interest at heart. And he was almost always right because we would find a paper trail of misdoings from the people he called out. However there were two women that had no such trail. But I trusted his input so I didn't worry.

Then one day I caught a glimpse of Henry in the security camera at our front desk. He was waiting on the elevator to come up when a new attorney walked up to him. She was a little too close in my opinion, so I watched this silent film play out. Her hair flip and facial expressions were clearly a pass at Henry. Unmistakably aggressive, I watched her use every move in the book - the book I'd written - in that 90 seconds. Mind you I was observing all of this while entertaining Gerald, our security guard, with a conversation about his lovely granddaughter.

Outside I was chill. Inside I was fuming.

But when they exited the elevator there was no sign from either of them that anything had happened. Henry smiled and said "have a good day" to her as he came over to greet me.

Now I already knew that Ms. Homewrecker was a goner from the firm, but I couldn't figure out Henry's take on the situation. Was he complicit in the flirting but knew that the cameras were on him? Was he simply trying to save her job? Was he not picking up on her signals?

Later that night, Henry finally said something before we went to bed.

"I'm not sure that compliance specialist is a good fit for the firm," he stated randomly before a quick kiss and a lot of snoring.

That was it. That was why there was no papertrail on those previous two women. He knew that I couldn't trust them but he didn't want to share why. My relief in seeing his actions turned to guilt in realizing something bigger.

As Henry slept I realized that those three women smelled the nature in my man and simply went on the attack. He was oozing sexuality in a chemistry that animalistic women could not ignore. These pheromones were a combination of healthy diet, constant exercise and - what I constantly preyed on in my youth - the lack of good pussy at home.

My mouth dropped as I realized I was not fucking my man correctly. Or enough. Whatever. I knew that we were having less sex. I was busy prioritizing mergers and clients for possibly two years. I hadn't given him a blow job in 6 months.

And this man said nothing.

But I realized something else that had been missing for the last two years.

Henry was always jacking off when I wasn't in the mood. He didn't hide it because I loved seeing it. It was only about once a week but it was always in plain sight. He'd catch a glimpse of me in the shower or laying next to me in the bed. Boom. He was proud of it and I enjoyed watching every stroke as he performed for me and on me. He was marking his territory and every inch of me belonged to him.

But I hadn't had a show like that in months. Either he wasn't interested or he was sparing me the sight of his lust so I could focus on my fucking work.

My fucking work.

I felt so guilty at that moment for neglecting my stud. My loyal stud. I knew he was jacking off to himself so that I wouldn't feel guilty. He knew I wasn't interested in joining or had the energy.

My libido wasn't really interested.

I know me. As much as we fucked like rabbits in the early years, I was totally disinterested in the topic. I'd read all of the books that said I might need a little 'newness' but none of that interested me. Or her. Or us. I didn't want a new man. I didn't want any man.

And my man knew that.

A week after that realization my assistant Daniella caught me looking at self-help sex books. For 3 years Daniella knew everything about me so I wasn't embarrassed. She was with me when we got food poisoning in Bangkok. Hand-in-hand we shared quite the experience.

"At least you can keep a man," Daniella laughed nervously.

"Thomas?" I asked with a hint of confusion because I really wasn't sure who she was dating.

She smiled softly to let me know I was way off base. "Juan. He cheated on me, too," she said with a sigh that felt like it was all her fault.

"Sorry," I said for not remembering her latest boyfriend. "But this job doesn't leave much room for love."

"Honestly, I don't think it's that," Daniella said as she slouched in front of me. Normally an overachiever, this was a new look from her. "The bedroom is not my best skill, if you know what I mean."

My eyebrows nearly touched the ceiling. I realized that Daniella knew everything about me, including Henry, and I knew nothing about her. She had probably shared things but I was too self-absorbed to retain any of it. I even realized that she had full access to my phone that had the occasional image of Henry naked. She knew everything. Maybe even before I did.

"Well, I can't remember the last time I sucked Henry's dick," I laughed in order to ease her tensions.

"His birthday," she stated flatly. She was right. I highlighted his birthday in my calendar but I never asked Daniella to buy anything. That's how she knew. Worse yet, we were becoming a sex-only-on-birthdays couple.

"I wish he would just fucking get a mistress so I could not have to worry about it," I joked.

Daniella laughed so hard she snorted.

We just looked at each other.

"That's why I can't keep a man," she said as we laughed again.

And that's when I asked her the last time she'd been tested.

"After I caught Juan," she answered knowingly.

"How would you like to learn to be better in the bedroom?" I asked.

"I think I would like that," Daniella replied.

We knew Henry wouldn't willing go along with this so we took slow steps to make it a reality.

For two months, Daniella worked at our house late enough to stay over. We had an extra room on the main floor with us while the kids were upstairs on the far end of the house. Honestly there was more than enough work to make this happen so it didn't seem too out of place. It was Eric's idea to let her stay the first evening after she had a couple of glasses of wine. From then on it became so normal that she had extra clothes in her gym bag "just in case".

By summer the kids were off to sleep away camp and the house was super quiet. Daniella had a couple of extra glasses of wine one night because she knew it was time.

So after a couple of years of a sexless marriage I told Henry at breakfast that I wanted to make things better for the both of us and he needed to trust me.

He pretended to be shocked at my statement and say it was all good.

"It's not," I said to him. "Now tonight after we all go to bed, you need to take off your clothes, put on your wireless headphones and get under the sheets. And don't take off your headphones until after you come, okay. Promise?" I asked sheepishly.

Henry quietly gulped to himself.

"Promise?" I asked again.

"Promise," he replied as he stared through me.

"Sorry, one more thing," I said as I put our plates in the dishwasher. "No jacking off today."

Henry smiled.

It was at that moment I knew I was doing the right thing. I had never felt so sexually dominant and so fucking dry at the same time.

So that night Henry was shocked to see Daniella at the house. His excitement turned to disappointment when I said that we'd be working late. But we ordered from his favorite restaurant so he thought that was my apology.

By 10PM Henry told us that he was ready for bed. He gave me the sweetest kiss on the cheek before he bounced out of the room. I could tell that he was disappointed about the night, but knew that I understood that he needed more. As I watched his muscular frame exit the living area I saw the fear in Daniella's face.

"Nervous?" I asked her.

"Does it show?" she asked as her foot tapped repeatedly. "What if I'm really bad?"

"First of all, you won't be," I said comfortingly. "Second of all, I'll be there the entire time."

So we finished up our work and headed to our rooms at about 11PM. Henry was almost asleep in his pajamas when I walked over next to him. I whispered in his ear, "This is not what we discussed this morning."

As I left the room I turned off all of the lights.

I found Daniella in the guest room. She was still nervous. Without thinking I walked right into her personal space. We were close enough to kiss. Our breasts were pressed tightly against each other as I felt her heart beating rapidly.

"We are going to do this together, okay?" I asked softly. I could feel her nipples stiffen as I breathed warm air onto her neck.

"Okay," she replied softly.

We walked down the dark hallway to the master bedroom where we could barely see anything. We walked into the room together and could hear the music from the headphones.

I held Daniella's hand as we walked over to the bed. I pulled the sheets from Henry's body. While Daniella and I were in tank tops and panties, Henry was fully naked, just as I requested. I gently straddled Henry's torso with my ass facing his face. I'm certain he opened his eyes at that moment, but the room was pitch dark.

I slowly caressed Henry's rock hard dick to make sure he was both calm and excited. I began to rub his thighs as I leaned over him. My nipples were rolling over his dick as my tank top softly hung between us. That's when I pulled Daniella's hand to cup his balls. Though she was nervous I could tell she wanted more.

Henry flinched as he realized I wasn't the only other person in the room. But I tightened my thighs over his arms and torso to say, "Remember our agreement." So he relaxed. I felt bad not telling him that this was the plan all along. We had no secrets. But he would have never agreed. I had to do it for us and pray to God that he would understand.

"Hold them gently," I told Daniella as I continued to caress Henry's thighs. "Don't worry. He can't hear us."

Still standing next to the bed, she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. So I guided her through some soft caressing while I could feel Henry's dick throbbing between my breasts. Helping Daniella do the thing I used to love to do was intense for me. I was fascinated by men's balls but afraid to touch them. I had to work up the courage to tell Henry. But once he guided me through how to handle his - not too soft, not too rough - I couldn't keep them out of my hands or my mouth.

I guided Daniella's hands until I knew she was comfortable in the room and with Henry's body. "Once you know how to handle these guys," I explained, "you know that he's all yours."

Then I pulled Daniella onto the bed between Henry's thighs. As she kneeled into his manhood I talked to her about every part of Henry's dick, balls and taint. At first her hands were clumsy underneath mine but slowly her caress matched her desire to please.

As I let her continue solo for the first time, I leaned over to our night stand to grab some coconut oil. I told her to remove her tank top if she wanted to continue. I could feel her release Henry's dick as she pulled her tank top off. I liberally covered his dick with coconut oil and then rubbed her nipples with the excess. It occurred to me that I had never touched a woman like that before. The touch itself didn't feel sexual to me because I'm not into women. Had it just been the two of us in the room it would have done nothing for me. But the thought of me getting her titties oily for Henry's dick gave me a tingle.

"Now stroke his dick with your titties just over top so he can feel them," I directed. I could hear her stroking as I helped her place her breasts on the head of his dick. Her nipples were firmer than mine and I imagined what Henry was thinking as my hands and Daniella's breast engulfed his dick. "When I'm doing this I like to tell him that my pussy is wetter than this, because it usually is."

Daniella didn't respond. Instead she kept stroking slowly. I wanted to ask her if everything was okay but she was in a trance. She wasn't thinking at this point.

As it turns out, his dick was doing all of the thinking because before we got any further I could feel the twitch before the storm. And to her credit Daniella had no idea what was about to happen next.

With a vibrant pulsation Henry came all over Daniella's titties and my panties. She froze.

"Keep going," I encouragingly demanded. "Get every last drop." She kept stroking through Henry's spasms. He was spent below me but she kept a gentle caress as I leaned into her. I could feel the wetness of his come through my panties and the heat of her breath through the curls of my hair.

For the first time in months I felt something real between my legs. I didn't want it to end. I was so relaxed that I didn't notice when Daniella left the room. I just sat on my husband and mentally located that place between my legs that had been empty for so long.

I was awakened from my trance by Henry's snoring. I smiled to myself because I couldn't remember the last time he was this passed out. I slowly lifted myself off of him as to keep the come from dripping all over. I found my hand gripping Daniella's tank top and realized I needed to check on her.

As I tiptoed down the hallway I was shocked to hear soft moans coming from Daniella's room. I knew I needed to leave her to her business. But I didn't.

Instead of going to the kitchen to get a glass of water, I just stood there and listened to her gently breathing through a cracked door as my husband's come dried on my panties.

I felt so dirty.

I felt so good.

That morning arrived and I was showered and in the kitchen before they could question what happened. With a whisper and a smile I gave them each a "good morning; breakfast is ready" to pull them from their slumber.

That morning began like every other morning that Daniella slept over. We ate breakfast while we prepared for the day. Henry kissed me innocently and said to Daniella, "Don't let her work you too hard."

As he headed into the garage I laughed uncontrollably at the thought of him embarrassingly realizing the double entendre.

"You are so bad," Daniella shook her head as she grabbed her overnight bag and headed out.

Two nights later I was holding Danielle's locks as I bobbed her head up and down on my husband's freshly shaved dick and balls. With my coconut oiled finger in his ass Henry came in Danielle's mouth. I assumed Danielle was not a swallower, so I was pleasantly surprised to hear her gulping down every drop.

I was also surprised to feel Henry's hands caressing my clit as I straddled him. I was wet. I was in a trance. I still wasn't interested in sex but I was getting the urge to orgasm.

And while I was caught up in my own juices I hadn't noticed Daniella had left the room again. I knew she was finishing herself off and that kept me up the rest of night.

That morning we went through the same routine and Henry made the same joke because not telling the joke would be an admission of it being something dirty.

And we went on with our day.

The next week Daniella and I travelled to Amsterdam for work. At no point did our extracurricular activities come up in conversation. We were so busy and we compartmentalized our worlds. Maybe she wanted to talk about it but she didn't. Honestly the thought never crossed my mind.

And when we got back the topic never came up. It was as though it never happened.

But that first night back, while Daniella was at her own apartment, I pulled off Henry's pajamas and sucked his dick until my pussy decided she was ready. It had been some time since anything was between my legs so I eased onto him. Before I could fully appreciate the moment I convulsed and trembled in an emotional orgasm that had little physical significance. This was my body apologizing to both Henry and myself for abandoning us.

I cried on top of him as he just held me.

I think he came too.

We were free.

But the next day at the office was crazy. The project in Amsterdam had been elevated thanks to Daniella and I, so we needed to prepare for follow up meetings in the Los Angeles office in two days.

Innocently we found ourselves sprawled over my dining room table crunching numbers and reviewing old presentations until 1AM.

"Let's finish this in the morning," I conceded. We hit the lights and headed down the hallway. "Good night," Daniella tossed out as she walked into her room.

When I got to my room I found Henry sound asleep.

And completely naked.

Was he waiting for me? And Daniella?

For a second I thought to go grab her but we hadn't agreed to anything that evening. I don't want to bother her.

So instead, I ripped off my clothes and eased onto the bed. The house was completely dark so I moved slowly. I straddled my pussy onto his face and placed his sleeping dick in my mouth. Simultaneously his tongue and dick woke to entertain me.

Now the problem with that competition is that one of us always lost focus first. This time was no different as I found myself sitting upright and moaning while his tongue massaged my clit. I was in ecstasy. I was thrusting my pelvis into him. I was fucking his face.

And that's when I felt a soft hand on top of mine.

I knew it was Daniella. But I wasn't sure what I wanted next.

Instinctively I pulled down her panties as she was standing next to our bed. Her pussy was dripping wet as though she had started in her room without us.

At that moment I decided we would all finish together.

I pulled Daniella onto the bed and over my husband. We'd all been tested and Henry had a vasectomy. I had no reason to stop now.

I placed Henry's throbbing dick into Daniella's moist pussy while I continued to fuck his face like a sex pillow. Daniella and I held onto each other while we ground our pussies into Henry. We bucked and bucked as we sweated through each other's rhythm. And then Daniella pulled my breasts together and put my nipples in her mouth.

I fucking saw stars. Stars. Fucking stars.

And as I came Henry began fucking Daniella as if it would make me come harder - which it did. So naturally she began to orgasm as I held her to my breasts. She held onto me like she was drowning and I knew the feeling. I moaned. She gasped. We sounded like sex should sound.

Then Henry exploded beneath us as we all melted into an oozing, sweaty lump of satisfied humanity.

Without pause I thanked them both and headed for the shower. "Busy day tomorrow," I barked at Daniella as I slapped her on the ass. "Get some sleep."

The next day began like all of the other days.

And we never spoke about what was turning into a regular thing that summer.

A very regular thing.

Daniella's education and exploration that summer awakened my dormant sexuality and brought a renewed curiosity that I thought might never return.

As expected my husband never requested any of our extracurricular activities because he only wanted to please me. Everything else was a bonus. Though I now feel a bit of pressure to enjoy anal because I have to admit my only drop of jealousy came when I saw how much they both liked their two anal sessions. I know it's not a competition but I'll be damned if my husband has any memories that rank above those with me. He confessed early in our relationship about an extremely memorable blowjob that I spent two years outranking until I was sure that I secured the top 10 spots.


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