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Mark's Ex-wife

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She needs his help.
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It was a sad day for Mark Scott. His wife Sarah found out that he let his little head take over for the head on his shoulders. He had a one-night stand with a woman he met at a meeting. It was Mark himself with a bad case of the guilts that told Sarah about his momentary lapse of judgement and he was very sorry.

Sarah was heartbroken and couldn't get over his adulterous coupling, being a very religious lady, she could not get over his betrayal and filed for divorce. That was twenty-two years ago, after they had been married for seven years. He has not gotten over the breakup and never remarried. Sarah on the other hand married a year after she was divorced and has an eighteen-year-old son by her second husband.

A little about Sarah, she is five-foot-eight tall, black hair to about a foot below her shoulders. She weighs in at one-thirty, her measurements are thirty-four, twenty-four, thirty-six. Sarah wears clothes befit a professional woman. Her religious upbringing, caused her to be uptight about the public display of affection, which was the only complaint Mark had about his former wife.

Richard Greene took over his father's Real Estate Business, Greene Properties, after he graduated from college. He built it beyond his father's vision, into a multi-million-dollar Business, but it was all leveraged to the max.

Sarah worked as an accountant when she started going with Richard Greene after her divorce. Rick talked her into getting her realtor's license and they had a profitable business until Rick had the bright idea against his wife's warning, to buy a blighted neighborhood in Albany and rebuild it. There was only one problem. He knew how to sell properties, but he had no knowledge how to rebuild a neighborhood.

Along came Chuck Waterman who was a project manager and could put together the project for Greene Properties. "Give me five hundred thousand and I could make this neighborhood into a gold mine for us Rick." Chuck said in his best snake oil salesman persona.

Sarah ran numbers, and she told her husband that there was no way that Chuck could pull it off for less than one million five hundred thousand. "We have to take risks to make money!" Rick said in a demeaning way to his wife.

Now we need to give you, insight into Mark's proclivities. He married Sarah after he graduated from college. She was in her second year and twenty years old. Mark was two years older than her. He started a consulting company, and she became an accountant after graduation. Sarah was shy, he was more worldly than her. He brought her along to become sexually adapt in the bedroom, but he longed to have a wife who was more worldly and less inhibited in public.

An upside to her shyness though. She wanted him to go with her to all her well woman physicals once a year. He became interested in the medical fetish because of this. It has gone unfulfilled since she left, he hasn't been with any woman more than a few times and only when he needed his pipes cleaned. He concentrated on building his business as he was still in love with Sarah.

The blighted properties in Albany caused Greene Properties to lose all their money. Waterman swindled Richard out of all the cash he could and disappeared.

Rick became despondent and abusive to his wife and son.

PRESENT DAY: It was Monday afternoon, and Mark was in Albany when he received a call from an unknown number. He debated whether to answer it. Mark was waiting for an important call, so answered.

"Hi is this, Mark Scott?" A familiar feminine voice asked.

"Yes, it is. How can I help." Mark said as he tried to place the sexy voice.

"This is Sarah I just wanted to find out how you're doing."

"Sarah, oh my lord, how are you doing? It is so good to hear your voice." Mark babbled in excitement. He hadn't heard from her in twenty years. He was too embarrassed to call her.

"I am doing Okay."

"Sarah you are not doing Okay. I can hear it in your voice."

"Mark you're right I am not okay." She cried on the phone.

"Where are you, I will come to you." Mark said fearing the worst.

She gave him the address of the Denny's on Wolf Road. Mark was on Computer Drive right near at a meeting. He said to the people in the meeting. "I have to leave I have a pressing issue I have to take care of." Picked up his computer, his briefcase and left.

He arrived at Denny's in five minutes to find Sarah sitting in a booth wiping her eyes.

"What is the matter, Sarah." He asked as he sat next to her and put his arm around her protectively. "She looks and smells so good." He thought as he berated himself for losing her.

Sarah told her story to Mark about the failed business venture and taken advantage of by Chuck. Unbeknown to Sarah, Mark was unlucky in love but very good in business, he has amassed a fortune in the last twenty years.

"We are going to lose our house and business in the next month if we don't come up with fifty-thousand dollars."

The wheels in Mark's head started turning. The fifty grand wasn't a problem, but what does he want from Sarah in return? "Sarah I can come up with the fifty grand no problem, but why couldn't you get the note from a bank?"

"They have given us all they can, but I was thinking we would need one hundred thousand dollars so I will have some money to get back on our feet." Sarah admitted with a smile.

"So, you need one hundred grand not only fifty? I can still do that for you."

"I will tell Rick that you will give us the money." Sarah said as she started to reach for her cell.

"Hold on Sarah. I said I can give you the money. I don't want to deal with Rick I want to deal with you."

"Okay as long as I can get the money in a couple of weeks."

Mark had enough sense to realize that the money will be gone when he gave it to Sarah, so he had to produce a plan. He wanted something out of this transaction but what. It hit him like a ton of bricks he knew what he would do. "Sarah, I don't believe I will get paid back for this loan, so I will give money to you as a grant. What I would want from you is that you undergo a complete medical examination in my presence with whomever I want to be there to watch."

"You are out of your mind Mark! You want to see me naked. You don't want to help me, out of the goodness of your heart!" Sarah said in an angry voice as she got up and left.

"Well, that worked out well!" He laughed. "She will call me back." He thought.

It was less than twenty-four hours later, and his phone rang. "Hello this is Mark."

"Mark, I need the money, so I will do as you ask, but it isn't right." Sarah whined.

"You're right Sarah it wasn't right what I offered. I wasn't thinking clearly. I have had time to think it over, so here is my new offer. Fifty thousand gets you up to date and you will have to go through a complete examination. Furthermore, I will give you twelve thousand five hundred a month for ten months that you will personally pick up from me each month."

"You're going back on your word Mark Scott. That is not fair, what more will I have to do. I am going to tell my husband about this.

"You will not tell your husband about any of this if you want the money from me. It will be a business deal the commission will be fifty thousand and twelve thousand five hundred a month for ten months my lawyer will draw up the contract and you will be the only contact with me is that understood."

"Yes, as long as I get the fifty thousand in three weeks."

"You will my dear. Oh, I have a question for you? Do you shave your pubic hair?"

"Why do you ask that? That is a very personal question you pervert."

"I like to see a hairy beaver. I don't like women to look like little kids down there."

"You're in luck I don't shave, only neaten up my 'vajaja'." She whispered in embarrassment.

"Great I will have a contract sent over for the fifty grand along with the rest of the commission. Good seeing you the other day Sarah and glad I can help you. I still love you; you know!"

This stunned Sarah. "Is that why you never married?"

"Yes, I have compared all the women I have gone with to you, and I haven't found any lady that comes close to your beauty and personality."

"Why thank you Mark that is sweet. Give me a call with the details when you have everything ready." The last remark made her happy she has not gotten complement's like that in a long time from her second husband.

"A woman named Sandra Less will contact you with all the information, so your husband will not wonder what you are doing talking to me. I really don't want to get you into any trouble. Everything will be done on the down low. Bye for now Sarah."

Sarah was shocked that she suddenly felt comfortable with this arrangement. Mark has this all thought out and she will not lose her house.

There was an Asian OBGYN that Mark helped out on Henry Johnson BLVD a while ago, so he called Dr Vin and explained what he wanted done. It was set up for the following Saturday. Mark called a photographer so that the exam will be documented, and videotaped.

Sandra Less called Sarah. "Hi Sarah, this is Sandra Less, Mark wants you to come to Albany this Friday at three PM, there will be a room for you at the Marriott Hotel on Wolf Rd in Albany. Saturday you will get your commission check, figure on a full day."

Sarah lives in Plattsburgh NY, so that would work. As soon as Sandra called her, she relayed the information to her husband.

His only comment was. "That's great we need the money. I have a weekend golf tournament. You have a good meeting." He said as he turned on the TV in the family room.

Sarah was pissed, because of his hairbrained scheme she will be naked for the day Saturday in front of an unknown group of people. Her most intimate areas will be examined. She didn't even talk to her husband for the rest of the week and their bedroom antics were nil. She arose early Friday morning and was on her way to Albany by nine AM. She called Mark. "I will be in town by noon today."

"Great Sarah how did it go with Rick?"

"He, told me, to have a great weekend he is playing golf all weekend. We are about to lose our house and he is playing golf. Moron! I have to get naked and who knows what else to get the money." Sarah blustered.

Mark was feeling guilty presently. "She doesn't deserve what I am doing to her. It sounded like a good Idea to begin with, but I will have to talk to Sarah about this." He thought. "Do you want to have lunch in town with me?" He asked.

"Sure, where can we go?"

"Twelve at Olive Garden on Wolf Rd?"

"Sounds good I will meet you there."

Mark rolled in at ten to twelve and Sarah was right in back of him. They got out of their vehicles together and walked into the restaurant. "Table for two in the corner."

"Sure, follow me." The greeter said and sat them at a table in the corner away from everyone.

Mark looked embarrassed. "What's the matter." Asked Sarah.

"I thought it was a good Idea Sarah. I remember when I went with you to the doctors and I really enjoyed it when the doctor was between your legs, but I really couldn't see what he was doing. Now I am making you do this, so I can see how the exam is done. It isn't right to force this on you." He explained.

Sarah was pissed at her husband for this mess and grateful to Mark that he will bail her out. She reached across the table. "Mark you are saving me from being out in the street, which is more than I can say about my husband. He is more interested in playing golf than to fix his fuckup. This is the least I can do to make up for the money you are giving me that I may not be able to re-pay." She confided in Mark as she held his hand.

"So, you're okay with the arrangement?"

"Yes, as long as it doesn't get out that I am doing this."

"Sarah my lawyer will come to the hotel room with documents to sign at three." Mark said he was ecstatic that Sarah has agreed to do this. He was glad she will consent to do this, because he did not have the heart to coerce her to do his bidding.

They caught up on their lives over the last twenty years. Mark found out that she has an eighteen-year-old son who will be graduating from high school.

They left the Olive Garden at two thirty and went to the Hotel down the street. The room was in the name of Scott Consultants.

When Sarah saw the paperwork for the room, she said. "Mark I am not sleeping with you; you have to get your own room.

"Sarah look, at the paper there are two rooms with an adjoining door. You can lock it from your side. "

"Oh, sorry I didn't see that." She said

Mark brought their overnight bags to the rooms on the sixth floor. He gave Sarah the larger room with the sitting area, and he took the small room. He went through to the other side and showed Sarah how to lock the door from her side.

About ten minutes later there was a knock on the hall door. Sarah went to it and opened it to find Walter Farr on the other side with his briefcase. "Hi Walter, you're still Mark's lawyer after all these years?"

"Yes, I am Sarah, and you are still a beautiful woman. Mark had to be crazy to do what he did to you."

"Yes, he was and has paid for that monumental lack of judgement for the last twenty years." Mark said as he shook Walter's hand.

"Sarah, I have ND (Non-Disclosure) documents to sign, and everyone will sign who are at the exam." Walt stated.

"Wait a minute Mark. I figured their will be a few people at my exam, but I want to know how many people are going to witness my exam?" Sarah said in a panic.

"I don't know, Dr Vin has some people he wanted to give instruction on a GYN exam, there will be a photographer, Walt and me so far."

"What do you mean so far?" Sarah wanted to know.

"Mark, we need a witness for the paperwork." The lawyer said as a way to steer the subject away from the number of people who will witness Sarah's exam.

Mark called down to the concierge. "Can you send someone up here to room six thirty-one."

Fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the door and a young man about twenty entered. "You need something sir?" The young man asked.

"Yes, we need someone to witness the document signing." The lawyer said.

The documents consisted of, The ND, Contract for the commission and the ten months of commissions.

After they were all signed Sarah asked the young man. "What is your name, and do you work here full time?"

"Eric, and I am going to college at NYU Albany, I want to be a doctor."

"Sarah, ask the nice young man if he would like to come with us." Mark said.

"So, you want to be a doctor, have you ever watched an exam?" Sarah's asked, her voice cracked.

Sarah looked at Mark and then stated. "Are you working tomorrow?"

"No, I have the day off."

"Would you like to see a woman be given a GYN exam?" Sarah surprised herself by asking the young man to be at her exam and the type of exam she will have.

"You're kidding right, I would love to."

"Give the young man an ND document to sign Walter." Sarah said with a laugh.

"Can I bring other students that are in the medical program also?"

"Sure, why not, the more the merrier." Sarah said she has resigned herself to the fact that she will be nude in front of a large group. She realized that she was excited to have a group of men watch her exam. Sarah rationalized, she needs to do this to save her house from foreclosure, but in reality, she is excited to expose her feminine charms to the group.

With all the papers signed Sarah said. "Eric, can you bring our dinner order up to our room when it is ready?"

"Do you want to stay for dinner with us Walt?" Sarah asked.

"Yes, that would be great Martha my wife is out of town on business."

They gave Eric the order for their dinner. "It will be up here in an hour or so." He said as he left.

"I am going to take a shower." Sarah said. This was a way to expose her body to the men in the room and get used to being naked in a group setting.

"Okay we will go into the other room, when your done come in there." Mark said.

"No need to. It would be easier to set up for dinner here." Sarah said as she grabbed a nighty from her overnight case and went into the bathroom that had a king size shower.

Both men were conversing about the debacle that was to be Richard Greene's money maker when Sarah came in the room. She was wearing a red negligee that came to her knees when she stood up, with a pair of red panties. Her hair coiffured to perfection, and she had on red heels.

Both men stood up, stunned by her beauty. They took in all her feminine charms that were on display.

"What's the matter boys, you have never seen a lady before?"

"You are absolutely gorgeous Sarah." Mark said.

Being a lawyer Walt said. "I second the motion."

That brought a laugh from the group and broke the ice. Mark and Walt sat on each side of Sarah. They conversed and Sarah remembered the good times she had with Mark. He was still very reliable; he has bailed her out of trouble. She was very thankful to him for doing this even though she will lose her modesty before she receives the much-needed check. She was determined to make the exam the best she can for him.

There was a knock on the door, Sarah arose and went to the door. Eric with three other young men were at the door with the group's dinner. They stopped to take in the mature woman's beauty, and she stood in the doorway and let them view her charms. She was having fun!

"Sarah can these guys come to your exam also?" Eric asked

"They have to sign the ND document." Walter said, as he went to his briefcase and pulled out three more forms, he had a premonition he would need many forms and was glad he had them available. The young men signed them, and Eric witnessed them.

"We will probably have to get a theater for my exam if the group gets any larger." Sarah shivered. "This is really going to happen." She thought.

At nine Walter left and Mark went to his room removed his slacks, went in to take a shower in his bathroom. He put on a pair of cutoff PJ bottoms and a tee.

Sarah knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"

"Sure, but there is only the bed to sit on we would be more comfortable in your suite?"

"Yes you're probably right." She said and they went into the sitting room and watched Hawaii five O and Blue Blood.

"Time to go to bed as you know it's Sarah's big day tomorrow." Mark said.

She shivered at the thought she will be completely naked and her most intimate areas probed by an unknown doctor. In front of a group of men who will be able to count the pimples on her body and the number of pubic hairs on her mound. As she thought about her coming exposure. Well, she tossed and turned, and at about two AM she knocked on the door to Mark's room. "Mark are you up?"

"Oh, Sarah I am so sorry for cheating on you, I am very dumb." He mumbled.

"Mark it is Okay, Mark!" She said. "He is dreaming." She thought.

"What, Sarah what are you doing here. Why are you in my room."

"Mark, do you mind if I lay down here with you. I am so terrified about the coming exam tomorrow." She said as she got into bed with Mark and cuddled with him. She felt safe and fell asleep after only minutes.

It was a while before Mark fell asleep. He held Sarah. "She smells so good and feels good too!" He thought as he fell asleep with his arm around her protectively.

It was seven am when Mark awoke and found Sarah in bed with him. He thought he was dreaming last night but it was true. She slept with him!

Mark called to concierge and had breakfast brought up. He still remembered what Sarah liked. It was another half hour before they delivered breakfast. The smell of coffee awoke Sarah. She came in the room. "She looked so sexy with her hair mussed up and no makeup. The nightie she wore left little to the imagination." Mark thought.

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