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Marriage is a Contract


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"Hey, it's what I've been told, by Robbie at least, if he wasn't lying. I can only gauge it from him. He acts like I have the golden pussy and it's very flattering. Him neglecting and ignoring me lately, though, it's like I suddenly don't have the golden pussy, and that's part of what irks me of late. I've been loyal, I've been sweet to him, I've never turned him down for sex or anything. If he had asked for my ass, well, though, that's for hubby on the first time, though. That's...a very different issue, given the damage that it can do to me, so I'd need a lot of prep and the first time is reserved for my husband," Deanna continued while I picked out our meals.

"I'll have the meatloaf and mashed potatoes, with a brown gravy. Suddenly, I'm very hungry again," I smiled at the busty, dirty blonde waitress, whose nametag read "Annette," and who seemed very interested in our discourse.

"What sort of veggies?" Annette asked me, leaning in a bit to show off her cleavage to me in plain view of my intended.

"Broccoli, steamed, of course," I answered, "and the lady will have the chicken-fried steak, also with mashed potatoes, but with the classic white gravy, of course. She'll also have the green beans with bacon bits. I like that you guys use half-runners instead of French cut, by the way. Much more down home, if you ask me."

"Mmmm...a take charge kind of guy. How refreshingly old-school!" Annette licked her lips visibly in front of Deanna, almost daring her to do something about was clear that this wasn't some case of sarcastic feminist put down, either.

"You know, she's really going for that big tip, isn't she?" I joked with Deanna, who burst into laughter and snorted out her iced tea.

"She was practically ready to give you a lap dance or yank down your pants for a taste of that dick! Trust me, dear. A big tip would be a nice bonus, and in fact, I'd encourage that if you can afford it, hell, I'll toss in some money for it, but that's not what she's after...she wants your cock. Big time. That blonde wants a serious piece of man meat, and she's right about you having a nice one. I can see your bulge every time I lean over you.

"You should go for it, too. Nail that girl! I told you that I'll look the other way. Hell, I'll give you a written hall pass for her...and for Darley, if that's what you want. After all, you deserve a bit of ginger now and then, don't you, especially if you take on my soon-to-be adulterous ass! I'm going to be bedding Robbie often enough that you certainly don't owe me any kind of fidelity in the modern sense of the term.

"That was relatively recent garbage, if you ask me. Grandpa cheated on Grandma plenty, and they still had a very happy marriage, because he treated her like a queen and she treated him like a king. From what I can tell, fidelity's overrated as a virtue. I've been faithful, and what good did it do me?" Deanna egged me on, causing my mouth to gape for a bit at her brazen efforts to get me some strange in public.

"Okay, I think that it's high time that we sort this out...expectations. If we're really going through with this, what...trial marriage? Temporary marriage? Starter marriage, maybe? This game of yours to make Robbie jealous and have him begging to get you back. Not sure if it will work as planned, but in the meantime, I hope that you treat me with more respect than you're showing him, anyway," I insisted.

"Oh, definitely! The 'disrespect' that you mean is very temporary and a form of retribution for how he's treated me while we've dated. Waiting so long to propose marriage like a dithering idiot who doesn't know what he wants. He needs to earn back my respect, honestly, and only then would I show him some...and agree to be his long-term. Until then, it's strictly an extramarital thing for us. He'll have to share me with you...a lot. And a lot more than he would ever like.

"If he fantasizes that I'll make you my cuck and have you watch me fuck him while you sit in a corner, well, we both know that won't happen, both from your end and from mine. Aside from the temporary nature of this, and the fact that I'll have him as a lover on the side, you'll be no worse off than other husbands, and perhaps even better off for it, since many of them are wearing horns and just can't see them, don't know about their wives' adulteries. At least you'll know, you'll be able to get some strange, and it might not even be permanent, anyway. Might not, I say, because we can't predict the future, can we? Maybe I'll fall head over heels in love with you after we wed. He'll be wishing to be my hubby pretty soon after this," Deanna asserted as Annette returned with the refills of our iced tea.

"For even an elaborate scheme to make your boyfriend jealous and such, this is pretty extreme, you have to admit. Marrying another man, publicly, taking his name, possibly having his baby, I! By the way, how do you propose to ensure that this is my baby that you'll carry, anyway?" I reacted to this last series of interesting confessions.

"Oh, that's easy. I'm cutting Robbie off for the next six months, or until I turn up preggers, whichever comes first. Until then, I'll be completely faithful to you, and no, you don't have to return the favor. That won't be necessary. This isn't fidelity rooted in love. It's fidelity rooted in practicality. I want to have your baby, not his. Why? Well, once you and I divorce and I marry him, sure I'll have rugrats for him, but until then, I want to be undeniably yours. I want proof positive that you and I consummated our marriage. I want him to suffer, burning with love, lust, jealousy, etc., knowing that I gave my body to you willingly, that you enjoy full conjugal rights to me," Deanna winked at me.

"He might dump you, I have to warn you," I cautioned her.

"Then he's really a fool if he does that. If he dumps me over this, it's permanent and irrevocable. If he dumps me over my refusal to put out after all of this, after he neglected and ignored me and my needs for so long, then he's an idiot and I'm so done with him. He'll never get to marry me, never get to have me again, not even as a friend with benefits, not even for ex sex. He'll be cut off for the rest of his days.

"I know that it's a lot to deal with, and I'm glad that you have enough empathy and sense to warn me of such things, but it's the price that he must pay for how he's treated me. He'd be wiser to seek out someone like Darley or whatever, or else really urge you to knock me up, so he can get some of this again. He wanted to make you a cuckold? Fine, I'll make him one for six months, see how he likes it! If he puts up with it, even pushes me to leave you and marry him, then he wins.

"Sorry, but that's the game. It can all end the day that he pops the question and asks me to marry him, cries uncle for me. I'll even look the other way for him, though I'll probably slip you some pussy or ass at times for old times' sake. Being my ex-husband should carry privileges, too, given that this is a colossal favor that you're doing for me," Deanna continued articulating her plans.

"Will you...warn him that you plan to let me tap you now and then, right upfront?" I was curious now about the nature of Deanna's "game," as she put it.

"Hell, yes! It will be a healthy reminder that, while I can be sweet and friendly and all wifey for him, I'm tired of being taken for granted and I remember who my friends are...always. I'll owe you a huge debt and I'll explain it to him that way, that we owe you some of this for all that you did to bring us together. Besides, I refuse to start out a marriage with any lies. No, I'll be very candid with Robbie, including perhaps some TMI, just to drive home the point that he'll have to share, too, and that I've discovered that I have worth as a lover, too," Deanna winked at me, making my jaws drop for a moment.

"Oh, dear...oh, God! He'll probably want to fight me at that point. You know what a selfish prick Robbie is. He has a double standard for sure, trust me. He won't accept that he has to share you, just because you're sharing him. Then again, all the more reason to stick it to him past marriage, if you ever leave me for him, that is," I remarked, getting a nod from Deanna and even a "thumbs-up" sign from Annette.

"Maybe I should be wife number two after she leaves you for him," Annette teased us as she lifted the plates from the cart and placed them on the booth table for us.

"Maybe, if some other guy hasn't snatched you up first," I teased back, making her blush a little.

"Or maybe I'll wait for you and look the other way as she does," Annette winked at me, making nearly choke on my first bite of the meatloaf.

"There's apparently a lot of that going on these days," I winked back at the waitress.

"For you, sure. Not so much for some other men," Annette got the last word for a bit, making me wonder what she meant by that.

"Well, I can see that my replacement is already lined up and waiting in the wings. See what I mean? You're the catch of the town and they all know it, but I want first dibs on you, your name, wifely rights, etc. Smart girl, too, if she really does wait for you. Few other men are of your caliber, and if I weren't madly in love with Robbie, I'd never even think of leaving you for him. Objectively, you're a lot better choice, Samuel Adams Hill. You're...well, awesome! In the old sense of the term. As in...inspiring awe. It's only my heart that would lead me away, because my head would choose you any day of the week, and right now, my head's in full command of me," Deanna told me as we ate, cutting her steak with a serious appetite that belied that she even had half of my hoagie earlier.

"I know, I know, I'm famished. No, I don't have a tapeworm in me, I assure you!" she reacted to the look on my face.

"No, no, I'm just fascinated by how women eat sometimes. You can always tell which women are real and truly enjoy themselves, versus those ladies who forget to be people, too. It's okay to actually devour your food and enjoy yourself. What did you do, though, skip breakfast? No more of that if you're going to be my wife, even for a short time. No, my wife gets a proper breakfast, lunch, and supper, just like me. Three square meals a day, preferably hot. Proper nutrition, too. Especially if I knock you up. I want my babies to be well nourished, and that means a well-nourished mother, too, of course. Plus, you're my lifelong friend, so that's a factor, too. I actually like you. I'm not so sure that I like Robbie anymore, not after how he has treated you," I stipulated, bringing a very wide smile to Deanna's face in spite of my harsh words about Robbie.

"Yeah, well, my sister likes you, too. Erin, you know. I think that she might have a crush on you. But if you ever go for that, be don't get to dump her and stay friends with me. That's a no-go. She dumps you, you're off the hook, unless she dumps you for treating her like shit. But if you go for her, well, just know that you've got a permanent girlfriend, as far as I'm concerned, and the rest of the family, too.

"Married to me or not, you're not to leave her, or our friendship is over and if we're still married, I'll do my best to burn you for it. I don't mind you dating her, but keep her. Get it, lover? My sister is not disposable, and if you dumped her, it would have to be because you thought her so. She wouldn't have done anything to merit being dumped.

"Promise me that if you date my sister, you won't dump her, and I'll sign that pre-nup as agreed. I'll trust you and your promises. Break your word, though, and I'll try to find a way out of it to take you to the cleaners," Deanna took on that "deadly serious" look that she once had about the dress, but this time in a much better cause.

"What if it's mutual and we just don't have anything in common anymore?" I pointed out.

"Unlikely, but in that case, sure, that's understandable. I guess that I can a bit heavy-handed here, but I'm very protective of my twin sister. Anyway, yes, for the record, I'm giving you my full blessing to date and, yes, sleep with, Erin. In fact, if you date her, you'd damn well better fuck her. She can't marry you, not while we're married, so I don't expect her to die a virgin and all that jazz.

"Besides, abstinence is overrated and unrealistic. Half of the girls in church are pregnant months before their weddings. Talk about your shotgun weddings. Hmm...maybe I should divorce you if you get Erin pregnant, just so that you can marry her afterward," Deanna half-seriously suggested to me.

"In that case, maybe I should date her," I chuckled.

"Yeah, you really should. She's a treasure and you won't need a rubber with her like you would with Darley. Just promise me that you won't drop her like a bad habit afterward. You'll take her as a mistress or something, but never dismiss her from your service," Deanna persisted.

"Done. So, we're agreed that I'm to marry you, that you'll continue to date and fuck Robbie, but will cut him off while trying for a baby with me, and that I'll have a hall pass to date and fuck your sister, Erin, but with the stipulation that I can't dump her if I do. Apparently, I'll have a hall pass for Annette, too, and for Darley. Am I right here or did I miss something? Oh, and that even after you remarry and I do, and yes, I'd tell any new wife upfront as well about this, but, anyway, I'd still get the occasional roll in the hay with you. Exes with benefits or something like that. Did I miss anything?" I asked Deanna, who shook her head.

"No, that about sums it up, except that I'll be the lover of your dreams, including anal once we're married. Oh, and I think that Annette's still eavesdropping on us," Deanna pointed out our nosy waitress.

"That I am, and don't worry. If you marry me, I'll more than go along with you fucking both this girl here and her sister. Your names?" Annette asked us as she confessed her feelings, "I want to know just what I'm getting. Hell, I'd be his mistress for decades if I had to and pass up any chance of marriage to get access to him. I can't explain it, but I really want to go to bed with you, sir. I'm serious."

" about high praise! Waitresses usually get hit on. They don't usually hit on their patrons. Certainly not around an engaged couple. I'm very...flattered," I coughed now, very stunned by this turn of events.

"I know, I know...I don't make a habit of this. But for you, sir...yeah, I will. Call me whatever you like, a strumpet, slut, whatever, but you just seem...well, better than most guys. Like a god or demigod among men. Maybe it's your obvious affluence, but I doubt that's all of it. Anyway, here's my number. Call me any time...Mr...?" Annette probed now as she refilled our glasses with delight.

"Sam Hill. This is my fiancee, Deanna Maxwell. Yes, we really are engaged, and as of today," I chuckled again.

"Annette Krauss. Pleasure to meet you...and congratulations to both of you," the waitress told us, with a bit of a wink at both of us, "by the way, I don't know if you swing that way, but if you ever want to sample some pussy, I would be happy to mentor you...and sample you in return," she told Deanna in a very low, seductive tone of voice.

Deanna blushed scarlet now, but she also looked at me and giggled, "Well, I guess that it's safe to say that you have at least one booty call to take care of your need for strange. Trust me, I won't object. You definitely get a hall pass with that one. Who knows, maybe I'll take her up on her offer, if you ever give me a hall pass for her. I know that I indicated that Robbie would be the only one, but maybe he should just be the only in the picture? Not saying that I would do it with her, but in the right situation, maybe when you're present, I would like to have the option of a threesome with the two of you."

"Hey, eating might be cheating, but if I'm getting a taste and I give the okay, it's not. Just no threesomes for Robbie, okay? Not while you're married to me. Save the threesomes for me. Unless it's a devil's threesome with him and me, that is. That's the only time that I'll be okay with you giving him a threesome while we're man and wife. I don't mind if Annette wants him on her own, she's a free woman, but I don't think that Robbie deserves a threesome with two of my ladies after that trash talk of making me raise his spawn. And if we do a devil's threesome, count on me wanting equal or more use out of you. No fluffing for his sorry ass," I smirked at Deanna, making her nearly choke on her mashed potatoes.

"I'm just glad that you're even open to that, babe. Trust me, I'll keep my word. How about this deal, then? No threesomes for him, except with you, as you said. Plenty of threesomes for you. I can do things with Annette, but only with your express permission or as part of the threesome. I'm not going down on Erin or Darley, though. The first because it's incest and that's a very real no-no, even for me. The second because she's...well, a former hooker. I'd be afraid of what I might catch from her. Just Annette. No partners for me but you, Robbie, and Annette. Deal? That's all that I really need, at least while married to you," Deanna urged me now, quite intent on this as I started to pay up and Annette brought some strawberry rhubarb pie to us, a la mode, totally unsolicited.

"So, we write this down, then?" I offered Deanna, who nodded and started writing between bites.

"Just think of me as your secretary in this, too," Deanna winked as she began writing and eating at once.

"A very sexy one, too. Very classy beauty," I praised her, making her blush in spite of herself.

"It's hardly everyday when a lifelong friend calls one that. Oh, God, honey, I'll be so good to you! Trust me on that!" Deanna assured me.

"Will you go naked for me at home sometimes and wear skimpy outfits and maybe even try some bondage?" I suggested, making her nod and laugh while we ate.

"On one condition. It has to be two-way bondage. I get to tie you up sometimes. Trust me, dear. You won't regret it. Other times, you can tie me up. Oh, and you gotta go naked whenever I do. Deal?" Deanna proffered.

"Hey, that's fair. Turnabout's fair play, right?" I chuckled, wondering just what Deanna had in mind for whenever she had me bound.

"Shower together as much as we can, to save water...and enjoy each other's body to the max? Maybe I'll even shave you...below the neck. I fucking love your beard. It's very distinctive. But the body hair, some of that can go at least, right? I'll do my best to make it very sensual and also surrender my own flesh to the razor, too," Deanna encouraged me, even as Annette grinned at the size of her very fat tip that came with the check.

"Okay, that doesn't sound bad," I agreed on that part as we left and winked once last time at Annette, who blew us both kisses for her part.

"And I get the same right to dick on tap, too, right? I have a very strong feeling that I'm going to want a lot of it, especially while Robbie's cut off, you know. But even afterward, damn, I'm going to make you know the meaning of 'drained,' dear. You'll know what it means to have a woman ravage your body for her own lust, trust me. I think that I might even get some ink, just to mark me as yours. If and when Robbie comes to his senses, I'll just get one for him afterward," Deanna gave me yet more surprises now, writing the changes in now.

"Wow, woman...just wow! Ready know, make do on your promises?" I laughed as we exited Sloane's.


Chapter 2

I was more than ready to drop a couple of times during the action, but I persevered, and boy was I glad that I did! I could feel the sweat pouring down my face, as I burned off so many of the calories from my late lunch (or was that early dinner) inside Deanna's sweet slit. I had already fucked her wonderful pussy twice that afternoon, but now she was going for a third and she seemed bound and determined to wear me out. This time, we went doggy-style, whereas before we did the missionary and cowgirl positions. I wasn't an old guy by any means, but Deanna really put me through my paces in such a short space of time. Then again, I held her to her word about putting out for me, and neither of us exactly regretted that.


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