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Martin Ch. 01

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I bumped into a woman and she fell.
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Growing up as a single child in a middle-income conservative family had its advantages. I was spoiled from birth. My room was full of toys I hardly ever used. I had my TV, Game Box with many games, and the most sophisticated laptop computer on the planet. I am not sure how they could afford it all unless they cut on their own needs.

In Elementary school, I did OK averaging B in most subjects. When I advanced to high school, my father hinted that I'd better try harder, otherwise I won't be able to get accepted to a good college.

That was the time I hit puberty and my body started changing. I was not much into team sports, so my muscles never grew to the size of many of my classmates, who played football. I liked swimming, though not as much as training consistently and participating in competitions. By the time I was a high school senior I was 6'1" and lean, weighing 172lbs. While I wasn't aware of it at the time, my face changed a lot too. A scant beard began growing on my face and my hair became straighter. And then my prick started elongating as well. It was embarrassing and I avoided going to the stalls when other guys were inside.

One day I was talking to a friend of mine and he mentioned that he noticed other people staring at me. I didn't understand what he was trying to say and looked at him questionably.

"Martin, don't play dumb. Look at my face. I have an average man's face that nobody will ever pay attention to. Your face is pretty!"

"Did you mean handsome?"

"No dummy. You are pretty!"

I looked at him, not certain if this was a compliment or an offensive remark. He smiled at me and moved to talk about homework. Soon enough I forgot all about it.


In my first year in college, I was 6'2", 175lbs, and... an 8" cock when fully erect! But my face looked much younger. It didn't appear manly as most people would describe it. It was too fine and delicate. If one would consider George Clooney's or Harrison Ford's a manly face, mine was more Harry Styles's type - thick lips, narrow nose, blue eyes, and long straight hair.

When I started at Duke University I didn't know anybody, but within 2 months it seemed like many people looked to befriend me. I noticed girls ogle me and try to catch my eyes. In the beginning, I was too shy to smile back or try to talk to them. Not long after that I also noticed several guys glancing at me more frequently than expected.

In class, I sat by a quiet Indian guy named Arun. Over the next month, we became buddies. We exchanged work assignments, played chess together, and occasionally met at the local swimming pool. Both Arun and I were doing well in school. One day his face turned ashen. I saw that on his last exam, he got a D.

"Arun, what happened? You are a much better student than me and you knew the material like the back of your hand..."

"I just found out that my girlfriend left me for another guy. I became too distracted to concentrate on the questions."

"I've never heard about your girlfriend or seen you with a girl before."

"I came here to graduate from a good university in America, but my original plan was to return to my hometown of Chennai once I was done. Jaya was my hometown girlfriend and she promised to wait for me in our village until I graduated."

"Look I am sorry to hear that. But I am sure that you'll find a nice girl around here."

"Martin, it's easy for you to say. You are very attractive. If you look more closely, you'll observe that both women and men are giving you the eye... You just have to choose! Unlike you, I am much shorter, with a small belly, and not particularly handsome. My chances are slim."

For a short time I felt bad for my friend, but later on, his words echoed in my mind, 'You are very attractive...', '...both men and women...'

Until that day I didn't have sex. Actually, except for kissing 2 girls and once touching a girl's chest over her blouse, I had no relationship experience. I decided to change it, but I didn't know how. Smiling back at a girl who gazed at me sounded like an embarrassing way to an introduction.

I began paying more attention to the people around me. I could identify several girls who were glancing at me at one time or another, but I didn't see anyone with whom I felt compelled to start a conversation. Several days passed.

One evening I was in a Walgreen store. As I was rushing toward the register I bumped into a young woman. She fell on the floor and had a small bruise that began bleeding.

I apologized profusely and she cut me off, "Young man, you talk too much. Help me stand up and everything will be OK."

I let her lean on me until she was stable enough, "That will be all. Next time, if you are more careful, you can meet girls the proper way..."

I stared at her face. She had a pretty face and was smirking at me. Her funny (cynical?) remark sounded like a challenge..."

"Ma'am, can I offer you a Band-Aid? carry your stuff to your car? invite you for a coffee?..." In retrospect, I had no idea what made me say these stupid things.

She looked back at me and her eyes examined me from head to toe, "Young man, I can take care of the tiny bruise. I planned to go to the Starbucks nearby anyway, so if you want to join me and explain why you were in such a hurry, I'll accept."

Soon enough we were sitting with our coffees, gazing at each other silently. I couldn't guess her age.

Out of the blue, the woman said, "My name is Miranda and I am 30 years old. I live alone with a cat named Sassy. What can you tell me about yourself?"

"I am Martin, almost 20 years old but going to be 40 soon. I am a student at Duke."

"I guessed that you were a very young student. Why did you mention going to 40?"

"I wanted to be older than you."


"I have no clue. Actually, I do. I wanted to impress you that I was more mature..."

"I would do such a thing only if I wanted to have a relationship with that person!"

"Miranda, do I have a chance?"

She glanced at me for a long moment and then laughed loudly, "Young man, at my age I have had multiple men trying to get my attention with all sorts of opening lines, but yours may be the most original. Tell me, why would you bother when you know nothing about me?"

"Miranda, the truth is that I have no idea. I have never done something like that and I am puzzled that I dared to do it. For some reason, your directness freed me to speak my mind."

"Martin, you are just a boy. I could almost be your mother. I suggest that you go back to school and find a nice 18-year-old girl who is going to be up your alley."

"Miranda, I don't want a teenager. I want to know YOU better! I promise that if you find me not to your liking, I'll leave without saying a word."

"Listen, I appreciate your persistence, but why me?"

"I believe in fate. I think that fate made us meet. So let's give it a chance."

"Young man, if you call pushing a woman to the ground a good beginning, I beg to differ..."

"Please Miranda, would you come with me to a brunch on Sunday?"

"Geez! You are so stubborn. I give up. OK, I'll meet you for a brunch. On one condition. If after the meal I am not interested, you do not bother me again. Deal?"

"Yes, lady. I promise. The best brunch around here is served at Press Coffee. May I pick you up from your home?"

"I'd rather drive myself. Here is my phone number. Reserve a table for a time between 10:30 and 12:00 and then call me."


Sunday morning I was debating what would be the appropriate clothes to wear. In the end, I decided on a pair of jeans and a light blue shirt.

I arrived slightly before the planned 11 am and the waiter led me to a corner table for 2. Miranda arrived at 11:15 dressed in a simple skirt and a short sleeve blouse with the upper button undone. Her cleavage looked nice. She apologized that it took her too much time to find a parking spot.

I faked being upset, "Lady, your excuse is unacceptable. You are responsible for me losing 15 minutes of my life. You continue wasting time and pretty soon I'll be as ancient as you, needing a cane to walk around..."

She grinned, "I like you. You are funny."

I smiled back, "Can I take this opportunity to invite you to go to the movies with me?"

"Martin, you are pushing your luck. We didn't start eating yet and you are already planning our future together!"

"Can you blame me? How do I know if later on you won't change your mind about me? At least now I still have some chance..."

"Please be serious for a moment. Let's choose what we eat before you start organizing our wedding..."

"I like their Salmon crepe and black coffee. What would you like?"

She concentrated on the menu and decided on the Mediterranean breakfast and Chai tea.

"Good choice. I had the Mediterranean once and it was delicious."

"So Martin, tell me more about yourself. You are a very attractive young man. Are you trying to add me to your Harem?"

"Ma'am, I wish. I do not have a girlfriend. Until now I busied myself with my studies, trying my best to pass the necessary tests. In the little free time I had, I was watching TV and occasionally go swimming with a friend."

"Is she pretty?"

I chortled, "I don't think Arun will appreciate you talking about him as if he were a girl..."

Miranda laughed again, "I am curious about you. The truth is that I try to find out what are you doing here with me when 90% of girls your age would kill to spend time with you."

The waiter showed up with our meal, saving Miranda from another one of my stupid remarks.

While eating, I peeked at her multiple times. She was even prettier than I realized before. Her Brown hair was shoulder-length and framed her beautiful face nicely. She had dark brown eyes with long eyelashes. Her pouty lips moved a lot while talking. But in my mind, they looked much more suitable for kissing... Much of her body was hidden under the table and I couldn't see, except for her chest which was protruding forward nicely (B/C cups?).

I wasn't aware that I was ogling her covered breasts until she blurted, "Mister, didn't your mother tell you that it's not polite to stare at women's boobs?"

I blushed profusely, "I am so sorry. I was thinking and I didn't know that my eyes were directed at your chest..."

"Really?!... By the way, it's the second time that you are sorry about something. Can't you be a man and defend yourself without being a wimp?"

"Miranda, you are right. So the truth is simple. I find you very pretty. When we sit here I cannot see much of your body. However, your upper body is above the table and I like what I see... Happy now?"

Miranda chuckled, "Now I can hear the real Martin. When I think about it, that sounded like a compliment. Did you mean to compliment me?"

"Not really. As I said, I liked the view, trying to guess what is hiding under the cover."

"Martin, I am impressed! From a wimpy creature, all of a sudden you turned into a bold man. Is this the way you think and speak to other women?"

"No. It's only with you. Your provocative tone makes me talk in a way I never did before."

"Do you hate me for causing you to talk obnoxiously and embarrassingly? I'll understand it if you do..."

"I still don't know if you do it to test me or get rid of me, but if it's the latter, so far you are unsuccessful!"

She sighed, "I tried... We are so incompatible age-wise, that I had to do my best to find out if you'll tolerate me around you for more than another encounter... I am surprised that you survived the test. So what now?..."

"We go to a movie of your choice and over there I hope to meet the real Miranda and not the provocateur who tests me constantly and checks my resolve!"

"OK sir, but I remind you that I am not a girly girl. Don't expect me to cry on your shoulder when the movie shows a sad scene."

"Miranda dear, if you put your pretty head on my shoulder without crying, it's going to be OK too..."

She gazed at me with her eyes wide open, as if she just discovered something new and exciting...


The next Saturday afternoon we went to see War of the Worlds. It was Miranda's choice. Did she like action movies? Was she fond of Tom Cruise? Did she decide on this movie thinking that I'd like it? I didn't know the answer.

Many of the seats were occupied by young people, mostly noisy teenagers. Once the movie started, the noise quieted for a while, but later on, when the aliens' ships began showing up, several guys began screaming and offering advice on how to handle the dangerous creatures. Watching an action movie in the afternoon turned out to be much less entertaining than seeing it in the evening when a more mature audience behaved nicely.

My hand hugged Miranda's shoulder. She moved closer to me and leaned her head on my upper chest. I whispered, "I like you, girl."

She turned her head in my direction, "I like you too, boy."

I kissed her lips softly and mumbled, "You call me boy one more time and I'll be forced to do something that you may not consent to!"

"Boy, what did you mean by that?!..."

I lifted her chin and kissed her hard, compelling her to open her mouth. My tongue invaded her hot mouth and tangled with hers. She tried to laugh but was unsuccessful as my lips were glued to hers, preventing her from doing so. After a couple of minutes, I freed her mouth and her breathing turned to normal again.

She mumbled, "You are cute. It is so easy to excite you..."

"Darling, next time you do it, I'll be much bolder and you'll regret it!"

"Are you sure about it... boy?"

With one hand I pulled her hair back, tilted her head, and kissed her luscious lips hard again. I placed my other hand on her chest and started slowly massaging her covered breasts. I felt her respiration stop abruptly and then she put her hand on mine. She did not try to remove my hand but was trailing hers with mine.

I removed my lips and whispered in her ear, "I wanted to touch your chest the first minute I saw you. It's so enticing! And I can feel your nipples harden..."

"You know that what you are doing now is unfair? It's a one-sided game... boy!"

"Girl, it doesn't have to be one-sided." And then I took her hand and put it on my growing bulge.

Her palm caressed my tent lightly, "You are so disgusting! Grabbing a hand of a vulnerable lady, making her play with your private parts... Once we are done here I may go to the police and complain about your bad behavior!"

"Do that," my fingers fumbled with the front of her blouse, slowly releasing 2 additional buttons. The soft bra was smooth and silky. The nipple underneath felt rubbery and rock-hard!

I felt my arousal intensifying and my pecker continues expanding. Miranda's gentle touching turned into rubbing.

"Martin, you overpowered me and were able to open a few buttons. Now what... BOY?"

I pulled the front of the bra away from her body and lifted it above her breasts, exposing them in the barely-lit seat. The pink mammaries stood proudly with the 2 nipples bulging like turned-off flashlights in the dark. I tweaked one beautiful nipple and she moaned.

She buried her face in my neck, "My nipples are very sensitive. Don't you dare touch them, B O Y!!!"

My hand massaged her perky tit, pinching the nipple every couple of seconds. Miranda extended her chest forward toward my hand and her palm closed on my covered cock. She whispered, "What have we here? It's a huge thing! Did you bring a big gun to the movie?"

"Lady, my big gun has the urge to be introduced to your body. Is there anything we can do about it?"

Miranda raised her face and gazed at me for a long moment, "If you promise to be nice, we can go to your house..."

"I am not sure how nice I can be with such a gorgeous body making me horny like never before, but I'll try..."

"Good enough. Let's go before my body explodes too..."


I was driving faster than usual, pushed by the hormonal surge. Luckily there wasn't too much traffic and I didn't cause any accidents. Miranda was no help. Her lusty glances in the direction of my groin combined with her palm lightly massaging my raging member poured fuel on my burning fire...

I had a sigh of relief once we arrived home. All the time I was driving I prayed to god to hold my cock from cumming prematurely. I was still a virgin and never had sex before. That much excitement was too much for me. Yes, I displayed a lot of bravado in the theater, but it was more of a tease and 'checking the field', so to speak... By now I was horny like hell and VERY ready!

When we arrived I opened the door, grabbed Miranda's hand in mine and we rushed to the bedroom. She glanced at the room, shut the curtains, dimmed the lights, and said, "I am going to the bathroom. Be back in 10."

I went to the other bathroom, thanking my good luck that Miranda gave me 10 minutes to calm my erect cock. I peed, washed my privates, and went back to the bedroom.

Miranda came out a moment later having on panties and a bra. She gazed at me and smirked, "I see that you need help with your clothes. I knew that you are still a boy, but in my mind, I considered you a big boy..."

"Lady, you are playing with fire!"

"Here, Mommy is going to undress you." And then she knelt in front of me and carefully unzipped my pants. As I felt her warm fingers, my organ began ascending once again. Miranda watched with amazement my big tool expanding before her eyes, "Martin, I am shocked! Your cock looks like the one I'd expect a Greek god to have. But... I think it's too big to fit in my pussy."

"Lady, we'll see about that."

She kissed the spongy head, "It is so soft. I like it already, but still hope that it won't hurt me..."

Her lips retreated and she stared at the phallus that was now at its maximal size, "What a beauty!"

My dick jerked a little in her palm and a small drop of precum appeared on top. Miranda's eyes focused on it, "Is it a present for me?" She licked it, "Thank you, sir, it was very tasty!"

Then she opened her mouth the widest she could and tried to wrap her lips around the corona. She was partially successful. The soft head was squashed somewhat but was entirely in her mouth now. The feeling was fantastic, but I was becoming too aroused. The last thing I wanted to happen was to ejaculate prematurely in her mouth.

"Miranda, if you are a good girl, I'll let you kiss my dick later. Right now I have other plans."

I pushed her torso gently on her back, spread her legs apart, and moved between them. I leaned forward kissing Miranda's lips then descending to the side of her neck. She shivered slightly and whispered, "My neck is so sensitive...". I sucked on it lightly.

Next, I went down toward her navel, licking and kissing the perfect concavity in her abdomen. Both my hands reached for Miranda's tits, kneading them. She groaned and another mild quiver of hers shook my head. I continued gingerly south, eventually reaching her bald mound. My face was never that close to a woman's vagina and I wasn't sure what to expect... Everything in that area was new to me. There was a faint musky odor mixed with a flowery smell. I loved the smell. My fingers traced her outer labia as I examined the entrance with my eyes. I liked her anatomy. It reminded me of an open orchid!... I licked her moist cunt. She moaned again and her hands pulled my face deeper into her.

I inserted a finger inside her exposed hole and played around to feel the texture. I was learning about a woman's genital anatomy... There were 2 advantages to what I was doing. The first was that I found out where to insert my cock and what to expect once inside. The other one was that now my pole was not touched by Miranda thus making it easier to postpone my impending climax.

I inserted a second finger into her pussy and rubbed her wet canal. With my tongue, I stroked her plump clit. She cried, "Martin, I can't take it! Please insert your cock inside me, but be gentle... PLEASE!"


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