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Mark & Vanessa: Desirable

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Scratching his colleagues itch.
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This story depicts sex at work, if this is not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.


"Oh dear, that's a sad face," Mark remarked to the only other person remaining in the meeting room. Vanessa had joined his organisation six months previously and was effectively one of his end users. Normally he had to travel to his customers to deliver the software and training; this time around the customer was his employer and he just went to the office, which made a pleasant change for him. Vanessa was a few years younger than him; he guessed around the early to mid-forties mark and she struggled to reach five feet two. Her chestnut hair was always worn long, piercing green eyes with a button nose and the picture was rounded off with the biggest pair of glasses that Mark had ever seen.

The meeting room door was still open and so he dropped his voice to say "Look, I appreciate we haven't had a chance for too many heart to hearts and my calendar doesn't allow me too much time at the office but I mean this most sincerely; if you need a friendly ear to listen to you whatever your problem is then I'm here for you. I always say to new customers that I'm their newest best friend and that applies to you too."

She looked up at him and offered a wan smile "Thank you" she replied "That means a lot to me. I haven't made too many confidants here since joining."

"Well," he offered "Do you have to be anywhere immediately? This room is free, I can book it out so we have somewhere private to talk if that would help." With the internal admin sorted and the door closed Mark took his seat next to Vanessa's, despite a big glass window the configuration of the room meant they could only be seen when people approached the door. He pulled up a graph on the big screen so that the casual viewer would see them discussing some kind of business. He sat silently waiting for her to start.

She gave a deep huff before saying "I don't know where to start. I said I hadn't made confidants but in reality, I have few close friends outside of work."

As she had gone silent Mark decided to reply with a soft mellow voice "That means I'm in a small select company then."

Vanessa smirked and gave a small chuckle, "I can see why the customers like you so much." He just shrugged at that one not wanting to break her train of thought so he stayed silent. After a few moments pause she looked up at the ceiling but when she returned her gaze to him there was a tear in the corner of her eyes. Another deep breath preempted her next comment "I don't think people like me here but perhaps more imposing is I think my relationship has reached a breaking point." She looked to see if Mark would run for the hills at such deep news but he remained seated, looking at her resolutely and so she continued "I never wanted children, neither of us did, but I'd like to feel wanted now and again. It just seems that we are two individuals walking around in our own cyclones that occasionally make contact." After another deep breath, she asked, "How do you maintain a relationship with you working away so often?"

Mark winced as he tried to decide how much detail to relate, especially the fact that he regularly slept with several current colleagues at their company. It was a conversation he had had several times and so he went with "I don't strictly have a single partner. Depending on the circumstance and where my work takes me, I have a small number of friends that I can 'engage with'. To dispel your earlier comment about some liking you, I include myself in the 'like you' category but we are not here to make friends, we're here to get a job done."

"Oh" was her immediate reaction "I wasn't expecting that reply" Vanessa admitted.

Mark gave a churlish smile and replied "My relationships are unorthodox I'll give you that but we are here to talk about you, not my complicated existence. Is this the first time you've confessed your breakup out loud? Have you tried counselling?"

Vanessa nodded her head "Yes, we went through counselling. It was during one of the latter sessions that it occurred to me that we had reached an untenable point." She went silent for some time before she said "I want to feel desired again" her voice sounding very defeated at this point.

Mark decided now was the point to interject in the conversation, "And what makes you think you aren't desirable anymore?" She looked confused by his question so he also asked, "When was the last time you asked a bloke if you were desirable?"

"Errr, well I... I haven't errr... I haven't asked anyone" she stumbled but then changed her demeanour to sound more confident "No one propositions me anymore; they used to but now I've put a bit extra weight on it, I just feel frumpy now. Oh god, I'm so sorry if this sounds like I moan all the time."

"Not at all" he responded immediately adding quickly, "I said I would lend an ear and here I am. Now ask me."

"Ask what?" she asked.

"If I find you attractive" he said as a matter of fact.

After a short pause, she asked, "Do you find me attractive?"

He was ready with an instant answer "Yes." Vanessa sat completely still as she absorbed his reply and so Mark went on for the kill "Do I find you desirable?" he asked with a questioning tone. Vanessa was silent but still nodded slowly wanting to know the answer. He smiled his most enigmatic smile and simply said "Yes. Yes, I do" leaving her to further absorb his words.

"How... what...?" she fumbled her words once more, her expression portraying her complete confusion. "You mean..."

Mark was secretly enjoying playing her and yet he didn't want to be seen to gloat in case it put her off her train of thought. "Is it so incredulous that a man, admittedly a few years older than you, would find you desirable?" he asked."

"I'm sorry" she started to say. "I don't feel very desirable" Her expression changed to one of suspicion as she said, "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

Mark held his hands up in defence "Not at all, it's just the two of us and I know the conversation will go no further than this room from my side. Your dilemma can only be resolved with honesty, fobbing you off with a glib reply is only a short-term gain; this needs resolving."

Her expression didn't waver "So what makes me so desirable then?"

Mark weighed up his words before speaking "You're very attractive, you have that little button nose, and your smile is very warm. I've seen it, although I might say you need to smile more, so people can see it. You're intelligent, funny, you stand on your own two feet and you don't seem to suffer fools."

Vanessa shook her head as she said, "That says I'm attractive, that doesn't say I'm desirable."

Mark shrugged and replied "Well as you insist. Because you wear heels to make up for your height, I happen to find your ankles especially fascinating. I'm not sure how you feel about your butt but I happen to like a nicely rounded rear and your tits are especially tantalising. You hide them under baggy blouses and yet when I sit to your side and glimpse in that direction, I can't help noticing how prominent they appear under your jacket's." He let his words hang in the air for a moment before asking "Was that too much detail and was it what you wanted to hear?"

Her stare seemed to be searching deep in his soul "It was nice to hear so yes and I believe you when you speak about honesty. I am intrigued to hear what your next steps would be to progress your attraction?" With that said, after a glance to make sure no one was standing at the door looking in, she undid the top two buttons of her blouse and fanned the neckline out so that the beginning of her generous cleavage began to show.

Now it was Mark's turn to sit dumbfounded, as supportive as he wanted to be to his colleague, he didn't want to push her down a path that she would later regret -- he wouldn't regret it but she might. He had little conscience about sex, it was a mutual act to be enjoyed by both parties. Yes, Vanessa had a partner but it sounded like they had tried as much as they could to patch things up and the one aspect, he had learned about her this last six months was that when she set her mind on something, heaven and earth would be moved to get her where she wanted to. Above all though was the constrained feeling in his trouser crotch as his dick filled with blood as a direct reaction to the buttons.

Vanessa tipped the balance when she undid a further two buttons and the top of her blue/black lacy bra came into view. She saw his gaze remain on her chest and decided one more push would have him. After taking a glance at the door Vanessa reached for Mark's right hand and brought it palm upwards to her left breast. The heat of his hand was instantly recognisable and for him, the distinctive lump in her blouse where her nipple protruded out could not be missed. "Mmmmm, that's nice" she mumbled as she pulled her hand back slightly to see if he continued with his grasp.

She wasn't disappointed, not only did he not pull his hand away but he started to subtly caress her breast under his undulating fingers. This continued for a few minutes before he curled his fingers up and used his middle and forefinger to tease at her nipple that jutted out of her blouse. It felt substantial under his touch but then you had to factor in the significant lump that was being shielded both her blouse and bra. "I think you like that by the feel of things," she said with a crooked smile spreading across her face.

He raised his eyebrows to demonstrate his surprise and replied, "I have to say that I hadn't expected this when I offered to listen to you but I can't deny that feels like a substantial boob and I can't wait to make direct contact with this phenomenal nipple, it feels amazing."

The smile she returned him was one of genuine warmth. Vanessa tentatively reached down to the crotch of his trousers and after a furtive squeeze, she had to move her hand slightly to take in the lumps full extent before saying "Mmmm, now that's what I meant by wanting to feel desired. It does a girl's ego good to generate that kind of feedback." With a furtive glance over at the door, Vanessa then asked, "What's the next step?"

Mark was anxious not to push her too far, too fast and so replied "I'm happy to let the lady dictate the pace. So I'm bouncing that one back at you."

Vanessa tentatively bit her bottom lip and said, "Would you think bad of me if I said as a first aider, I happen to know the first aid room is both discrete and rarely gets used." She left the rest of the sentence unsaid.

Mark smiled back and finished the sentence for her "You've said it's been some time since you felt desirable. You've sampled my opinion and I have nothing pressing for the rest of the day that can't wait." It was now his turn to leave sentences unsaid.

Vanessa sat up straight, re-buttoned her blouse and raised a questioning eyebrow as she said, "What are we waiting for?"

Mark stood up and used his notepad to hide the bulge in his trousers as he made his way downstairs separately to the route taken by Vanessa but found her waiting at the door to the first aid room. As she pulled the handle down, he touched her arm and asked "I just want to check that this is what you really want?"

This obviously puzzled her so she asked, "Are you having second thoughts?"

He guided her hand to push the handle down as he responded "My conscience is clear but I wanted to double-check that you wouldn't appreciate a cooling-off period. I've already told you how desirable I find you and want nothing more than to remove your clothing and show you first-hand just how desirable. I can't ignore the fact that you are/were in a relationship and after all the adrenaline dissipates you aren't left with regrets."

Vanessa pushed the door open and replied, "The only regret I'll have is not sampling that lump in your trousers." That was enough to persuade Mark as he followed her into the room. She turned and locked the door from the inside and turned to him as she stood up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Mark closed the distance between them as he craned his neck forward and kissed her gently on the lips. This wasn't quite the pace she had in mind and intensified the kiss suitably encouraging Mark to do the same. He would have preferred a longer kiss but Vanessa pulled back and immediately started to remove her jacket. On any other occasion she would have taken the time to neatly fold her jacket but today it was discarded on the nearest chair. Her skirt soon followed which prompted Mark to start unbuttoning his office shirt.

Once her blouse was removed, Mark had the opportunity to assess the lady's underwear. It could best be classed as functional and yet the display showed off her nicely rounded figure to perfection, especially those tits. By the time Mark had hopped around removing his trousers, the lady had already unleashed her breasts and stood before him in just her plain white panties. He stepped towards her and took her in his arms once more, making her stand back up on tiptoe to reduce the height difference. Vanessa melted in his big strong arms, he was trying not to squeeze her too hard and yet she seemed to have the opposite idea as she tried to lace her fingers together as they reached behind his neck.

She couldn't stand too long on her tiptoes and had to relax back on her heels again. This gave Mark the perfect opportunity to duck his head down and capture the nearest of her enchanting nipples between his lips. Vanessa reached behind his head to cradle his face to her breast just as Mark snaked his right hand down to worm his fingertips into the waist of her panties. A drawn-out hiss from the lady proclaimed that his fingers had reached her inflamed clitoris as she bucked her hips forward to intensify the contact between the two. Mark momentarily pulled back to mutter "God these nipples are just made to be sucked on long and hard" just before he switched to sucking and nipping at the other nipple.

Vanessa let Mark have his way with her until she couldn't stand it any longer. She pushed on his shoulders so that he stood upright and was pushed a half step backwards until he came to rest with the desktop behind him. Vanessa reached for his boxer shorts and pushed them down as she sank to her knees before him. In one swift movement, she took him deeply in her mouth so she could lovingly suck on his nice thick dick. She set up a blistering rate of ducking her head back and forth while she stared into his down-turned face as her lips squeezed the ridges of his dick as best she could. She still wore her larger-than-life spectacles but it was the way her high cheekbones were accentuated in a smile that had him so captivated.

Mark was enjoying her attention tremendously but he had other things in mind. He manhandled her to stand where he stood before lifting her to sit on the edge of the desktop. He made light work of hitching her panty leg aside and in an instant, the head of his dick was splaying her labia open. He looked at her with a questioning look and by way of reply got a smile and an enthusiastic nod of consent. Mark flexed his legs forward and she welcomed the head of his cock into her fleshy folds. The heat inside her was the first sensation he registered, followed very quickly by how velvety she felt followed by the overwhelming dampness.

They both groaned approvingly as Vanessa once again wrapped her arms around his neck. This time, with the aid of the desk, their relative heights had reached a closer parity and she could easily remain in this position while she leant forward to kiss him once more. Mark gradually worked his dick deeper inside her and Vanessa had to break off from their kissing so she could lean her forehead against his collarbone as she gave a deep groan, adding "Oh god, that's so good."

He whispered in her ear "This is all on you baby. You wanted to feel desirable and this is the best way I can demonstrate that to you. Do you feel desirable now?"

She nestled her face in his neck as she gasped "Yes, take me. I want everything you have." Mark's reply was to pull back as much as he could without dislodging the head of his dick and then thrust forward burying himself in balls deep inside her. Her reply was to whimper "Yes, make me yours." In hindsight, Mark analysed that she was intending to get serious with him and if this was what he could expect then so be it. Her pussy felt so snug as she gripped him in ways he had never experienced before. Vanessa tried to encircle his hips in her legs in the same manner that her arms were tightly gripping his neck but the best she could manage was to dig her heels into his buttocks. Mark didn't mind as he was set on wringing every ounce of joy for the lady as he could.

He knew he was hitting the mark when she leant her head back and fluttered her eyelids while groaning and shaking her feet against his butt. The way that she gripped him along his length heralded that she was about to come but seeing how it rocked her to the core demonstrated just how long it had been since she had experienced anything similar. Mark slowed his thrusting slightly while she worked through her orgasm but once the lady's vision cleared he resumed his blistering rate of thrusts encouraged by her nods, groans and the occasion "Oh yes, do it" from her.

He was desperate to unleash his own climax but was determined the lady would have a second earth-moving experience the moment she did he gave a few short desperate thrusts of his hips as he growled and buried himself as deeply inside her as he could, relishing the feeling of his come hurtling along his dick to bathe her insides. They stayed locked together for the longest time as their breathing returned to normal. Mark was certainly in no rush to relinquish his grip on her and it seemed Vanessa was the same. She did pull back slightly so she could stare him squarely in the face while shooting him a very satisfied grin, "Oh yes, that has certainly helped me work through any stresses I might have had."

Mark nodded and replied, "I'm more than happy to provide a much-needed service to an esteemed colleague."

His reward was a tender heartfelt kiss from her that prolonged their coupling but it was Vanessa who was the voice of reason, "I think we've pushed our luck today, what do you say we make our way to the toilets to try and freshen up?"

Mark nodded and offered "If you need to talk this through this afternoon or this evening just say the word."

Vanessa was redressing and pulled a strange face that Mark couldn't read, "Thank you but I need a serious conversation with my partner this evening. I can't begin to explain how much that has helped my sanity, to feel wanted again after so many months."

Mark did message her that evening but didn't get a reply. The following morning, he messaged again when he saw that she wasn't in the office, this time he got a reply that she would be in later but wanted to meet up with him. She did log on at her desk and then managed to say she was in the coffee house next door and was he free for a catchup. Mark walked in to find her seating but the look on her face was not of someone greeting her lover. When he sat down, she reached over and took his hands as she began "I had a sit down with my partner last night..." but trailed off.

"This sounds ominous" he replied.

"I didn't pull any punches. You should know I told him about us" she said. Mark kept quiet letting her continue "I hate to do this to you, I really do, but despite us yesterday he wants us to try again which means..." she paused temporarily to bite her bottom lip "... there can't be any us or at least for the moment." This was the point she went quiet waiting for him to explode.


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