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Marcy's Travelling Patio Show

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She puts on interactive bizarre live theater.
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Copyright 2001 Del Edwards (a nom de plume)

Marcy and Todd had begun to know each other because of their verbal sparing and flirting when he went in for his quarterly tooth scaling and dental checkup. She was a cute little cherub barely five feet tall behind the counter in the dentist's office scheduling appointments and collecting fees. She almost always had that impish, knowing smile on her face when he glanced at her. Other times he gazed at her, moving his eyes and psychic hands over her firm little body. She enjoyed taunting him with wags of her breasts and wiggles of her hips. It was a fine game they played each time he was in the office.

She put it over the edge. The woman is often the one who does that. As he was about to leave she stood up and moved back into the files that went from floor to ceiling--sort of like the stacks in a library. She moved back far enough that only he could see her. Her right hand stroked her right breast through the plain blouse she was wearing and then dropped to her lower abdomen. She splayed her fingers against the dark green cloth of her skirt, her little finger touching the spot about where her clit was. She wiggled it. With her other hand she lifted her skirt until the hem was at mid-thigh. Her mouth was in the form of an 'Oh' sound and her hips bucked slowly three times as though she were having an orgasm.

Having written the check for the services that day and having the card with his next appointment noted on it, he fled. On the short drive home he realized she had gotten the best of him ... "that little shit!" he said aloud though there was no one to hear it.

First thing is to give it a little time and then come back at her, he decided. That's the way the game is played he told myself. Waiting until two o'clock, he got his toothbrush and dialed the number imprinted on it.

"Doctors Babcock and Summers office. This is Marcy," he heard her say.

"I'm gonna do things to you that you have never dreamed of," he growled into the phone.

There was a short pause and she said, "Let me check on that." Another pause. "Next Wednesday, yes," she said.

"What time," he asked.

"That's right, eleven thirty. See you then," she said brightly.

"Here ... my place," he told her

"Yes, of course," she said.

* * * * *

Marcy parked in the driveway and strode quickly to his front door. Anxious woman, he thought to himself as he opened the door.

Now she was lying face down on the bed squirming slowly. Her arms and legs moved almost as though she was swimming in some sort of thick liquid and she was in discomfort. He had settled to the floor and sat Indian style so their eyes would meet when she looked up. Her breath was fast and shallow. A long groan came from her throat as she raised her head. Her eyes were half closed against the pain.

"God, it hurts so good," she growled with a half smile. Then she lowered her head so she could grind her belly and hips into the bed. She kept squirming for a minute or so and then squalled in pain and breathlessly squeaked, "No more, no more please."

Her head was lolling from side to side as he clamped the tube shut. The red rubber enema bag hanging from a hook on the bathroom door was a little less than half full.

"Come hold me," she asked through her still fast breathing. He got on the bed with her. She slowly rolled onto her side and he moved closer to her making sure the pinch valve was within reach. He lay on his back and let her fit herself to him in the classic cuddle position with her head in the hollow of his shoulder and arm and her upper leg bent and resting across his thighs. She mewed like a kitten and let out a long breath.

* * * * *

Ten minutes ago she had squealed with delight when she walked into the bedroom and saw the bulging enema bag, the coiled tubing and stiff plastic tip hanging from the door. "You're so intuitive and thoughtful," she had commented as she gazed at the bag. "I want it now," she said smiling enthusiastically as she pushed her panties down her legs. He lubricated the stiff white plastic tip and used it to point to the bed.

"On your hands and knees," he directed. She complied and he flipped the hem of her skirt up onto her back. For the first time he saw those finely formed buns and her dark puckerhole. Slowly he inserted the tip into her rectum.

"Ewoooo," she crooned.

"Now you can lie down," he told her. Sinking into a prone position with her arms and legs spread, she lay very still ... waiting. He watched her breathing. When her stillness became overwhelming, he flicked open the pinch valve on the tube to start the flow.

"Ohhhhh, yessss," Marcy hissed. She groaned and ground her hips and belly into the bed, squirming against the rushing discomfort that soon would build to pain.

A couple of minutes later she exclaimed, "It hurts now, Stop...stop." He clicked the valve closed.

* * * * *

When her breathing was even again he found the pinch valve and clicked it open.

"Ohoooo, more?" she moaned as she squirmed against him. He petted her arm and shoulder. She began a rhythmic groaning whimper that lasted for a long time. "I Iiiiike the paaaain you give meeeee," she screeched.

"As long as you want it, I will provide it to you, my friend," he replied. "Next time I want you to do it to me, just as I have done to you," he added.

"Oh my, I'm sorry," she wailed.

"Nothing to be sorry about," he told her, "We have found each other."

* * * * *

Those initial sessions a couple of years ago evolved into a structured show that they took on the road, mostly to California because that seemed to be the prime market. Additionally, the likelihood of encountering someone they knew was extremely remote. They charged big bucks, seventy percent of which went to Marcy because she was the mostly naked lady who endured the pain in most cases. She invested every dime from this endeavor saying it was her retirement fund.

Every now and then they would encounter a group of women who wanted to see a man humiliated and in pain; enemaed, infused, shocked and sickened by them. They bought the privilege of application with him just as the men (mostly) did with Marcy. When that happened he got the seventy percent.

They had caught a midday flight to San Diego and were in their hotel room by three. As usual, the auction was scheduled for eight with the performance following immediately. Then they'd stay the night because Marcy was always quite drained after a performance. Sunday morning they would sleep late, have the hotel brunch and fly back on Sunday afternoon, considerably richer.

Marcy still liked him to bind her hand and foot with soft clothes line, give her a chemical enema while lying on the bed then beg him to put her on the toilet after about ten minutes when the chemicals had done their work. She was small enough that he could literally take her in his arms and sit her on the toilet so she could release. That seemed to please her and she almost always wanted to give him a blowjob after he untied her. He almost always let her.

That chemical enema was a standard preparation so her gushing release at the climax of her show would be almost free of any solid fecal matter. That and swallowing a four-ounce dose of soda of phosphor cleansed her digestive tract quite thoroughly. Usually all she swallowed after the enema/laxative routine was water and his cum.

The host for the show was a forty-something guy with a beach boy body and graying hair at the temples. His house was well appointed in Danish modern and was probably in the quarter-million dollar range. He ushered them straight through the living room and out the Arcadia door to the patio. It was dusk and the submerged pool light was on as well as several Malibu lights around the pool. Two large orange Japanese lanterns provided illumination for the patio. The patio floor was Sausalito title. The pool and the deck around it comprised most of the back yard though there were a few shrubs where judiciously placed mounds of crushed granite varied the contour of the landscape. The focal point of the very private back yard enclosed by a seven-foot stucco-ed wall was a multi-tiered waterfall that fed into the pool. Todd was sure the kidney-shaped whirlpool was on a separate filter/heater setup.

During the first six months of their very profitable endeavor they had refined their kit so it would fit in one 26-inch bag. That included Marcy's performance wardrobe which consisted of nothing by a pair of spike heels, a couple pairs of elastic-topped thigh-high stockings and a beaded gold lame thing that was less than a dress.

Todd decided he would use all four stands---three for mini-spots and one for Marcy's reservoirs. When he zipped the bag open she got her wardrobe and the digital camera and asked the host where she could change. He responded she could use the guest bedroom. She smiled flirtatiously and invited him to show her. She commented about how gracious he was to allow his home to be used as her stage.

The other players began to arrive before he finished setting up. He knew some or most had preparations of their own to complete prior to the show. The tall, slim, gray-haired man with a ponytail down to the middle of his back barely acknowledged Todd's presence as he walked to the whirlpool, stripped off all of his clothes and slipped into the warm, swirling water. Todd knew the type---he would be the one to masturbate all the way through the performance and jack himself off while Marcy was in her finale; squalling in pain, eyes bugged out, her face taught, hips bucking and brown & yellow water gushing from her crotch openings. She was a great little actress. Todd especially liked the little move they worked out for her where she pushed her hand against her lower abdomen as if trying to lessen the 'pain'.

A couple arrived and took two adjacent chairs toward the open end of the patio. They were approximately the same age. Married couple or at least lovers he thought and bet himself they were watchers and wouldn't even bid on the application or operation options.

Next to arrive was a burly biker type with tattoos dressed in a black tee shirt and greasy jeans. His bitch was on a chain a couple of steps behind him wearing a wide silver-studded black leather collar. He took the chair next to the woman member of the couple and leered at her. When he shook the chain the straight-haired blond in the crop top and skin-tight denim cutoffs stripped naked and settled at his feet.

The last to arrive was another couple although an unlikely one. He was bald and a bit pudgy as well as much older and a good six inches shorter than the statuesque, black-haired young woman in blouse, skirt hose and heels.

Marcy made her entrance and stood in the middle of the six-foot-diameter tape-defined circle. She was more naked than not even in the spike heels, thigh high stockings and gold lame 'dress' that reached maybe a third of the way down her thighs. She made the identification round recording an image of each person present with the digital camera and then jotting down driver's license information as she went around the circle. There was a dual purpose in what she did. First, her dress would put the men in an agitated state and cause them to bid higher. Second, and more important, she wrote the name of each bidder on a separate envelope in case one of them slipped her counterfeit money, they would know which one to go after. These were things they had learned the hard way and then instituted procedures to prevent a recurrence.

Beach boy-host exercised his option as soon as Marcy announced the reserve bid for application and operation of the chromed electric dildo she dangled by its harness. After she collected and counted the twelve one-hundred-dollar bills and put them in the envelope with his name on it she handed him a pair of rubber gloves and watched closely to make she he observed sterile technique as he put them on. Next she put the dildo in one of his hands and squeezed a big gob of lubricating jelly from the tube into his other hand. While he smeared the gel over the dildo she moved close in front of him and pulled up her skirt. He stroked the remaining lubricant onto her vaginal lips and then worked the gleaming chrome pseudo-dick fully into her and strapped it snuggly in place. She gave a little grunt as he tightened the harness until the elastic was strained.

The older, naked guy with the beard and pony tail bought the enema tube installation for four hundred but dropped out of the bidding when the administration price passed nine hundred. Todd and Marcy were both surprised when the woman half of the younger couple bought the right to control when the quart and a half of red wine mixed with blue dye to make it dark brown would flow into Marcy's bowel.

Bidding for the tube insertion and bladder infusion see-sawed between the biker and the middle-aged bald guy who had brought his own beautiful blowjob with him. It topped out at twenty-four hundred dollars when the gorgeous, muscular, black-haired amazon took off her dusty-olive-drab-raw-silk blouse and stuck her left breast in her escort's mouth to silence him.

Sleazy Biker extended his hand toward the raven-haired beauty and ran his index and middle fingers across the pad of his thumb then crooked and wagged his index finger beckoning her to come to him. To the delight of everyone present she raised her arm toward the biker and extended her middle finger perfectly powerful and tipped with a long, wicked-looking pearl-painted nail in total defiance.

Biker's first instinct was to batter her to the ground and beat her until she opened her mouth and legs to him. However, just to her left was Todd with the TASER steadily held to strike the middle of his chest. They all laughed at him and he nearly exploded. While he was still in the frenzy of intensity Marcy reached back and took the five-shot stainless steel 38 special snubby that Todd offered her butt first.

"Money," Marcy mocked, "Twenty four hundred," she hissed at him. "Pay now!" she yelled as she banged the muzzle of the sliver stubby off the bridge of his nose. She pushed the muzzle into his left eye. His right eye went huge. Grabbing his cash wad she counted off 24 hundred-dollar bills and handed him back the rest of it. An appreciative and approving murmur rolled from the crowd. Marcy was on a roll. This was what it was all about for her. Todd could hear the power humming from her.

"Put on the gloves and then I'll tell you what to do," she grated at the Greasy Grunt. "No, no. Touch only the cuffs as you pull them on. If you make the same mistake again, I'll shoot you in the balls," she yelled as she punched the silver snubby into the crotch of his greasy jeans. Just for emphasis she dropped the muzzle an inch and squeezed off a round. It was loud and close. It brought him to complete attention.

Glancing past him she saw the number nine shot load had barely tattooed the slump block wall behind him. The young couple saw it all. They both grinned her to continue.

Slowly she talked Bad Boy to the point where he had properly donned the gloves, lubricated the tube and put a small gob of lube just below her clit where her pee hole was. Marcy whacked the naked blond bimbo on the left ear with the side of the snubby and instructed her to open Bad Ass's pants and start to suck him. Marcy knew they were both not very bright but quite mean.

Slowly and certainly she put the cold steel muzzle of the 38 Special to Bad Ass's forehead just above his left eye. "Slow and gentle," she said as she jockeyed her feet further apart, "or I'll give you your change in lead to the head."

Ten minutes later she stood in the middle of the circle gasping as both the front and back tube filled her. That's what they paid for. She moaned and bent at the waist after her hips bucked. Beach Boy had just zapped her with an electric shock to the dildo firmly strapped into her. The wire attached to it lead back to the black box in his hand. A second wire lead from the box to a metal stud in the resouvior that was emptying into her bladder. He hit her with several more. Marcy squalled and pressed on her bulging lower abdomen as if trying to push the pain away. She was up on her toes almost dancing when Beach Boy held the button down sending a constant current into the dildo.

"Masturbate!" the bearded man with the ponytail demanded. Marcy's hand went to her clit as she turned to watch him slowly stroking his gleaming hard pleasure rod. Todd uncoiled the tube attached to the still-full blue reservoir and handed the end to the masturbating man. There was a spring clothes pin attached to the tube about five inches from the end.

"Stick it up her nose and attach the clip to her nostril," Todd told him. The bearded man with the ponytail rose slowly and approached Marcy. When he began to insert the tube up her nose she grabbed his hard cock and began stroking. After having installed the tube as directed he opened the clamp. Marcy choked and coughed as the blue water began flowing down the back of her throat. All she could do was swallow it. She had let go of his cock when she choked. Both of the other reservoirs were empty. Todd directed the man standing in the circle with Marcy to gently remove the tubes from her rectum and bladder. He did so carefully since Marcy was still clutching the 38 snubby in her left hand.

Some of the blue water sprayed out of her mouth as she exhaled a scream of pain. Her belly and lower abdomen were distended from all the fluid in her. She gagged and coughed more blue water into a mist as it exited her mouth.

It was more than she could stand. She slowly collapsed to her knees and opened her mouth. "Three thousand for the dick that will make me sick," she gurgled. The head of the raven-haired beauty stopped bobbing in the crotch of the bald man.

She looked up at him and said, "Buy me that." He nodded vigorously and tried to push her head back into his lap. She resisted him and stood, her bare breasts quivering from the excitement that gripped her. Todd always hated this part but he knew it would bring Marcy relief. He handed the dildo with the rubber bulb at the base to the Amazon woman. He was looking into her eyes, not at her breasts.

Marcy was swaying on her knees. Opening her mouth wide she spit and squalled more blue mist, asking for the false dick that would squirt the sickening solution down her throat. She accepted it willingly. The raven-haired beauty smiled wickedly as she pushed the dildo down Marcy's throat and squeezed the bulb. Marcy knew it was only a matter of seconds until she threw up.

She stopped fighting and let go with her bowel and bladder. Brown and yellow water sprayed and gushed from her ass cheeks and groin. That was still going on when she pitched forward catching herself with her arms and hands. She knew not to fight it and vomited wave after wave of blue water. As the stomach spasms ended and the last of the other waters leaked from her, she sank into the puddle of liquids she had expelled. Rolling on her side she curled into a fetal position, waiting for the trauma of rebirth.

Todd paused only long enough to collect the three grand from the bald guy who was getting the rest of his blowjob. She had expelled everything; squirming and squalling on the patio floor to the delight of her audience.

Todd knelt and slipped his arms under her knees and back below her arms. He rose slowly so as not to slip in the liquids and took her away to a safe place, bathed her and cased her in gentle oils to preserve her sanity and innocence.

Then he held her in his arms until well after dawn. They dressed conventionally and partook of the elegant brunch at the hotel. Sunday afternoon and the flight back to Phoenix dissolved into sleep and Monday morning. Back to the everyday grind. "Ah well," she said brightly to Todd on the phone late Monday afternoon, "there's quite a bit more money in the bank."


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